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1、牛津上海版8A U4观察内容的选择,我本着先静后动,由近及远的原则,有目的、有计划的先安排与幼儿生活接近的,能理解的观察内容。随机观察也是不可少的,是相当有趣的,如蜻蜓、蚯蚓、毛毛虫等,孩子一边观察,一边提问,兴趣很浓。我提供的观察对象,注意形象逼真,色彩鲜明,大小适中,引导幼儿多角度多层面地进行观察,保证每个幼儿看得到,看得清。看得清才能说得正确。在观察过程中指导。我注意帮助幼儿学习正确的观察方法,即按顺序观察和抓住事物的不同特征重点观察,观察与说话相结合,在观察中积累词汇,理解词汇,如一次我抓住时机,引导幼儿观察雷雨,雷雨前天空急剧变化,乌云密布,我问幼儿乌云是什么样子的,有的孩子说:乌云


3、是长长的,尖尖的,硬硬的,像医生用的手术刀样,给大树开刀治病。通过联想,幼儿能够生动形象地描述观察对象。 本单元重点单词梳理其实,任何一门学科都离不开死记硬背,关键是记忆有技巧,“死记”之后会“活用”。不记住那些基础知识,怎么会向高层次进军?尤其是语文学科涉猎的范围很广,要真正提高学生的写作水平,单靠分析文章的写作技巧是远远不够的,必须从基础知识抓起,每天挤一点时间让学生“死记”名篇佳句、名言警句,以及丰富的词语、新颖的材料等。这样,就会在有限的时间、空间里给学生的脑海里注入无限的内容。日积月累,积少成多,从而收到水滴石穿,绳锯木断的功效。 1. ancient adj. very old;

4、from a time long ago很久以前的;古老的,古代的语文课本中的文章都是精选的比较优秀的文章,还有不少名家名篇。如果有选择循序渐进地让学生背诵一些优秀篇目、精彩段落,对提高学生的水平会大有裨益。现在,不少语文教师在分析课文时,把文章解体的支离破碎,总在文章的技巧方面下功夫。结果教师费劲,学生头疼。分析完之后,学生收效甚微,没过几天便忘的一干二净。造成这种事倍功半的尴尬局面的关键就是对文章读的不熟。常言道“书读百遍,其义自见”,如果有目的、有计划地引导学生反复阅读课文,或细读、默读、跳读,或听读、范读、轮读、分角色朗读,学生便可以在读中自然领悟文章的思想内容和写作技巧,可以在读中自

5、然加强语感,增强语言的感受力。久而久之,这种思想内容、写作技巧和语感就会自然渗透到学生的语言意识之中,就会在写作中自觉不自觉地加以运用、创造和发展。 e.g. The ancient Chinese wore different clothes from the modern Chinese. 中国古人与现代人穿的衣服完全不同。 I feel pretty ancient when I see how the younger generation behaves. 看到年轻一代的行为举止,我觉得我太老了。【反义】modern adj现代的;现代化的2times 时代;时期 e.g. In Sh

6、akespeares times, not many people could read在莎士比亚时代,没有多少人认识字。【近义】 age n. 时代 3as 像一样,正如 e.g. She works in the same building as my sister.她和我的妹妹在同一大楼上班。4nearly 几乎,差不多 e.g. Im nearly 16 its my birthday next week. 我就快16岁了,下个礼拜是我生日。【指点迷津:almost, nearly】 两词意思均为“几乎,将近,差不多”,当与动词、副词、形容词及名词连用时,意义相近,可互换。 e.g.

7、Its nearly suppertime.= Its almost suppertime. 快开晚饭了。 almost可与no,none,never以及nothing等不定代词连用,而nearly则不可;nearly常用在含有not的否定句中,而almost则不可与not单独连用。 e.g. Theres almost no water left in the bottle. 瓶子里水快没了。 It is not nearly so pretty as it was before. 这儿远不及以前漂亮了。5. invent v. 发明,创造 e.g. Who invented the pla

8、ne? 谁发明了飞机? Thomas Edison invented the electric light. 托马斯爱迪生发明了电灯。【知识扩展】 inventor n. 发明者;发明家 invention n.发明,发明物 Tomas Edison was one of the greatest inventors who invented a lot of things in his life. 托马斯爱迪生是一生中发明了许多东西的伟大发明家之一。 His 6,000 inventions included the electric light bulb, the phonograph,

9、and the mimeograph machine. 他的六千项发明中,包括电灯泡、留声机和油印机。6. calculate 计算 e.g. Can you calculate how much a holiday will cost? 你能否计算一下度个假要花多少钱?【知识拓展】calculator n. 电子计算器 e.g. A calculator is a calculating machine which helps people to calculate faster and more accurately. 计算器是一种帮助人们用来更加快速、准确计算的机器。7. electro

10、nic 电子的 e.g. electronic typewriter电子打字机 electronic watch电子表 electronic music电子音乐 Dont use an electronic dictionary in your English study. 在你的英语学习中不要使用电子词典。8. add 加 e.g. If you add 4 to 5, you get 9. 四加五得九。 Add up these figures, please. 请把这些数字加起来。【友情提示】在进行加法的描述时,我们常常说4 plus 3 equals/is 7,但千万不可用add去代替

11、plus, add是个动词,而plus是个介词。9. subtract 减 e.g. If you subtract 3 from 8, you get 5. 八减去三就得五。【友情提示】我们同样也不能用subtract去代替minus。上面这句话我们换种方式说就是8 minus3 equals/is 5.10. multiply 乘 e.g. 6 multiplied by 5 is 30. 6乘5等于30。 If you multiply 6 by 5, you get 30. 你用5去乘6,得到30。11. divide除;除尽 e.g. 30 divided by 6 is 5. 30

12、除以6等于5。 If you divide 30 by 6, you get 5. 如果你把30除以6,就得到5。 Three will not divide into eleven. 3除不尽11。12. percentage 百分数;百分率;百分比 e.g. 40% is a percentage. 40%是个百分数。13. powerful 强大的;强有力的; 有力量的 e.g. The car has a very powerful engine. 这辆车有强劲的引擎。 The president is very powerful. 总统享有很大的权力。14. against 对着,对

13、立;不喜欢,反对,防止,预防;靠着,倚着 e.g. They played a football match against a team from another country. 他们跟另一个国家的足球队比赛。 Many people are against the plan很多人都反对这个计划。 Have you had an injection against the disease? 你注射过针对这种疾病的预防针了吗? Put the cupboard against the wall. 把这个橱柜放在靠墙的地方。15. living 活着的 e.g. Some people say

14、 he is the greatest living writer. 有人说他是健在的最伟大作家。【指点迷津 alive, live和living】 (1)通常情况下,alive作表语(be alive),而living 一般放在名词前作定语用。 e.g. That great man is still alive. 那个伟人依然活着。 all living things 一切生物 Latin is not a living language。拉丁语不是现代语言。(2)live也是“有生命的,活着的”之意,但往往指动物。 e.g. a live fish 一条活鱼 此外live还有“现场直播”

15、的意思。 e.g. a live show现场直播的节目。16. amazing 令人惊奇的 e.g. What an amazing embroidery!多么了不起的一幅刺绣作品!Its amazing that you cant ride a bike你不会骑车可真令人惊讶。【知识拓展】 amaze v. 使吃惊 amazed adj. 吃惊的,惊奇的 e.g. Jack amazed everyone by passing the English exam. 杰克通过英语考试使我们每个人感到惊讶。 We were amazed by his change in his study. 我

16、们为他在学习中的变化而感到吃惊。 【友情提示】 amaze的形容词有两个,一个是amazed,一个是amazing,但用法不同,通常人做主语时用amazed,物作主语时用amazing。 e.g. It is an amazing game. 这真是一场令人惊奇的比赛。 I am amazed by his words. 我对他的话感到吃惊。【例题】 用amazed, amazing填空 (1)1 think it is an_ animal. (2)1 am_ how big the school is. 【答案】 (1) amazing (2)amazed17. instruction说明

17、,指示,指令 e.g. Read the instructions on the box before you make the cake.制作蛋糕之前请阅读一下盒子上的说明。【例题】 -I dont know how to use this digital camera. -It doesnt matter. Here is the, A. instruction B. direction . C, information D. advertisement 【答案】 AII本单元重点词组decimal number小数 a pair of odd numbers一对奇数at least至少

18、international language国际语言 in ancient times在古代 in many different ways用很多不同的方法 in tens以十为计;十进制 consist of由组成;由构成 calculating machines计算器 so that如此以致于 in a flash一瞬间 do a calculation计算 in ones whole lifetime终身 living computer活电脑 an amazing brain惊人的头脑 solve the problem解决问题 find the answer得出答案 (be) made

19、up of 由组成 【小试牛刀】I. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms.1.Qian Xuesen is a Chinese scientist and he has an _ brain. (amaze)2. The sports car has a very _ engine. (power)3.Are there any_ things on the moon? (live)4.At_, I tried my best to help the lady, (little)5.Study the _ pictur

20、es carefully and write an essay, (follow)6.It is an old _ machine that is still used today. (calculate)7.The steam engine is an important_ in the history. (invent)8.It is _ for me to use the computer to do a calculation. (easily)【keys】1. amazing 2. powerful 3. living 4. least 5. following 6. calcula

21、ting 7. invention 8. easy. Key phrases and sentences.1.because it made it easier to write big numbers and to calculate因为它(0)使得大数字的书写和计算更加容易。 (1) because conj因为 e.g. I was angry because he was late. 因为他迟到了,所以我生气。【指点迷津】because, since, as, for 都是表示“原因”的连词。以上连词的语气由强至弱依次为because since as for; 其中because,s

22、ince,as为从属连词,引导原因状语从句; for为并列连词,连接两个并列句。 Because“因为,表示直接原因,回答why的提问,一般放在主句之后,可单独存在。 e.g. -Why dont you buy it? 为什么你不买它? -Because I dont have enough money with me因为我没有带足够的钱。 We stayed at home because it rained下雨了,所以我们待在家里。 since “因为,既然”,侧重主句,从句表示显然的或已知的理由。 e.g. Since everyone is here,lets begin. 既然大家

23、都到齐了,我们开始吧。 as“由于,鉴于”,主从句并重,从句说明原因,主句说明结果,为常用词。 e.g. As it was late,I must hurry up由于晚了,我得快点。 for“因为,由于”,表明附加或推断的理由,其前常有逗号,for及其后的句子不放在句首。 e.g. He must be ill,for he isnt here today他一定是病了,因为今天他没来。【友情提示】“因为所以”的英汉不同习惯: because和so 与although和but用法相同,都不可连在一起使用,只能用其中一个,这一点和汉语不同,使用时一定要注意两种语言的不同习惯。 因为他病了,所以

24、他没来上学。 误Because he was ill, so he didnt come to school. 正Because he was ill, he didnt come to school. 正He was ill, so he didnt come to school. (2) make it+adj. + to do sth使得做某事变得e.g. The electronic dictionary makes it quicker to look up a new word. 电子词典使我们查阅生词更迅速。2Abacuses are so fast and accurate t

25、hat people still use them today算盘(计算起来)是如此的快速和精确,因此人们至今还在使用它们。 sothat“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句,so后接形容词或副词,that后面接从句。 e.g. The box is so heavy that I cant carry it这个箱子如此的重以至于我抬不动它。 He runs so fast that his classmates cant catch up with him. 他跑得如此快以至于他的同学都赶不上他。【友情提示】当that后面的从句为否定句时,可以用tooto改写为简单句,当that后面的从句为肯定

26、句时,可以用enough to改写为简单句。 e.g. He is so young that he cant go to school. =He is too young to go to school他太小了,还不能去上学。 He is so tall that he can reach the apples on the tree. =He is tall enough to reach the apples on the tree他很高能够得到树上的苹果。 so后面有单数名词时可用such .that进行改写。 e.g. He is so tall a man that he can

27、almost reach the ceiling. =He is such a tall man that he can almost reach the ceiling他个子这么高,几乎够得着天花板。【知识拓展】 so that的用法(1) so that以便; 目的是。引导目的状语从句 e.g. Our teacher spoke loudly so that everyone could hear him. 我们的老师大声讲课以便每个人都能听到。 So that 常与may,can等词连用,从句前无逗号。e.g. I hired a boat so that I could go fis

28、hing. 我租了一条船,为的是可以去钓鱼。 He worked hard in order that/so that he could succeed. =He worked hard in order to/so as to succeed. 他努力工作,为的是成功。 (2) so that还可引导结果状语从句,从句前可用逗号与主句隔开,意为“因为”。 e.g. The bus broke down, so that we had to walk. 公共汽车抛锚了,因此我们必须步行。【例题】(1) Please speak aloud _ everyone can hear what yo

29、u are saying. A. such that B. so that C. so as to D. so that (2) He works so _ that he finishes the work well. A. hard B. harder C. careful D. hardly 【答案】 (1)B (2)A3. Is a human brain a more powerful calculator than a computer?人脑是比计算机更强大的计算器吗? (1) more+adj. +than e.g. Is this snake more dangerous th

30、an that one? 这条蛇比那一条更危险吗? (2) more+n. +than e.g. There are more students in Class 3 than those in Class 2. 三班的学生比二班的多。4If it is not powerful enough, you will find the answer on page 67如果它(你的大脑)不够强大的话,请看第67页上的答案。 主句为一般将来时,以if引导的条件状语从句,则用一般现在时。 e.g. If I am free tomorrow, I will see my uncle. 如果明天我有空,

31、我要去看我叔叔。 If it doesnt rain, we will go swimming如果不下雨,我们将去游泳。【随堂小练】I. Choose the right words or expressions to complete the sentences.1.Mice will run away _ a flash if they see a cat. (on/in)2.Jenny White is a great girl_ a surprising brain. (has/with)3. _ (In/At) ancient times, people used abacuses

32、to calculate and they nearly all counted _ tens. (for/ in)4.Sometimes you cant solve a problem _ your whole lifetime. (in/on)5.Nowadays, most of us can speak_ least two languages. (in/at)【keys】1. in 2. with 3. In; in 4. in 5. atII. Find the word or expression to replace the underlined part in the se

33、ntence.A. in a short time B. finished C. solve D. accurate E. nearly( )1. How to settle the problem is really a test for these children. ( )2. It is said that the project is to be completed in 2 years. ( )3. It is a mistake they almost always make. ( )4. The young boys ran out of the classroom in a

34、flash. ( )5. The calculations made by the computer are always correct.【keys】CBEAD【技能提高练】I. Read and choose the best answer.( )1. Do you think numbers are a(n) _ language in the world?A. international B. strange C. special D. interesting( )2. The new fridge cost me two_ dollars.A. hundred of B. hundr

35、eds of C. hundreds D. hundred( ) 3. Unluckily, _ of the students in our class had a cold last week.A. one-three B. one-thirds C. first-three D. one-third( )4. We can solve the technology problem_ different ways.A. on B. in C. with D. of( ) 5. Dont worry. There is _ time left now.A. a little B. littl

36、e C. a few D. few( )6. The boy ran away_ lightning after he broke his neighbours window.A. as B. like C. likes D. in( )7. Subtract 3 _ 20 and you will get 17.A. from B. and C. by D. to( ) 8. In ancient times, people_ numbers in different ways.A. write B. wrote C. writing D. written( ) 9. Sue, _ late

37、 for school again.A. doesnt be B. isnt C. dont be D. being( ) 10. Nowadays computers are_ fast and cheap.A. then B. or C. while D. so【keys】ADDBA BABCDII. Rewrite the sentences as required.3. We had to go to school last Saturday. (改为否定句)We _to go to school last Saturday.2.She has already written a le

38、tter to his father. (改为一般疑问句)_ she_ a letter to her father_?3.Tommy will use his computer programs to solve the problem. (改为否定句)Tommy _ _ his computer programs to solve the problem.4.He has already told me the good news. (改为否定句)He_ _ me the good news yet.5.We will have a meeting at 1:00 p. m. (就划线部分

39、提问)_ will you have a meeting?6.The old man was so weak that he couldnt walk by himself. (保持原句意思)The old man was _ weak _ walk by himself.【keys】1. didnt have 2. Has written; yet 3. wont use 4. hasnt told 5. When 6. too to.Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.In northern China duri

40、ng spring, big sandstorms often make trouble for people. Sandstorms usually happen in spring. This year, sandstorms started in late 1 They have happened in more than 10 provinces in northern China this year. More than 70 million people have had problems in those places 2 the storms.People in souther

41、n China dont have to 3 this kind of bad weather. Most of the sand come from Gansu and Inner Mongolia. In northern China, lots of places have few trees and dont get 4 People there have been cutting down too many trees. When there arent many trees, the ground cant keep enough 5 . Over the years, the g

42、round dries up and turns to sand. When spring comes and the ice melts, the ground becomes looser. Strong wind takes the loose sand into the sky.( )1. A. October B. July C. December D. March( )2. A. instead of B. because of C. such as D. just like( )3. A. know aboutB. think about C. worry about D. talk about( )4. A. much rain B.much land C.large population D. many chances( )5. A. water B. animal C. area D. sand. Read the passage and tell the following statements are true(T) or false(F).Most crop circles (麦田怪圈) are in the


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