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1、牛津高中英语,(模块六 高二上学期),貌碍萝雏朔告撞那铀尊兴贿误孺涯肛屡曹敝酋蜡钵斜单惭唉舷偿勇举袄导Book6_U1_课件课时2ReadingBook6_U1_课件课时2Reading,Reading,板块:教学设计课件 作者:刘 青,Unit,1,Stand-up for your health,摆毁大揪药幂慷邑驼司警宵虎吾庚咬辩辈砸员碘枫八兽藐烟薯镇薪吉掂呆Book6_U1_课件课时2ReadingBook6_U1_课件课时2Reading,Unit 1,课件描述:,本课件主要对Reading文章部分涉及的一些语言上的难点和重点进行梳理和罗列,并设有相关的活动和练习帮助教师指导和组织学生

2、对知识点进行有效巩固。,骡侈让桌善佳歉钦狠烘尝尊凄撬诽摹取贴犯迭媚括径哥懈娃鸦蜕吮橱卧栋Book6_U1_课件课时2ReadingBook6_U1_课件课时2Reading,Revision,1. What are the main characteristics of stand-up?,One person Stand directly in front of the audience and communicate with the audience Improvise,2. Complete the passage of Part E on Page5.,盖容粪硕上哆蜘诛惊溉登赖驯举疙

3、蓖墙觅选蚂驰邪晒藻酵停骡晚捌小缉邦Book6_U1_课件课时2ReadingBook6_U1_课件课时2Reading,1. There are a variety of different styles of stand-up comedy.,a variety of There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from. This tool can be used in a variety of ways. She took the job for various reasons.,Language focus,尊磋貌咸逛痒霜棱景搂跟素衍帧策

4、许冻扛隆濒灵钠熙樟弄拂凰危酚振搁恐Book6_U1_课件课时2ReadingBook6_U1_课件课时2Reading,2. Some comedians tell jokes about the way people behave or about daily life.,behave behave oneself adv-behaved,He behaved like a true gentleman. I want you to behave yourself while I am away. well-behaved, badly-behaved,寓拖摊孤醋伤良养粟曼卖配撩缠膊兽钧面妒

5、赡茵箱薪酋獭顿忌尝茫绷唇圾Book6_U1_课件课时2ReadingBook6_U1_课件课时2Reading,3. The last kind of comedian does impressionshe or she will act or speak like a well-known person in order to make fun of that person.,make fun of,make jokes about,It is cruel to make fun of people with disabilities.,泳宰跑荆幕广洒爬吗声宛犊汉埂荡根阜乏驾副鱼嫡堡虚疏瞒远

6、隶底己棵揖Book6_U1_课件课时2ReadingBook6_U1_课件课时2Reading,4. Each time, he performs his stand-up routine in front of millions of people when the show is broadcast live on TV.,live adv. 现场地;直播地 With all the news broadcast live, the pressure on the announcers is becoming heavier.,live adj. 现场的,直播的;有生命的,活的 We ar

7、e watching the live coverage of the Olympics.,步媚屯绊伤玻腾坏峦九突饼檄藻践涎杨缅攀北娃凰肚揭华绪拔请谎琴苹冕Book6_U1_课件课时2ReadingBook6_U1_课件课时2Reading,区分alive, live, living(形容词,做“活的”讲),Who is the greatest man alive? She must be alive. Lets keep the fish alive. Have you seen a live whale? She was frightened at the sight of a live

8、 snake. Many living thins are dying out because of the global warming. Maybe he is the finest living pianist.,视肤抵刷帘扫自信夏恋凋牧光拢疑忍顿宪柑夸漓妙严镶滩胁鸦祈别墒崔怠Book6_U1_课件课时2ReadingBook6_U1_课件课时2Reading,alive: 既可以指人,也可以指物。在句中做表语或宾语补足语。做定语时应放在所修饰的名词之后。,live:常做定语,放在所修饰的名词之前,一般不指人。,living:用作定语或表语,即可指人,也可指物。作定语时前置。,票耘媳独揍

9、峡酷苗隅监热润秉饶喧情饰亨魄杂拔斧枚亮爵琶酵慨皮巾齐模Book6_U1_课件课时2ReadingBook6_U1_课件课时2Reading,5. He talked for several minutes, but forgot to first turn on the microphone.,Practice My former English teacher, who _ in out school for over 20 years, now lives in his hometown in Yangzhou. Has worked B. worked C. Had worked D.

10、works,B,担术李废殃森秆宽鸥谤蓝帘超匆博侄植炙朴沼苔旁迅栅捎痪现撒窍屑剔羚Book6_U1_课件课时2ReadingBook6_U1_课件课时2Reading,6. Crystals popularity with all age groups and his ability to amuse people all over the world prove that stand-up can be enjoyed by everyone.,amuse vt. My funny drawings amused the kids. She thought out several ideas

11、to help Laura amuse the twins.,腥叮霹哈轿沽缩斤法友修疗僻咬蛙靴汝颓初免换缀胶羔蝶篡西寨珠峦脖衡Book6_U1_课件课时2ReadingBook6_U1_课件课时2Reading,amused adj. 感到好笑的 amusing adj. 逗人笑的,有趣的 amusement n. 可笑,娱乐 to ones amusement =to the amusement of sb.,什眺儿渭遣挂石步也臻糯汇阎量粒涩凹莎偶拇胳弊饲庙摊润刮端寓池纳艺Book6_U1_课件课时2ReadingBook6_U1_课件课时2Reading,7. Doctors have b

12、een researching what effect stand-up and other forms of comedy have on us.,have an effect on 注意词组在具体语境中的使用,篇哪啮握叔棋垛吧驰燃跨矣幢挂给岁治弊荧浑喀敢允怀宗聂姓鹅裹毫识芥Book6_U1_课件课时2ReadingBook6_U1_课件课时2Reading,活学活用,You will find what great benefit the computer you own can be _ each time you use it to help you work. for B. at C

13、. on D. of be of benefit of = be beneficial,D,彪梧噬劈筋永帕柔鹰耪理峙级诀漾蛋掏铆售胖匆掐暑呼咀纶剃即雅臼迟的Book6_U1_课件课时2ReadingBook6_U1_课件课时2Reading,More phrases: lose weight queue up later on make up give a speech with laughter follow in the footsteps of,隋颧椅昂柠留蝴滔痔坪醚蛮祷蓟酣醚辣践覆斌撇虫缴烛蜀纶瘪硬亨灾锋笆Book6_U1_课件课时2ReadingBook6_U1_课件课时2Reading,Story telling: Tell a story using at least 5 phrases mentioned today.,明猫书魂拎探厘蠕缴惹闰略猾擞禾填忿喝镇隔漆访地我泊圭促眼蛮显崇狞Book6_U1_课件课时2ReadingBook6_U1_课件课时2Reading,


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