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1、高考英语七选五练习要练说,得练看。看与说是统一的,看不准就难以说得好。练看,就是训练幼儿的观察能力,扩大幼儿的认知范围,让幼儿在观察事物、观察生活、观察自然的活动中,积累词汇、理解词义、发展语言。在运用观察法组织活动时,我着眼观察于观察对象的选择,着力于观察过程的指导,着重于幼儿观察能力和语言表达能力的提高。 1、Besides summer break, the best time of the year for most students is spring break. This is a week-long vacation where students can get away fr

2、om all schoolwork as well as the cold weather. Spring break is usually filled with parties and beaches, but there are many other things you can do.1 宋以后,京师所设小学馆和武学堂中的教师称谓皆称之为“教谕”。至元明清之县学一律循之不变。明朝入选翰林院的进士之师称“教习”。到清末,学堂兴起,各科教师仍沿用“教习”一称。其实“教谕”在明清时还有学官一意,即主管县一级的教育生员。而相应府和州掌管教育生员者则谓“教授”和“学正”。“教授”“学正”和“教谕

3、”的副手一律称“训导”。于民间,特别是汉代以后,对于在“校”或“学”中传授经学者也称为“经师”。在一些特定的讲学场合,比如书院、皇室,也称教师为“院长、西席、讲席”等。 Make a plan.2 Set up a time to sit down with your friends and figure out what everyone wants to do.This will prevent you from worrying about any scheduling problems during spring break.死记硬背是一种传统的教学方式,在我国有悠久的历史。但随着素质

4、教育的开展,死记硬背被作为一种僵化的、阻碍学生能力发展的教学方式,渐渐为人们所摒弃;而另一方面,老师们又为提高学生的语文素养煞费苦心。其实,只要应用得当,“死记硬背”与提高学生素质并不矛盾。相反,它恰是提高学生语文水平的重要前提和基础。 3 Spring break is a great time to make memories with some of your closest friends; however, it can become a bad thing if you go down there with people you are not familiar with. You

5、 need to make a list of who you want to spend the week with and stick to the list.Save money. Plan way ahead to start saving money for spring break. When the school term starts, mark down which week is spring break and create a plan to save a certain amount of money before that time.4 Be safe. Even

6、though this is not really a part of the fun, it can help you keep the fun. One of the worst things that can happen is that you, or someone you know, gets hurt or in trouble.5 Nothing can kill a good feeling more than tragedy(悲剧).A.What is spring break like?B.Select good friends to join you.C.This al

7、lows you to afford what you want to do.D.Be sure to keep everyones safety in mind and act responsibly.E.Before thinking about having fun,you have to have a game plan.F.These are just a few of the safety tips needed for a student at school.G.The following will help you have a good time during your sp

8、ring break.2、 Exam anxiety is something that almost every person experiences during his or her student life.1 Howeverif students spend all their time feeling anxious, a lot of valuable time would be wasted In this competitive world;exams cause a tot of nervousness to students. For some. exam anxiety

9、 encourages them to work harderwhile for others it may be the root for poor performance.leading to failure in exams and lack of confidence2 They will have a low opinion ofthemselves even if they have prepared well.One of the most important methods of avoiding exam anxiety is 3 Studying regularly for

10、 a few hours helps increase the confidence of studentsIf students are not able to handle anxiety. they can talk to their teachers and friends to relax themselves4 Creating a peaceful a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere at home can be equally helpful.5 Students tend to avoid sleep or they dont have me

11、als due to anxiety. but it isharmful to their study and health. Its better that students should plan their time reasonably andtake proper breaks between studyingAIn factsome students ale anxious by natureBto communicate with othersCLittle anxiety helps one concentrateDTo sleep and eat well is equall

12、y importantEto prepare well in advance FFairing to handle it may result in poor academic performanceG Parents also avoid putting pressure on their kids to do well 3、Sharks are among the oldest animals on Earth. There are hundreds of kinds of sharks. Most are about two meters long. The dogfish shark,

13、 however, is less than twenty centimeters in length. A shark has an extremely good sense of smell. It can find small amounts of substances in water, such as blood, body liquids and chemicals produced by animals.1 Sharks eat fish, other sharks, and plants that live in the ocean. Sharks grow slowly. A

14、bout forty percent of all sharks lay eggs.2 Some sharks carry their young inside their bodies as humans do. Some sharks are not able to reproduce until they are twenty years old. Most reproduce only every two years. And they give birth to fewer than ten young sharks. For this reason, overfishing of

15、sharks is of special danger to the future of the animal. Sharks are important for the worlds oceans. They eat injured and diseased fish. Their hunting activities mean that the numbers of other fish in ocean waters do not become too great. 3 People hunt sharks for sport, food, medicine and their skin

16、. Experts say the international market for some kinds of sharks has increased because many parts of a shark are valuable. Collectors pay thousands of dollars for the jaws of a shark.4 The skin of a shark can be used like leather. In Asia, people enjoy a kind of soup made from shark fins. Experts say

17、 a fisherman can earn a lot of money for even one kilogram of shark fins. Sharks are among the oldest animals on Earth, but some sharks are in danger of disappearing from Earth.5 A. The others give birth to live young.B. They are a threat to other forms of life in the ocean.C. This powerful sense he

18、lps sharks find their food.D. Sharks are valuable to us and we can make full use of them.E. Shark liver oil is a popular source of Vitamin A.F. This protects the plants and other forms of life that exist in the oceans. G. If too many sharks in one area are killed, that group of sharks may never retu

19、rn to normal population levels.4、iPads vs. TextbooksWhat if you could have your whole backpack at the touch of your fingertips? In the first month of the Apple iPads release, 25million were sold! People all over the world use iPads for all sorts of different things, but one of their finest qualities

20、 is the ability to be a textbook. 1 To begin with, iPads are less expensive. Textbooks become outdated and schools have to buy new books, but with an iPad schools can update them for free. 2 Schools dont have to spend $500 every year for iPads because they last a while and can be updated. 3 Students

21、 usually have multiple classes, which results in multiple textbooks. Heavy backpacks filled with books can cause back problem. A solution to that is an iPad, which only weighs 1.33 pounds and can hold all of a students textbooks.Third, schools should get rid of their textbooks and get iPads because

22、they have more capabilities. Some might think all of the apps are distracting, but the apps actually make iPads more efficient. 4 Textbooks cannot do those tasks, but iPads can easily do them with just a tap of the fingertip.Lastly, iPads are a better choice for schools instead of textbooks because

23、these devices allow students to access their learning anywhere at any time. 5 With iPads, they find it easier to get their homework done.In conclusion, schools should get rid of their clumsy textbooks and switch to iPads. iPads have allowed this generation to have their entire backpack in the palm o

24、f their hands.A. Second, iPads cost less and are more popular.B. These tablets are perfect for busy students.C. Therefore, they can use the saved money for other programs.D. Moreover, in high school, textbooks have an average of 4.8 pounds each.E. iPads have already replaced textbooks in over 600 Am

25、erican counties.F. Schools have every reason to do away with their school books and switch to iPads.G. iPads absorb the need to buy calculators, dictionaries, and other items that are found within the device.5、A new article in The Wall Street Journal has given us a deeper understanding of the relati

26、onship between what we earn and how we feel.1 Well, not true. People with higher incomes are happier than those who struggle to get by. To put a smile on your face with your money, you need to spend it strategically. Here are some ways to better spend your bank notes.Buy experiences, not material th

27、ings.2 People think that experiences are only going to provide temporary happiness,but they actually provide both more happiness and more lasting value that help you better manage your life.3 Anything you buy,including a productyou think is special will become just another object.Buying small things

28、 can give us frequent small pleasures that are different each time they occur,as they forestall(抢先)adaptation.4 Its also important to consider how what youre buying will affect how you spend your time.For example,you may have to spend a very long time on the road if you get a big house in the suburb

29、,which will totally lower overall life satisfaction.Try giving it away.Elizabeth Dunn,associate professor of psychology at theUniversityofBritish ColumbiainCanada,found that in countries as diverse asCanada,South AfricaandUganda,giving away money consistently made people happier.5 A.Buy what you lik

30、e.B.Be sure to buy time,too.C.More money,more smiles?D.Money cant buy happiness,right?E.Buy lots of little things,rather than one big thing.F.With no much money to spare,people tend to stick to material goods.G.This was even true for people who were ly poor themselves.6、PublicSpeakingTrainingGetacoa

31、ch 1 ,sogethelp.Sincethereareaboutabillioncompaniesoutthereallreadytoofferyoupublicspeakingtrainingandcourses,herearesomethingstolookforwhendecidingthetrainingthatsrightforyou.FocusonpositivesAnytrainingyoudotobecomemoreeffectiveatpublicspeakingshouldalwaysfocusonthepositiveaspectsofwhatyoualreadydo

32、well.Nothingcanhurtconfidencemorethanbeingtoldthatyouarentdoingwell. 2 ,sogoodpublicspeakingtrainingshoulddevelopthoseinsteadoftellingyouwhatyoushouldntdo. 3 Ifyoufindapublicspeakingcoursethatlooksasthoughitsgoingtogiveyoulotsofdosanddonts,walkaway!Yourbrainissofullofwhatyouregoingtobetalkingabout.

33、4 .Asfaraswereconcerned,therearebasicallynohardandfast rulesaboutpublicspeaking.Youraudiencecanbeyourfriends.Youareaspecialpersonnotaclone.Mostimportantly,goodpublicspeakingtrainingshouldtreatyouasaspecialone,withyourownpersonalhabits. 5 .Yourtrainingcourseshouldhelpyoubringoutyourpersonality,nottry


35、e7、Holiday gift buying can feel a little empty,when all of those endless lists,long lines at the shopping center and dollars spent lead to a 5minute excitement of flying wrapping paper(包装纸).1 The following tips can help make gift giving more meaningful for both the giver and the receiver.1Know the p

36、ersonThe most important thing in the exchanging of gifts is that it shows you really know the person well,and you really care about him.2 2Donate(捐 )in their name3 Research suggests that happier people give more to others, and that giving more makes people happier. Moreover,charity related happiness

37、 is highest when people give in a way that promotes social connection. So,try giving to the less fortunate in someones name this holiday season.3Give handmade goods or hand-me-downs4 A study suggests that people feel that homemade items show more love,and love is what they want to express to the gif

38、t receiver.Family heirlooms (传家宝) may be another good gift choice. A study found that when families hand down even a very depersonalized thingmoneyto the generations,the symbolic value of the cash is greater than the numerical value alone.4Provide chances for involvementIf theres a golden rule of gi

39、fts,though,its this:5 People who receive experiential gifts,such as concert tickets or a zoo membership,feel more connected to the gift giver than people who received material gifts.ABut it doesnt have to be that way.BGive experiences rather than objects.CThe new and store bought is not always best.

40、DThat is always beyond their expectation.EThat means satisfy anothers pleasure.FGiving gifts to friends or to charity is linked to happiness.GStart listing every person you plan to give a holiday gift.8、Let children learn to judge their work. 1 If corrected too much, he will stop talking. He notices

41、 a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make the necessary changes to make his language like other peoples. 2 They learn to do without being taught to walk, run, climb, whistle, ride a bi

42、cycle, compare their own performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes.But in school we never give a chance to find out his mistakes and correct them by himself. 3 We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or c

43、orrect it unless he was made to. Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word says, what the answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not.If it is a matter of the right answer, as it may be in mathematics or science, give hi

44、m the answer book. 4 Why should we teachers waste time on such routine work? 5 Let the children learn what all educated people must some day learn, how to measure their own understanding, and how to know what they know or do not know.A. Children leant to do all the other things in the same way.B. Le

45、t him correct his own papers.C. Point out his mistakes.D. We do it all for him.E. We allow him to learn from other children.F. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time.G. Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he cant find the way to get the right an

46、swer.9、 Why does gratitude matter? Gratitude doesnt just feel good. 1 Like other positive emotions, feeling grateful on a regular basis can have a big effect on our lives. Brain Research shows that positive emotions are good for our bodies, minds, and brains. Positive emotions help us see more possibilities and take in more information. They increase our ability to develop skills. 2 Positive emotions balance negative emotions out. People who often feel grateful and appreciative are happier, less stressed, and less depressed. Gratitude is like a U-turn on complaining or thinking


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