牛津英语模块1 Unit 3 Grammar I:非限制性定于从句 导学案-word.doc

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1、M1U3 GrammarNon-restrictive attributive clauses宋以后,京师所设小学馆和武学堂中的教师称谓皆称之为“教谕”。至元明清之县学一律循之不变。明朝入选翰林院的进士之师称“教习”。到清末,学堂兴起,各科教师仍沿用“教习”一称。其实“教谕”在明清时还有学官一意,即主管县一级的教育生员。而相应府和州掌管教育生员者则谓“教授”和“学正”。“教授”“学正”和“教谕”的副手一律称“训导”。于民间,特别是汉代以后,对于在“校”或“学”中传授经学者也称为“经师”。在一些特定的讲学场合,比如书院、皇室,也称教师为“院长、西席、讲席”等。 班级课本、报刊杂志中的成语、名言警

2、句等俯首皆是,但学生写作文运用到文章中的甚少,即使运用也很难做到恰如其分。为什么?还是没有彻底“记死”的缘故。要解决这个问题,方法很简单,每天花3-5分钟左右的时间记一条成语、一则名言警句即可。可以写在后黑板的“积累专栏”上每日一换,可以在每天课前的3分钟让学生轮流讲解,也可让学生个人搜集,每天往笔记本上抄写,教师定期检查等等。这样,一年就可记300多条成语、300多则名言警句,日积月累,终究会成为一笔不小的财富。这些成语典故“贮藏”在学生脑中,自然会出口成章,写作时便会随心所欲地“提取”出来,使文章增色添辉。 唐宋或更早之前,针对“经学”“律学”“算学”和“书学”各科目,其相应传授者称为“博

3、士”,这与当今“博士”含义已经相去甚远。而对那些特别讲授“武事”或讲解“经籍”者,又称“讲师”。“教授”和“助教”均原为学官称谓。前者始于宋,乃“宗学”“律学”“医学”“武学”等科目的讲授者;而后者则于西晋武帝时代即已设立了,主要协助国子、博士培养生徒。“助教”在古代不仅要作入流的学问,其教书育人的职责也十分明晰。唐代国子学、太学等所设之“助教”一席,也是当朝打眼的学官。至明清两代,只设国子监(国子学)一科的“助教”,其身价不谓显赫,也称得上朝廷要员。至此,无论是“博士”“讲师”,还是“教授”“助教”,其今日教师应具有的基本概念都具有了。 姓名学号评价Learning Aim:1. To le

4、arn how to use a preposition + which/whom to begin an attributive clause and how to use relative adverbs in attributive clauses.Important and difficult point:1. How to choose suitable prepositions in an attributive clause and how to choose suitable relative adverbs.Learning procedures:第一部分:自主探究I. 识记

5、短语1. lift weights 举重2. consider doing考虑干某事3. have side effects 有副作用4. fall out vi.(头发,牙齿等)脱落;掉队5. take the risk 冒险6. read ones post(s) 读(看)帖子7. get into shape 强身健体8. make the most of 充分利用9. do sport(s)做运动10. feel great sadness 感到很悲伤11. put on weight 体重增加,发胖12. be great fun 很有趣II. Revision(请赏析课文中含有“非

6、限制性定语从句”的句子并口头将它们翻译成中文)1. (L7P42) Im taking weight-loss pills called Fat-less, which are quite popular among young women here. 请问which引导什么从句? ,which 能省略吗? 2. (L11P42) My mother, who you met last year, keeps telling me not to take them because they are dangerous. 请问who能改成whom或者that吗? 3. (L21P42) My m

7、other insisted on sending me to the hospital, where I received good medical treatment. 请问该句为什么用where? _4. (L38P43) Many people, some of whom are not overweight at all, are always going on a diet or taking weight-loss pills, which are often dangerous. 前面的定语从句的特点是什么?5. (P48) He missed the show, which

8、was a great pity. 该句定语从句的特点是什么?_ III. Some usage of non-restrictive attributive clauses(请阅读P48)1. 什么叫非限制性定语从句? 2. 非限制性定语从句前经常有 (标点符号)和主句隔开。3. 引导非限制性定语从句关系代词有 和 ;关系副词有 和 。4. 关系代词that和关系副词why能引导非限制性定语从句吗? 5. 非限制性定语从句可以由“名词(代词、数词、比较级或最高级等)+ 介词 + which或whom”引导吗? IV. 请用适当的关系代词、关系副词或“all (some, half, both

9、, 数词等) + of + whom/which结构”完成下列句子,每空只能填一个词1. She lives in a small village, is only three miles from here.2. She is going to spend the summer holidays in Shanghai, she has some friends.3. Well put off the meeting till next week, we wont be so busy.4. On the wall hung a picture, color is blue.5. He wa

10、s often late, made his teacher very angry.6. He has two sons, (两个都) work as teachers.7. Here are players from Japan, (其中一些)are our old friends.8. There are two thousand students in our school, (其中三分之二)are girls.9. The house, (在它前面) there is a big tree, was built more than 1000 years ago.10. The Unit

11、ed States is made up of fifty states, (其中一个)is separated from the others by the Pacific Ocean.11. There is a big apple on the table, (其中一半)has gone bad.12. The house, (其窗子)were damaged, has now been repaired.13. They have three children, (其中最小的)is three years old.14. There are 40 students in the cla

12、ss, (其中20)are girls.15. He bought five pens, (其中三支)are red.V. 改错(下列句子均有一处错误,请找出并订正)1. My sister, which body is slim, still wants to lose weight.2. Many students, some of them are not fat, are always going on diets.3. We missed the film yesterday, that was a great pity.4. Ours is beautiful school wit

13、h a long history, that we are proud.5. I have a lot of magazines, most of them are about the English knowledge.6. Lets put off the picnic until next week, which the weather may be better.7. These articles are written in simple language, that makes it easy to read. 8. Once more I am in Nanjing, which

14、 I have not been for years.VI. 请用非限制性定语从句将下列句子翻译成英文1. 爸爸是个医生,他常鼓励我努力学习。2. 我住在那个房子里面,房子的窗子面朝南。3. 我有50个同学,其中23个来自农村。4. 他英语考试又不及格,真遗憾。5. 她有三个孩子,最小的是个教授。第二部分 达标测评I. 单项填空1. He met my brother, from _ he got the news of my marriage. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose2. I, _ your good friend, will try my best

15、 to help you out. A. who is B. who am C. that is D. what is3. The railway tunnel, through _ the train goes, will be completed soon.A. whichB. thatC. itD. whom4. Next month, _ youll spend in your town, is coming.A. whichB. thatC. whenD. where5. Next month, _ youll be in your hometown, is coming.A. wh

16、ichB. thatC. whenD. where6. I often thought of my childhood, _ I lived on a farm.A. whichB. whereC. whenD. who7. Crusoes dog became ill and died, _ made him very lonely.A. asB. whichC. thatD. it8. He is a man of great experience, _ much can be learned. A. who B. from him C. from whom D. whom9. Smith

17、, _ money was now no problem, started a new film company with his friends. A. whose B. which C. for whom D. who10. Mr. Wu, _ everybody likes, is going to give us a talk on chemistry. A. whom B. that C. which D. / 11. This is Mr. Smith, _ I think has something interesting to tell us. A. who B. whom C

18、. that D. /12. Beijing, _ last year, is a nice old city. A. that I visited B. which I visited C. where I visited D. in which I visited 13. The result of the experiment was very good, _ we hadnt expected. A. when B. that C. which D. what14. He paid the boy $10 for washing the windows,most of _ hadnt

19、been cleaned for at least a year. A. these B. thoseC. that D. which15. The buses, _ were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd. A. most of that B. which most C. most of which D. that most 16. These days Im reading a collection of his stories, _ this is the best.A. among them B. of that C.

20、of which D. of those17. It was an exciting moment for those football fans this year, _ for the first time in the years their team won the World Cup. A. that B. while C. which D. when 18. The book, the cover _ is broken, is not mine.A. of it B. for that C. whose D. of which19. His glasses, _ he was l

21、ike a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.A. which B. from which C. with which D. without which20. In the open boat, the four men, _ was a doctor, met with a storm on the sea.A. one of which B. one of who C. one of whom D. one of them21. China has hundreds of islands, _ the largest is Taiwan.A.

22、in which B. at which C. of which D. from which22. I have bought two pens, _ writes well.A. none of whichB. neither of whichC. none of themD. neither of them23. Look! The dictionary, _ is red, is a birthday present given by Father.A. which coverB. the cover of which C. the whose coverD. that the cove

23、r24. There were two small rooms in the house, served as a kitchen. A. the smaller of which B. the small of which C. the smaller of them D. the smaller one 25. The astronaut did many experiments in the spaceship, much help for knowing space.A. which we think it is B. which we think are of C. of which

24、 we think is D. I think which is ofM1U3 GrammarNon-restrictive attributive clauses参考答案:II. Revision(请赏析课文中含有“非限制性定语从句”的句子并口头将它们翻译成中文)1. 非限制性定语从句,不能;2. 能改成whom,但是不能改成that;3. 先行词是表示地点的名词,同时定语从句中缺少地点状语;4. 用“表示数量的词 of whom”引导;5. 关系代词which 指代前面的整个主句;III. Some usage of non-restrictive attributive clauses(

25、请阅读P48)1. 非限制性定语从句是对先行词附加的说明,与主句关系不是很密切,如果被删去,也并不影响主句的意思和完整性,书写时主从句之间用逗号分开。2. 逗号;3. who,whom,whose,which;when,where;4. 不能;5. 能;IV. 请用适当的关系代词、关系副词或“all (some, half, both, 数词等) + of + whom/which结构”完成下列句子,每空只能填一个词1. which; 2. where=in which; 3. when; 4. whose; 5. which; 6. both of whom; 7. some of whom

26、; 8. two thirds of whom; 9. in front of which; 10. one of which; 11. half of which; 12. the windows of which; 13. the youngest of whom; 14. twenty of whom; 15. three of which;V. 改错(下列句子均有一处错误,请找出并订正)1. whose body; 2. some of whom; 3. which was; 4. of which we are proud; 5. most of which; 6. when; 7.

27、 which; 8. where; VI. 请用非限制性定语从句将下列句子翻译成英文1. My father is a doctor, who often practices lifting weights.2. I am considering tending that old man, whose teeth have begun to fall out.3. I have 50 classmates, 23 of whom like getting into shape by doing sports.4. He takes the risking of taking the medicine with side effects, which is a pity.5. She has three children, the youngest of whom often read posts on the Internet.第二部分 达标测评I. 单项填空BBAAC CBCCA ABCDC CDDDC CBBAB第 5 页


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