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1、专题检测四介词和连词(时间:30分钟满分:50分).用适当的介词填空(每小题1分,共8分)1.(2017华师大附中测试)I dont know the girl in a red coat.2.Alan bought a big house with a nice garden.3.He went home after school.4.Theres a big smile on her face.Shes very happy.5.I like drinking tea and reading those thick newspapers that are brought by the ne

2、wsboy through the letterbox at 8:30.6.Most of the students went to the classroom.7.What do you study for?导学号334042388.(2017湖南永州)I heard the cheers from the teachers and students.单项选择(每小题1分,共25分)1.(2017河北滦南一模)I was writing a diary Dmy brother was watching TV yesterday evening.A.beforeB.afterC.untilD.

3、while2.(2017贵州安顺模拟)Its reported that NanjingMetroLine3 was in service B April 1,2015.What exciting news!I believe the public transport system of Nanjing will be much better.A.on;anB.on;/C.in;anD.in;/3.Many teenagers put mobile games C other things and spend too much time on it.Thats really bad.A.up

4、toB.as forC.ahead ofD.along with4.Tony gets up early in the morning.He likes to make breakfast C his family.A.atB.onC.forD.from5.Daniel is a boy of few words.ButB,he is warm-hearted.A.in a hurryB.in factC.in the endD.above all6.Mom always tells me that nothing can be learned D hard work.A.withB.byC.

5、forD.without导学号334042397.What would you like C your afternoon tea?Just a cup of coffeesome sugar and milk.A.of;withB.of;withoutC.for;withD.for;without8.Excuse me,Mr Li.Where is the Diaoyu Islands?Let me show you on the map.Its A the east of China.A.inB.onC.toD./9.More and more people in Shanghai cho

6、ose to go to work C underground.A.inB.withC.byD.for导学号3340424010.(2017湖北鄂州四校联考)I havent got a partner B.Maybe you can ask John for help.A.working withB.to work withC.work withD.to work11.(2017湖南永州)B we deal with our problems,we can easily become unhappy.A.UntilB.Unless C.If12.C our surprise,MH370 ha

7、s not been found since it was lost on March 8,2014.A.WithB.InC.ToD.By13.How do you learn English words?B making flashcards.A.ToB.ByC.ForD.With14.Uncle Tom lives C a farm the country.A.in;atB.near;onC.on;inD.near;in15.I also like swimming and diving B skating.A.exceptB.besidesC.butD.beside16.We have

8、been in ChinaCthree years.We like it very much.A.inB.sinceC.forD.at17.The tomato is in fact a fruit,D it is eaten as a vegetable.A.becauseB.ifC.whenD.although18.Doctor,Ive got a headache.Dont worry.Just take some medicine,A youll be OK again.A.andB.butC.soD.or19.ChinasGotTalent is C interesting many

9、 people like watching it.A.too;toB.enough;toC.so;thatD.such;that20.D Lily Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.A.Not only;but alsoB.Neither;norC.Both;andD.Either;or21.(2015湖北鄂州)Whats the secret of success,Dad?More time and effort,D youll make it some day.A.orB.thenC.butD.and22.

10、(2017湖北鄂州四校联考)In my family,our kids arent allowed to play outside Athey finish their homework.A.unlessB.ifC.as long asD.each time23.The charity walk begins A 9:00.Dont be late.No problem.A.atB.byC.inD.on24.I sometimes help my mom with her housework C Saturdays.A.atB.inC.onD.to25.When will our guests

11、 arrive at the airport?Dthe evening of this Saturday.A.AtB.OfC.InD.On.完成句子(每小题1分,共7分)1.(2017山东济南一模)再过几年,济南人就可以乘地铁上班或上学了。In a few years,people in Jinan will be able to go to work or school bysubway/underground.2.在人行道上停车会增加盲人行走的困难。Parking on the pavement will addto blind peoples difficulty in walking

12、around.3.(2017江苏常州模拟)我们想知道他和邻居们相处得怎么样。We want to know how he getsalongwith his neighbours.4.这封信是用钢笔写的。The letter was written inink.5.一种新型汽车现在正在商场展出。A new kind of car is onshow in the mall now.6.有人错拿了我的雨伞。Someone took my umbrella bymistake.7.(2017辽宁盘锦一模)在字典中查阅新单词是个好习惯。Its a good habit tolookup the ne

13、w words in a dictionary.短文填空(每小题1分,共10分)(2017山东济南一模)It was quite late last night.1.While/When I was reading a newspaper alone in my room,a young man came to my house.He said 2.that he was a friend of my brothers and wanted to talk 3.with him.I didnt know 4.if/whethermy brother had such a friend,5.but I let him in.As we talked,I found that he knew nothing about my brother.6.After a while my brother came back home.The young man was 7.so surprised 8.that he didnt know 9.what to do.We caught the man and called the police 10.at the same time.导学号334042414


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