牛津上海版初二八年级上英语 unit3 同步学案-word文档资料.docx

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1、 (Ox) 8A Unit 3 Trouble教师范读的是阅读教学中不可缺少的部分,我常采用范读,让幼儿学习、模仿。如领读,我读一句,让幼儿读一句,边读边记;第二通读,我大声读,我大声读,幼儿小声读,边学边仿;第三赏读,我借用录好配朗读磁带,一边放录音,一边幼儿反复倾听,在反复倾听中体验、品味。 PART ONEI. 与当今“教师”一称最接近的“老师”概念,最早也要追溯至宋元时期。金代元好问示侄孙伯安诗云:“伯安入小学,颖悟非凡貌,属句有夙性,说字惊老师。”于是看,宋元时期小学教师被称为“老师”有案可稽。清代称主考官也为“老师”,而一般学堂里的先生则称为“教师”或“教习”。可见,“教师”一说是

2、比较晚的事了。如今体会,“教师”的含义比之“老师”一说,具有资历和学识程度上较低一些的差别。辛亥革命后,教师与其他官员一样依法令任命,故又称“教师”为“教员”。 Vocabulary 第 10 页1. trouble2. 宋以后,京师所设小学馆和武学堂中的教师称谓皆称之为“教谕”。至元明清之县学一律循之不变。明朝入选翰林院的进士之师称“教习”。到清末,学堂兴起,各科教师仍沿用“教习”一称。其实“教谕”在明清时还有学官一意,即主管县一级的教育生员。而相应府和州掌管教育生员者则谓“教授”和“学正”。“教授”“学正”和“教谕”的副手一律称“训导”。于民间,特别是汉代以后,对于在“校”或“学”中传授经

3、学者也称为“经师”。在一些特定的讲学场合,比如书院、皇室,也称教师为“院长、西席、讲席”等。 unusual3. dial4. steal5. report6. hurry7. argument8. crowd9. stare10. through11. quietly12. worried13. postcard14. aboard15. strange16. detail17. realize18. fight19. rather20. downstairsII. Useful Expressions 1. deal with trouble解决麻烦2. wait for the ferr

4、y等渡船3. hear a big argument听见大吵4. shout at each other相互大喊5. hold out 拿出6. argue with each other相互争吵7. hold out ones hand to sb.向某人伸出手8. hurry aboard=board hurriedly=board in a hurry匆匆上船9. report a theft报告一起偷窃案10. argue with sb. about/ over sth.与某人争论某事11. a great deal of time/ money大量的时间(金钱)12. make/

5、cause trouble for sb.给某人带来麻烦13. have trouble with my eyes/car我的眼睛(车子)出了问题14. have trouble /difficulty doing sth.做某事很费劲(有困难)15. be crowded with /be filled with/ be full of充满,挤满16. move through a large crowd穿过一大群人17. watch a football match/a performance观看一场足球赛/演出18. read a map/ a menu/ a book看地图、菜单、书1

6、9. rob sb./sp. of sth.抢劫某人、某处的财物20. be gone/ be missing/ be lost(某物)不见了21. at the school gate/ at the entrance to the school在校门口22. look strange看上去奇怪23. speak to strangers和陌生人说话24. be afraid of doing sth./ be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事25. dial 110 to ask for help打110求救26. by phone/on the phone打电话27. giv

7、e some more details about the theft提供更多有关偷窃案的细节28. pick up the phone/ put the phone down拿起/放下电话29. put off the meeting推迟会议30. worry about/ be worried about担心某事31. realize ones dream实现某人的梦想32. the answer to the question问题的答案33. the key to the car汽车的钥匙34. the solution to the problem解决问题的方法35. make fun

8、 of sb.开某人的玩笑36. according to根据37. the population of China 中国的人口38. find out about the effects of rain on trees了解有关雨对树的影响39. collect all the information you can find on pollution收集所有你能找到的有关污染的信息40. remember arresting a thief in a clothes shop积的在一家服装店抓过一个小偷41. return in to the shop for a refund把它退回商店

9、去拿退款42. work as a teller at a bank在一家银行做出纳43. on Sixth Street在第六街44. a hole in the new shirt新衬衫上的一个洞45. go through customs at the airport过几场海关46. two women tourists两个女游客III. Useful Structures/Grammar 1. I have never had such delicious food.2. Have you ever seen anything like this?3. Its the best fil

10、m I have ever seen.4. How will you deal with this matter?What will you do with this matter?5. Youll be in/get into trouble if you park your car here.6. He finally got out of the trouble.7. Accidents like this happen all the time.8. What happened to you last night?9. Ben happened to meet an old frien

11、d of his yesterday.=It happened that Ben met an old friend of his yesterday.10. Great changes have taken place in Shanghai.11. The competition will take place in a few days.=The competition will be held in a few days.12. She held a baby in her arms.13. This room can hold 50 people.14. Its rude to st

12、are at someone.15. I suddenly noticed that Susan had left.16. I didnt notice you coming in.17. Do you notice what she is wearing?18. The notice said that the library was closed.19. The thief stole a purse from that lady on the bus.20. Im afraid I have no time.21. Linda is too afraid of the dog to op

13、en her eyes.22. Well discuss the problem later in detail. 23. I hear (that) you are keen on/ fond of playing chess.24. I have never heard of an 8-year-old boy named Leo.25. I heard someone arguing when I was doing homework.26. I realized something was wrong.27. I agree with you.28. He admitted that

14、he had smuggled the rare birds.29. We arrested him as soon as he got out of the lift.PART TWO (四号)I. Word Formation 1 describe(n.)_2 decide(n.)_3 usual(adv.) _4 thief(n.) _5 attend(n.) _6 luck(adv.) _7 argument(v.)_8 rob(n.) _9 fright (v.) _10. tour(n.)_11. bore(adj.)_12. careful(反义词)_II. Complete t

15、he sentence with the given word in the correct form.13. What was the _reason for your absence? (really)14. It was_for Paul to get home late this evening. (usually)15. After running for 25 years, the Oprah Winfrey Showhas_come to an end. (final)16. To our surprise, the girl can copy Zhou Libos voice

16、and_very well. (act)17. The lady felt very happy because she found_ wallet at last. (last)18. The thief followed the_(woman) tourists all the afternoon.19. Our clients decided to turn over the business_ to other companies. (quiet)20. I cant wait to run home _in order to tell my parents this good new

17、s. (hurry)21. Every morning the subways are _ with people. (crowd)22. The police caught the two_ at last. (rob)23. When I got into the classroom, Peter and Jackson were_. (argument)24. A guide always takes his or her _here and there. (tour)25. I rode my bicycle_to school. (quick)26. He thought_about

18、 his project and decided to finish it in the morning. (careful)27. Many foreigners were very_to us when we were abroad. (friend)28. The_speech(讲座)made everyone in the hall sleepy. (bore)29. Who is that_over there? I have never seen him before. (strange)III. Sentence Transformation (四号)30. The comput

19、er cost me more than 6,000 yuan.(保持原句意思基本不变) I _ more than 6,000 yuan _ on computer.31.They didnt do their homework yesterday afternoon. (根据已改变的时间改变句子) They _ _ their homework this time yesterday afternoon.32. The captain gave some details about his adventure to the children. (改为否定句) The captain _ _

20、 _ details about his adventure to the children33. As we got off the train, we saw them. (对划线部分提问) _ did you _ them?34. The farmer tells the tourists, “Dont touch the plants.” (保持原句意思基本不变) The farmer tells the tourists _.35. The woman didnt hear the man calling. (改为肯定句) The woman _ the man _.36. Lo a

21、lways takes the Star Ferry because he is a star. (对划线部分提问) _ _Lo always take the Star Ferry?37. bicycle, but, later, disappeared, it, Tom, put, under, tree, his, the, this morning(连词成句)_IV. Multiple Choice 38. Tell me how you work out the answer,_ you? A. can B. will C. dont. D.shant39. Yesterday I

22、saw him_ Christmas_. A. doshops B. didshopping C. doingshops D. doingshopping40. We hope there will be _ traffic and _ traffic jams. A. fewer, less B. more, less C.less, fewer D.fewer, more 41.There is _used car lot around the corner of the street. There you can buy _ nice car at _ lower price. A. a

23、n, a, the B. a, the, a C. an, the, the D. a, a, a42. Dont worry. There is _. A. something serious B. serious something C.serious something D.nothing serious43.That _ be Jacks brother. Jack is the only child in his family. A. mustnt B. might C. cant D. Shouldnt44. The mechanic had some trouble_the en

24、gine. A. fixing, B. to fix C. fixed D. of fixing45. I will tell him as soon as he_back. A. come B. will come C. comes D. is coming46. _ did he _ the dress? A. How, think of B.What, think of C. What, liked D. How, think47. No one told us_, so we need your help. A. what to do it B. how to do it C. how

25、 to do D. what should we do48. She eats _food, so she is _overweight.A. much too, too much B. too much, much tooC. much too, too many D. too much, many too49. The Yangtze River is longer than_in Japan. A. any other river B. any other rivers C. any rivers D. any river50. The detectives is busy _clues

26、(线索), and he has _some important evidence. A. looking for, found B. finding, looked for C. with looking for, found D. to look for, found51. An index page is like a _page. Its arranged_alphabetical order. A. content, in B. contents, in C. content, by D. contents, with52. Ive been to Paris_, and Ill v

27、isit it again _ next month.A. some times, sometime B. sometimes, sometimeC. some time, sometimes D. some times, sometimes 53. -WouId you mind taking him to school? -_. A. Never mind. B. Not at all. C. OK, I do. D. No, I wouldnt.54. He likes asking questions in class and his mind _and always_why. A.

28、iscrowd with B. iscrowded with C. wascrowd with D. wascrowded with55. Nobody noticed that Tom_the bank in the corner of the street. A. had entered B. enter C. enters D. to enter56. After_the telephone, my father hurried to take the next ferry. A. putting out B. putting awayC. putting on D. putting d

29、own 57. While Jim was walking along the street, he happened _on a banana skin. .A. to slip B. slipping C. sliped D. slipped58. She is an independent girl so she_ any help. A. what to do with trouble B. what to deal with troubleC. how to do about trouble D. how to deal about trouble59. In a way, Im g

30、lad you made that mistake, for it will serve as a warning to you. The underlined part means _. A. Truly B. Partly C. By the way D. In a word60. The thick wire cables_a power station. A. are connected to B. are connected atC. connected to D. connected with61. Most of us like to buy these Teddy Bears.

31、 They look so .A. nicely B. well C. beautifully D. lovely62. Sorry,Im late. My car broke down, and there were no taxis. -_. A. Youre welcome B. Thats all right C. Thats right D. Its a pleasureV. Reading comprehension Section A.Zhang ZiyiZhang Ziyi is a world-famous film star. In 2019, she had a smal

32、l part in an American film Rush Hour2 with Jackie Chan. It was 63 for her to act because she couldnt speak English well. Chan had to translate everything from Chinese into English for her. After Rush Hour 2, Zhang studied English in New York City. She also watched television programs and listened to

33、 music in English. She liked watching TV commercials(商业广告) 64 the actors spoke slowly and clearly. Playing the starring role in the film Memoirs of a Geisha is the biggest challenge. A friend told Zhang, It will be difficult to express your feelings in English. This made Zhang nervous, but she took

34、the part and studied harder. 65 , her role in the film was a big hit.ShakiraShakira is a talented singer from Columbia. She writes her own music. Many people wanted to translate her songs from Spanish to English. Shakira agreed, but she felt nervous about losing control of her music. So she 65 to us

35、e English to write her own songs. Shakira studied grammar and common expressions. She also wanted to know 66 people use English to express their feelings. So she also read newspapers and poetry. Writing her first songs in English was the biggest challenge for her. Sometimes, finding the right words

36、was difficult. But she soon got through it. Today, Shakira 67 and performs her music in Spanish and English for fans around the world.63. A. difficult B. different C. boring D. necessary64. A. although B. because C. before D. after65. A. At the same time B. At lastC. In addition D. By the way66. A.

37、decided B. refused C. noticed D. advised67. A. which B. who C. what D. how68. A. plans B. protects C. writes D. pretendsSection B “ Mona Lisa” attracts art lovers around the world. Do you know Lenardo da Vinci also painted an “Earlier Mona Lisa” before? It will be exhibited in Shanghai next year. Jo

38、el Feldman, the general secretary of the Mona Lisa Foundation, accepted an interview about the painting and the organization recently.Q: How was the “Earlier Mona Lisa” discovered?A: In 1913, Hugh Blaker, a manager of the Holburne Museum in England, found the “Earlier Mona Lisa” and brought it to hi

39、s museum. A year later, the painting was sent to theUS for publisher, bought the painting and kept it in the Bank of Swizerland.Since the Mona Lisa Foundation was established in 2019, we have done lots of necessary research on the “Earlier Mona Lisa” and many high technologies were used. In the end,

40、 28 out of the 29 experts believe this is certainly the painting created by Lenardo da vinci.Q: Do you remember the feeling when you first saw the “Mona Lisa” painting and this “Earlier Mona Lisa” painting?A: I first saw the “Mona Lisa” in the Louvre as a young boy. Quite honestly I was disappointed

41、 as the painting looked quite small and dark. When I first saw the “Earlier Mona Lisa”, I was absolutely stunned. Believe me, there is really something amazing that occurs when you are in the presence of this painting.Q: Why did you choose Shanghai for this exhibition?A: First, Shanghai is one of wo

42、rld art centers. In addition, the mission of the foundation is to show the painting to the world. Therefore, we decided to begin its Asian tour and Shanghai obviously would be the first stop.Q: Could you tell me more details about the security for the painting?A: I cant tell you a lot. What I can say is that we paid huge amounts of money for the insurance and the painting will be exhibited in a huge-tech case, and also no more than 8,000 people with the allowed to visit the painting a day. But visitors will be able to come quite close to the pain


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