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1、四川省成都市温江区2017-2018学年高二英语上学期入学考试试题考试时间:120分钟 试题满分:150分本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。 注意事项: 1答第I卷前考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2选出每小题答案后。用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号框。3全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在试卷上无效。第I卷(满分100分)第一部分 听力部分(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题15分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段

2、对话每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What is the possible relationship between the two speakers? AHusband and wife BMother and son. CFriends.2Who is the owner of the book? AThe man himself. B. The mans brother. CThe womans brother.3What are the tw

3、o speakers talking about? A. A football team. B. A famous song. C. A singing group.4How does the woman feel? A. Overjoyed. B. Angry. C. Surprised.5What will the two speakers probably do? A. Go to see a film. B. Go cycling. C. Go sailing.第二节(共15小题每小题15分,满分225分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每题所给的A,B,C三个选

4、项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6How long has it been since the speakers saw each other last time? AFor a few months. BFor about one year. C. For a few years.7Who broke the leg? AThe man B. The mans son. C. The mans wife.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8

5、Why dont Mary and Jack go by bus? ABecause the woman hates buses BBecause the bus would be crowded in rush hours CBecause they like riding bikes9Where do you think will Mary and Jack meet? AAt a bus stop. B. In front of the bookstore. CIn a cinema.10What is Mary? A. A worker. B. A shop assistant. C.

6、 A student.听第8段材料,回答第11至12题。11What did the man do at the womans house? AHe had a meal. BHe had some coffee. CHe cooked some food12Which telephone could the man use? AThe one in the womans kitchen, BThe one just outside the house CThe one down the street听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What forms of transport in B

7、ritain are being talked about in this conversation? ARailway,track,road and air service, BRailway,road,air service and sea travel CRailway,road,motorway and sea travel14How is British air service? AIt is as important as the rail and road transport systems BIt isnt so important as the rail and road t

8、ransport systems, CIt is more important than the rail and road transport systems15How long is the track in Britain? AIt is more than 13,000 miles, BIt is about 30,000 miles CIt is nearly 3,000 miles16We can infer from the conversation that ABritain still owns the biggest merchant navy in the world B

9、Sea travel isnt as great as it used to be CNo people prefer sea traveling any more听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Why do teenagers go to their friends for help? A. Their parents are too strict to them BThey often quarrel with their brothers or sisters CThe feel their friends know them better than their parents1

10、8What is important in childrens growing up? AGetting together with their friends BTalking with their friends on the phone CBoth A and B19What is the speakers attitude towards choosing friends? AParents should choose friends for their children, BChildren have the right to choose their own friends CTh

11、e writer leaves the question of choice for us to think of.20Whats the speaker mainly talk about? ATeenagers attitude towards friendship BThe way of making friends CThe importance of friendship第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A With online cour

12、ses, anyone can acquire knowledge in any field of interest for free. All you need is a computer, laptop or Smart phone, internet connection and a self-made schedule. You can even get a certificate on completing the course. Udemy Its goal is to promote the world of education by enabling anyone to lea

13、rn online. It seeks to dramatically change education by inviting millions of experts worldwide to teach and share what they know. Whether you want to learn excel, business, academics, the arts, health, music or technology, there is a comprehensive course for you. See more at https:/ iTunes U If your

14、e a student who uses Apple devices, you will be happy to know that you have access to iTunes U, which gives you access to different educational courses from all leading universities for free! Did you dream of studying at MIT, Oxford, Yale, or Cambridge? This is your chance to learn various subjects

15、from the best colleges and universities in the world. Learn more at https:/iTunesU.com Skillfeed If you are looking to learning a new skill, or improving on your skills in Photoshop, or HTML, it offers unlimited access to high-quality video courses from a worldwide community of instructors. You have

16、 a months free trial, after which you will pay a monthly fee to gain unlimited access to all courses. See more at https:/Academic Earth It has linked to over 750 online courses and 8,500 individual online lectures, giving students of all ages access to college courses they may otherwise never experi

17、ence. Whether learning existing coursework, or learning for the sake of learning, anyone has the freedom to learnat their own pace from world-famous experts, without being charged more. Learn more at http:/ UC Berkeley It offers courses in bio-engineering, Japanese, legal studies and public health.

18、Since they are recordings of actual lectures, they lack lecture notes and extra materials. However, each course has audio recordings of lectures via iTunes or video recordings of lectures via YouTube. Learn more at https:/ 21. Learners who choose Skillfeed need to _. A. equip themselves with the abi

19、lity to use the computer B. have some knowledge of the design of website C. learn to upload their own high-quality videoD. pay some fee if they want to continue after a month22. We can learn from the passage that Academic Earth _. A. offers college courses at the learners convenienceB. charges learn

20、ers nothing for any course C. has many lectures given by 8,500 lecturers D. provides college courses mainly to young men23. If you want to improve your skill of Japanese language, you can visit _. A. https:/ B. https:/ C. https:/ D. https:/iTunesU.com B Finally,I entered the university. Because of m

21、y careful savings,I did not have to work during the school years. Then summer came and it was time to work harder than ever. I continued working as a waitress at night,instructed tennis camps several mornings a week and worked as a secretary for a few hours in the afternoons. I even decided to take

22、a class at a community college. This class at the community college saved me $650.It was an extremely tiring summer and made me anxious to return to my relatively easy life at the university. During my second and third years of undergraduate schooling,I decided to work about five hours per week in t

23、he campus admissions office answering phones. This provided a little spending money and kept me from drawing my savings out .The overall situation looked hopeful as I approached my senior year as long as I could make as much money as I had the previous summer. I wanted to go to Israel to study for 3

24、 weeks,but I hesitated in making this decision because it would cost me $1,600 more to get the credits in Israel. About two weeks later my mom called to tell me that I had $1,600 in the bank that I had forgotten about!One of my concerns about this trip was not only the cost,but the loss of time to m

25、ake money;however,I made as much that summer in the ten weeks when I was at home as I had made during the fourteen weeks when I was at home the summer before. The way everything worked together to make this trip possible was one of the most exciting things that have ever happened to me.This experien

26、ce has shaped me in many important ways. The first thing that I learned was the importance of a strong work ethic. Working long hours did a lot to develop my character and helped me learn the value of a dollar. It also made me learn how to search for creative ways to settle difficult situations.24.W

27、here did the writer probably work parttime before attending the university? A. In a restaurant. B. In the tennis camps. C. In a company. D. In the campus admissions office.25.The writer took a class at a community college mainly because_. A. life there was relatively easy B. she wanted to save money

28、 C. summer time was tiring D. it was required by the university26.The writers major concern about the trip to Israel was that_. A. her mother would not give her approval B. she would fail to get credits in Israel C. $1,600 couldnt be drawn out in timeD. a wellpaid summer job would be lost27.The pass

29、age is mainly about how the writer_. A. made money on the college campus B. managed to make full use of her vacationC. was shaped by working parttime through college D. was forced to support herself by her motherCMy grandma whom we all called Nanny was a solid,firstgeneration,Italian immigrantShe ca

30、me to this country with her family on a tiny ship during World War I when she was only 8years oldDuring the trip she survived stormy seas,little food,and an attack by a German UboatAfter getting here,her large family worked hard to build a new life in AmericaThey never had much money but were rich i

31、n loveOne day,when I was about 5or 6years old,my parents and brothers went on a tripIt was just me and Nanny in the house for the weekendNanny seemed so happy to be taking care of me all by herselfShe made me a special breakfast that first morningHowever,all I could do was to complain about how the

32、food was not how Mom always made itNanny quietly put down the plate and went into the living roomI followed a minute later and saw that she had tears in her eyesIt was the first time I had ever seen my strong and proud grandmother cry and I was the one who had caused itI walked over to Nanny,climbed

33、 on her lap,and for the first time in my short life I did something else tooI apologized without being told to and asked Nanny to forgive meShe smiled,rubbed my head,and told me I was a good boy even though I didnt feel like one thenThat memory just like my Nannys love will stay in my heart foreverI

34、t is a sign of both strength and wisdomAsking for forgiveness helps us to learn,to grow,and to love28Nannys family immigrated to America mainly becauseAthey suffered starvation in their homelandBthey wanted to start a rich life in the new landCtheir country was in war and they needed peaceDthey trie

35、d to get away from the terrible climate29The boy complained to Nanny that the foodAwasnt cooked the way his mom did Bwas served a bit later than usualCwas prepared in a special way Dwas just to his parents taste30The author mainly wants to tell us thatAhardships can make children more indifferentBgr

36、andparents are more tolerant than their grandchildrenCfamily ties can sometimes be misusedDforgiveness can be beneficial to people asking for it31What kind of person is Nanny in authors eyes?AJoyous and brave BHardworking and carefulCKind and sensitive DStrongwilled and wiseD Weve all heard the quot

37、e, Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. My husband and son died within two years of each other. From my personal experience, I believe that if we arent careful, grief canbecome a rather self-involved process in which we can become so focused on our own suffering that we miss the

38、 opportunity to connect with, and possibly bring comfort to, someone else who may be going through a similar experience. Six months after my husband died, I was sinking in the quicksand of grief. I could not pull myself out of the misery. In that moment, I actually believed that my life was more dif

39、ficult than anyone else around me. Life handed me a perfectly wrapped lesson that opened my eyes to the fact that through my suffering I had allowed myself to become blinded by my self-pity. The lesson presented itself in a health crisis. I had complications (并发症) from a surgical procedure and ended

40、 up being hospitalized for four days. I was in an extreme amount of pain during this time. Between the physical pain and the emotional pain of grief, I was an absolute mess. I should also tell you that I am a Registered Nurse. As a nurse, it is hard to be on the receiving end of medicine as the pati

41、ent. The first three nights that I was in the hospital, the same nurse took care of me. She was young, maybe in her mid to late 20s, and she hardly interacted with me at all the first two nights, other than to give my medications as scheduled. She obviously had no idea how much emotional pain I was

42、in. How hard is it to ask your patient how shes feeling? I wrote her off as a bad nurse who had little sympathy, and remained absorbed in my own emotional and physical pain. The third night the young nurse was a little more talkative. She asked me how I was feeling (finally!). I told her that I was

43、struggling with depression and griefbecause my husband had died in an airplane accident. She looked at me and told me that her husband had died too, just two months earlier. I was stunned. Speechless. Shocked. Never, in any of the possibilities that my mind entertained of why this nurse was so unfri

44、endly to me, did I even consider that she might be in the same pain I was. Not only was she grieving as I was, but she was having to take care of me, instead of caring for herself and her family. We went on to talk and share our stories about our late husbands and children. I like to think that we h

45、elped each other a bit that night. We had much more in common than I would have believed. We were both widowed single moms with young children, and nurses. But, that was where the similarities ended. Her husband had no insurance policy. She had very little family support. She was working paycheck to

46、 paycheck to support her boys. I was humbled. I realized how much I had to be grateful for. And, frankly, I never saw life the same way after this experience. This experience was a life-changing event for me. I had always prided myself on being a sympathetic person, but I realize now that I had not really understood what being sympathetic meant. To truly be sympathetic, you must be able to see beyond your own pain to be witness to the pain. I never looked at another person in the same way after


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