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1、课 题七上 Unit 2 Reading (1)教学内容词汇:player member club free enjoy hope dream true词组:free time come true句型:He is a new member of Huanghe Football Club. He looks strong and plays football very well. I hope his dream comes true.教学目标知识目标1. To know a football player called Li Hua.2. To use English to introduc

2、e your favourite player.能力目标To use English to introduce your favourite player.情感目标To have the Ss like playing sports.教学重点、难点重 点To know a football player called Li Hua.难 点To use English to introduce your favourite player.本课类型新授课教学方法Free talking , Fast reading , Further reading , Practice教具准备1.运动员、世界杯

3、等图片2.光盘3.课件教 学 过 程教学步骤所用时间教 师 活 动学生活动设计说明Step 1 RevisionStep 2 New wordsStep3 PresentationStep 4 WatchingStep5 Reading Step 6 Practice Step7 DiscussionStep8 Homework352654366与学生进行交流,复习所学过的体育运动。T: Do you remember Sandy、Millie、Kitty and Amy? Can you tell me what sports they often play? (1)What sport d

4、o Sandy and Millie often play? (2) What sport does Kitty like? (3) What about Amy? (4) What about Simon? 鼓励学生根据以前所学内容进行回答。同时教学player并板书。出示贝克汉姆的图片,教学生词及短语。T:This is my favourite football player, his name is Beckham. He comes from England. Now he lives in the USA.板书come from和live in。教师进一步介绍贝克汉姆:He is

5、a member of Los Angeles Galaxy Football Club. 板书member和club。教师继续介绍:He hopes he can play in the next World Cup. I think his dream can come true. 板书the World Cup和come true。导入新课,指导学生听课文录音回答问题。T: Mr. Chen has a favourite football player. Simon also has one. Do you know who he is. Listen to the tape, the

6、n answer This question: Who is Simons favourite football player?教师呈现B1部分的四个问题,指导学生观看VCD,然后填空。T: There is a video about Li Hua, please watch it and help me write the correct paragraph numbers in the blanks in Part B1, then check the answers with the whole class.Information a. What is Li Huas dream?b.

7、 Who is Li Hua?c. Who is Simons favourite player?d. What does Li Hua do in his free time?paragraph _1.根据任务,指导学生自由阅读课文,掌握细节,完成教材B3部分卡片填空。T: Now we have known something about Li Hua, the football player. Millie wants to make a card about Li Huan too, can you complete the information about Li Hua on th

8、e card in Part B3. Please read Paragraph 2 and complete it.Name: (1)_Age: (2)_Club: (3)_Looks: (4)_Comes from:(5)_Lives in: (6)_2.指名学生阅读课文,指导学生根据课文内容选择合适的图片。T: Li Hua plays football very well. Many people like him. And do you know What Li Hua does in his free time? Please read Paragraph 3 and choose

9、 the right pictures. read books play football cook food study English draw pictures listen to music3.指导学生阅读课文,帮助学生回答相关问题。T: Li Hua has a dream. What is it? And can his dream come true? Please the last paragraph, then answer the following questions.1. Does Li Hua want to play in this years World Cup

10、or the next World Cup?2. What does Simon hope?指导学生阅读课文,引导学生完成Part B4部分练习。T: Now, we know Li Hua very well. Can you help Millie complete the sentences in Part B4? Read the passage again by yourselves, then complete the sentences below.*Li Hua is Simons_ football star.*Li Hua is a _ of Huanghe Footbal

11、l Club. *Li Hua plays football_.*Li Hua_ English in his free time.*Li Hua also _ listening to music. It makes him_.*Li Hua has a _. He wants to play in the _ World Cup. 组织指导学生就自己喜欢的明星与同桌进行交流。在学生交流后,选几组学生进行展示。T:Most students have their favourite stars. Please talk about them with your partners. Then

12、introduce your favourite star to the whole class.(1) Finish Part B at Page 21.(2) Write an article about your favourite player.Students answer these questionsStudents read and learn these new words and phrasesStudents listen to the tape and answer the questionStudents watch a video and write the cor

13、rect paragraph numbers in the blanks.Students read the passage by themselves and complete the information about Li Hua.Students read the passage and choose the right pictures.Students read the passage and answer the two questions.Students read the passage and complete the sentencesStudents talk abou

14、t and introduce their favourite stars.用轻松熟悉的话题导入,引起学生共鸣,吸引学生积极主动思考,激活学生的思维,引出“足球”这个话题。用事先准备好的有关贝克汉姆、世界杯等图片学习一些新词、短语及有关“足球”的表达,易于调动学生的学习兴趣,从而使单词的教学变得生动活泼,这样教学学生印象深刻,而且更为自然。听和读是理解的技能,听是学习的手段,让学生带着问题去有目的的听录音,听出答案就比较容易,有利于学生逐步掌握语言运用能力。通过观看VCD创设真实情境,整体感知文章内容,学生通过填写表格,对名叫李华的足球运动员有全面的认识。通过让学生自由地细读课文,了解课文细节

15、,完成李华的相关信息,进一步加深对足球运动员李华的了解。阅读课文,选择图片,增加学生兴趣,进一步掌握细节信息。设计问题,让学生带着问题阅读课文,明确任务,培养了学生信息输出的能力。学生整体感知课文,完成相关填空,帮助学生体会并发现教学内容所要掌握的语言点,同时巩固学生对运动员李华的认识。本环节既富有趣味,又简单易操作,充分体现新课程自主探究、合作交流的学习方式, 学生综合运用所学知识,全面介绍自己所喜欢的明星, 培养学生自信开口、积极思维的习惯。激发学生说英语用英语的热情。渗透学生要热爱体育运动的意识。Blackboard designUnit 2 Lets play sports!Readi

16、ng (1)player come from He is a new member of Huanghe Football Club.member live in He looks strong and plays football very well.club the World Cup I hope his dream comes e true教学反思本节课是义务教育英语七年级上册第二单元的阅读课,本单元的所有内容都是紧紧围绕体育运动这一话题来进行。在备课的过程中,我首先明确了本节课的教学目标,我把“认识一个名叫李华的运动员”作为知识目标,把“用英语介绍自己喜欢的运动员”作为能力目标,把“

17、热爱体育运动”作为情感目标。在确定教学重点的时候,我意识到帮助同学们搞清运动员李华的相关信息是本节课所要明确的重点。 本节课针对学生的特点,从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验、认知水平出发,采用活动途径,倡导体验参与,引导学生形成灵活多样的生活方式,顺利完成了本节课的教学任务,课堂学习目的达成度高,整节课较好的体现了新课程理念。1.在这一节课中,我充分利用丰富多彩的学习资源,借助多媒体的手段让学生在教师的引领下让学生意识到自己和教师是平等的,并且鼓励学生积极探索,让学生轻松愉快地完成了学习任务,真正做到了以趣促学。2.小组合作是新课程背景下学生的一种有效的学习方式,让学生在小组里交流自己的意见,并把自

18、己的成果展示给所有同学,这种以学生为主进行的小组合作,能有利地激起学生的创新能力,有利于培养学生的创新思路。本课中,学生在小组活动时讨论热烈,效果显著,尤其是最后的展示和陈述环节,极大地锻炼了学生的口语表达能力。3.教学设计由易到难,科学合理,环环相扣,过渡自然,比较注重学生的认知心理,学生听、说、读、写的能力都得到了训练,也很好的体现了分层教学。当然,本节课在一些方面还有待提高,比如说文章的处理还不够到位,一些过渡不太自然,对于时间的预计和把握也不是很到位,特别是到了最后陈述环节,由于时间仓促,没能多叫几个学生上台展示,十分遗憾。另外,在学生进行小组活动时,教师没能更好地参与其中,有点旁观者的味道等等,这些都是我在今后工作过程中需要改进和提高的地方,我决心在今后的工作中深入学习新课程标准,把先进的教学理念灌输到我的教学工作中去,为推进新课程改革工作尽一份绵薄之力。第 5 页


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