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1、专题3.2 Healthy eating【学以致用】一、重点词汇细解1. diet n. C,U日常饮食;规定的食物;食谱 vi. 节食【教材原句】Everybody has to eat,but do you eat a healthy diet?每个人都得吃饭,但是你的饮食健康吗?He got so fat that he had to diet.他太胖,需要节食。【归纳拓展】be on a diet/go on a diet控制饮食;节食put sb.on a diet 使某人节食a balanced diet 均衡的饮食单调 即学即练(1)The doctor put him a di

2、et after operation.手术后,医生规定了他的饮食。(2)I decided to go a diet ( = to lose weight ) before my holiday.我决定在休假前节食。【易混辨析】diet指惯常的或规定的食物,特指维持健康的定量或定制的食物,又指疗养时规定的食物,也指肉食或素食等食物;常指病人,减肥者等吃的食物;它是可数名词,其前须加不定冠词food一般用法,凡能充饥的东西都称food;food一般为不可数名词,但当指不同种类的食品时,为可数名词,用其复数形式(3)Too many sweet _ will make you fat.(4)Bal

3、anced _ and regular exercise are both important for our health.【答案】(3)fooods (4)diet2. balance vt.平衡;权衡 n天平;平衡【教材原句】What will happen to you if you dont eat a balanced diet?你如果没有均衡的饮食将会怎么样?【归纳拓展】keep ones balance保持平衡lose ones balance失去平衡out of balance 不平衡;失去平衡on balance 总的来说balanced adj. 平衡的;和谐的;安定的k

4、eep a balanced diet 保持均衡饮食 即学即练(1)Move slowly, then be sure to , and dont let your body shake.慢慢移动,确保平衡,不要让你的身体颤抖。(2)The key to good health and good figure is to . 保持良好健康和优美体形的关键在于要养成一个健康而又均衡的饮食习惯.【图形助记】3. curiosity nU好奇心;好奇【教材原句】Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside.好奇心驱使王鹏走了进去。【归纳拓展】satisfy ones curios

5、ity 满足某人的好奇心out of curiosity 在好奇心驱使下;出于好奇with/in curiosity 好奇地curious adj. 好奇的;奇特的be curious about sth. 对感到好奇be curious to do sth. 好奇/想知道.Its curious that. 奇怪的是curiously adv. 好奇地 即学即练(1)He opened the letter with (curious).他好奇地打开了这封信。(2)He stared at the picture (curious).他好奇地盯着这幅画。(3)_she didnt tell

6、anyone.她没有告诉任何人,这很奇怪。(4)The boy was watching the cartoon about dinosaurs_, and he _ dinosaurs disappearance from the earth and_the mystery.那孩子好奇地看着有关恐龙的动画片,对恐龙从地球上消失感到好奇,并想弄清楚这个谜。4. lie n谎话;谎言vi.说谎,撒谎;躺;位于;存在;处于.状态【教材原句】He could not have Yong Hui getting_away_with telling people lies!他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉。

7、【归纳拓展】lie n谎话;谎言tell a lie/lies撒谎 tell sb. a lie/lies =tell a lie/lies to sb. 向某人撒谎a white lie 善意的谎言lie vi.说谎,撒谎lie to sb. 向某人撒谎lie vi. 躺;位于;处于.状态lie in 位于,在于lie in bed 卧床lie down 躺下Dont lie to me!Tell me the truth!不要对我撒谎!告诉我事实!There was a child lying on the ground.地上躺着一个小孩。My school lies in the cen

8、ter of the city.我的学校位于城市的中央。明辨异同lie/lay词义词性过去式过去分词现在分词lie说谎vi.liedliedlyinglie躺下;位于vi.laylainlyinglay放置;下蛋;产卵vt.laidlaidlaying即学即练(1)He_on the grass,looking into the sky.他躺在草地上,望着天空。(2)Its wrong of you to_to your teacher.你向老师撒谎是不对的。(3)The town_a small wooded valley.该镇坐落于一个林木茂盛的小山谷中。(4)_in bed,he_to

9、us that he_the watch on the table.躺在床上,他向我们撒谎说,他把手表放在桌上了。 5. discount n折扣 vt.打折扣;不重视【教材原句】Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back.也许写个新的招牌,打打折扣,他就能赢回顾客吧。The shoes in that shop never discount.那家店的鞋子从来不打折。【归纳拓展】at a discount打折扣at a discount of.at a.discount 打的折扣give/allo

10、w/make a discount(on) 打折扣discount price/fare 折扣价discount shop/store/warehouse 折扣店/批发店give/get/offer a (10%) discount 予以/得到/提供(九折)优惠They give/get a 10% discount for cash payment.现金付款,他们给予九折优惠。I bought the coat at a discount of 60%.我以四折的价格买了这件外套。 即学即练(1)They were selling everything .他们销售的所有商品都打折。(2)I

11、bought the cheap dress _.我在一家折扣店买的这件便宜的衣服。【答案】(1)at a discount (2)at a discount shop/store6. strength n力量;力气;长处【教材原句】The strength of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant was that.王鹏餐馆里饮食的优点是Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.每个人都有长处和短处。【归纳拓展】build up ones strength 强身健体strengths and weaknesses优缺点stre

12、ngthen vt. 加强strong adj. 强壮的即学即练(1)Im not (strength) enough to carry him.我力气不够大,抱不动他。(2)The exercises are designed to _ (strength) your stomach muscles.这些动作目的在于增强你的腹部肌肉。【易混辨析】energy多指人的“精力;活力”,还可指物理学中的“能量”force指“势力;武力;暴力”,“军队,部队”,也指物理学中的“力”power普通用词,多指“动力;能力;权力”等strength常指“人的力气,体力”,或“毅力;意志力”即学即练(1)S

13、poken English is her_.英语口语是她的强项。(2)_can never destroy right.暴力绝不能摧毁正义。(3)He longed for unlimited_.他渴望有无限的权力。(4)Those old people are full of_every day.那些老人每天都精力充沛。【答案】(1)strength(2)Force(3)power(4)energy7. consult vt. 咨询;请教;商量;参考;查阅 vi.交换意见;商议【教材原句】However,as she was so afraid of being laughed at by

14、her friends,she did not consult a doctor but lived on a diet of rice,raw vegetables,bananas and lemons.然而,因害怕被朋友们嘲笑,她没有向医生咨询,而是以米饭、生蔬菜、香蕉和柠檬为主食。【归纳拓展】consult sb.about sth.向某人咨询某事consult with sb. about/on sth. (就某事)与某人商量consult (refer to ) the dictionary = look up sth. in a dictionary 查字典consultant n

15、. 顾问即学即练(1)He consulted the teacher the usage of “it”他就it的用法请教了老师。(2)She consulted her parents the way to do the matter.她同父母商量了做这件事的方法。 【图形助记】8. debt n债;债务;欠款【教材原句】He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular.他可不希望由于餐馆不受欢迎而负债。【归纳拓展】be in debt to sb.be in sb.s

16、 debt欠某人的钱;欠某人的情out of debt 不欠债in debt 欠债get/run/fall into debt 负债pay off ones debts 还清某人债务即学即练(1)She was when she was poor,but has been since she got rich.以前穷的时候她欠了债,可自从富了以后就不欠债了。(2)She is a person who doesnt like to be in debt anyone.她是这样的一个人,她不喜欢欠任何人的情。(3)He has enough money to pay his fathers ou

17、tstanding debts.他现在有足够的钱来还清父亲尚未还清的债务。 9. glare vi.怒目而视;闪耀n.怒视;炫目的光【教材原句】She did not look happy but glared at him.她双眼直瞪着他,看上去很不高兴。【归纳拓展】glare at 怒视stare at 凝视,盯着看 glare through 透过.发出刺眼的光He didnt shout or swear,but just glared silently at me.他不喊不骂,只是默默地怒视着我。 【易混辨析】glare at怒目而视stare at盯着看;凝视look at“看”,

18、不带任何感情色彩glance at一瞥,迅速看一眼 gaze at由于兴趣、感激、喜欢或惊奇而目不转睛地凝视、注视(尤指长时间无意识地)即学即练(1)She_shyly_him and then lowered her eyes.她害羞地瞥了他一眼,然后低下眼睛。(2)Dont _me.It will make me uneasy.别盯着我看,我会紧张的。(3)The woman_the man with anger in her eyes.这个女人怒视着那个男人,眼里充满了怒火。(4)Its impolite to_others.盯着别人看是不礼貌的。(5)Now lets_the pict

19、ure on Page 10.现在让我们看一下第10页的图片。 10. limited adj.有限的;不多的【教材原句】I dont want to upset you,but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food.我并不想让你心烦,不过我发现你的菜谱上的菜太有限了,所以我也就不担心了,我也开始宣传我的食物的好处了。【归纳拓展】be limited to. 受限制于limit.to. 把限定在的范围内put/set a limit

20、 on/to. 对限制within the limits of. 在的范围内without limits 无限(制)地 limitless adj. 无限制的 即学即练(1)Speeches_ten minutes each.每次发言限定在十分钟以内。(2)Keep_the school campus.不要走出校门。【语境助记】A mans life is limited,but there is no limit to serving the people.I will devote my limited life to the limitless job of serving the pe

21、ople.人的生命是有限的,可是,为人民服务是无限的,我要把有限的生命,投入到无限的为人民服务中去。11. benefit n. 利益;好处 vt.有利于,受益【教材原句】I dont want to upset you,but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food.我并不想让你心烦,不过我发现你的菜谱上的菜太有限了,所以我也就不担心了,我也开始宣传我的食物的好处了。【归纳拓展】for the benefit of为;为的利益be

22、of benefit to 对有益benefit from/by. 从受益;得益于benefit sb./sth. 对某人/某物有益beneficial adj. 有利的;有益的;受益的be beneficial to = be of benefit to 对有益;对有利即学即练(1)Who exactly stands to benefit these changes?到底是谁会从这些变革中直接获益?(2)I hope what I have written will be of to someone else who may feel the same way. 我希望我所写的内容能对其他

23、和我有同感的人有所裨益。【答案】(1)from/by (2)benefit 【语境助记】It is known to us all that doing eye exercises benefits our eyes,and that is to say,our eyes can benefit from doing eye exercises.众所周知,做眼保健操对我们的眼睛有好处,也就是说,我们的眼睛会受益于做眼保健操。12. combine vt.vi.(使)联合;(使)结合【教材原句】Perhaps we ought to combine our ideas and provide a

24、 balanced menu with food full of energy and fibre.也许我们两家餐馆的食谱应该综合起来,做出一份富含热量和纤维的均衡食谱。【归纳拓展】combine.into结合成combine.and(with). 将与结合起来combination n. 联合;结合;组合in combination with 与结合(联合)即学即练(1)The trip will combine business pleasure.这次旅行将把公事和娱乐结合起来。(2)He did the business in (combine) with his friends.他与朋

25、友们合伙做生意。二、核心短语回顾1. lose weight 减轻体重;减肥【教材原句】Want to lose weight?(P10)想减肥吗?If you want to lose weight,you have to diet.如果你想减肥,你得节食。【归纳拓展】put on/gain weight 体重增加 watch ones weight 控制体重 have a weight problem 太胖,超重 by weight 按重量overweight adj. 超重的 即境活用(1)Im lucky really as I never . 我很幸运,因为我的体重从来没有增加过。(

26、2)Bananas are sold_.香蕉按重量出售。 2. get away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚;把卷跑;偷走;抢走【教材原句】He could not have Yong Hui getting_away_with telling people lies!他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉。Its impossible for them to get away with having damaged the car.他们损坏了汽车不受惩罚是不可能的。【归纳拓展】 get away (from ) (从).脱离;逃离(.)get on/along well with 与相处得好

27、;进展顺利get down to (doing) sth. 开始认真做某事get over克服(困难);从(疾病、失望等)中恢复过来get through用完;通过(考试);(电话)接通;完成(任务);结束;度过,熬过(困难或不快的时期)get across使理解;越过get sb. down 使(某人)沮丧或情绪低落get around 四处走动;(消息)传开get rid of 摆脱即学即练(1)He was so lucky to_a fine for such a serious mistake.他犯了如此严重的错误,侥幸只交了罚款了事。(2)It is hard to see how

28、 people will the winter.难以想象人们将怎样熬过这个冬天。(3)He was disappointed at not getting the job,but hell _it.他因没有得到那份工作而失望,不过他能想得开。(4)Rainy days always . 下雨天总使我沮丧.(5)Its time I thinking about that essay.我该认真思考一下那篇论文了。【语境助记】Mother often tells me to get_along_well_with my classmates and get_down_to my study.Bes

29、ides,she requires me to work hard to get_through examinations.She reminds me that I cannot get_away_with making a mistake.妈妈经常告诉我要与我的同学友好相处并让我认真学习。除此之外,她要求我努力学习通过考试,还提醒我假如犯了错误不能不受惩罚。3. win.back赢回;重新获得【教材原句】Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back.(P10)也许写个新的招牌、打点折,能够赢回顾

30、客吧。The party must try to win back the support it has lost.该党须设法重获人心。It wont be an easy thing for you to win back your fame.你要赢回你的声誉并非是一件容易的事。【归纳拓展】win out/through摆脱困境;终获成功win.around/over说服,把.争取过来win sth. down 轻易取得win or lose 不论成败即学即练(1)Once you break your promise,you will never_her trust again.一旦你违背

31、诺言,你将永远不会再赢回她的信任。(2)Stick to your principles, and you will in the end. 坚持你的原则,终将会成功的。(3) , well know weve done our best.无论胜负,我们都知道自己已尽了最大努力。 4. earn ones living谋生【教材原句】Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant.(P14)也许他仍然能够谋生,而不至于关闭自己的餐馆了。She earns her

32、 living by teaching.她以教书为生。【归纳拓展】earn v. 赚取,挣得;赢得,博得(赞扬等)earn ones own living自食其力earn ones bread 谋生earn money挣钱earn reputation/respect/admiration获得名望/尊重/赞赏make a living谋生earnings npl.薪水,收入即学即练(1)His achievements_.他的成就赢得了人们的尊敬和仰慕。(2)He had to_by delivering newspapers in his youth.年轻时他不得不靠送报纸谋生。【答案】(1

33、)earned him respect and admiration(2)make a living/earn his living5. cut down 削减;删节;砍倒【教材原句】In this way they cut down the fat and increased the fibre in the meal.这样,他们减少了饭菜中脂肪的含量,增加了纤维素。【归纳拓展】cut in插嘴,打断别人,超车cut off隔绝;中断;切断(水、电等的)供应cut out剪下;割掉;删除;裁剪cut up切碎;切割cut across走捷径;穿过去即学即练(1)You must cut th

34、e vegetables before you eat it.吃之前,你必须把蔬菜切碎。(2)Not true, the Duchess cut . “不是真的,”公爵夫人插话道。(3)The water supply has been cut because of the terrible earthquake.因为可怕的地震,水供应被切断了。 6. before long 不久以后【教材原句】Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui pu

35、t on more weight.他们的均衡饮食非常有效,王鹏很快就瘦了,而雍慧却胖了。【归纳拓展】long before 很久以前(与一般过去时或过去完成时连用,跟从句时也可用在一般现在时的句子中。)before long 不久以后It was/will be long before. 过很久后才It was not/will not be long before. 不久就She said that she had heard of it long before.她说她早就听说过此事。 Before long he had to move on again.不久,他被迫再次迁移。即学即练(1)He had worked in the factory he got married.在他还没有结婚以前他就在这家工厂工作了。(2)It will not be long it gets warmer.不久天气就会变暖的。(3)The work will be finished .工作不久就会完成。 - 15 -


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