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1、Unit 5 Theme parks Theme parks-Using language Futuroscope-Excitement and Learning(授课日期: 年 月 日 星期 班级 )授课题目Book4 unit5 Theme parks-Using language Futuroscope-Excitement and Learning拟 课时第 课时明确目标1、知识与技能:To help students read the passage Futuroscope-Excitement and learningTo help students to use the lang

2、uage by reading, listening, speaking and writing.2、过程与方法:Show questions, read fast, find the main ideas, and then read carefully and finish all the tasks.3、情感态度与价值观:arouse students interest in science and space knowledge重点难点重点:How to grasp the main idea of the passage.难点:How to grasp the words and p

3、hrases and be able to use them freely.课型讲授 习题 复习 讨论 其它教 学 内 容 设 计教师自备内容Step1. Pre-reading1.Do you want to take a trip into space ?2.If there is a theme park that you can experience space journey, would you like to go ? Step2. Reading and finish the following three tasks:Task 1: What are three times

4、and three places you can visit at Futuroscope?Three times: past, present and futureThree places: earth, bottom of the sea and spaceTask 2 Main topics of each paragraph.Para 1. What I did at Futuroscope. Para 2. A general description of the park. Para 3. General information about how to visit the par

5、k.Task 3 True or False questions1. Futuroscope is a theme park that uses the most advanced technology to take people out of the earth and the present time. ( ) 2. Futuroscope is a theme park that provides only fun and excitement for people. ( )3. Future theme parks allow people to see and do things

6、without danger but with much money. ( )4. Futuroscope can provide people with up-to-date information and lot of fun and excitement. ( )5. Future theme parks are places for fun and excitement but not for learning. ( )6. Most of us will go to the bottom of the ocean, flying through the jungle or visit

7、ing the edges of the solar system. ( )Step 3. Useful expressions:1. up-to-date: This factory uses the most up-to-date methods to make machines. out of date 过时的, 废弃的 up to the minute 最现代的, 最时新的 date from / back to 追溯到; 开始于 Your out-of-date methods should be given up at once.2. hands-on The computer course includes plenty of hands-on training. hand in /out 交上, 交付 / 分发, 施舍 hand over 移交3. come to life活跃起来4. in advance 提前 Step 4. Homework Read the article again and learn the important expression by heart.教学后记:3


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