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1、综合测评二(时间:120分钟总分:150分)第卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。M:Mr Brown is not in at the moment.Can I take a message?W:OK.Hes booked Flight No.BA1279.It leaves at 10.30 a.m. tomorrow.But he must be the

2、re at least one hour before checking in.1.When will Mr Brown have to be at the airport?A.By 8.30.B.By 9.30.C.By 10.30.答案:BW:Which part of the country are you from?M:Im from the northeast.My home is in Boston and I lived in New York for a while.I lived in Los Angeles for two years before moving here.

3、2.Where is the man originally from?A.Boston.B.New York.C.Los Angeles.答案:AW:Well,you said you didnt care very much for your job.Have you ever thought of giving it up?M:Not really.You see I have a lot of friends in the office.Im part of the family.3.What do we know about the man?A.He likes his job.B.H

4、e wont give up his job.C.He has a large family to support.答案:BM:For such a small room,I have to pay you 300 a month.Dont you think its a little expensive?W:Well.but its a nice room with modern furniture.And the rent includes electricity.M:I see.Anyway it costs too much.4.What are the speakers doing?

5、A.Checking the modern furniture.B.Bargaining about the rent of the room.C.Talking about the expense of electricity.答案:BW:Oh,Richard,they look wonderful.M:Er,hang on,theyre not for you.Theyre for my girlfriends mother.Yeah,Im going to stay for the weekend.This is my sort of coming-to-stay present.5.W

6、hat are the speakers talking about?A.A present.B.A person.C.A plan.答案:A第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。M:Hello,Lily,hows your life?W:Not too bad,thanks.And you?M:Pretty good

7、,thank you.Its nice and hot today,isnt it?W:Yes.Unfortunately,Ive got an exam today.The weather always turns far too hot at the beginning of the exam period,doesnt it?M:Yes,it does.But never mind.Im sure itll go well.How are your parents these days?W:Oh,theyre fine.Still very active and enjoying the

8、ir retirement.M:Oh,good.Well,I really cant stay any longer.Lily,Ive got to attend a lecture in half an hour.Good luck with the exam!W:Thanks.See you.M:Bye!6.What is the weather like now?A.Its cool.B.Its rainy.C.Its hot.答案:C7.What is the man supposed to do today?A.Attend a lecture.B.Take an exam.C.Vi

9、sit the womans parents.答案:A8.What do we know about the womans parents?A.They are not very old.B.They have already retired.C.They have nothing to do.答案:B听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。W:Excuse me,but arent you Mr Robert Brown from England?M:Yes,I am Robert Brown.W:Im Wang Yan from Capital Normal University.Im here

10、to meet you.How do you do?M:How do you do?I would like to introduce you to my family.This is Catherine,my wife.She is a doctor.This is Henry,my son,eleven years old.And this is Linda,my daughter,six years old.W:Hello,everyone! Welcome to China.Did you have a pleasant journey?M:Yes,we did.But we feel

11、 a little tired after the seven-hour flight.W:Dont worry.Ill take you to your hotel.This way,please! The car is waiting over there.9.Where does the conversation most probably take place?A.In a hotel.B.At the airport.C.At the railway station.答案:B10.What is Mr Browns wife?A.A guide.B.A doctor.C.A teac

12、her.答案:B11.How long did Mr Browns flight last?A.7 hours.B.70 hours.C.17 hours.答案:A听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。W:Excuse me,sir.M:Yes?W:I was wondering if you could help me.M:Well,Ill try.W:I need to find out where the town centre is.M:You turn to the right and then go straight on.W:All right,thanks.Er.I wonder

13、if you could tell me something about the castle in the town.like.where it is.M:Um,well,its actually very far from here.Go along the High Street and then you cross over the bridge and its on the other side of the river.W:I see.Could you tell me a bit more about it?Is it interesting?Is it old?M:Im not

14、 really sure.Ive never actually been there myself.I think its quite old,about 500 years old.And its one of the famous tourist attractions of the town.W:I see.Do you happen to know when its open?M:Im not sure actually.W:Well,thank you.M:Youre welcome.12.Where is the woman going?A.To the High Street.B

15、.To the town centre.C.To the town hospital.答案:B13.Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A.Friends.B.Student and teacher.C.Strangers.答案:C14.What does the woman want to know?A.The information about an old castle.B.The length of the bridge.C.The history of the town.答案:A听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。M:Good

16、 Lord! Whats the matter?W:I am having some trouble with a customer.Hes really upset and keeps shouting at me.M:Do you have any idea what he might be so unhappy about?W:Well,he says hes lost his patience because his pizza takes too long.Its only been in the oven for ten minutes.M:All right! Ill have

17、to ask him to calm down at once.W:Hope itll be a great help.He is making all the other customers feel uneasy and nervous.M:OK.Just make sure that we get him his food as soon as possible.W:Im very sorry about the trouble.15.Whats the possible relationship between the two speakers?A.Salesman and custo

18、mer.B.Teacher and student.C.Boss and employee.答案:C16.What happened to the woman?A.She was fired by her boss.B.She made a big mistake.C.A customer was rude to her.答案:C17.What does the man plan to do?A.Call the police.B.Talk to the customer.C.Argue with the customer.答案:B听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。Email is an a

19、mazing communication tool,but if used wrongly,it can waste time and leave the receiver puzzled.Here are some tips for effectively managing the email messages you send and receive.Firstly,ask yourself why you are sending this email.Is it the best way to communicate?And if you decide to use email,make

20、 your subject clear enough so that your readers know exactly what your message is about.The best way to do this is to use a subject heading that summarizes your message.For example,“Meeting with the big boss on Monday” is unclear,while“Meeting with President Obama on Monday” is better because it giv

21、es the receiver a clear idea of your message at one glance.Secondly,make sure your email doesnt have more than two pages.Use A-B-C to break the body of your email message into parts to ensure its simple.Lastly,when you are angry with someone,wait for a whole day before sending the email.The chances

22、are you would have cooled down by then and would replace your angry email with a more professional one.18.What should the subject heading of your email be like?A.It should be clear.B.It should be general.C.It should be interesting.答案:A19.How can you keep your email simple?A.By writing more than two

23、pages.B.By glancing at it once more.C.By breaking it into parts with marks.答案:C20.What should you do with the email when you are angry?A.Wait until your anger disappears.B.Send it out immediately.C.Write a common email.答案:A第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A

24、An elderly carpenter was ready to retire.He told his employer,a contractor,of his plans to leave the house-building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family.He would miss the paycheck,but he needed to retire.They could get by.The contractor was sorry to see

25、his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor.The carpenter said yes,but with time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work.He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials.It was an unfortunate way to end his career.When the carpent

26、er finished his work and the contractor came to inspect the house,he handed the front-door key to the carpenter.“This is your house,” he said,“my gift to you.” What a shock!What a shame!If he had only known he was building his own house,he would have done it all so differently.Now he had to live in

27、the home he had built none too well.So it is with us.We build our lives in a distracted way,reacting rather than acting,willing to put up less than the best.At important points we do not give the job our best effort.Then with a shock we look at the situation we have created and find that we are now

28、living in the house we have built.If we had realized that we would have done it differently.Think of yourself as the carpenter.Think about your house.Each day you hammer a nail,place a board,or erect a wall,build wisely.It is the only life you will ever build.Even if you live it for only one more da

29、y,that day deserves to be lived graciously and with dignity.The plaque on the wall says,“Life is a do-it-yourself project.” Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and the choices you make today.21.What did the carpenter plan to do after retirement?A.Enjoy family happiness.B.Switch t

30、o another field.C.Start his own business.D.Build a house of his own.答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中“He told his employer,a contractor,of his plans to leave the house-building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family.”可知答案。22.How did the contractor plan to deal with the

31、house he asked the carpenter to build?A.He planned to sell it to one of his customers.B.He planned to send it to the carpenter as a gift.C.He planned to fill it with his favorites.D.He planned to send it to his partner.答案:B解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中“This is your house.my gift to you.”可知答案。23.What can we know a

32、bout the last house the carpenter built?A.It was of low quality.B.It did not satisfy the contractor.C.It was perfect in workmanship and materials.D.It was the best of all the houses he had built.答案:A解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中“He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials.”可知答案:。24.What does the

33、 story intend to tell us?A.We should focus on the future life.B.We should react to life rather than act.C.We should build our houses in life.D.We should always do our best.答案:D解析:主旨大意题。根据本文的故事可知,这个木匠一生都干活很认真,在退休前的最后一次却偷工减料,但这却是老板送给他的退休礼物。这说明了一个人必须一直尽力做事,活好每一天。B导学号78490037After having more than a few

34、 acquaintances (相识的人) online,it might come a blow to keen social networkers like Barack Obama,or even Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg himself.According to a research,the average person has in fact twice as many online friends as physical ones.Users of social-networking sites have on average 121 onl

35、ine friends as compared with physical ones.The study also claims that people tend to be more open,confident and honest with their virtual friends than their “real” ones.“For most people,the Internet is a way of keeping in touch with loved ones and friends,but for people who are isolated(隔离的) due to

36、illness,it plays a more vital role,and can often act as a lifeline,” says Helen Oxley,a psychologist at Wythenshawe hospital.“People with illnesses often rely on the Internet to facilitate(促进) friendships,since they blog and use networking sites as a way of dealing with their illness.It can foster(培

37、养) a sense of social connection for those who frequently feel isolated,which is important to psychological well-being.”In wider society,the ways in which friendships are formed are changing,with people recognizing that they can develop deep and meaningful connections with others that theyve never me

38、t,and may never meet.About 1 in 10 people have either met their best friends online,or believe they can make lifelong friends on the Web.The findings highlight how social introductions are also changing.Only five percent would ask for someones phone number,while 23 percent are now likely to ask for

39、an email address or a full name with the intention of adding the person to their social network.At the same time,however,a questionnaire completed by 4,427 suggests that 20 percent of parents believe their childrens education is affected by surfing the Net.They think their children are doing poorly

40、at the school due to the amount of time they spend on non-educational websites.25.The underlined word “it” in Para. 1 most probably refers to .A.people spending too much time surfing the NetB.people relying on the Internet to connect with friendC.people having more online friends than real onesD.peo

41、ple making meaningful connections with strangers答案:C解析:代词指代题。根据第一段的“After having more than a few acquaintances (相识的人) online”可知此处应是指虚拟的朋友比真正的朋友还多这件事。26.We can infer from the text that.A.sick people can recover more quickly by surfing the NetB.students get important information onlineC.students who s

42、urf the net always perform not so wellD.people tend to trust their virtual friends more than their real ones答案:D解析:推理判断题。通读全文,并根据文章的第五、第六段和第二段的关键句“The study also claims that people tend to be more open,confident and honest with their virtual friends than their real ones”可判断应选D项。27.What percentage of

43、 parents believe that the Internet has a bad effect on their children?A.About 5 percent.B.About 10 percent.C.About 20 percent. D.About 23 percent.答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的“At the same time,however,a questionnaire completed by 4,427 suggests that 20 percent of parents believe their childrens education i

44、s affected by surfing the Net”可知应选C项。28.In the next part,the author will probably discuss .A.how children make use of the Internet to studyB.how children learn about the world through the NetC.how parents feel about their childrens studiesD.how much time children spend on the Internet答案:D解析:推理判断题。文章

45、的最后一段主要介绍父母们不同意孩子们接触网络,和孩子的功课会受网络影响,由此推断文章往下应继续讨论孩子的教育与网络的问题。C(2016全国乙,D)The meaning of silence varies among cultural groups.Silences may be thoughtful,or they may be empty when a person has nothing to say.A silence in a conversation may also show stubbornness,uneasiness,or worry.Silence may be view

46、ed by some cultural groups as extremely uncomfortable;therefore attempts may be made to fill every gap (间隙) with conversation.Persons in other cultural groups value silence and view it as necessary for understanding a persons needs.Many Native Americans value silence and feel it is a basic part of c

47、ommunicating among people,just as some traditional Chinese and Thai persons do.Therefore,when a person from one of these cultures is speaking and suddenly stops,what may be implied (暗示) is that the person wants the listener to consider what has been said before continuing.In these cultures,silence i

48、s a call for reflection.Other cultures may use silence in other ways,particularly when dealing with conflicts among people or in relationships of people with different amounts of power.For example,Russian,French,and Spanish persons may use silence to show agreement between parties about the topic under discussion.However,


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