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1、肝纤维化逆转梦想还是现实?,Liaw YF. Impact of therapy on the outcome of chronic hepatitis B. Liver int,2013; Suppl 1:111-115.,Reality,1. Liaw Y-F, Leung N, Guan R et al. Asian-Pacific consensus statement on the management of chronic hepatitis B: a 2005 update . Liver Int ,2005: 25; 472-489. 2. LiawYF, Sung JJY,C

2、how WC,et al. Lamivudine for Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B and Advanced Liver DiseaseN Engl J Med, 2004;351: 1521-3151.,4006试验证实: 抗病毒治疗可延缓肝硬化疾病进展,Ishak评分,P=0.011,16例经过两次肝穿的患者由贺普丁治疗10年,有12例(75)达到了组织学改善,其中有3例患者肝纤维化被完全逆转,*组织学改善的定义:炎症活动指数较治疗前减少2份以上,而纤维化评分无恶化。 *肝纤维化被完全逆转:纤维化评分由5分降至0分,4006 十年数据: 18.8%

3、患者肝纤维化完全逆转,许蓓,徐国光,郭清等. 拉米夫定对慢性乙型肝炎伴重度肝纤维化患者的长期应用疗效NUCB4006十年随访研究. 中华传染病杂志. 2010;28:656-661.,HE 染色,网状 纤维染色,图a和b(HE染色): 肝组织结构紊乱、重度界面性肝炎和小叶内炎症。,图c和d(网状纤维染色): 可见多个长纤维间隔、肝硬化结节形成。,箭头表示炎症细胞浸润,重度界面性肝炎,箭头表示长的纤维间隔,3例患者纤维化完全逆转(治疗前),许蓓,徐国光,郭清等. 拉米夫定对慢性乙型肝炎伴重度肝纤维化患者的长期应用疗效NUCB4006十年随访研究. 中华传染病杂志. 2010;28:656-661

4、.,HE染色,网状纤维染色,几乎为正常肝组织,无纤维组织增生。,3例患者纤维化完全逆转(随访末),许蓓,徐国光,郭清等. 拉米夫定对慢性乙型肝炎伴重度肝纤维化患者的长期应用疗效NUCB4006十年随访研究. 中华传染病杂志2010;28:656-661.,如何制定肝硬化的抗病毒治疗策略?,须从肝硬化患者的特征出发,肝硬化患者的病毒准种复杂度和离散度 显著高于慢性HBV携带者和慢性乙肝患者,Nt,aa,姚碧莲, 刘峰,黄素园, 等.乙型肝炎病毒感染不同状态下血清病毒反转录酶区准种特点及其临床意义.中华传染病杂志.2011;29:717-722.,肝硬化患者的准种复杂程度最高,大约1/4乙肝肝硬化

5、患者存在“预存耐药”,研究设计:这项研究对106例乙肝肝硬化未应用过抗病毒类药物的患者进行了乙肝病毒YMDD变异的检测。其中男性97例,女9例,平均年龄42.3岁。诊断符合2000年9月西安中华医学会修订的病毒性肝炎防治方案,并排除其他型肝炎及其他因素所致的肝硬化。,106例乙肝肝硬化患者中有28例(26.4%)发生YMDD的自然变异,且YMDD变异的患者肝内炎症稍重1。,1.屈军校刘蓉,任迎全, 等.乙肝肝硬化发生HBV YMDD 自然变异的意义探讨.临床肝胆病杂志.2008;24(2):116-117. 2.Fung SK, Mazzulli T, Sherman M, et al. Pr

6、e-existing antiviral resistance mutations among treatment-naive HBV patients can be detected by a sensitive line probe assay. EASL 2008.Abstract 688.,每4例乙肝肝硬化患者中即有1例存在预存耐药(普通HBV感染者的预存耐药为13% 2 ,非头对头研究),肝硬化联合抗病毒治疗获得更多关注,肝硬化患者 准种复杂度高,肝硬化患者 预存耐药比例高,肝硬化患者耐药风险高!,初始联合治疗肝硬化患者: 增加HBV DNA阴转率,Pan HY, Zao NF, C

7、hen CR, et al. Virologic response and resistance to adefovir and lamivudine in combination therapy in Chronic Hepatitis B patients with livers cirrhosis.Hepatology. 2008;48(S1):700A. Abstract 882.,N=288,Lampertico P, Vigano M, Manenti E, et al. Five years of sequential LAM to LAM+ADV therapy suppres

8、ses HBV replication in most HBeAg-negative cirrhotics, preventing decompensation but not hepatocellular carcinoma.J Hepatol 2006;44(S2):S38. Abstract 85.,拉米夫定阿德福韦 治疗LAM-R临床耐药,拉米夫定阿德福韦 治疗LAM-R基因耐药,拉米夫定单药*,早期联合治疗可提高乙肝肝硬化患者的 HBV DNA阴转率,(HBeAg 阴性乙肝肝硬化患者5年病毒学应答率 ),5年累计失代偿发生率 %,拉米夫定阿德福韦 治疗LAM-R基因耐药,拉米夫定阿德

9、福韦 治疗LAM-R临床耐药,(HBeAg 阴性乙肝肝硬化患者5年累计失代偿发生率 ),早期联合治疗可降低乙肝肝硬化 患者失代偿发生率,Lampertico P, Vigano M, Manenti E, et al. Five years of sequential LAM to LAM+ADV therapy suppresses HBV replication in most HBeAg-negative cirrhotics, preventing decompensation but not hepatocellular carcinoma.J Hepatol 2006;44(S2)

10、:S38. Abstract 85.,早期联合治疗能提高组织学应答,核苷类似物处治患者(n=48),接受LAM单药(n=21),或ADV add-on 治疗(n=27,发生病毒学突破后或为了预防LAM36周后耐药),中位治疗时间44.5个月,根据基线ALT水平将患者分为两类,采用肝活检评价长期抗病毒治疗对肝脏组织学改善的作用,Du XF,Wang J, Shao L, et al. Histological improvement of long-term antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis B patients with persistently n

11、ormal alanine aminotransferase leve.Journal of Viral Hepatitis,2013;doi:10.1111/jvh.12034.,早期联合治疗能有效逆转肝纤维化程度,核苷类似物处治患者(n=48),接受LAM单药(n=21),或ADV add-on 治疗(n=27,发生病毒学突破后或为了预防LAM36周后耐药),中位治疗时间44.5个月,根据基线ALT水平将患者分为两类,采用肝活检评价长期抗病毒治疗对肝脏组织学改善的作用,肝纤维化评分降低2分(P0.0001) 无论基线ALT水平如何,都有明显组织学改善,Du XF,Wang J, Shao

12、L, et al. Histological improvement of long-term antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis B patients with persistently normal alanine aminotransferase leve.Journal of Viral Hepatitis,2013;doi:10.1111/jvh.12034.,LAM+ADV联合治疗:耐药发生率为0,LAM+ADV联合治疗192周,耐药发生率为0 (vs. ADV 单药32%,P=0.027 ),P =0.027,研究设计:这项研究共纳入41

13、例CHB患者,随机分为LAM(100mg/d)+ADV(10mg/d)联合治疗组22例,ADV组(10mg/d)19例。比较联合与单药治疗48周及192周后患者的病毒学、生化学,组织学应答率。,(N=22),(N=19),Ghany MG,Feld JJ, Zhao X, et al. Randomised clinical trial: the benefit of combination therapy with adefovir and lamivudine for chronic hepatitis B Aliment Pharmacol Ther.2012;Mar 26.doi:10

14、.1111/j.1365-2036.2012.05059.x.,LAM+ADV联合治疗肝硬化患者,肝硬化患者长期LAM+ADV 联合治疗的病毒学应答高,耐药低 肝硬化患者和慢乙肝患者长期治疗后肾功能指标无显著差异,Zhu B, Kong HQ, Zhao NF, et al. Clinical efficacy and safety of de novo lamivudine and adefovir dipivoxil combination long-term treatment ( 3 years) in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Hepato

15、logy. 2012;56(S4):407A. Abstract 437.,回顾性分析158例接受长期LAM+ADV 联合治疗的患者,其中肝硬化患者67例,联合治疗小结,联合治疗能提高HBV DNA阴转率,并降低失代偿的发生率 联合治疗的耐药率低于核苷类似物单药治疗 联合治疗的时机是取得更大获益的关键: 更强力的HBV DNA抑制 更显著地改善肝纤维化程度 更好地改善患者的肝功能,中国 乙肝肝硬化患者又有怎样的特殊性?,立足中国肝硬化患者的特点,中国肝硬化患者经治比例高,目前我国已有四种核苷(酸)类似物上市, 由于肝硬化患者病史长,加之治疗史复杂,造成 肝硬化患者经治比例高,OAV上市前, 患

16、者体内检测不到预存耐药,检测50例1986年1992年间就诊的CHB患者当时留存的血样 所有患者CHB诊断明确 采用InnoLiPA HBV DR v2/v3方法 (InnoGenetics, Belgium)进行HBV基因检测 结果:未检测到耐药变异,Moehlen MW. Absence of Hepatitis B resistance mutants before advent of oral antibiral therapy.Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2012;10:329-331.,目前,预存耐药在慢乙肝患者中普遍存在,检

17、索2001-2010年期间发表的关于预存耐药的中文和英文文献 系统回顾来自8个国家的文献47篇,Tan YW, Ding KQ, Su J, et al. The Naturally Occurring YMDD Mutation among patients chronically infected HBV and untreated with Lamivudine: a systematic review and Meta-Anslysis. PLOS ONE, 2012;7: e32789.,*日本、韩国、伊朗、意大利、土耳其、约旦、南非,抗病毒治疗下耐药准种的演变,Wang FF, W

18、ang HH, Shen HB,et al. Evolution of Hepatitis B Virus Polymerase Mutations in a Patient With HBeAg-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Treated With Sequential Monotherapy and Add-On Nucleoside/Nucleotide Analogues. Clinical Therapeutics ,2009;31(2):360-366.,在药物的选择性压力下, 预存耐药可被挑选出来,Fung SK and Lok ASF.

19、 Management of hepatitis B patients with antiviral resistance .Antivir Ther ,2004; 9:10131026 Locarnini S, Hatzakis A, Heathcote J, et al. Management of antiviral resistance in patients with chronic hepatitis B .Antivir Ther 2004;9:679693.,耐药变异株,不充分抑制 - 药物效力不够 - 依从性差 - 预存耐药的存在,时间,HBV复制,治疗开始,检测值 下限,优

20、势株,自然发生的变异,NA经治史是 影响治疗方案选择的一个重要因素,即使在基线未检测出LAM耐药变异,LAM耐药史会导致后续ETV耐药,1. Reijnders JG, Deterding K, Petersen J et,al. Antiviral effect of entecavir in chronic hepatitis B: Influence of prior exposure to nucleos(t)ide analogues .J Hepatol, 2010;52(4):493-500.,LAM经治患者换ETV治疗增加耐药风险,研究结果 病毒学突破 组3 组1 组2 组1

21、(均为P0.05) 144周ETV耐药率 组3(39%) 组2(4%) 组1(0%),Lee JH, Cho EJ, Jang ES, et al. Prior exposure to Lamivudine therapy significantly increases the risk of entecavir-resistant genotypic mutation in chronic hepatitis B patients even if there is no Lamivudine resistance.Hepatology. 2011;54(S1):1042A. Abstract

22、 1435.,组1:NA-nave 患者(n=81),接受ETV 0.5 mg/d 组2:LAM经治无LAM耐药患者(n=31),接受ETV 0.5 mg/d 组3:LAM 耐药患者(n=62),接受ETV 1.0 mg/d,NA联合治疗可以减少耐药变异株,Clavel F and Hance AJ. HIV Drug Resistance NEJM. 2004;350:1023-35 ; Zoulim F . Mechanism of viral persistence and resistance to nucleoside and nucleotide analogs in chroni

23、c Hepatitis B virus. infectionAntiviral Res, 2004;64: 1-15.,肝硬化抗病毒药物安全性与疗效的平衡,Fleischer RD and Lok ASFMyopathy and neuropathy associated with nucleos(t)ide analog therapy for hepatitis B. Journal of Hepatology. 2009;51:787791.,Fleischer RD & Lok AS (2009):,核苷(酸)类似物治疗的不良反应1,Fontana RJ. Side Effects o

24、f Long-Term Oral Antiviral Therapy for Hepatitis BHepatology. 2009;49(5):S185-S195. Manolakopoulos S, Striki A, Deutsch M, et al. Long-term adefovir plus lamivudine therapy does not decrease creatinine clearance in HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B patients.Liver International.2011.DOI:10.1111/j.14

25、78-3231.2011.02616.x Lange CM, Bojunga J, Hofmann WP, et al. Severe lactic acidosis during treatment of chronic hepatitis B with entecavir in patients with impaired liver function. Hepatology, 2009, 50: 2001-2006. Wu YK, Zhang XH, Wu ZB, et al. Clinical characterization of peripheral neuropathy asso

26、ciated with entecavir in patients with HBV-induced cirrhosis.Hepatol Int .2012;6:132 PP09-105.,最近研究指出,病人基线肾功能水平及年龄是服用核苷(酸)类似物时发生肾损的重要预测因素2,周围神经病变: 2011年APSAL上报道2例接受ETV治疗的代偿期乙肝肝硬化患者中出现周围神经病变4,乳酸酸中毒: 2009年Hepatology杂志报道,16名肝硬化患者使用恩替卡韦后发生5例乳酸酸中毒事件(31%)3,多因素回归分析显示: LAM+ADV联合治疗不降低肌酐清除率,Adefovir and lamiv

27、udine combination therapy is not an independent factor for significant renal dysfunction in HBeAg-negative patients with lamivudine-resistance. Baseline age and creatinine clearance are the only independent predictors of worsening renal function.,Manolakopoulos S, Striki A, Deutsch M, et al. Long-te

28、rm adefovir plus lamivudine therapy does not decrease creatinine clearance in HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B patients.Liver International.2011.DOI:10.1111/j.1478-3231.2011.02616.x,LAM+ADV联合治疗的安全考量 有充分循证医学依据,Carey I, Mendes A, Hughes S, et al. Efficacy and safety of Lamivudine plus adefovir de no

29、vo combination therapy compared to entecavir monotherapy in chronic hepatitis B:a single centre clinical practice experience. Hepatology. 2009;50()S4):502A. Abstract 417. Pan HY, Zao NF, Chen CR, et al. Virologic response and resistance to adefovir and Lamivudine in combination therapy in chronic he

30、patitis B patients with liver cirrhosis. Hepatology. 2008;48(S1):700A. Abstract 882. 李惠珍周小平,李玉珍,等.拉米夫定联合阿德福韦酯治疗活动性乙型肝炎肝硬化三年疗效观察. 实用肝脏病杂志. 2009;12(4):265-267. Lampertico P, Vigano M, Facchetti F, et al. Four years of adefovir add-on in 145 Lamivudine resistant patients with chronic hepatitis B: low risk of genotypic resistance to ADV and prevention of virologic breakthrough. Hepatology. 2008;48(S1):712A. Abstract 906.,总 结,乙肝肝硬化病情复杂,联合治疗受到指南推荐 中国乙肝肝硬化患者NA经治比例高,经治患者换用其它抗病毒药物存在病毒学突破率高、耐药风险高的担忧 循证医学证据已经证明,联合治疗能更有效抑制HBV DNA水平,逆转肝纤维化,改善肝脏功能 联合治疗是治疗中国HBV相关肝硬化患者的有效治疗策略,谢谢聆听!,


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