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1、1,But the viscera have some general features.,1.Lacations:within or near the important cavities.,2.Tube: each system has a tube with a opening.,3.The main functions of the viscera are fulfill the metabolism and maintain the life of the species.,一、内脏的一般结构,中空性器官Hollow organs 实质性器官Solid organs:,Hilum,2

2、,二、胸部的标志线,和腹部分区,4区或9区,左右侧髂结节连线,第10肋最低点连线,腹股沟韧带中点,3,消化系统 Alimentary System,The alimentary system comprises the alimentary canal and the alimentary glands. The alimentary canal consists of the following parts: the mouth, the pharynx, the esophagus, the stomach, and small and large intestines. The alim

3、entary glands contain the salivary glands, liver and pancreas.,4,消化管Alymentary Canal,消化腺Alymentary Gland,上消化道:,下消化道:,口腔、咽、食管、胃、十二指肠,空肠、回肠、盲肠、阑尾、结肠、直肠、肛管,大消化腺:,大唾液腺、胰、肝,小消化腺:,胃腺、肠腺,一、消化系统的组成,二、消化系统的功能: 摄取、消化、吸收、排出,5,6,呼吸系统 Respiratory System,The respiratory system includes the respiratory tract and l

4、ungs. The primary function of this system is to supply the body with oxygen and to get rid of excess carbon dioxide resulting from cell metabolism.,7,肺Lung,下呼吸道,:鼻Nose、咽Pharynx 、喉Larynx,:气管Trachea和各级支气管,肺实质,肺间质,一、呼吸系统的组成,二、呼吸系统的功能,呼吸道Respiratory tract,上呼吸道,主要是气体交换,8,胸膜 Pleura,脏胸膜 : Visceral pleura,壁

5、胸膜: Parietal pleura,肺的表面,胸壁内面、膈上面,肋胸膜,膈胸膜,纵隔胸膜,胸膜顶,脏胸膜,壁(肋)胸膜,膈胸膜,纵隔胸膜,胸膜顶,一、区分,和纵隔表面,9,二、胸膜腔 Pleural Cavity,脏胸膜与壁胸膜之间的封闭的浆膜囊腔隙。,脏胸膜,壁胸膜,胸膜腔,肋膈隐窝,三、胸膜隐窝 Pleural Recesses,10,纵隔 Mediastinum,一、概念,是左右纵隔胸膜间全部器官、结构与结缔组织的总称。,二、区分,11,泌尿系统 Urinary System,The urinary system consists of two kidneys, two ureter

6、s, one urinary bladder and a single urethra. It functions to excrete the waste products. So as to regulate the composition of the internal environment of the body.,12,肾 Kidney 输尿管 Ureter 膀胱 Bladder 尿道 Urethra,泌尿系统的组成,13,14,生殖系统 Reproductive System,The reproductive(or genital)system includes the male

7、 and the female reproductive organs. Their main function is breeding descendant and secreting hormone.,15,组成,内生殖器,生殖腺,输送管道,附属腺体,(睾丸testis),附睾 输精管 射精管 男性尿道,精囊 前列腺 尿道球腺,外生殖器,阴囊,阴茎,男性生殖系统 Male Reproductive System,16,17,18,组成,内生殖器,外生殖器,生殖腺,(卵巢ovary),输送管道,(输卵管uterine tube 、子宫uterus、阴道vagina ),女性生殖系统 Fema

8、le Reproductive System,19,20,anus,会阴 Perineum,会阴是指盆膈以下所有组织而言。盆膈(肛提肌、尾骨肌及其上、下面的筋膜)将上方的盆腔和下方的会阴分开。 会阴的结构,除男、女性生殖器外,主要是肌和筋膜。,21,广义的会阴是指封闭小骨盆下口的所有软组织,呈菱形。以两恻坐骨结节的连线为界,可将会阴前方的尿生殖区和后方的肛区。,狭义的会阴指肛门和外生殖器之间的区域。,22,腹膜 Peritoneum,腹膜由间皮及少量结缔组织构成,薄而光滑,呈半透明状,是全身面积最大、配布最复杂的浆膜。,一、概念和区分,具有分泌、吸收、保护、支持、修复等功能。,23,Parie

9、tal peritoneum 壁腹膜(腹膜壁层),Visceral peritoneum 脏腹膜(腹膜脏层),衬于腹、 盆腔内表面,覆盖腹、 盆脏器表面,Peritoneal Cavity 腹膜腔,24,(三)腹膜外位器官:仅一面被腹膜所覆盖,如肾、肾上腺、十二指肠降部、下部和升部、胰等。,(二)腹膜间位器官:表面大部分被腹膜所覆盖,如肝、胆囊、升结肠、子宫、直肠上段等。,(一)腹膜内位器官:表面几乎被腹膜所覆盖,如胃、十二指肠、空回肠、脾等。,二、腹膜与腹盆腔脏器的关系,25,三、腹膜形成的结构,(一) 网膜Omentum,1. 小网膜Lesser Omentum,2. 大网膜Greater

10、 Omentum,(二)系膜 1. 肠系膜Mesentery 2.阑尾系膜.Mesoappendix 3. 横结肠系膜Transverse Mesocolon 4. 乙状结肠系膜Sigmoid Mesocolon,26,(四)皱襞、隐窝和陷凹 1. 腹后壁的皱襞和隐窝 2. 腹前壁的皱襞和隐窝,(三)韧带Ligaments 肝的韧带、脾的韧带、胃的韧带等,27,3. 腹膜陷凹: Rectovesical Pouch 直肠膀胱陷凹 Vesicouterine Pouch 膀胱子宫陷凹Rectouterine Pouch 直肠子宫陷凹,28,四、腹膜腔的区分 Divisions of perito

11、neal cavity,The transverse colon and transverse mesocolon divides the greater sac into结肠上区supracolic compartment and结肠下区infracolic compartment,29,Supracolic compartment (subphrenic space)lies between diaphragm and transverse colon and transverse mesocolon, divides it into suprahepatic spaces and sub

12、hepatic spaces,30,结肠下区 Infracolic compartment lies below the transverse colon and transverse mesocolon 右结肠旁沟 Right paracolic sulcus 左结肠旁沟 Left paracolic sulcus 右肠系膜窦 Right mesenteric sinus 左肠系膜窦 Left mesenteric sinus,31,小 结 内脏及内脏学概念、内容; 内脏的功能; 内脏器官的分类和一般结构; 各内脏系统的组成器官及其位置; 胸腹部的标志线和腹部的分区; 纵隔、胸膜和胸膜腔、会阴、腹膜、腹膜腔概念和区分; 腹膜与腹盆腔脏器的关系; 腹膜形成的结构。,


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