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1、血管通路,血液透析患者的生命线,血液透析成功施行的必要条件,第一个问题 血管通路的发展进程,动静脉外瘘(Quinton-Scribner shunt),血管通路发展史上的第一个里程碑(1960年),自体动静脉內瘘(Arteriovenous Fistula),血管通路发展史上的第二个里程碑(1962年),移植血管內瘘( Arteriovenous Graft),中心静脉留置导管(central venous catheter),充足的血流量 操作简单,可反复使用 安全稳定,并发症少,理想的血管通路,第二个问题 对几种血管通路的初步认识,AVF是什么?,AVG是什么?,CVC是什么,The ca

2、theter is placed in the right internal jugular vein with a smooth curve in the subcutaneous tunnel.The tip of the catheter is placed in the right atrium to achieve adequate blood flow during hemodialysis.,AVF的并发症,血管狭窄 急性血栓形成 静脉高压征 动脉瘤 高输出量心力衰竭 通路相关性缺血综合征 感染,血管狭窄,fistulogram showing a long inflow seg

3、ment stenosis which was successfully balloon angioplastied. A: Pre-angioplasty. B: Waist on the balloon. C: Post-angioplasty image.,静脉高压征,Massively swollen right upper extremity from completely occluded right subclavian vein. The transposed basilic vein arteriovenous fistula is patent,Extensive netw

4、ork of collateral veins over the right shoulder and chest area.,动脉瘤,通路相关性缺血综合征,87-year-old female with a brachiocephalic fistula created approximately 9 months prior to photograph who complained of pain and numbness over her right hand during dialysis.On examination the fingers were blue and cold (A

5、). Panel (B)compares the color of her hand to a normal pink color.,AVG的并发症,血管狭窄 感染 血栓形成 静脉高压征 假性动脉瘤 高输出量心力衰竭 血清肿,血管狭窄,Forty-five-year-old male with a right forearm loop AVG placed in 2003 has marked central vein stenosis. The collateral veins are visualized on his shoulder and chest (arrowheads).The

6、 patient has a right subclavian vein stent with recurrent stenosis as shown in next image.,假性动脉瘤,假性动脉瘤,CVC的并发症,感染 导管功能不良纤维蛋白鞘、血栓形成,Purulent secretion, erythema over the tunnel and skin changes secondary to infection in the subcutaneous tunnel.,导管功能不良,An intact fibrin sheath pulled out along with the

7、 catheter.A fibrin sheath is a flimsy fibroepithelial tissue that extends from the cuff (A) to the tip of the catheter (B).,纤维蛋白鞘,血栓,第三个问题 血管通路的长期管理和维护,每次穿刺前对内瘘的情况的评估,normal-AVF-bruit,AVF-whistle,Normal-AV-Graft,graft-whistle,AVF的功能监测,AVF的血流量测定,每个月测量一次 测量要在透析前一个半小时内完成 每次检查要测量三次,取平均值 血流量不足时,做血管造影检查确定

8、是否有狭窄,举臂实验,再循环测定(葡萄糖测定法),建议每 3 个月 1 次。透析后30min,血流量在300ml/min,停超滤,动脉端取血(A),4s内从静脉端注入50%的葡萄糖2ml,开始计时,至第13秒,于动脉端同一部位取血(B),测定两次血糖浓度,带入公式计算结果:,R%=0.046(B-A)+ 0.07,静态静脉压测定,*每一到二周测定一次,静态静脉压测定,直接测量法 间接测定法:当关闭血泵时,外部压力传感器与输液壶压力传感器之间的压力差等于瘘管与输液壶血液面之间的高度差,具体方法:,先校正静脉壶及动脉壶的压力(P0) 在非瘘管肢体测量平均动脉压(MAP) 停血泵,夹闭静脉壶上游管路

9、,30s压力稳定后,读取结果(P) 测量瘘管与输液壶血液面的距离(H) 计算偏移压力:Ph=0.35xH+3.6 计算瘘管内压力:Pia=P+Ph-P0 得出瘘管内压力和平均动脉压比值(Pia/MAP Ratio),AVG的功能监测,血流量测定 静态静脉压测定 超声检查 物理检查,关于CVC的维护管理,导管感染的维护管理 导管功能不良的维护管理,导管感染分类,出口感染 隧道感染 导管相关血流感染,Exit site erythema with crusting suggestive of infection or allergic reaction to topical ointment or

10、 tape. The exit site should be evaluated prior to every dialysis therapy for early signs of infection.The exit site infection can spread through the subcutaneous tunnel causing bacteremia, sepsis and worsening morbidity and mortality。,导管感染预防,减少或避免使用导管 应严格遵守无菌技术 清除鼻腔葡萄球菌等的携带状态 避免导管用于非血液净化用途,导管功能不良的原因

11、,导管功能不良的处理,导管功能不良的预防,Left internal jugular catheter with kink in the subcutaneous tunnel (arrow). The tip is placed in the left innominate (brachiocephalic) vein. The catheter is unlikely to provide adequate blood flows for dialysis.,血管通路的健康宣教,AVF和AVG的健康宣教,CVC的健康宣教,患者的术前健康宣教,AVF的术后的自我管理,内瘘术后的功能锻炼 动静

12、脉内瘘成形术后,禁止在内瘘侧测血压、抽血、输液、 输血。手术侧衣袖不可过紧。术后当日内瘘侧肢体抬高30度,保持其血流通畅,防止受压,站立时可用三角巾托起,术肢手腕超过心界;卧床时可用软枕垫高,禁止向手术侧侧卧。术肢保暖,保持术侧血液循环通畅,防止指端肿胀。 术后24小时,可做握拳及腕关节动作,防血栓。 术后3-7天,开始内瘘强化护理 用手握拳或挤压橡皮球10秒放松,每次做10-15分钟,3-4次/日 伤口拆线以后用止血带或健侧手压住内瘘侧的上臂至静脉适度扩张充盈,压10秒放松,每次做5-10分钟,2-3次/日。内瘘血肿、变硬和手臂水肿禁做以上锻炼。 用热毛巾热敷内瘘侧的手臂。 坚持不懈的保护锻炼,舞动生命线(指尖运动、腕部运动、握拳运动),手术后24小时(指尖运动),手术后3-7天(指尖运动+腕部运动),手术7-10天后或拆线以后(指尖运动+腕部运动+握拳运动),AVG的术后的自我管理,CVC的自我管理,谢谢大家!,


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