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1、山东省滨州市邹平县2017-2018学年高二英语上学期阶段测试试题(二区)(时间90分钟,满分150分)第一卷一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 从A 、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Have _ try! This new solution may make _ difference to your problem. A. /;the B. a;a C. /; a D. a; the2. His answer was so _ that I could hardly make any sense of it. Can you help me? A.

2、 amazingB. amusingC. convincing D. confusing3. We know that students _ in how they learn, depending on their backgrounds and experiences. A. resultB. differC. bringD. lie4. Youd better think twice before you act. As you know, quick decisions often _ bitter regrets. A. lead to B. add toC. turn toD. r

3、efer to 5. You are _ the proposal, arent you? On the contrary, Im against it. A. in favour ofB. in need of C. in honour of D. in search of6. Dont think all his success is _ luck and opportunity. His hard work cant be ignored. A. judging from B. due to C. according to D. apart from7. By the time he w

4、as admitted to the national team, he _ in the provincial team for 8 years. A. is B. was C. has been D. had been8. Tom hopes that his new English teacher can present a good approach to having his spoken English _ in a short period. A. improved B. improving C. to improve D. improve9. I was talking to

5、her in a low voice _ someone patted me on the shoulder, which really frightened me. A. while B. when C. as D. That10. Why do you want to change your car? I think the car given to you by your father five years ago is still in good _. A. situation B. state C. operation D. condition 11. We all dislike

6、working with her because shes always so _ about others private business.A. eager B. anxious C. curious D. embarrassed12. I enjoy listening to classical music, but Im so busy now that Im not in the _ for it. A. emotion B. feeling C. mood D. sense13. The students, _ at the way the question was raised,

7、 didnt know how to answer such a _question.A. being puzzled, puzzling B. puzzled, puzzling C. puzzling, puzzled D. having been puzzled, puzzled14. He drove quickly to the airport only _ that he had missed his flight.A. to tell B. to be told C. to have told D. being told15. What did the boy tell you

8、just now, darling? He asked me _ I could give him some money for some bread. A. that B. what C. / D. whether二:阅读理解(共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 AMUMBAI, India The children in their party clothes on the stage were very excited when they received the award. And the two of them

9、 said, Its unbelievable! Nine-year-old, Rubina Ali, and Azharuddin Ismail, 10, were living a very different life and obviously loving every minute of it. The two, some of the child stars of the Oscar-winning Slum dog Millionaire(贫民窟的百万富翁)movie, know the Indian slums very well. That was where they gr

10、ew up, and it is where they will return at the end of their Hollywood dream trip. But before going back home, there was an interview with the host, Ryan Seacrest. During the interview they smiled and repeated their disbelief in what was happening to them. To their surprise, their movie won first pla

11、ce in the Oscars. When the two received the award, it was late morning in the childrens home city of Mumbai, where family, friends and many fellow residents of the slums watched the result from Hollywood. I dont really know what the Oscars are, Rubinas mother said. Im just glad my daughter looks hap

12、py, though she told me she missed Indian food. Our children lead a dogs life, Rubinas mother said, pointing out the rubbish everywhere, the open drains (下水道) and the lack of education opportunities. In a few days they will be back in Mumbai and back in the slums which are their home. Fortunately, ac

13、cording to media reports, the movies director, Danny Boyle, has promised to help the children he chose from the slum and make sure they will go to a proper school. The two dont need to worry about their daily lives because of the Oscar success of Slum dog Millionaire. But the poverty and lack of opp

14、ortunity the central theme of the movieis always all around.16. Which of the following is NOT true about the two children? A. They were both excited about receiving the award.B. They had been having a difficult life in India.C. They were interviewed before they went back home.D. They were the only t

15、wo child stars in the movie, Slum dog Millionaire.17. When the children attended the Oscar ceremony in Hollywood, their family and friends were _.A. doing what they did as usualB. watching TV in Mumbai C. seeing the movie Slum dog Millionaire D. having a family party 18. What can we infer from the t

16、ext? A. The two children have played in other movies before.B. Rinomss mother also went to the Hollywood. C. Rubina may not get used to the American food. D. They will travel to other countries before returning home.19. What will happen to the two children after they return to India?A. They will go

17、back to the miserable life.B. They will play in movies as famous actors.C. They will leave school to learn acting. D. They will have a better education. 20. According to the author, the value of the movie is that _.A. it has been given an Oscar Award B. it has made the two children famousC. it has b

18、ecome popular all over the world D. its central theme has become known to the public BThese days, finding true love online is so common that theres no need to use that old we met through mutual friends excuse. Plenty of people have found true love on sites like Match. Com and e-Harmonybut now, even

19、animals are getting in on the act. Using something called a studbook(血统簿), zoo officials can list the characteristics of endangered species online, in the hope of finding a mate for the rare animal. The characteristics mainly give the animalsage and weight, which will help zoo officials to match up

20、each animal with a suitable partner from a distant zoo. Studbooks are the key to our long-term breeding (繁殖) plans, John Lehnhardt, animal operations director at Disneys Animal Kingdom, told ABC News. We want to ensure that these endangered species are here for the future. But studbooks are often ha

21、rd to read. They often dont contain all the necessary information that could help zoo officials determine whether a pair would make a good match. To change this, around 150 zoos and aquariums (水族馆) have united together to create Zoo Information Management Systems (ZIMS), a huge database containing d

22、etailed information about species available for breeding. The ZIMS database isnt available to all zoos yet. As far as animals are concerned, the studbook isnt only a way to find some fun. In many cases, it could be a matter of life or death for an entire species. Luckily, the studbooks seem to be do

23、ing a great job. For example, a pair of elephants have been placed together in Disneys Animal Kingdom. The female elephant is now living with a very handsome young male, Lehnhardt said. We have put them together in the hope that well have some success.21. The underlined part, getting in on the act,

24、in the first paragraph means _.A. acting online B. starting to do the same thing C. getting stuck in an activity D. getting fun online22. Why did zoo officials list the animals characteristics online?A. To show people what the animals are like.B. To tell people where the animals are.C. To find suita

25、ble animals to match. D. To make sure the characteristics are correct.23. Why did the 150 zoos and aquariums create ZIMS? A. To call on people to protect the rare animals. B. To offer information to all zoos.C. To offer more detailed information of the rare animals. D. To get in touch with each othe

26、r.24. What can we learn about the studbooks from the text?A. They are important for long-term animal breeding plans.B. They can be read very easily by everyone.C. They can ensure the safety of the rare animals. D. They have had no effect on the animals so far.25. Which of the following is the best t

27、itle for this text? A. Protecting Endangered AnimalsB. AnimalsCharacteristics Are Appearing Online C. Looking for Partners for Endangered Animals Online D. Looking for Endangered Animals Around the World CThe number of people in hunger in the United States is on the rise. Many hungry Americans are a

28、lso homeless. Over the past year, groups that care for homeless people have seen a surge(猛增) in the number of people in need because of the nations economic crisis. Steve Badt operates Miriams Kitchen. He starts work early in the morning. While most people are still asleep, he and his helpers prepar

29、e a meal every weekday for more than two hundred people. Until seven years ago, Badt worked as a chef (厨师)in fine restaurants in Washington and New York City. Then, he took a course in non-profit management because he wanted to do something different with his life. Miriams Kitchen is operated in Wes

30、tern Presbyterian Church, not far from the White House. It has served nutritious, hot breakfasts to homeless people for more than twenty-five years. More than one thousand people volunteer to work at Miriams Kitchen every year. Many local groups also volunteer there. Steve Badt explains the mornings

31、 activity in the kitchen. Some volunteer cooks are making scrambled eggs (煎鸡蛋). Others are baking biscuits. Still others are making home fried potatoes. The goal is to have everything ready to serve a hot meal at seven in the morning. Badt says he wants to change the way a traditional soup kitchen o

32、perates. He wants to operate it like a busy, successful restaurant where everyone wants to do the best job possible. In addition to a hot breakfast, homeless people can get many social services at Miriams Kitchen. These include mental health and medical services. They can also get help finding a job

33、 and a place to live. And they can take part in art, poetry, creative writing classes and book discussion groups. 26. Miriams Kitchen is_. A. a study program to train chefsB. an aid group to feed hungry and homeless people C. a centre to discuss the skills of cooking D. a kitchen to sell the morning

34、 meals27. Steve Badt carried on a study program in non-profit management in order to _.A. make a change in his life B. help the homeless peopleC. operate the Miriams Kitchen D. perfect his cooking skills28. Miriams Kitchen can help people with all the following EXCEPT_. A. a living place B. cooking

35、skills C. writing classesD. job-hunting skills29. From the text we can infer _. A. Badt is very kind and has a creative mindB. Badt doesnt like to work as a chef in restaurants C. Miriams Kitchen helps a lot to ease the employ-ment pressureD. Miriams Kitchen gets a lot of help from the White House30

36、. Whats the best title for the text? A. Economic Crisis in AmericaB. Steve Badt and Miriams KitchenC. Volunteers in Miriams Kitchen D. Traditional Soup Kitchen (2015河北省衡水中学四调)Four schoolchildren from Belgrade, England were out on their bikes on Wednesday evening. Unexpectedly, they saw an elderly ma

37、n grasping for breath(喘息) in the street. They tried to call the police and ambulance service, but their phones were not working, due to network problems.Before the Polish man became unconscious, the children kept him calm while they flagged down(招停)a passing driver. The children used words they had

38、picked up from their Polish classmates to translate the injured mans answers to the drivers questions. Gary, 10, and his sixyearold sister, Lily, stayed with the man while Thymus and Owen, both 11, led the ambulance to the spot where he lay. Soon the man was taken to hospital.The fantastic four chil

39、dren who came to the aid of the elderly man deserve the highest respect for their quickthinking and courage in an emergency situation. They are a credit not only to themselves, but to their families and their school. And it is great to be able to hear such a positive story about young people.What is

40、 not so positive about this story is the fact that several adults apparently walked by without stopping to help. This seeming indifference to an emergency situation is a well noted phenomenon which psychologists sometimes refer to as “the bystander effect”. Research suggests that when a group of peo

41、ple witness an emergency, people are likely to assume that somebody else will intervene and they feel that the burden of responsibility is lifted from their shoulders.Perhaps the answer to this sort of things is to introduce a “Good Samaritan” law. This already exists in France and places a legal re

42、sponsibility on people who witness an emergency situation to help out as long as they can do so. This certainly seems to remove any doubt about who bears the burden of responsibility for offering assistanceeveryone.31What can we learn about the elderly man?AHe spoke Polish with the children.BHe fell

43、 from his bike and got injured.CHe was taken to hospital by the driver.DHe recovered consciousness in the street.32In Paragraph 3, the author mainly _.Ashows his great sympathy for the manBgives high praise to the four childrenCoffers his special thanks to the driverDexpresses his anger at several a

44、dults33The underlined word “intervene” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _.Abe curiousBgo onCgive up Dget involved34In France, if an emergency happens to someone,_.Aoffering help to him is required by lawBpeople have the right to leave the sceneCothers must get permission before helping himDth

45、e witnesses will be punished if the rescue fails三.完形填空A new word has suddenly become wildly popular in China“tuhao”Its being used to describe _35_ from the new building of Peoples Daily to expensive _36_ weddings full of millionaires, and the new goldcolored iPhone.In Chinese “tu” means _37_, and “hao” means rich. To say someone is tuhao is to _38_ they come from a poor _39_ background, and have made it rich quickbut dont quite have the manners to _40_ it. “Tuhao” is _41_ an old worddating back perhaps as _42_ as the Southern Dynasty 1,500 years agobut _43_ has alway


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