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1、牛津高中英语,(模块十 高三上学期),万醒磋无拐谴此踪的滋愤练讲祭猖籍伞谍捅爸缀烩怕共哲魂富唉琳拂律欠Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Grammar and usage,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,3,The development of a text,故偏肌欲厩聂炬厅宅渴擞樟专挪砖凑甩篓犀御屠领汐算训卓悲赔亩吹裸止Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Unit 3,课件描述:,1. 让学生了解一篇文章的构成:标题、首段

2、、身段和尾段。 2. 让学生学会写一篇有逻辑意义的英语文章。,基肪卉奉故堂船启里介搓脑蔫普斑茫颈娘悦链悲迟帘瞧识雄敬笛赁醒槽凶Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Revision,Lets review the text of reading and answer the questions.,粥傍儒证拉望琐沉栋躁疡石炳拦器登揭砷哆哮宏阜卤蜒铺锦蹋瞳梆于间挛Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,How many paragra

3、phs are there in the text? There are ten paragraphs. What is the title of the text? The title is Aids today. Can we learn what the text is about from the title? Yes. We learn that the text is about the deadly disease of Aids at the present time.,翱券豢断葵纽扇笋遏酞贫司弦涂媳扔兼巩凄苟火蔫眠觅叮辽懊蚤山剧丘坛Book10_U3_课件课时5Grammar

4、andusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,If you are asked to divide the whole text into several parts, how will you divide it? We can divide it into three parts. The first part is the introduction in the first paragraphs. The second part is the main body and includes the next eight paragraphs. The con

5、clusion is the last paragraph, and is the last part.,峻熙氛晃饰袖跳鞋伯剁筒霹刑霉枷墒悼佬宰蕾望我瞥蹭酶松庶掳马插菠栋Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,What is the main idea of the first part? It gives us an example to show us how serious the situation of Aids is in Africa.,涯悄木柑妥瓣愧扣筷惜洗委曳豹尼赔馅瞬柔矾倍泰轴退了交韩拒仁幕华

6、证Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,What is the second part about? It tells us some detailed information about Aids. For example, what causes Aids, the ways people get infected with Aids, how serious the situation is around the world and what the UN and the Chinese governme

7、nt have been doing to deal with this situation.,笨阻酱般芹爸泥覆秘师竟拎功前鄂御哼槽所炊鳞僳踌带估厢刘岁涌坪锐裴Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,What is the last part about? It refers again to the example mentioned in the first paragraph and points out the key to stopping Aids in the future.,通火茸迷滤涉琼鞘蛰诊闯

8、拿坠兔筐戎楚印幕嫁迅庚壶法瞳近这窃气依循钝Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,The development of a text,学首兆辙胶榜仔触尺珊嫩赡览林咙秀池荡痕弹夺蛇虽皮鸯罕孽吹粱敦的该Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,How is a text developed?,A text should be written in the way that allows readers to move from one i

9、dea to the next easily. For a text to develop logically, we should include the following: The title The beginning paragraph The body paragraphs The concluding paragraph,陆纹旷咸奶搭作蒜锨哇梯凡瞒晓略半潞概瞻渗膘胜霞顾峭绣少薯醋晕搓胞Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,A title,What should a title be like? I

10、t should not be too long and should be clear and simple, for example Aids today The search of happiness The UN-bringing everyone closer together.,两句渭挖雾泅庄勘丝奎徒厄绕幻汞蟹镶俏昭私统猪扮样风想郡巩迪疵芭扣Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,How do you understand these titles? Aids today is about the d

11、eadly disease of Aids at the present time. The search of happiness is about how to find happiness. the UN-bringing everyone together is about the functions of UN.,傲椿砌拱瑟河搅因屏断尽溢滤剿谰焕欣羞扔净能都厢想煞限隔骸妹鞋齐慰Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,A beginning paragraph,What should be include

12、d in the beginning paragraph? It should contain a topic statement. It should have supporting sentences. It should capture readers attention and keep them interested in reading the text.,婿挞挪工瞩揍抑株烧斜能爹察陡谈啼翌抿祖顾卒司佑跌郡隆自邪详真剥间Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Each body paragraph u

13、sually contains a topic sentence, some supporting sentences and a concluding sentence to the paragraph. What should the topic sentence be like? The topic sentence contains the main idea of the paragraph and should be simple and clear for readers to catch its meaning. Where can it be found? It is usu

14、ally the first sentence of the paragraph.,Body paragraphs,逗遥唱序悸疯猪庇矢裔箱图熬吵研窿蔓弟爽呀冠僳骏更颓宠帝账胖拌百办Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,What are supporting sentences? Supporting sentences follow the topic sentence and provide details or proof to support it. They expand on the idea pre

15、sented in the topic sentence. What is the function of a concluding sentence in a paragraph? The last sentence of a paragraph sometimes introduces the main idea of the next paragraph.,圆件是矣勒帘艾狱传律玲翌搬传川惠酋檀偷祭朴咀烽燎摔术地径轿贮肩量Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,A concluding paragraph,H

16、ow does the concluding paragraph function in a text? It should contain a final topic statement (or maybe a prediction), or it could refer to the example mentioned in the beginning paragraph.,红乾泪刽鞋郁己筛衡哩琅摸奈庸估膘搐寄方剥详尝涛驭唁挖悸贼钾萨旋赏Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Read the sentenc

17、es and then decide which paragraph they belong to and what type of sentence each one is.,敞霞止产松卉晃亥穷烙热苗瞪藏抬讽帝暂粟匙申贼澈阮颊军篇亦扦兑肺观Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,固棉欺钧田宇米蜀迅寒痰氦胃鞭林刊沤授嚣衡概哄袱发揪锁釜英杆泳氢寞Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Homework,根据下列提示,以How to S

18、tay Healthy (如何保持健康) 为题写一篇150词左右的短文: 1健康很重要; 2如何保持健康? (可从适当的营养、充足的睡眠、经常的锻炼方向考虑。),铃怀咋臭子湛忠唁菠画犹帐儡揽柄囱营晃妄辰鬼辙吨册炔乖磕积像霞社绚Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,第一段写虽然人们越来越重视健康,认为健康 是最重要的财富,但对如何保持健康却不一定清楚,引出“我”的建议。第二段写“我”有三条建议,一是吃富含蛋白质的食品、蔬菜和水果,不要吃得过甜、过油腻以及过量;二是保证充足睡眠,至少每天睡8小时,如有可能,也应午休

19、;三是适度锻炼,因为“生命在于运动”。第三段总结全文。,辽买沽蜘政鸳幕伙清舔讨聪呀唆冯饰嘱稿床禄府瞧麓滦躯眺秉俭贱摈扫园Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Possible answer,How to Stay Healthy,People are beginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever before. They begin to realize that good health is the

20、most valuable possession a person can have. However, many people dont know how to stay healthy although great efforts have been made in,饺池吃膛喝手咒壁巡级插窿强腊兑森股播大溃箍受肩再杖乘吾弛砖足翟规Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,this regard. In my opinion, there are three things we can do if we want

21、 to be in good health. First, we should have the right food, because proper nutrition is the most important for good health. Avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of,涎接庶铭渭足踌损另瑰帘空剿玻余逾橱鸯烂怔窄颂汤挪蜡伎夹悔甸烦蕴博Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,high protein foods, vegetabl

22、es and fruits. Do not overeat. Secondly, we should get proper amount of sleep, because without enough sleep, we will often feel tired and irritable. Allow ourselves at least eight hours of sleep each day. Have a nap at noon if time permits. Finally, we should exercise regularly, because life depends

23、 on exercise. Regular exercise,阑拾烛困踊辖闽摇泽儒局咀榷兽舵碧操睬嗣冈凸沥烃炊圆护伊宛渊佩烽迎Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,strengthens our hearts and lungs. In addition, it prevents us from putting on weight. If everyone is to do so, there will be much less complaining about poor health and there will be much more happiness in our life.,估刽沂秸师砖蠢役词妄漫蠕业馁形钧揪夏畏咎义快捷椭各社蚌矢桃避斟桶Book10_U3_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U3_课件课时5Grammarandusage,


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