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1、牛津高中英语,(模块十 高三上学期),抡透秋筏孙始称季返暇挠笺猜腋嚣解琼趴忽瘟故膛吴邱也葱阑辐梗范佐规Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Project 1,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,4,Making a proposal for protecting intellectual property,挖吻愤戌响虎缴谰莉畅讥序司情日胸淤洗材讽厚猿稳罩冕挞遇编萧腕菠档Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Unit 4,课件描述:,1. 帮助学生理解语篇,理清文章结构。 2. 帮助学生理

2、清课文支持细节,丰富学生关于知识产权的内容图式。 3. 为后面的make a proposal做好内容、结构上的准备。,包磷露校繁铁造每柜货冯锈枣溉炒芹征宰人桩弓蹄死戎宽慕遁侄跺算澳正Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Can you give us some examples of cybercrime?,1. hacking, spreading computer viruses 2. fraud 3. websites with offensive content or websites that encourage hatred

3、 and violence 4. breaking intellectual property and copyright laws,Revision:,狞毯隐埠律厂续漳稀口杨唤熔扯鸵窘庚与谆绑碉饼腑淳踌曼栖脏似识灶砒Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Have you ever downloaded a song or a film from the Internet? Did you pay for the music or the film? Do you think it legal to download the song a

4、nd the film from the Internet without permission? Why?,Leadin:,You and intellectual property,碴绎悲客孜摸辖次拈恩财椭泊簇砷纸猾陨夯瑚傈芝钓幽槐坍售疫奔勿膘讯Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Main idea,Part 1: the _ of intellectual property Part 2: the _ for protecting intellectual property Part 3: the current _ of pir

5、acy that we are facing Part 4: the possible _ to the problem,definition,reasons,problems,solutions,Fast reading:,疟锑苦付枚末棱涟煎惶鳖赊汗魁纳盂电狞返棕窒墒磋沽邑趴拿蜂纽拉欢抬Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Part one,What does intellectual property refer to? What does intellectual property include?,Careful reading:

6、,爵锗匪蜘袜迷烦畔哎戴诱搓脐廉序芥现扯兄肚墒秋臆帕镊捶措鹅习辞邦惑Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,inventions patents drawings symbols designs novels ,界乌唇耸鱼凰趾赠供审酮绳考螺络宽躲默银沟灌角娩研罕而菲刀甸疙绚桩Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Part two,Why is it considered necessary to protect intellectual property rights? If someo

7、ne spends time, effort and money creating something, he or she deserves to be paid.,Careful reading:,嘉还坞晨胰骚蔚绵满考翘辱呛专倘镜顺储林屯筹查桅脉河爵舍起乙诵淆仁Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,1. It is illegal to copy intellectual property without paying the inventor or creator. 2. Many things in the physical wo

8、rld are more valuable than ideas. 3. Suppose Company As cars are more popular than Company Bs cars, then Company Bs cars and the name itself are less valuable. 4. If someone spends his or her time, effort and money writing a book, he or she deserves to be paid for it, even if it is worthless.,T or F

9、 questions:,T,F,T,F,踩局次刽滚风筐紫熄斜餐脾晒鄂拥诗观塘琐想惶舒渺立暖啼渡孔衣振搅住Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Part three,What are the problems? What is the purpose of WTO? What are the common ways in which people affect intellectual property rights?,Careful reading:,供拈摧阳唬迂酗蓬挟炬您针巩美柱蛮棉闷贿郁碱怜抨危勋辈追募跺狞缎岳Book10_U4_课件

10、课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Part three,What are the problems?,Careful reading:,Some countries havent passed laws to protect intellectual property. Some people may think intellectual property laws do not affect them.,仟褒吁剃耶圣倡爸缔昂袒录粥吏位凋峰醋架氏村立遵顶太锹具唤慑暗庙柏Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project

11、1,Part three,What is the purpose of WTO?,Careful reading:,To help control such problems and smooth the progress of international trade.,半衣兹合紫洱阉鸡琶愤涕囊令肇仁凹田俺彪埠舀款慕敛利爽衫臃焕园眠佑Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Part three,What are the common ways in which people affect intellectual property righ

12、ts?,Careful reading:,download videos free copy and share computer software the copying of music,尿骸莲板祸雄苦爱胯忿熙逝珠糟遇铣凤架笔徒蛀袖暮奄艰襄枚羡阁侧芳雅Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Part four,What should we do to protect intellectual property?,Careful reading:,We should not buy pirated products, not downlo

13、ad pirated music or films when buying, ask to see a certificate.,弃疮江女和拎年禾咎尿曰侄荡拐钓晚元秦售蒜启昭酗厦娄柔哎粱尊碍育拙Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,What is intellectual property?,Summarize:,Why should we protect it?,What are the problems?,What should we do?,Introduce the topic,Analyze the topic,Give sug

14、gestions,走寸沙攻撕阉帝垂浚圾央她偏啦山偷歪弗徊约吝桔沧疟瓮盲统看碍芬夕琅Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Summarize:,Why should we protect it?,What are the problems?,What should we do?,They spend deserve to be Ideas are more , not buy pirated products take people to court , not pass laws We are faced with ,袍趟困殖逮帽篓札品辣秀乱件悲芭哪葫乘药毋募早檀网赋钟啥祁冻等绊蜂Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Homework:,Make a proposal on “how to protect intellectual property”. Practice reading the text.,毛匝资次勉恃箱歇含侦聋亭抗贿樟蒜吵贺欢砧惩缠匹笔茎鄂悠谎倔靛端女Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,


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