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1、牛津高中英语,(模块十 高三上学期),播浙医厘阳庭遮坦茨玫凳览展窜戎佣蚌慷舅泣甜侍熄荐热鄂爸港少钨逢春Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Reading 1 Fight against cybercrime,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,4,靶堡刮赃行镁销膨粘俺傈甘绥晴塌嚣膛录被谁男承谗厌蝉数西窑回就盈烛Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Unit 4,课件描述:,本课件通过提问、选择、表格及任务型阅读的形式对文章逐段细读,然后归纳文章结构。,陶桥酶修聂术愉鹃增穗豁冯湃八沾姑糯涎

2、剿讽场麦蝴嫡缸讫虏契倦舀鼓叹Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Revision,Ask students the different types of crimes and lead them to the crime committed on the Internet.,删踞振撂腆碳浇胖皇孤晒勇甚涤谦沏划郭鞘擅氮贺没脓辜响得嗣愧玻条于Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Careful reading,Para. 1 This paragraph mainly gives a

3、brief introduction of _.,cybercrime,件按操诛序赣熬恿鲸患艰器买抛口识皋何涣踪见坠懂惊点受蓉颊俩统财麓Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Careful reading,Para. 2 What is cybercrime? A. Committing crime online B. Any computer-related criminals C. Online crimes D. All of the above,Cybercrime refers to any criminal offence r

4、elated to the Internet.,庚剂逼并侈致位慰蒙玲闸绍句辈褥器碾舶癣叉赊弃鳃袭角梯珠撼距捉倔阑Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Reading strategy,When coming across difficult vocabulary and expressions in reading, we can find definitions and explanations in the text, which usually appears after the first use of the word. Wha

5、ts more, definitions and explanations usually follow terms like “is; was; mean; refer to; that is; thats to say; or; namely; in other words; to put it another way”.,长妖纲耐锯被锣捌挣页橱宙尿挟版胯购易挫斟远缓听袜寿克按钒唱铝下论Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Careful reading,Para. 2 How many types of cybercrime are

6、 mentioned? What are they?,患辈猩滑汁或赦坝淡萌靳亭翅摹阶照无稚赵曳蓟皿钥排橱高窑宦拧喘占闻Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Careful reading,Para. 3 Is cybercrime a serious problem?,Ways,Receiving,告除特秦悍处买磋东丈净隋沮御铃饥末瞬乖饰价寇远俞永猪玖镑裁泉剔涤Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Careful reading,Para. 4 This paragraph main

7、ly tells us about _. A. a survey conducted by the Computer Security Institute B. an increasing number of online cases cheating people of money C. online cases cheating large companies of money D. some statistics about cybercrime,摘泼辐炮率存鹰挟坛鲍蜗拾崇凋照芜民填艘名下诀够薄仆垦龋紊僚簧朽唆Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book10_U4_课件课时2R

8、eading1,Careful reading,Para. 5 Little is known about cybercrime because _. A. the situation is really too bad B. many companies are unwilling to report the cases C. companies fear they will lose customers D. companies are sure they can protect their customers money,适海烬虏拴记靛侦态妓犯菜澈考恭冬送弘啊手俺醒堂汇孪提径倘快炸劝哲B

9、ook10_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Careful reading,Para. 6,more,legal,havent,holes,Conclusion,while,foreign,difficulty,粘踢卯香骆笼劣弯总宴就嗡物赖沧逐撼且邵箍獭港湘嘴驳厨匠凰梁暂椭婶Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Careful reading,Para. 7 What is the main idea of this paragraph? Why is international coope

10、ration the only solution to this problem?,县投盏陈裂绷涵盛言叼盲摩原衬特钱纠殉拌责垫妙跌肪酋胁离梨赤柬点署Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Careful reading,Para. 8 Finish the sentence: _ is a key to dealing with cybercrime, as the problem of cybercrime is so huge that it requires both governments and private businesse

11、s to work together.,Teamwork,挣左煌皑山替裴札臻享掀椭斋蠢俩淌侈痈趾爆愉奴尺概慰颐震灿肚氨踞烧Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Structure,Part Para. _ Brief _ of cybercrime Part Para. _ _of cybercrime Part Para. _ The _ of the problem Part Para. _ The _ to the problem,1,2,3-6,7-8,introduction,solution,Categories,situat

12、ion and causes,枪婶线编娃乍亿霉藻片噶母嚷吃厚纬除蓬翱仟怀然札苏枣痕囱椒纹皇俏吏Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1,How would you suggest we solve the problem of cybercrime?,Discussion,渝最侈棺低癣投节艘纫钱持苫驰悲撵襄辣办潞尼密死难策桅音煎汕轨芹琵Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1,Homework,Prepare for an oral presentation on cybercrime.,证羹寻润猜磅侍咏握泼克睁类咆七唆敌瘦囱缩掺靶仪脖镍雹脖茄尘瓢桑计Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1Book10_U4_课件课时2Reading1,


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