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2、种思想内容、写作技巧和语感就会自然渗透到学生的语言意识之中,就会在写作中自觉不自觉地加以运用、创造和发展。 现在完成时的构成:助动词have(has)+ 过去分词,与当今“教师”一称最接近的“老师”概念,最早也要追溯至宋元时期。金代元好问示侄孙伯安诗云:“伯安入小学,颖悟非凡貌,属句有夙性,说字惊老师。”于是看,宋元时期小学教师被称为“老师”有案可稽。清代称主考官也为“老师”,而一般学堂里的先生则称为“教师”或“教习”。可见,“教师”一说是比较晚的事了。如今体会,“教师”的含义比之“老师”一说,具有资历和学识程度上较低一些的差别。辛亥革命后,教师与其他官员一样依法令任命,故又称“教师”为“教员

3、”。 1表示过去发生或完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。例如:这个工作可让学生分组负责收集整理,登在小黑板上,每周一换。要求学生抽空抄录并且阅读成诵。其目的在于扩大学生的知识面,引导学生关注社会,热爱生活,所以内容要尽量广泛一些,可以分为人生、价值、理想、学习、成长、责任、友谊、爱心、探索、环保等多方面。如此下去,除假期外,一年便可以积累40多则材料。如果学生的脑海里有了众多的鲜活生动的材料,写起文章来还用乱翻参考书吗? I have just cleaned my clothes. 我刚洗过衣服。(“洗衣服”是发生在过去的动作,对现在造成的结果是“衣服干净了”)现在完成时常用的时间状语有

4、: already (”已经” 用于肯定句的中间和末尾处)never (“从不” 用于中间处)ever (”曾经” 用于疑问句和肯定句的中间处)just(“刚刚” 用于中间处)yet(“已经” 用于疑问句的末尾处 / “还” 用于否定句的末尾处)或不加任何的时间状语,但不能和表示过去的时间状语连用.现在完成时与一般过去时的用法比较现在完成时表示过去的动作一直延续到现在甚至会继续下去或表示过去的动作对现在造成的影响;一般过去时表示动作发生的时间在过去。试比较:The plane has arrived . 飞机已经来了。(说明现在的情况:飞机在这儿)The plane arrived a qua

5、rter ago. 飞机是一刻中以前来的。(强调动作发生的时间在过去)I have taught here for fifteen years. 我在这儿已经教了十五年。(表示十五年前的动作一直延续到现在,还可能会继续。)I taught here for a year. 我过去在这儿教过一年。(表示“我“现在已经不在这儿任教了)练习:I翻译下列句子:1. 你曾经吃过鱼和薯条吗?2. 我刚刚丢了我的物理书。3. 我以前从来没去过那个农场。4. 他已经吃过午饭了。5. 你已经看过这部电影了吗?6. 我哥哥还没回来。7. 我上星期看过这部电影。8. 在1992年他住在这里。II 用过去时或现在完成

6、时填空:1. “_ you _ (have) lunch ?” “Yes.” “When _ you _ (have) it?” “I _ (have) it at 12:00.”2. “_ you _ (write) a letter to your aunt yet?” “Yes, I _. I _ (write) one last week.”3. “_ he _ (finish) his homework?” “Not yet.”4. “_ they ever _ (be) abroad?” “Yes, just once.”5. Your father _ just _ (finis

7、h) his work.6. Your father _ (finish) his work just now.7. Last term I _ (learn) many English words.8. They _ (not read) the interesting books yet.9. He _ never _ (go) to the science museum.10. _ you ever _ (drink) coke?11. “_ you _ (buy) a dictionary? “ “Yes, I _ .” “Where _ you _ (buy) it?” “ I _

8、(buy) it in a bookstore.” “When _ you _ (buy) it?” “ Yesterday.”Since 和 for 的用法表示过去已经开始持续到现在的动作或状态常用的时间状语有:for, since, how long, so far, these days等。Since+过去点的时间,for+一段时间(数词+量词),此划线部分用how long提问。一、since短语或从句表示过去的动作延续至今,since之后的时间为一点。 如:Mr. Smith has worked here since 1984. 1984年以来,史密斯先生一直在这工作。Hes le

9、arned about 5,000 English words since he went to college. 他上大学以来大约学了五千个英语单词。二、for短语表示动作延续多长时间,for的宾语为时间段。 如:We have known each other for twenty years. 我们认识有二十年了。I havent seen her for a long time. 我好久没有见到她了。练习:用since和for填空1) _ two years2) _ two years ago3) _ last month 4) _ 20195) _ yesterday6) _ 4 o

10、clock7) _ 4 hours8) _ an hour ago9) _ we were children 10) _ lunch time11) _ she left here1. He has lived in Nanjing _ the year before last.2. Ive known him _ we were children.3. Our teacher has studied Japanese _ three years.4. She has been away from the city _ about ten years.5. Its about ten year

11、s _ she left the city.2.短暂性转换延续性arrive at/in sw. get to/reach sw. come/go/move to sw. be in sw./at school/at home/on the farm/be here/be there1) He got to Beijing five minutes ago.He _ _ _ Beijing for _ _.2) I moved to the USA last year.I _ _ _ the USA since _ _.3) I went home yesterday.I _ _ _ home

12、 for _ _.4) They came here last week.They _ _ here since _ _.come/go back, return be backcome/go out be out1) He came out two years ago.He _ _ _ for _ _.2) We return to Fuzhou yesterday.We _ _ _ to Fuzhou since _.become be1) I became a teacher in 2000.I _ _ a teacher for _ _.2) The river became dirt

13、y last year.The river _ _ dirty for _ _.close be closed open be open1) The shop closed two hours ago.The shop _ _ _ for _ _.2) The door opened at six in the morning.The door _ _ _ for six hours.get up be up die be deadleave sw. be away from sw.fall asleep/get tot sleep be asleepfinish/end be over ma

14、rry be married1) I got up two hours ago.I _ _ _ since _ _.2) He left Fuzhou just now.He _ _ _ _ Fuzhou for five minutes.3) My grandpa died in 2019.My grandpa _ _ _for _ _.4) The meeting finished at six.The meeting _ _ _ for six hours.5) I got to sleep two hours ago.I _ _ _ since _ _.6) They married

15、in 1990.They _ _ _since _.start/begin to do sth. do sth.begin be on1) I began to teach at this school in 2019.I _ _ at this school since _.2) The film began two minutes ago.The film _ _ _ for _ _.borrow keep lose not havebuy have put on wearcatch/get a cold have a coldget to know know1) They borrowe

16、d it last week.They _ _ it since _ _.2) I bought a pen two hours ago.I _ _ a pen for _ _.3) I got to know him last year.I _ _ him since _ _.4) I put on my glasses three years ago.I _ _ my glasses for _ _.have/has gone to have been in1) He has gone to Beijing. He _ _ _ Beijing for two days.join the l

17、eague/the Party/the army be a league/a Party member/a soldier be a member of the league/the Party be in the league/the Party/the army1) He joined the league in 2019.He _ _ a _ _ for two years.He _ _ a _ _ the _ for two years.He _ _ _ the league for two years.2) My brother joined the army two years a

18、go.My brother _ _ a _ for _ _.My brother _ _ in _ _ for two years.3.汉译英1)这本字典我已买了三年了。2)他离开中国三年了。3)我认识他们五年了。4)他们已去了美国五年了。5)自从他搬到福州,他就住这儿了。6)他们已经结婚10年。7)我妹妹成为一个大学生已经三年。8)这会已开了多长时间了?9)这门已经关了两天了。10)我入团2年了。 I _ _ _ two years ago.I _ _ a _ _ for two years.I _ _ a _ of _ _ for two years.I _ _ _ the _ for t

19、wo years.11)自从2019年以来他们就认识。12)我来到农场已5年了。4.划线提问1) I have been there for two days. _ _ _ you _ _ ?2) My father has lived here since 2000._ _ _ your father _ _?3) He left here yesterday._ _ he _ _?4) They bought a book two hours ago._ _ they _ a book?have been in, have been to 与have gone to 的用法一、have(h

20、as) been in 表示“在某地呆多长时间”,常与表示一段时间的状语连用,如:since, for, how long 等。例如:Mr. Brown has been in Shanghai for three days. 布朗先生来上海已经有三天了。此外还有这些搭配: have been here (there) /at home (school) /on the farm have been here (there) / abroad二、have(has)been to表示“曾经去过某地”,现在已经不在那里了。可与just, ever, never等连用,例如:I have just

21、been to the post office. 我刚才去邮局了。Mary has never been to the Great Wall. 玛丽从未去过长城。Have you ever been to Hangzhou? 你曾经去过杭州吗?have(has) been to 后面可接次数,表示去过某地几次。例如:I have been to Beijing three times. 我去过北京三次。They have been to that village several times. 他们去过那个村庄好几次了。三、have(has) gone to 意为“到某地去了”,表示到了某地或正

22、在去某地的途中。总之,说话时该人不在现场,一般不用第一、第二人称代词作句子的主语。例如:-Where is Tom? -He has gone to the bookshop. 汤姆在哪里?他到书店去了。Jack Johnson has gone to London. 杰克.约翰逊到伦敦去了。练习:I. 用have(has) been 或have(has) gone 填空。A: Where _ Li Fei _?B: He _ to Hainan Island.A: How long _ he _ there?B: He _ there for three days.A: When will

23、he come back , do you know?B: Im afraid he wont come back recently.A: Could you tell me the way to Hainan Island?B: Sorry, I _ never _ there.A: How many times _ Li Fei _ to that place?B: He _ there only once. II. 用have/has been to/in, have gone to及go的各种形式填空。1) Where is Jack? He _ his country.2) Davi

24、d _ the park just now.3) John _ England since he came back.4) How long _ have _ this village?5) The Smiths _ Beijing for years.6) _ you ever _ America? - Yes, I _ there many times.7) I _ this school since three years ago.8) Where is Jim? He _ the farm.9) When_ he _? He _ an hour ago.10) Would you li

25、ke to _ the zoo with me? -Yes, but I _ there before.11) Where _ you _ now? - I _ the zoo.12) He often _ swimming.13) _ you _ there last year?14) _ they often _ skating in winter?Unit1背诵中文P7 B: Millie: 爸爸,当你做学生的时候你怎么上学的?Dad: 我过去常常骑自行车上学。Millie:为什么你不乘公共汽车?Dad:嗯,公共汽车上这是有太多的人,并且等候下一班要花费很长的时间。Millie:真的吗?

26、我乘公共汽车上学,现在有简单又快捷。P8-9 ReadingMillie:陈先生,您对阳光真非常了解吗?Mr. Cheng:当然。自从我出生以来我就生活在这。Millie:您曾经搬过家吗?Mr. Cheng:是的。我先和父母亲住在城镇的北面。在1965年我结婚的时候,我和妻子搬到两个街区以外,此后一直住在这里。Millie:这些年这个镇变化很大吗?Mr. Cheng:是的。许多年前我们仅仅有一些小饭馆和商店。在镇中心还有一个小邮局和一家电影院。现在政府已经把镇中心的部分地方变成一个新的花园。Millie:那是污染是个问题吗?Mr. Cheng:是的。曾经这儿在阳光河的附近有一家钢厂。他们常常把

27、废弃物排到河里。后来,政府意识到这个问题,并且采取措施来改善这种状况。现在这条河干净多了。Millie:你局的现在生活跟没好吗?Mr. Cheng:嗯,从某种程度上来说是的。有一个漂亮的现代化城镇真的是不错。然而,我的大多数老朋友都已经搬走。对我们来说像以前一样经常的互相见面已经变得不可能。我们过去常常一起打牌下棋。现在我有时会感到孤单。不管怎样,能看到小镇这些令人惊叹的变化还是不错的。P16 Speak upMillie:上周我见到老朋友Becky了。她刚刚从美国回来。Sandy:真的吗?上次你们什么时候互相见面的?Millie:大约五年前。她和父母亲去国外了,从那以后,我们没有再见面。Sa

28、ndy :哦,那时你们还在上小学。所以你们彼此如何保持联系的?Millie:我们主要通过电子邮件联系。网络使得交流简单多了。Sandy:确实。P19 Task这些年月光镇发生了许多变化。在过去小镇上仅仅只有又窄又脏的路。到处都是垃圾。但是现在街道又宽又干净,路的两边有着许多的绿树。政府在一些空旷的地方也已经建了商店和高楼。许多年前,人们生活在又小又旧的房子里。现在他们大多数已经搬进新的公寓。他们过去在空余时间经常听收音机或看电视,但是现在大部分家庭都有电脑和网络。此外,现在手机也使得交流更简单了。在过去人们通过步行或骑自行车在镇上旅游,但是现在他们能够乘公共汽车或出租车四处转转。许多家庭甚至有

29、自己的汽车。现在人们过着舒适的生活。Unit1 Past and present背诵讲义1.used to do sth.-didnt use to do sth./ usednt to do sth. 过去常常/曾经做-(否定) You used to share food with me! 你过去常常和我共同分享食物。 You used to be so kind to me. 你过去对我是如此的好。2.transport at different times 不同时期的交通工具3.take the bus/coach/plane/train/underground/taxi 乘公车/长途

30、车/飞机/火车-(动词词组) on the bus/ coach/ plane/ train/underground (介词词组) in the car/ taxi by bus/ coach/ plane/train/underground/taxi on foot/ by air/ by sea4. go/ travel around the city/ the town 在城里/镇上四处走走5. go to other cities 去别的/其他城市6. How did you go to school when you were a student? 当你是学士时你是怎么上学的? I

31、used to go to school by bike. 我过去常常骑自行车上学。7. Why didnt you take a bus? 你为什么不乘公车?8. There were always too many people on the bus. 公共汽车上总是有太多的人。9. It took a long time to wait for the next one. 等候下一班车要花很长的时间。10.know a lot about -=know-very well 对-很了解 How well do you know-? 你对-有多么了解?11. interview sb.= h

32、ave an interview with sb.采访某人12. Ive lived here since I was born. 自从我出生以来我就生活在这儿。13. Have you ever moved house?你曾经搬过家吗?14. live in the northern part of town=live in the north of town 住在镇的北面15. get/ be married to sb.=marry sb. 和-结婚16. move two blocks away 搬到两个街区以外 move away (from sp.) 搬离-地方17. since

33、then(现在完成时态) 从那以后18. over the years (现在完成时态) 这些年中/间 over/ in / during the past ten years (现在完成时态) 在过去的十年中 in 10 years (将来时态) 在十年后 in the past (过去时态) 在过去 in the past 10 years (现在完成时态) 在过去的十年中19.Now the government has turned part of the town center into a new park. 现在政府已经把镇中心的部分地区变成了一个新的公园。20. the air

34、/ noise/ water pollution (n.)空气(噪音/ 水)污染 (名词词组) pollute the air/ water (v.)污染空气/水 (动词词组) the polluted air/ water (adj.)污染的空气/ 水21.put the waste into the river 把废弃物排到水里22.Later, the government realized the problem and took action to improve the situation. 后来,政府意识到这个问题并且采取措施来改善这种状况。23.in some ways 在某种

35、程度上24.However, most of my old friends have moved away. 然而,大多数我的老朋友已经搬走了。25. It has become impossible for us to see each other as often as before. 对我们来说像以前一样经常的互相见面已变得不可能。26. We used to play cards and Chinese chess together. 我们过去常常一起打牌、下棋。27. Now I feel a bit lonely from time to time. 现在我有时感到有点孤单。 A

36、bit= a little + adj.的原级或比较级 a bit of= a little + 不可数名词28. Anyway,its good to see the amazing changes in the town. 不管怎样,能看到小镇这些令人惊叹的变化还是不错的。29. I have already read this book many times.这本书我已经看了许多次了。30. Mr. Li has repaired over ten bicycle since Monday.自周一以来李师傅已经修了十多辆自行车了。Mr. Li repaired over ten bicy

37、cle on Monday. 星期一李师傅修了十多辆车。He has been ill since last week. 自从上周以来他就病了。He was ill last week. 上周他病了。31. My parents have come back already. 我的父母亲已经回来了。 My parents has not come back yet. 我的父母亲还没有回来。32. We havent seen each other for years/ since years ago. 我们好多年没有互相见面了。33. The town has changed a lot in

38、( over/ during) the past few years. =Many changes have taken place in the town-. =There have been great changes in the town-. 在过去的一些年中这个镇发生了很大的变化。34. over/ in/ during the past century= over the past 100 years 在过去的一个世纪里/中35. I think I have heard about the film. 我想我已经听说过这部电影。 Hear about/ of- 听说过-36. I

39、n the past, people could only travel by bus or bicycle. 在过去人们只能乘公交车或骑自行车旅行。37. Shes just return from the USA. 她刚刚从美国回来。 -s 可以是is,也可以是has。Is+n./ adj.; has+ p.pHes already back from the USA, isnt he? 他已经从美国回来了,是吗?Hes already come back from the USA, hasnt he?38. When did you last see each other?你们上次见面时什么时候?39. She went abroad with her parents.


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