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1、Unit 5 Theme parks Theme parks-Exercises授课题目Book4 unit5 Theme parks-Exercises 拟 课时第 课时明确目标1、知识与技能:To help students to do some exercises about this unit.To help students to master the skills of doing translations2、过程与方法:discussion, group work, task-based learning3、情感态度与价值观:To get the students to have

2、 a knowledge of useful expressions重点难点重点:How to mater the skills of doing translations难点:How to grasp the words and phrases and be able to use them freely.课型讲授 习题 复习 讨论 其它教 学 内 容 设 计教师自备内容Step1. Revision Review the important expressions in this unit.Step 2. Exercises(divide the students into groups

3、and have a competition to do the exercises)I. Words filing1.A good sleeping bag is a necessary part of every campers _(装备). 2. Which _(牌子) of computer do you prefer? 3. You have a _ (测验) at the end of each month and an examination once a year. 4. Mary is wearing old jeans and a pair of _ (运动鞋) today

4、.5. After many _(实验), he finally succeeded in finding the solution to the difficult problem.6. My daughter has many _(怪念头)in her little head.7. Every child should take part in _ (运动的) sports to build up their body.8. When spring comes, _ (各种各样的) flowers will blossom. 9. The 2008 Beijing Olympics wil

5、l need a large number of _ (志愿者).10. You can buy many _ (纪念品) in every place of interest. II、Fill in the blanks using the useful expressionsget close to, be modelled after, be famous for / as, in advance, come to life1. Every work of the painter _ the style of Picasso.2. Its unwise to spend your inc

6、ome _.3. He was _ where I was hiding.4. The town _ having the longest history in the country.5. After we watered them, most of the plants _.6. Mr. Liu _ a painter in the town.Key:1. is modelled after 2. in advance 3. getting close to 4. is famous for 5. came to life 6. is famous asIII. Translations.

7、1. 如今许多人喜欢到户外去接近大自然。(get close to)2. 自从和爷爷生活在一起,这个文静的女孩变得活泼起来。(come to life)3. 为了确定他在家,我事先给他打了电话。(in advance)4.你自学高等数学是很难的。(advanced)KEYS: 1.Today many people like to go out to get close to nature.2.The quiet girl has come to life since she lived with her grandpa.3.To make sure that he was at home, I called him up in advance.4.It is difficult for you to teach yourself advanced maths.Step4. Homework Review what you have learnt .教学后记:3


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