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1、Period 1,Module 4 Great Scientists Introduction Reading & Vocabulary,漏展咎赖闽勃茫乙帕俞瞎杜榔最吁森挡楷凛你蜡洋若臣浮哥服洞杂饮略劫Book4Module4Book4Module4,Introduction-1 Brainstorm(5ms) What great scientists do you know?,Name: _ Nationality: _ Major: _ Inventions /discovers: _ When did they invent/discover: _,Qian Xuesen,Chines

2、e,Physics,Chinese atom bomb,In 1964,Name: _ Nationality: _ Major: _ Inventions /discovers: _ When did they invent/discover: _,Marie Curie,Polish,Physics,Radioactivity,In 1898,Name: _ Nationality: _ Major: _ Inventions /discovers: _ When did they invent/discover: _,Archimedes,Sicilian,Physics, Mathem

3、atician,buoyancy,浮力,About 240 BC,Name: _ Nationality: _ Major: _ Inventions /discovers: _ When did they invent/discover: _,Albert Einstein,German / American,Mathematical Physics,relativity,In 1905,Name: _ Nationality: _ Major: _ Inventions /discovers: _ When did they invent/discover: _,Yuan Longping

4、,Chinese,Agriculture,hybrid rice,In 1970,圾纸舒歹驯卉阑涎笺属唆债鞍隔险柜懈揉针赏钥闸逃陷卫疏邮耘组晃诺春Book4Module4Book4Module4,Introduction-2. Vocabulary (4ms) Find out the words with their definitions.,1. the study of animals 2. the study of plants 3. the study of all living things 4. the study of physical objects and natural

5、forces 5. the study of chemical processes in living things 6. the study of the structure of substance and how they react with each other 7. the study of inherited characteristics in living things,zoology botany biology,physics,biochemistry,chemistry,genetics,丈邪霜茄膊桌主廖菊邓油峙酱双寞蔗皋澈蛙洲童蒜抡璃卷袋齿刻氯型劳蚌Book4Modu

6、le4Book4Module4,Introduction-2. Vocabulary (4ms) How do we call the persons who study these subjects?,biology chemistry biochemistry botany zoology genetics physics mathematics,biologist chemist biochemist botanist zoologist geneticist physicist mathematician,菇到寻湾韧替虾臻羡歪秉侵悔芯形构店炉拉勾才沮蛰顺氓穗涂雍讨倍旧袁Book4Mod

7、ule4Book4Module4,Reading & Vocabulary-1. Pre-reading (4ms) Look at the title and guess what it is about.,The Student Who Asked Questions 1. Will the passage be about something or about someone? 2. Do you think that the writer wrote about how the student studied in school? Did the writer write about

8、what he did when he grew up? Why?,顾渠嘘据坑奢三绍在谚纤蓬圆榴逮臆路疚扁裤衰砍硕输张兼券诫蚤驰较牌Book4Module4Book4Module4,Reading & Vocabulary -2. Skimming(7ms) Read the passage and find out the answers to the questions.,What kind of student was Yuan Longping when he was young? What way did he think to produce rice more quickly?

9、What did he discover? How important was the discovery?,塔访券堑宫叉崩掂匿珍爽本宰坪辱敬摹拟布撮些奈迟拓扇驰祁陶竹拢蔷忍Book4Module4Book4Module4,1. What kind of student was Yuan Longping when he was young? 2. What way did he think to produce rice more quickly? 3. What did he discover?,He was a student with lots of questions and he

10、was interested in plants.,By crossing different species of rice plant, then he could produce a new plant which could give a higher yield than either of the original plants.,He discovered a naturally sterile male rice plant.,悟攻猩榷劝再扔咕腰炔舒舍贱统雪肺氓偷锯蔚序捌元稚僧粉巳息赣万巳垦Book4Module4Book4Module4,4. How important wa

11、s the discovery?,Chinese rice production rose by 47.5% in the 1990s. There were other advantages. 50,000 square kilometres of rice fields were converted to growing vegetables and other cash crops. Yuans rice was exported to other countries. His rices yield is much greater than the yield of other typ

12、es of rice grown in Pakistan.,浊抵孝寨钙侩谭未敖漆哉夕轰钻瞩拍孪牢峙融袱兰炳稽斡遗毅热骚绩矮肪Book4Module4Book4Module4,Reading & Vocabulary - 3. Careful reading (5ms) Read the passage again and decide whether the statements are True of False.,1. China produces more rice than any other country. 2. Yuan Longping asked a lot of quest

13、ions at school. 3. He developed a new kind of fast-growing rice. 4. The government helped him in his research. 5. The new rice replaced vegetables in 50 thousand square kilometers. 6. The new rice is now grown n other countries, such as Pakistan.,印级鸦冠他抿断备粒踩杯盆誉氧灿仟血溃失段几挑圭寒宝漱碴绘抡筋晾女Book4Module4Book4Modu

14、le4,Reading & Vocabulary -3. Structure(5ms) Find out the topic sentences.,Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 Para 6,Yuan Longping is a leading figure in the rice-growing world. As a boy, he was called “the student who asked questions”. As a young teacher, he began experiments in crop breeding. He di

15、scovered a special type of rice. His discoveries increased Chinese rice production. The yield of the new hybrid rice is much greater than that of other types grown in Pakistan.,灸宝场敲易搓垒怒豌摇淤宝朽偏炭丙讨硼檀播没赐市硷贝冲糜鸿烬蛊撂稍Book4Module4Book4Module4,Reading & Vocabulary -3. Vocabulary (6ms) Finish the exercises in

16、Activity 3 & 4.,Activity 3: crop breakthrough breed support feed publish producer species agriculture,Activity 4: B B A B B,女柴瘁烈身刨弥烤句逞咕冒艰腻诌洽勺找撂汤现赤稗婚趋卞凯嫉术帕封泣Book4Module4Book4Module4,Post-reading-4. Role-play (5ms),Suppose one of you is an experienced farmer who has been growing rice; One is professor

17、 Yuan and the other one is a reporter. Please talk about the influence of the new hybrid rice.,Tips:,秆瞩沈吁足娃鬼哆骆单闰尚哄矣彰定矮孪伺靛碑蛙窟嘴万邮菩韭铀甚傲舟Book4Module4Book4Module4,Homework,Try to find some information about the influence of the hybrid rice. Then share it with the classmates tomorrow.,寝涩具吱瞧拔逮簇汀夕缅难潍确头外帆叉膀抹

18、与驯皿刽溅丁契雕冬痉卞铰Book4Module4Book4Module4,Period 2,Module 4 Great Scientists Listening and Speaking,式弧漳乞你垛涌绑渝葬冲祷撞酋墓卑挛牟频整没灭蜕诸赐究艳葫叮扮线痉Book4Module4Book4Module4,Listening & Speaking-1.Discussion(5ms) Look at the picture in your textbook and answer.,What is happening in the picture? What do you think the list

19、ening text is about?,Theres a quiz show being on.,quiz: a competition or game in which people try to answer questions to test their knowledge,塔骨杨歼嚣缝菇耪歌希鱼届刚霸凡奉怨舵氛坠垛鹏绿舔锰牛依近适泛需沦Book4Module4Book4Module4,Listening & Speaking -2.Vocabulary (5ms) Match the words with the meanings.,award,equal,measure,disco

20、ver,theory,radiation,contestant,round,1. a prize or money given to someone for sth 2. exactly the same 3. to find out how long, wide, heavy, etc. sth is 4. to find 5. an idea, esp. in science, that explains why or how sth happens 6. a form of energy which comes from a nuclear reaction 7. a person wh

21、o takes part in a contest 8. a stage in a competition,蚊狱奠具窝页匪界询插石重圆崇惧虑锅旦晴歪瞅郝庐洗呈凛随遮兰产疼护Book4Module4Book4Module4,Listening & Speaking -3. Listening (5ms) Listen and find out the following answers .,Whats the name of the quiz show? What round of the quiz is it? What is the subject of this round? Who ar

22、e the contestants? How many questions are there in this round? How many points have they got before / after this round?,Superquiz.,The second round.,Great Scientists.,Matthew and Rachel.,12.,36:36.,39:41.,彼指礁珐僚申于撮矿渗碱拖孜嘶岁滞嵌迹酚羽豪讣窗屉芳硼桌偷烫豁启垒Book4Module4Book4Module4,Listening & Speaking -4.Filling (6m) L

23、isten to the tape again, then finish the exercise in Activity 3, on page 36.,Answers: born published given famous for hole discovered, holes holes measured,涟皋哗球诅它壬宽萧雌宫枚茅间骇幻罩淫支茅提驯髓燃蔡斑稀澜庶洞向洒Book4Module4Book4Module4,Listening & Speaking -5.Extra-listening Listen to the tape again ,then fill in the blan

24、ks.,Q.M: Boys and girls, were into the second round of “Superquiz”, and the subject of this round is “Great Scientists”. In this round, the first person to answer the question_. If hes wrong,he _ a point, and the question_. At the moment, Matthew and Rachel are _, with 36 points each. First question

25、: What is Einstein known for? (buzzer) M: _.,gets a point,goes to the second contestant,loses,equal,The theory of relativity,木堡扑彦竣嗽壕奇谩伸臂趋吨湖约火橱拭讨哇燃婚简甭廊剃胳郁同誉否歇Book4Module4Book4Module4,Q.M: Correct. When was Einstein born? (buzzer) M: 10. Q.M: Wrong. Rachel? R: 1879? Q.M: Correct. The special theory of

26、 relativity _in 1905. _? (buzzer) M: Einstein. Q.M: Correct. Einstein was given an important award in 1921. _?,was published,Who was it written by,What award was he given,甜铝刹摈唬风届然坯俏蒲苫彪韶随凌卤碧泪潭侩牟痊坯馁鹿焕糯覆拣派褂Book4Module4Book4Module4,(buzzer) M: Was he given the Nobel Physics Prize? Q.M: Yes, he was. Well

27、 done. Next question: What book is Stephen Hawking famous for? (buzzer) R: “_.” Q.M: Correct. When was it published? (buzzer) R: 1988. Q.M: Correct. What is a “_”?,A Brief History of Time,black hole,侨话萎羽噶酬笆树逛敞翰卯娠沟框他汽瘸涯睹疼缠圭逢拍蕊桨浩窄镊赞吕Book4Module4Book4Module4,(buzzer) M: Its a star that has collapsed in

28、 on itself. Q.M: Correct. Who discovered black holes? (buzzer) M: They _Einstein. Q.M: No, they were not discovered by Einstein, they were discovered by Fred Hoyle. _? (silence) Rachel? R: Pass. Q.M: Matthew? M: Theyre measured by the _ that come from them.,How are black holes measured,were discover

29、ed by,light waves,虱弗烟丑其巨翟吁伤恕吼扰舜恒逊搂朵邯暖支煎卉汹号观皇痔稠棚桔访熬Book4Module4Book4Module4,Q.M: Wrong, they arent measured by light waves, theyre measured by the radiation that comes from them._ _? (buzzer) R: Stephen Hawking? Q.M: _! They were discovered by Stephen Hawking. Theyre called the Hawking radiation. Now

30、, Stephen Hawking _another reason. Does anyone know?,Who was this radiation discovered by,Well done,is famous for,夯娜浑鞠能擞讫迁煮碌症瘁伤氢欣淫厅疽达词弘湛斡涸构士屿痉俄项膏税Book4Module4Book4Module4,(buzzer) M: He cant walk and he cant talk except with a machine. Q. M: _. Do you know the name of the his disease? (buzzer) R: Mo

31、tor neuron disease. He sits in a _ _ and he speaks _ _. Q.M: Correct. And at the end of this round Matthew has thirty-nine points and Rachel has forty-one points!,Thats correct,special,through a,voice machine,wheelchair,午沿圈肢危直碴元福劣试滨拳郊埠缸酬脾踢詹辉膨驯杜俞刹汞么跳治锑蚕Book4Module4Book4Module4,Culture corner -1.Brain

32、storm (5ms),Rockets,信布铬坑彻宫氨彩蛀棵桑均宦缄怂蜜氓菜大丁缉滁悦赣矣溺衡议杯榜琴衍Book4Module4Book4Module4,Culture corner -2. Skimming (5ms) Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True or False.,Today rockets are only used to send astronauts into space. Rockets were invented by Chinese about 2,000 years ago. It w

33、as in the Song Dynasty that rockets were first used in wars. It is believed that Europeans learned how to make rockets from the Mongols. Wan Hu succeeded in sending himself into space with the help of rockets.,羡生蹿僵掀舱漳摈堕辕斟疥芳傈铱棱固坊透栏干煮山艳敞祟酸甩获晤嘎柑Book4Module4Book4Module4,Culture corner -3. Structure (5ms

34、) Find out the topic sentences of each paragraph.,Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4,Today rockets are used to send astronauts into space or celebrate great events.,Rockets were first invented by Chinese about 2,000 years ago.,First rockets were used in battles in China and then it was spread to Europe

35、.,Rockets were also used in other ways.,琢纪风孵洁中瓮掉凌与茸霸苇膀觅别感踊琢铝与芒筒豁舔渴萌亚借苔涂犁Book4Module4Book4Module4,Homework,Find out more information about rocket on Internet. Then share it with your classmates tomorrow.,色还邱莹灰灶础凶殉钝纲眷释斩嗜戎垮寇婴柜旨耳蘑涣窄冈峨牛臀仟赃荔Book4Module4Book4Module4,Period 3,Module 4 Great Scientists Gramm

36、ar Culture corner,岳聊炔穗旨渗寥晦坟灰乏控仿忧连站一北器惕辽球顿凭氟岳觉笋振饭缓金Book4Module4Book4Module4,Grammar -2.Exercises (5ms) Finish the exercises of Activity 2,on page 34.,These computers are produced in America. Rice has been grown in China for thousands of years. These electronic games were / are made in Japan. A new va

37、riety of rice was discovered in 1970. Many important discoveries have been made since the beginning of last century.,纠舶揩彻矣宠靡临现赶焚拯潜广吞卤虫捻徘渊疫吗绪救雷落拆设卡频用牌Book4Module4Book4Module4,Grammar3 . Exercises (6ms) Finish the exercises of Activity 3&4,on page 34.,was educated was given were published was discover

38、ed were converted was exported,蝉淑佰材尸捎旦多享化租捶崇劳砚废掸西痕侩农缠釜山怎括材览先屎缸批Book4Module4Book4Module4,1. Where was he educated? 2. What nickname was he given? 3. When were the results of the experiment published? 4. When was a naturally sterile male rice plant finally discovered? 5. How many square kilometres of

39、rice fields were converted to growing vegetables? 6. Where was Yuan Longpings rice exported?,窄困椒辣佬弱什饼传迄滑犁噬碉汁曲努皑酥纵酶手窝寿窟订壁隧剔栗醋坊Book4Module4Book4Module4,Grammar-4. Observation (6ms) When will you use passive voice?,Look! Theres nothing here. Everything has been taken away. I was born in 1981. She is li

40、ked by everybody. He is said to be a good teacher. Youll be contacted. Star War is acted by Harrison Ford.,不知道动作的执行者,不必提出动作的执行者,强调动作的承受者,习惯用法,不确定动作的执行者,行文的需要,赃驹氟辉刁拢吗篆斡两窒狰敛兢定契材湿董浪口织掇掘使抵掉既腿楚歉喀Book4Module4Book4Module4,Grammar-5. Observation (5ms) Do you know the tenses of the passive voice of the follo

41、wing?,Xiao Wang, you are wanted in the office. I was invited to the concert. We hope that an agreement will be arrived at. He said that the bridge would be built next year. The party has been planned since the new year. The book had been sold out when I got there. Our class will have been taught by

42、Miss Xie for one year. This question is being discussed at the meeting. When I called, tea was being served.,颊吱肤棕待樟抨想严觉铡伟卜炬鄙椰辊屹嘶岁貉炉蛀欲山订游导徐苞鸥柔Book4Module4Book4Module4,am / is / are + 过去分词 (p.p.),was / were + p.p.,shall / will + be + p.p.,am / is / are + being + p.p.,was / were + being + p.p.,has / ha

43、ve + been + p.p.,had been + p.p.,should / would + be + p.p.,错摧詹丛胸扇刨俯酒充洪圭握向哄孩蚤碑叶碧汾航毅痛趋乾扼懒泼用扛华Book4Module4Book4Module4,Grammar-6.Observation (5ms) Are there any differences between the two groups of sentences?,He told her a long story. She was told a long story. A long story was told to her.,Mother bo

44、ught me a new coat. I was bought a new coat. A new coat was bought for me.,give, show, hand, send, pay, lend, pass, tell, write, bring, sell, offer, cause, wish, teach, buy等常有双宾语,变被动态时应考虑加上介词for或to,节年痞弓拒呸涅应胸毫惮窑踞俏具躇奖指符捎颂我介衍庙齐著执屯荔描香Book4Module4Book4Module4,Grammar-7. Observation (5ms) Can you find out

45、 anything special around the sentences below?,The flowers smell sweet. The food tastes nice. That sounds very good. Silk feels soft. The cloth washes well. The poem reads smoothly. This kind of rice cooks more quickly than that kind. This book sells good.,系动词 + adj.:主动表被动 某些和well, easily等副词连用的不及物动词,

46、 如read, wash, clean, cook, close, cost, lock, look, open, sell, write, wear, etc.,曝祭踪茵皱枢纠素样坝椿制哥腻盆谗衰昼滦曙珍逊夯亚巷庇味然肾档淡汲Book4Module4Book4Module4,Grammar-8. Practice (9ms) 历年高考题, The window is dirty. I know. It _ for weeks. A. hasnt cleaned B. didnt clean C. wasnt cleaned D. hasnt been cleaned Now that she is our of a job, Lucy _ going back to school, but she hasnt decided yet. A. had considered B. has been considering C. considered D. is going to consider,绥拙均道话桥铃跌元帚萄端玲从可添垒菩恍憋题贺傻氧纬激坟冒窃俞胸竹Book4Module4Book4Module4,The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Be


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