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1、Module 2,What can you do?,Unit 1,I can play the piano.,紧搬锤掌阎乐蚊薄订嘲丝氟枪吁誉演魂迎恐晰厨府术哇乡师袋饥帅绸茎鸟七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,Review,Words and expressions,丸积敏茸疆抽触烩暮串疥啪买辆闽牵缆栗辱吊胆望佑赞吓僵漳披果内两橙七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,play tennis piano ride club term board,v. 演奏; 弹奏 n. 网球 n. 钢琴 v. 骑; 乘 n. 俱乐部 n. 学期 n. 布告板,Words and expressions,按梅沛

2、况轧鬼蚌慌弗滇锣踏袖招演闲曳坛恰才捉片又绿温株谱屠盟里恤彻七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,would like well all thats all worry worry about teach then,想要; 希望 int. 噢; 喔 adj. 所有的; 没有例外的 仅此而已 v. 焦虑; 担心 担心 v. 教; 讲授 adv. 那么; 就,Words and expressions,稿骤俯写足水簇陡和屯省蘸拿汰堑谦菇援柔哼畦项幼滚话评第谴嗅猴苦汝七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,Warming up,谢窿泡数座圭拎善味伺砷鲤烷九滴泅赁徐涌采雌缅乔瘟赊柳胯触亿硅夯蜒七下M2Un

3、it1七下M2Unit1,What can he/she/they do? He/She/They can _.,teach English,play table tennis,cook,用动词或词组描述图片,并练习下面的句子。,诗泡炙涟袜螟诫虑卫嫩烬下环广绕衔懂迭寥谅柒脓祭挝潮铝姨酸急戒告瓶七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,speak English,play football,sing a song,ride a bike,draw a picture,诈央然儿磕查申嗜坐簿仲添化失蕾也清汲绳厂铱射只贸辐四笑搅俊耐醛抨七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,Match the words

4、and expressions from the box with the pictures.,cook dance play table tennis play the piano ride a bike sing speak Chinese,4,1,7,2,6,5,3,囚锄财虽个蛇富帚玖道废扔绢叹沙挂嫡佳撼商腋俄雏才孝夜完憨徽嵌嗣常七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,Id like to join the Music Club because I can play the piano. 我想加入音乐社团是因为我会弹钢琴。,Language points,join多指参加某组织、党派或社会

5、团体, 成为其中的一个成员。如:,He joined the League in 2011. 他在2011年入团。 Im thinking of joining a choir. 我正在考虑加入合唱团。,匆棕犬伍雪揖薯油立华常晒逞纹沛氧恋纬委磨诛阑斧伦赠帜涝末渔弄久斧七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,The old man took part in the Long March. 这位老人参加过长征。,join in 参加正在进行的竞赛, 娱乐, 谈话等活动。如:,In the kid garden, a child cries and some others join in. 在幼儿园,

6、 一个小孩哭了, 其他的也跟着哭。 We all join in the celebration. 我们都参加了那次庆典。,take part in指参加活动、群众性活动或会议,并在其中起一定作用。如:,尿扶滤淆育凛筑摇侍游韵恳奎雄蜜麻像俯醋湾躲妙肉科断挟弗尧幂南莎没七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,2. I like cooking, so I can join the Food and Drink Club. 我喜欢烹饪,所以我可以加入餐饮社团。,Can you cook yourself? 你会自己做饭吗? cook sth for sb 为某人做饭 My fathers cooki

7、ng dinner for me tonight. 我爸爸今晚要为我做饭。,cook是“烹调,煮”的意思。如:,国铀测碳姆蹈让颤膊泌贤悯剔迹热守染备耿懦高野栏醚酥辈亿介慢推酷栓七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,3. Id like to join the Chinese Club. I cant speak Chinese very well. Dont worry about Chinese. 我想加入汉语社团。我汉语说得不好。 别担心汉语。,Do you speak English? 你说英语吗? He can speak three languages. 他会说3种语言。,想要表达说

8、某种语言, 可以用speak + 语言。 这里speak意思是“说, 讲(某种语言)”的意思。,蹲造恕勺抚增釜盔惦焉矢周题谨辽惑怠示嗜够凝揣诉走季速殉钓然除输店七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,worry about是一个动词+介词结构的短语,表示 “担心”。词组nothing to worry about 没有什么担心的。如:,He worries about his history exam. 他很担心自己的历史考试。 If you follow the school rules, youve got nothing to worry about. 如果你遵守学校规定,你就没有什么担心

9、的。,悉蔚璃轰普赃吊榨梯痊袜铲诣唐礁褥牙恨予悍阐惫惶箱剑孩常爆钻竭掘烤七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,board choose club music term,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.,Can you cook? No? Join the Food and Drink (1)_. Can you play the piano? Join the (2)_ Club. What about dancing? (3)_ the Dancing Club. There are lo

10、ts of new clubs every (4)_. Theyre all on the (5)_ and you can choose your favourite.,Club,Music,Choose,term,board,圃山检亭始揩强猛峨渐疚獭赘细滑杏诅邱炔肤孝抛勾樊酶官聚泰衍鸡拔我七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,/kn/ I can play the piano. /k:nt/ I cant speak Chinese very well. /kn/ Can you cook?,Pronunciation and speaking,Say the sentences alou

11、d.,5,灭奠洼引撬孤之祥耻韦源仿残饼耶依骸衬趁礼糠磅缆掂以帜弯珊书投闰此七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,Listen and repeat.,6,/i:/ Chinese she we /e / egg tennis / / English,I,怖阻糊丫笑阔匝崩愤偷今间艇戌钉涵述酌蚀舒自儡沉假查课填洞昂渤定堕七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,Work in pairs. Look at the information. Ask and answer.,Can Betty speak English? Yes, she can. Can Tony speak Chinese well

12、? No, he cant.,Practise,I can!,誉尾晌掷辕避龄丙苗仁帐茹撂使层碉荡毒浦掩脯零捆官蹬雇传克睛筒雁撼七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,本课时主要句型,课后回顾,1. Can you cook, Daming? No, I cant. 2. Id like to join the Chinese Club. 3. Dont worry about Chinese. 4. I play table tennis, so I choose the Table Tennis Club.,迈爷佬拿梅玄忧沃汛辊迭确甥辫渔袋谨肪澳腑鸭工插冲勉罩受形惠乃麻骆七下M2Unit1七下

13、M2Unit1,一、根据首字母完成单词。,1. I can play the p_. 2. She w_ about her classmates last night. 3. We will take our PE exam this t_. 4. Which c_ would you like to join? 5. All the information about the programmes are written on the b_.,iano,orried,oard,erm,lub,Quiz,脓炬膳崇吹胺闭柳株弄葡长咽蔬挂令准理钒捌假咒净赃呢蔬巍谣捉猿倘馁七下M2Unit1七下M

14、2Unit1,二、从方框中选出合适的词填空。,You can choose your favourite club. Can you _? If you can, _ the Dancing Club. I can play the _. Its very interesting. If you like _, you can join the Food and Drink Club. There are English and Chinese Clubs. You can _ it.,join dance choose piano cooking,dance,choose,join,pian

15、o,cooking,培血翔冤童酱罢葬侨隆芯歧撞人卜楚复圾液绕倾昆剔傍惋远讼碌穿醋端毕七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,三、根据汉语提示完成句子。,1. 你会打乒乓球吗? Can you _ _ _? 2. 那个男孩每天都弹一个小时钢琴。 The boy spends an hour _ _ _ every day. 3. 我只会讲一点英语。 I can _ _ a little. 4. 我选择我喜爱的汉语社团。 I choose my _ _ _.,play table tennis,playing the piano,speak English,favourite Chinese Clu

16、b,扫擂日锻黄瓶祷机忘剿牢僳沟锻锈唬佳拾符捣醛畜丸袭蜂裙喀镰侩榔库韶七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,1. To preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2 2. To preview the passage in Unit 2,Preview,例胺竖宴卸笨骤惮挚约断朴评汰裹躯钥底窒毖宛净冠如祥偏夯橱牢死广娘七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,Homework,Remember all the new words and expressions weve learned today. 2. Write something about your family using words weve learned today.,搭数固铺癌拆妥拂医翰杏间炽蹦予失严远搏盲滴普泣外伦前幕兆涅右敛歉七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,Thank you!,尾烘帝完檄消拿嗽拧缔谊饼旅羊喉唆衬直北孽羊榆隔袍陕抒厚威岛魂象劈七下M2Unit1七下M2Unit1,


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