牛津上海版六年级上Module 1 Unit1 基础知识梳理-文档资料.doc

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1、课 题Unit1 Family and relatives基础知识梳理教学目的1 使学生能够基本掌握Unit1中的基础词汇并且能够进行一些词汇变形练习;2帮助学生梳理常考考点。教学内容Step1: Greetings & Free talk How are you today? Is there something interesting or important this week? What have you learned in your school? (询问学校课程进度)Step2: Lead in 脑筋急转弯 麒麟到了北极之后,会变成啥? 【答案】冰麒麟 (淇淋) Step3: W

2、ords and expressions. . Words 1. relative n. 亲属;亲戚Do you have any relatives in Beijing? 你在北京有亲戚吗?2. family tree 家谱This is Alices family tree. 这是艾丽斯的家谱。3. grandson n. 孙子;外孙【联想】 great-grandson n. 曾孙;曾外孙4. granddaughter n. 孙女;外孙女【联想】great-granddaughter n. 曾孙女;曾外孙女5. only adv.仅仅only常常用于表示限定。如:Only three

3、 people live in this very big house.在这幢特别大的房子里就住着三口人。Sam is only three months old. 萨姆只有三个月大。6. member n. 成员;会员You are a member of your class. 你是你们班的一员。【联想】 family members 家庭成员7. classmate n. 同班同学His brother is my classmate.他哥哥是我的同班同学。8. badminton. n. 羽毛球Do you usually play badminton after school?你经常

4、放学后打羽毛球吗? 9. cycle v 骑自行车I cant cycle to school today because my bicycle is broken. 我今天不能骑车去上学了,因为我的自行车坏了。【联想】 bicycle n. 自行车 cyclist n. 自行车手;骑自行车的人10. get. from . 从得到They always get some gifts from their teacher. 他们总是从他们的老师那里得到一些礼物。11. with prep. 和.一起后接人称代词时用人称代词的宾格,如: with us/them/you/him/her/it/m

5、e. Our teacher usually plays games with us. 我们的老师经常和我们一起做游戏.12. else adj. 其他,别的,另外 放在疑问代词或复合不定代词后What else are you going to do? 你还打算做些什么? Do you want anything else? 你还想要其他东西吗?. Expressions.family tree 家谱birthday card 生日贺卡watch TV/ a film 看电视/电影a blank piece of paper 一张白纸a photo of 一张照片Step 4: Import

6、ant Language Points1. family 与relatives 在英语国家中,family指自己的父母、兄弟姐妹等成员;而relatives指的是除此之外与自己有血缘关系或非血缘关系的亲属。 family 既可以用来之家庭,也可以指家庭成员。表示家庭时,它是单数名词;表示家庭成员时,则是复数名词。如:Andys family is a happy one. 安迪一家是个幸福的家庭。(这里的 family 作“家庭”解释,故用is而不能用are.) The Lis family go to France every year. 李先生一家人每年都要去法国。(这里的family作“

7、家人”解释,故用go不用goes. 2. 中英文家庭称谓的区别: grandfather 指“祖父”,也能指“外祖父”;grandmother 指“祖母”,也指“外祖母”uncle 指“父亲的兄弟(即叔父)”、“母亲的兄弟(即舅舅),也指”姨母的丈夫(即姨父)”或“姑母的丈夫(即姑父)”;anut指“父亲的姐妹(即姑姑)”、“母亲的姐妹(即姨母)”,也指“叔父的妻子(即婶婶)”或“舅舅的妻子(即舅母)”。cousin 是指与你同辈的,但非你父母所生的“堂兄弟姐妹”或“表兄弟姐妹”,不能与 sister和brother 所指的嫡亲兄弟姐妹混淆。3. Alice has got a lot of

8、presents and birthday cards from her family and relatives. 艾丽斯从她的家人和亲戚那里得到了许多礼物和生日卡片。 get sth from sb 意为“从某人那里得到某物”。如:He doesnt get any money from his parents. 他没有从他父母那儿得到一分钱。 He didnt get anything from his relatives. 他没有从亲戚那里得到任何东西。4. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!这是表示祝贺他人生日快乐时的常用语。如要表示针对特定某人的祝福,可以说: Happy

9、birthday to Alice! 祝艾丽斯生日快乐! 其他常见的祝福还有:Happy Mothers Day! 母亲节快乐 ! Happy Teachers Day! 教师节快乐!5 What else do you do with her? 你还和她一起做什么?what else 意为“还有什么”。else用于特殊疑问句词后的情况十分常见。如:Where else did you go? 你还去了哪里?Who else will he meet? 他还要去见谁?6. I sometimes play badminton with her. 我有时还和她一起打羽毛球。 play footb

10、all/badminton 踢足球/打羽毛球动词play 后直接跟 football, badminton, basketball 等球类运动,不需要加定冠词the.动词play 可表示各类运动方式如“打”、“踢”等。7. watch TV 看电视 watch 表示“观看”时,通常加上活动的画面或场景。如 watch TV(看电视) , watch a football match (观看足球赛)等。TV为 television 的缩写,意为 “电视”。电视机的英文表达时TV set或television set.8. 写作提示 在描述自己的家庭时,最好以一张全家福为参考来描述每个家庭成员,注

11、意弄清每个家庭成员,注意弄清每个人的家庭称谓。文中可以写与某些家人及亲属经常一起从事的活动,也可以增加一些全家共同参与的活动,并在结尾写上自己所在的是一个怎样的家庭。以下是一些参考语句:There are . people in my family. They are my . .,my.,.and me. I always/usually/sometimes . with my . We always/usually/sometimes . together. We are a happy family. We love each other.【随堂小练】I. Put the letters

12、 in correct order to form words.(按照括号里所给的字母排列出正确的单词以完成下列句子)1Jane is my_ (lmaescats).2My father and mother always_ (cthaw) television at night.3I love my_(myialf) very much.4Tim_(laayws) goes to the beach in summer.【Keys】1. classmate 2. watch 3. family 4. always II. Read the sentences and fill in the

13、 blanks with proper family member names. (用适当的家庭称谓完成句子)1She is my mothers mother. She is my_.2She is my aunts sister and my cousins aunt. She is my_.3Hes my cousins father. I call him_.4He is my mothers father. I call him_.5Shes my aunts daughter. She is my_.6Shes my mothers daughter. She is my_.【Ke

14、ys】1. grandmother 2. mother 3. uncle 4. grandfather 5. cousin 6. sister . Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms. (用所给单词的适当形式填空)1. My father often goes_( cycle ) on weekends.2. These are my_ (family) and relatives.3. I have one uncle and two_ (aunt).4. This is my grandmother.

15、I am her_ (son).5. Do you often_ (watch) a film with your parents?【keys】1. cycling 2. family 3. aunts 4. grandson 5. watch .Choose the right words or expressions to complete the sentences. ( 选择适当的单词或短语完成句子)going shopping, always, how many, cousin, presents, play games1. I_ go to school at 7:30.2. Ho

16、w about_ with me this afternoon?3. Amy has got a lot of_ on her birthday party.4. _ people are there in your family?5. Tom is my uncles son, he is my_ .6. I often_ on Saturdays and Sundays.【keys】1. always 2. going shopping 3. presents 4. How many 5. cousin 6. play games . Choose the right word or ph

17、rase to complete the sentence. (选择适当的词或短语填空)1. I often_ ( go swimming; going swimming) with my best friends on Sundays. 2. I am hungry now, so I want to have some food in a_( hospital; restaurant).3. What_ (elses; else) can I do now?4. I _ (usually; sometimes) go to school by school bus, because my

18、house is far from my school.5. Do you_( has; have) a brother or a sister?6. Please look at my family_ (trees; tree).【keys】1. go swimming 2. restaurant 3. else 4. usually 5. have 6. tree. Choose the right sentences to complete the dialogue. (选择恰当的句子完成对话) Mary: 1 . Lily: I usually stay at home and do

19、some reading. 2 Mary: I often visit my grandparents with my parents. Lily: 3 Mary: Sometimes I go shopping with my parents and sometimes we have a picnic in the park. Lily: 4 Oh. Its time for class. Lets go.Mary: 5 A.What about you?B.What do you usually do on Sundays?C.All right.D.What else do you d

20、o with your parents during your holiday?E.That sounds great.1. _ 2._ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _【keys】1-5 BADEC. Read and decide True (T) or False (F).(阅读短文并判断下列句子是否符合文章的内容。符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示)Tim Green comes from America. He is eleven years old. Mary Green is his sister. She is three years younger than Tim. Their

21、father and mother are working in Shanghai now. They live in a big flat. Every day Tim gets up at 6 oclock and Mary gets up at 6.30. Then they go to school by car. Mary likes to go shopping with Mum at the weekend, but Tim likes to watch TV at home with Dad. And sometimes Mary and Tim play badminton.

22、1The Greens are American.2Mary Green is fourteen years old.3Tim and Mary get up at the same time every day.4Tim and Mary sometimes play badminton.5The Greens like to watch TV at home at the weekend.【Keys】1-5 TFFTF. Read the passage and choose the best answer(阅读短文,选择最恰当的答案)Kate is a new student. She

23、is twelve. She is from England. She can speak English very well and she can speak a little Chinese. She is in Shanghai now. Her parents are doctors. Kate is studying in a school near her home. She has classes from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays, she often plays games with her Chinese fri

24、ends. She loves China and her Chinese friends.1. Kate is.A. a new student B. a Chinese girlC. a doctor D. a driver2. Kate canA. speak a lot of Chinese B. speak English wellC. speak a little Japanese D.speak little English3. Kate often studiesA. from Monday to Friday B.in BeijingC. on Saturdays and S

25、undays D.at home4. Kate is.A. twelve years old B.thirteen years oldC.twenty years old D.fifteen years old5. Her parents_.A.are working in a school B.have classes on MondaysC.often play games with Kate D.are doctors【keys】ABAAD. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. (在短文的空格内填入适当的词

26、,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)I am a Chinese g 1 and I s 2 in a primary school. I get up at 6: 30 in the morning every day, and I have b 3 at 7 oclock and I go to school by school bus. Our English class b 4 at 8 : 30. Miss Liu t 5 us English very well and we all 1 6 her.l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 【keys】1. girl 2. study 3.

27、breakfast 4. begins 5. teaches 6. like Step 5: Recite the text. (带着学生背诵一些重要的课文段落,加强知识的巩固)Step 6: Summary. What did you learn today?Could you tell me something about our lessons?Please let me know your opinions about it and I will do my best to perfect it .Thanks!Step 7: HomeworkI. Choose the best an

28、swer. (选择填空)1 Alice_ the first to come and the last to leave.A. always is B. is always C. always be D. be always2Most of the girls like_ at the supermarket.A. going shoppingB. to shopping C. do shopping D. go some shopping3What_ you always_ with your parents?A. are . do B. do . do C. will . do D. /

29、. do4Ben only plays football in the park on Saturdays and Sundays. He_ play football.A. usually B. always C. sometimes D. never5She is_ cousin.A. Ken and Eddies B. Kens and EddieC. Ken and Eddie D. Kens and Eddies6What_ do you want to say?A. also B. else C. still D. yet7This is a photo_ my classmate

30、s and me.A. for B. in C. of D. at8The man is my fathers brother, so I call him_.A brother B. father C. uncle D. grandfather9I always tell my friend_ my family.A. with B. on C. to D. about10 Where does your grandma live? She lives with_ .A. us B. we C. my D. you【Keys】1-5 BABCA 6-10 BCCDA. Fill in the

31、 blanks with the proper forms of the given words. (用所给词的适当形式填空)1What do you_ (usual) do with your parents?2I have two_ (aunt) in my family.3The old man is my_ (father) father, my grandfather.4They are my_ (cousin) from America.5Kitty usually goes_ (shop) with her mother.【Keys】1. usually 2. aunts 3.

32、fathers 4. cousins 5. shopping. Choose the correct word or expression from the box to replace the underlined part in each sentence. (从方框中选出正确的词或词组替代划线部分) A. aunt B. relatives C. grandmother D. have a good time E. cousin1Did you enjoy yourself in the summer holiday?2Johnson is my aunts son.3Mr Wangs

33、mothers mother is 76 years old.4The people in that room are my aunts and uncles.5The lady in red is my cousins mother.【Keys】1-5 DECBA. Complete the following dialogue with proper sentences in the box(选出适当的句子完成下列对话)A. What about buying her a dress?B. She is only 20.C. What a pretty dress!D. What does

34、 she do?E. But I cant decide what to buy.W: Good morning! Can I help you?M: Id like to buy a birthday present for my daughter. 1 W: May I know her age?M: Yes. 2 W: 3 M: She is a college student.W: 4 M: Good idea!W: Have a look at this orange one. It is selling well.M: 5 How much does it cost?W: Only

35、 fifty yuan.M: OK. Ill take it. Thank you.【keys】BADAC. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). (阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示。My family is a big one. There are seven people. My grandmother and grandfather are old teachers. My father is a doctor.

36、 My mother is a nurse. My sister and I are students.My name is Ben. I study at No. 1 Middle School. I like drawing. My sisters name is Mary. She is seven. She is at a primary school. My brothers name is Bill. He is at kindergarten. My father and mother like their work. They work very hard.( ) 1The d

37、aughters name is Mary.( ) 2Her mother is a doctor. ( ) 3Her family is not a small one.( ) 4Her grandmother is a doctor, too. ( ) 5Her elder brother is a middle school student. ( ) 6 Bill is a middle school student, too. ( ) 7 Her father and mother work very hard.【Keys】1-7 TFTFTFT . Read and choose t

38、he best answer. (阅读短文并选择正确的答案)A picture of a familyLets look at the picture. The boys name is John. The girl in the white blouse is his sister, Rose. The other one in the yellow blouse is his sister, Mary. John and his sisters are students in No. 10 Middle School. The two sisters are in Class Three,

39、 Grade One and John is in Class Two, Grade Two. The man and the woman are their father and mother. The man is a worker and the woman is a teacher. The old man and the old woman are Johns grandfather and grandmother. It is a happy family.( ) 1. There are_ people in the family.A. five B. six C. seven

40、D. eight( ) 2. Mary is in the_ blouse and Rose is in the_ one.A. yellow . white B. white . yellow C. yellow . blue D. black . red( ) 3. Johns sisters are_.A. not students B. in the same class C. in Grade 2 D.in different schools( ) 4. The sisters_is a teacher.A. father B. grandfather C. mother D. grandmother( ) 5. Which of these is right?A. The two girls have two brothers.B. John and his sisters are in the same school.C. The mans son is in Grade 1.D. Johns family is not a big one.【Keys】1-5 CABCB第 8 页


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