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1、 人脸检测论文:快速人脸检测与识别技术的研究【中文摘要】随着信息技术高速发展,人脸检测与识别技术具有越来越广泛的应用价值和重要的理论研究价值,已成为图像处理、人工智能、模式识别等领域中研究最为热点的课题之一。在研究国内外相关文献及最新研究成果的基础上,本文对人脸检测与识别技术进行系统性理论研究,主要包括两方面的内容:基于肤色信息的快速人脸检测算法和基于线性子空间分析的人脸识别算法及其相应的改进算法:1.在人脸检测方面,本文主要利用肤色信息对彩色图像进行快速人脸检测。首先,对彩色图像进行必要预处理,采用自适应光线补偿算法;然后,用标准化rgb颜色空间的多项式模型对光线补偿后的彩色图像进行肤色区域

2、粗检测;接着,将标准化rgb颜色空间的多项式模型和经过非线性修正后的YC_g C_r颜色空间的高斯模型相结合构成混合肤色模型,对粗检测肤色区域做进一步精确肤色区域提取;最后,分析二值图像的连通区域,用椭圆面积准则验证人脸候选区域是否有人脸。2.在人脸识别方面,对传统主成分分析和线性判别分析进行研究,主要对二维主成分分析和二维线性判别分析的人脸识别算法进行研究并提出相应的改进算法并进行仿真。本文提出在图像矩阵的行和列两个方向上同时进行特征提取的改进算法,即有基于加权(2D)2 -PCA人脸识别算法和(2D)2-LDA人脸识别算法,这两种算法能够消除图像行、列各自的相关性,减少特征数量,减小存储空

3、间,提高识别速率。3.在人脸识别中,由于用于识别的人脸样本数一般远远小于人脸样本的维数,经常出现小样本问题。所以,本文提出了一种采用Gabor小波变换的人脸识别算法来解决人脸识别中小样本问题,即把人脸样本图像经过Gabor小波变换后得到的每幅图像都看成独立人脸样本,这样就可以在保持每类原样本数不变的情况下大大地增加了每类人脸的样本数,并和改进的LDA人脸识别算法相结合,构成Gabor+(2D)2-LDA人脸识别算法。当每类训练样本数很少时,该算法能有效地提高人脸识别率,且识别性能比较稳定。【英文摘要】With the rapid development of information techn

4、ology, the technology of face detection and recognition is provided with extensive application value and theoretical value, which has become one of hot topic in the fields of image processing, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and so on. Based on the study of related literature and the la

5、test research results, technology theory of face detection and recognition is systematically studied in the thesis, which mainly includes two aspects of content: the skin color information based fast face detection algorithm and the linear space analysis based face recognition algorithm and its impr

6、oved algorithm:1. About the aspects of the face detection, color information is used for rapid face detection. Firstly, an adaptive light compensation algorithm is used for the color image preprocessing; secondly, the polynomial model of standardized rgb color space is used for the rough detection o

7、f skin color area in the color images through light compensation; then, mixed skin model which is combined the polynomial model of standardized rgb color space with the gaussian model of the nonlinear transform color space of the YCgCris used for more accurate color regional extraction in the skin a

8、rea of rough detection;finally, binary image the connected area is analyzed and elliptic area criterion is used to verify whether the face candidate area have face.2. About the aspects of the face recognition, the thesis studies the traditional principal component analysis and linear discriminative

9、analysis, and mainly studies the face recognition algorithm of two-dimensional principal component analysis and two-dimensional linear discriminant analysis, then puts forward the improved algorithm and simulation. This thesis proposes a improved feature extraction algorithm which is simultaneously

10、extracted form the rows and columns of the image, namely based on weighted (2D)2-PCA face recognition algorithm and (2D)2-LDA face recognition algorithm. The proposed algorithm eliminates the correlation of the rows and columns of the image, reduces feature numbers, reduces the storage space and inc

11、reases the speed of recognition.3. About the face recognition, it often appears small sample problem because of the number of face samples is generally far less than the dimension of the sample of face image. So, a face recognition algorithm using Gabor wavelet transform is put forward in order to s

12、olve the small sample problem, namely each image of the sample image after the Gabor wavelet transform is regarded as independent face sample, which can greatly increase the number of every kind of face samples while the number of every kind face samples remains unchanged, and combined the improved

13、LDA face recognition algorithm to form Gabor + (2D)2-LDA face recognition algorithm.When the number of the training sample is small, the proposed algorithm can effectively improve the face recognition rate, and the performance of recognition is stable.【关键词】人脸检测 混合肤色模型 人脸识别 主成分分析 线性判别分析【英文关键词】Face de

14、tection Combinatorial color space Face recognition Principal Component Analysis Linear Discriminant Analysis【目录】快速人脸检测与识别技术的研究论文摘要3-5Abstract5-7目录8-12第1章 绪论12-191.1 研究背景和意义12-161.1.1 研究背景121.1.2 不同生物识别技术的比较12-131.1.3 人脸作为识别生物特征的优势与不足13-141.1.4 研究意义14-161.2 人脸检测与识别的发展现状与难点16-171.2.1 人脸检测与识别的发展现状16-17

15、1.2.2 人脸检测与识别的研究难点171.3 本文的主要工作与内容安排17-191.3.1 本文的主要工作17-181.3.2 本文的内容安排18-19第2章 人脸检测常用算法回顾19-252.1 基于知识规则的人脸检测算法19-202.2 基于特征不变量的人脸检测算法20-212.3 基于模板匹配的人脸检测算法21-222.4 基于统计学习的人脸检测算法22-232.5 本章小结23-25第3章 人脸识别常用算法回顾25-303.1 基于几何特征的人脸识别算法25-263.2 基于子空间分析的人脸识别算法26-273.3 基于模板匹配(静态匹配和弹性匹配)人脸识别算法273.4 基于弹性图

16、匹配的人脸识别算法27-283.5 基于神经网络的人脸识别算法283.6 基于隐马尔可夫模型的人脸识别算法28-293.7 基于三维模型的人脸识别算法293.8 本章小结29-30第4章 基于肤色信息的快速人脸检测算法30-504.1 引言304.2 人脸检测常用的颜色空间30-354.2.1 RGB 颜色空间314.2.2 标准化rgb 颜色空间314.2.3 HSV 颜色空间31-334.2.4 YUV 颜色空间334.2.5 YIQ 颜色空间33-344.2.6 YC_bC_r 颜色空间344.2.7 YC_gC_r 颜色空间34-354.3 基于YC_gC_r颜色空间肤色模型研究及建立

17、35-404.3.1 肤色模型概述35-364.3.2 颜色空间选择36-384.3.3 肤色模型构建38-404.4 肤色区域分割40-434.4.1 自适应光线补偿40-424.4.2 肤色区域提取42-434.5 人脸候选区域43-464.5.1 肤色区域图像预处理44-454.5.2 连通区域分析45-464.6 人脸特征分析及人脸验证46-474.7 实验结果及分析47-484.8 本章小结48-50第5章 基于线性子空间的人脸识别算法50-705.1 引言505.2 基于 PCA 的人脸识别算法50-585.2.1 PCA 算法的基本原理50-515.2.2 1D-PCA 人脸识别

18、算法51-535.2.3 2D-PCA 人脸识别算法53-545.2.4 基于加权(2D)2-PCA 人脸识别算法54-565.2.5 实验结果及分析56-585.3 基于 LDA 的人脸识别算法58-665.3.1 LDA 算法的基本原理58-595.3.2 1D-LDA 人脸识别算法59-615.3.3 2D-LDA 人脸识别算法61-635.3.4 (2D)2-LDA 人脸识别算法63-655.3.5 实验结果及分析65-665.4 利用 Gabor 小波变换解决人脸小样本问题的人脸识别算法66-695.4.1 Gabor+(2D)2-LDA 人脸识别算法67-685.4.2 实验结果及分析68-695.5 本章小结69-70第6章 总结与展望70-726.1 总结70-716.2 展望71-72参考文献72-78研究生期间发表论文78-79致谢79


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