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1、Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the starsSpeaking(授课日期: 年 月 日 星期 班级 )授课题目Book3 Unit4 Using language: speaking拟 课时第 课时明确目标1、知识与技能:Practice talking abut problems in study or life.2、过程与方法: Fast-reading & Discussion. 3、情感态度与价值观:Practice giving instructionsPractice talking about problems in study or life

2、 重点难点重点:Develop students reading and speaking skills.难点:Practice talking about problems in study or life. Practice giving instructions课型讲授 习题 复习 讨论 其它教 学 内 容 设 计因材施教Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.Step 2 Warming upWhat did you do when you meet some problems in study or life?Step 3 Pra

3、cticePractice giving instructionsPlease look at/ listen to.Please check that.You need.Please pay attention to.Dont forget to.Youd better.Make sure you.Watch out for.You mustnt.Practice talking about problems in study or lifeMy problem is.The difficulty is.My trouble is.The question is.My advice is.W

4、hat I think about it is.The fact is.My suggestion is.Step 4 Speaking on page 31What do you need if you travel to the moon?Sample: S1: Lets think about what we would need to protect our skin if we visited the Moon.S2: Id take some skin cream. That works very well when we go to the sea.S3: Yes, but it

5、s going to be much too hot to put cream on your skin on the Moon.S4: Whats more you get direct heat from the sun. There are no clouds on the Moon to protect you.S3: Oh dear, and I also have to carry oxygen around with me everywhere because theres no oxygen on the Moon.S2: Why dont we carry the oxyge

6、n on our backs in a tank?S1: Good idea, but wont that hurt our skin?S4: I think it will. Why dont we wear a spacesuit which has the possibility of protecting your skin and helping you carry the oxygen very easily?S1: A very good idea. We also need some sunglasses as the sun will be as bad for our ey

7、es as for our skin.S3: Thats right. The helmet of the suit can have sunglasses you can use.S2: How will the suit protect our skin?S4: Its so hot there so I suggest we design suit that can supply cold water so the wearer feels cool and hot water to warm us if we feel cold.S2: Great! So I wont need sun cream after all. Thats good!Step 5 Homework 1.Practice giving instructions and talking about problems in study or life after class2.Make sentences教学后记:3


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