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1、,expression,posture,geusture,Chapter,Nonverbal Communication,护理工作中非语言沟通,第六 章,吴怀兰,Objectives,Principal forms of NVC,NVC in nursing care,第一节 非语言沟通的基本知识 Basic knowledge of Nonverbal Communication,1.Meaning and types 2.Feature and action,一、含义与类型 二、特点与作用, Definition :,重点,是借助非语辞符号, 如仪表、服饰、表情、 空间等,非自然语言 为载

2、体所进行的 信息传递。,Basically it is sending and receiving messages in a varietyof ways withoutthe use of verbal codes (words).,90% emotion By NVC,content or the words,by the tone of voice,Body language,Two rincipal types of NVC,人体语 body languee: non-verbal message produced by the body 环境语 envioment: Message

3、 produced by the broad setting,重点,人体语: (body language),expression sight gesture posture,time space color light signs symbolic,环境语(environment),二、非语言沟通的特点与作用 Feature and action,feature,1真实性 facticity,2多义性polysemy,3相似性 similar,4组合性combination,5心理性psychologe,Feature and action,action 1 express emotion

4、2 Modify additional 3 Replace language 4 Strss 5 Accommodation,第二节护士非语言沟通的形式 Principal forms of NVC,仪表 体态 表情 体触 界域语,重点,难点,一、仪表 Appearance,一个人的穿着打扮,就是他的教养、品味、地位的最真实写照。 莎士比亚,研究发现:84%的人对另一个人的第一印象来自于他的外表。,Appearance,Appearance,仪容 looks,服饰 dress,Hairstyle,skin,Make-up,General,nurses,服饰,衣贵洁、不贵华,以少为佳 协调为美,

5、TPO原则,Nurses appearance,professional characteristic 端庄、简约、清丽、素雅,Nurses dress,Cap Lab coat mask shoes Socks underwear,Nurses dress,Cap Lab coat mask shoes Socks underwear,二、体态 posture,Body posture Hand gesture Commen gesture in nursing,Commen posture,三、表情 facial expressions,is the primary(most plenty

6、) source,与人说话时, 若想了解对方的 真正感受,便看着 他的脸孔,因为 一个人驾驭语言 很容易,驾驭 表情却很困难。,目光 微笑,Eye contact (sight),Is a key part of facial behavious。,Eye contact,表达自己 领悟他人,Smile,Powerful diplomatic language,没有人富得不需要它,也没有人穷得不拥有它,Nurses smile sincerely moderately naturally suitable 真诚、适度、自然、适宜,四、体触 touch,Meaning : Action :,1

7、growing development 2 improve relationship 3 tansfer information,人体各部位之间或人与人之间 通过接触抚摸动作来表达感情和传 递信息的行为语言。,Touch in nursing,Assessment diagnosis support care hypurgia,五、界域语 territorial language,Concept 是指在人际交往中通过一种看不见Invisible ,但实际存在exist的界域来表现双方关系的无声语言,bubble,0-45cm,50-100 cm,1.2-3.7 m,3.7 m,1,2,第三节

8、护理实践中的非语言沟通 NVC in nursing care,3,患者对非语言沟通的关注,护士对非语言沟通的关注,有利于建立良好的护患关系,难点,Essential requiement for nurse,Respect,Approprite,Nimble staid,Unique,Summery,重点: 1非语言沟通的含义与类型 护士非语言沟通的主要形式 难点 1 非语言沟通在护理实践中的应用,护士小张在外科病房值夜班,突然一群人大声叫喊着扶着一位手部外伤的病人涌进病房,伤口处裹满了带血的毛巾,病人衣服到处是血,面色苍白,表情痛苦,家属显得很急躁紧张,一直在不停的喊快一 点 Think of how could you effective make the patient and families calm down using NVC,Reflections on?,要求: 1 运用非语言沟通形式进行角色扮演。 2 自选场景: 病房、急诊室、分娩室门口、手术室等候室等。 3 哑语形式或英语 4 分组:56人一组,task :practice,非语言沟通是很重要的哦,再见,


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