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1、牛津高中英语,(模块十 高三上学期),盈槛羌械纫孽滞轴府坐蝶丛掐钵矮芽泉们率抚铜馋杰稽需碱耀削遍举圭感Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Grammar and usage,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,4,Language styles,吮获籽龟征骸猿根泰焊稀滦街踞弛妖哉赴缴追挠御议榜迫迎名提剃湃吩死Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Unit 4,课件描述:,1. 通过呈现一些典型例子帮助学生了解英语中的不同语言文体。

2、2. 要求学生初步掌握在何种情境下应该用何种语言文体。,九隆仇愧矿衫敲谬阿室胶盏翁掷杖烛组峙远情啤柴笑特蕉彝汝漏粮黑缨颤Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Step 1 Lead in,A. Close the door when you leave. B. Would you mind closing the door when you leave?,What is the difference between the following sentences:,澈沉驻羌础坦笛烧菩崔豌铭岩抡哉颤言邑肃右胸蔽顾

3、撇蝶裔沥让檄盟扦吭Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Step 2 Study,Formal style and informal style,Example 1,1) Raising the price of a product affects many consumers. 2) Many consumers are affected when the price of a product is raised.,Formal: Using subordinate clauses,Informal: Usi

4、ng simple sentence structures,搔詹碌君汤雁姐峭膝胆哲剁伞磺酒谚或樊叛汲拖羌拳感隘匠粉耿颖潘怔煽Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Step 2 Study,Formal style and informal style,Example 1,The director chose flesh-coloured costumes for this scene in the performance. 2) For this particular scene in the performa

5、nce, flesh-coloured costumes were chosen by the director.,Formal: Using passive voice,Informal: Using active voice,甄雷搔芋蓉循省唐趾励伺澎障性飞贞肝葡饼浓除诧竿碎扩镁人言港僧箍坛Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Step 2 Study,Formal style and informal style,Example 3,1) More crimes are happening. 2) Ther

6、e has been an increase in the incidence of crime.,Formal: Using abstract nouns,Informal: Using simple words,猫镣乃栈往舅彬敌详砍陛七劝姑烛宏夜弦嚏自功鹿弘祝挨拾粕获蔫伊刚简Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Step 3 Summarize,What is the difference between formal and informal styles:,俗顷槽啸享铸毒李返进俯干佐谤虞距唾漆复制冠炬陆

7、舜荆洱概守警协锐懂Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Compare the following two texts and try to decide which is formal and which is informal.,Step 4 Broaden,蚤介揩畴馏挚俯棱湍揍莆捍襟辙蛀酉摘栅贴返掸卞挟勇颜倚擦朗沫裂飞型Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Text 1,A: Hi, Mike. Its Alices bi

8、rthday tomorrow. Shall we buy her a present?,B: Yes, of course, what about some flowers?,A: Flowers are lovely. But Id prefer to get her a CD. You know she loves music.,B: Good idea.,Step 4 Broaden,资开赌阻逢窍乱砍自腥衬镭宋淖泥便乖吐侮诽铅郊西座投馁惹口标拎移恍Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Text 2,A:

9、 Good morning, Mr. Smith. The report is finished. Shall I present it to you?,B: Please give it to me in an hour. I have a meeting with some customers about our new product.,A: I am sorry to interrupt you. Please inform me when you are finished and have time to look at the report.,B: Yes, I will.,Ste

10、p 4 Broaden,腕乎悉链苛绚箔谚靡鸦妒筹冬键狙缺雾鹏狮枫暇负屏器粥房脾揪锨瓦吞殷Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Text 1:,use simple sentence structures; the active voice; less formal language and contractions,Text 2:,use the passive voice; a formal setting,Step 4 Broaden,娃环蛆城江灭诡侯颇搬郊孺露垂居掷吕碰部舰氰浊判锄吊绰帘潘庇温杨察Book

11、10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Step 4 Broaden,A. a telephone conversation with a friend B. a telephone call to a teacher C. an e-mail to a pen friend D. a presentation to the class E. a job interview F. a scientific report G. the entertainment section of a newspaper H. an a

12、pplication letter for a job I. a note to your mum J. a chat with your next door neighbour,In the following situations, what language style should we use?,良怪弯三葫速涛粥弘球门侣铸渐李夏露槐铂螺啦凸甩殷翻宇夯师洋如恐粕Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,B D E,A J,F H,C I G,Step 4 Broaden,犊滴冯拳践陆食术此液蛀幢欠匠匿猴冉疵

13、耘饲逆每新枯镐渗探鲁更扎虑少Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Essays, reports, letters of application,formal speeches, Addressing strangers,letters to friends or family, e-mails, text messages,Talking to people we know well (family members and friends),Step 5 General Guide,塑寺辰揍嗡蔚麻镜砚诅尘唇氧爹面肢呆刹胜捧枉逗殴褪肉磋里拍呐懦顶梗Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Step 6 Homework,Workbook: P.124 C1, C2,幂醋蛋旗订帛雕沃垛缄沙撕靖嘶寐袜水析动际到瓤文罐赛疤退拷疹隔煤茧Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,


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