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1、五年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠21115-16人教版(无) 与当今“教师”一称最接近的“老师”概念,最早也要追溯至宋元时期。金代元好问示侄孙伯安诗云:“伯安入小学,颖悟非凡貌,属句有夙性,说字惊老师。”于是看,宋元时期小学教师被称为“老师”有案可稽。清代称主考官也为“老师”,而一般学堂里的先生则称为“教师”或“教习”。可见,“教师”一说是比较晚的事了。如今体会,“教师”的含义比之“老师”一说,具有资历和学识程度上较低一些的差别。辛亥革命后,教师与其他官员一样依法令任命,故又称“教师”为“教员”。 听力部分 其实,任何一门学科都离不开死记硬背,关键是记忆有技巧,“死记”之后会“活用”。不记住那

2、些基础知识,怎么会向高层次进军?尤其是语文学科涉猎的范围很广,要真正提高学生的写作水平,单靠分析文章的写作技巧是远远不够的,必须从基础知识抓起,每天挤一点时间让学生“死记”名篇佳句、名言警句,以及丰富的词语、新颖的材料等。这样,就会在有限的时间、空间里给学生的脑海里注入无限的内容。日积月累,积少成多,从而收到水滴石穿,绳锯木断的功效。 一、听录音,选出正确的选项,并将其代号填入题前括号内。每个小题听两遍。 家庭是幼儿语言活动的重要环境,为了与家长配合做好幼儿阅读训练工作,孩子一入园就召开家长会,给家长提出早期抓好幼儿阅读的要求。我把幼儿在园里的阅读活动及阅读情况及时传递给家长,要求孩子回家向家

3、长朗诵儿歌,表演故事。我和家长共同配合,一道训练,幼儿的阅读能力提高很快。 ( )1. A. PM B. CM C. PE ( )2. A.SOS B. XO C. XL( )3. A.7:05 B. 6:55 C.7:15 ( )4. A. light B. night C. right( )5. A. monkey B. donkey C. key ( )6. A. horse B. house C. hour( )7. A. December B. October C. November( )8. A. goose B. good C. goat( )9. A. swimming B.

4、sleeping C. swinging ( )10.A. third B. bird C. birthday二、 选择正确的答语,并将其代号填入题前括号内。每个小题听两遍。 ( )1. A. There are four seasons in a year. B. Spring is my favorite season.( )2. A. Its June 21st. B. Its Thursday.( )3. A. No. Hes playing football. B. Yes. Hes very tall.( )4. A. My mom is a doctor. B. Sure. Ho

5、ld on, please.( )5. A. They are cooking dinner. B. She is answering the phone.笔试部分 三、在下列每组单词中选出不属于同一类的单词。 ( )1. A. summer B. fall C. season D. spring( )2. A. first B. fourth C. twentieth D. twelve( )3. A. July B. Jane C. Feb. D. August( )4. A. jumping B. eating C. swimming D. swing( )5. A. eat lunch

6、 B. play the piano C. eat dinner D. have breakfast四、选择正确答案。 ( )1._ do you get up? A. When B. What C. Why( )2._ is your favourite season?A. What B. Who C. Where( )3. Which season do you like best?A. I can swim. B. I like summer. C. I dont like summer.( )4. I _ like winter. Its too cold.A. do B. dont

7、C. doesnt( )5. August is the _month of the year.A. eight B. eighth C. eighty( )6. June 1st is _.A. New Years Day B. Army Day C. Childrens Day( )7. What are you _ now?A. doing B. do C. does( )8. Tom is _an e-mail.A. writing B. writeing C. writting ( )9. _ they catching butterflies? No, they_.A. are;

8、are B. Are; are C. Are; arent( )10. Where is Zhang Peng? Hes_the woods. Hes _ pictures.A. in; take B. in; taking C. on; taking五、选择正确的句子填入对话中,使之完整。 Jack: Hello, this is Jack!Zhang Peng: This is Zhang Peng. _Jack: I am sorry. He is busy now. please hold on.Zhang Peng: _Jack: He is writing an e-mail. H

9、e is coming.Zhang Peng: Hi, John! _.John: I go to the playground at 7:00 in the morning.Zhang Peng: It is early. _John: I get up at 6:00.Zhang Peng: Shall we meet at 6:50 at school?John: _ 六、连词成句 1. shopping often go I weekend on the (.)_2. do season Which you best like (?)_3. May too sisters in bir

10、thday My is (.)_4.cooking Dad in dinner kitchen is the (.)_5. are lions The fighting (.)_6. insects she counting Is (?)_7. the eating Are honey they ? _8. cooking Mum is dinner kitchen in the ._9. noon at 12:00 get usually I up at . _10. class you do When English have (?)_七、选词填空 (in , play sports ,

11、like , Because go shopping , writing , climbing , doing ) 1. I like summer ._I can swim in the lake. 2. He is _an e-mail in the study. 3. I often _. Sometimes I _. 4. What are they doing? They are _trees. 八.、根据提示完成小作文。 假设你是Peter,你想去礼品店买礼物,在路上遇见了Jack,问他礼品店的位置。他告诉你要走过两个街区,就能在你的左边找到它。礼品店就在图书馆旁边。要求:语句通顺,没有语法错误,不少于30字。词汇提示:where, present, gift, shop, straight, blocks, left, library.第 5 页


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