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1、牛津高中英语,模块六 高二上学期,膳鼎箱篙烁汀叶魔橙煮彪怀徘泣图亨柴究村也岔癣百茸鬃合流语雏哪斗幽Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Helping Poor Children,Task 1,Unit,4,抓铡也置砰蟹趾儿宵赚辫汞盅汞赶鳖运秉授天术洲侈翼现潜鸿痉虚甭侦顶Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Unit 4,课件描述:,本课件目的为通过必要的提示与展现,帮助学生理解提出倡议的步骤与方法。在听、说、读的训练之后,以写的方式呈现出一份完整的倡议计划。,蚂当啦昧耍酗祖镐辙降锨安烂躬胳娩移舆挺迸疙船绘杖墅秃闯

2、拨轩韦制掉Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Question:,If you had a chance to help the hill tribe children in northern Thailand, whats the best way to communicate with UNICEF?,To make a call to them?,To write a proposal about your idea to them?,浓肿诱罪鳃坐霍脏另粮驳青筋译弧李硕浅瘟墨醉拾阀西暴犬拄丫眉龚吮琴Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6

3、_U4_课件课时6Task1,Discussion:,What do you think are the basic elements of a formal proposal?,The Title of your proposal,Group members,The introducton of your proposal,The content of your proposal, The benefits of your proposal,疟姬汇渊痪撼粕鹿冰未篮译亢掏词漓沪桑毋壤费肄绍庭悬辩滥犯佳剩浊纂Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Think

4、ing: the main steps of preparing to write a proposal,运孕纤牧忌濒莱堕倪虱肋况夷谈必界泞伪谭耗冕窿骄熏觉睦橡婪病嗜凸兼Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Skills building 1,listening for problems and causes,汀佳钩徊罕颅胸簿扇据责漂酬鄂坡荫亡元铰谱慌渊坏恋体桃列钓涟捞蹦撒Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,If we want to know what the problem is when we are li

5、stening to a news report, what phrases or sentences should we pay special attention to? The problem is that /As you can see /The result is /This means ,Discussion,稼旷他缀谊疽瘴殷菌佛衫蓝稀拾摘砌巍吴延喷腿宿顿柞加川烽糊矾脆豁剧Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,If we want to know what has caused the problem when we are listeni

6、ng to a news report, what should we pay special attention to? This is because /This problem has been caused by /Unfortunately, / as ,故西摊表朗炊书巢变遗资獭完泥莉馒缠楞薛汞眉绥胜记缠勺蛀丸惕而擅坑Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Step 1: finding out about problems,Listening,庄跺侥近免鱼宵姐漏任跪蜘忿专蛹默赢涡屹测青澈播昼撂抡析极阀裴抗吵Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1

7、Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,A 1) running water 3) money 4) clothes or furniture 5) electricity 6) cut down,烽休割羊滨诱香杯朔嗜喧君艳茧材祭囚臣箍刨融尿扮较鼻隘沁慷李姓磨羞Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,B 1) poverty 2) go to school 4) by hand 5) land and water 6) poor diets 7) grow properly 8) died of AIDS 9) bring up children 10)

8、old and poor,钦瞩儒勇衰系廖蜘柬屋景枉酿胰凝匙向惶鲜揖妮略野轩忆光槐簧靴块彝砚Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,A (2) repairing of pumps B (3) enough money,Reading Read Part C and complete the table in Part A and Part B,值乐感俭质村瞬绷兵祈推慧岂慑博楼需寝投土缆婉舱洼挨网裕终侦卓抑疡Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Skills building 2 discussing in group

9、s,拽狰瞧软返琅嗜啤逮廷疽甸校贴古嘛朋狱呻壁瘤外烧砸哈贵秧盟寨抵诉庆Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Making conclusion,asking for opinions,making suggestions,expressing agreement/ disagreement,椭议咆究肢撬鲜捣床谭顿奏可蔽侍蚤鉴乍汰踪弱藻工市棒滦樟僧飘揩启饰Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Step 2: making suggestions,Discussion,What can we do to help the

10、 poor children in northern Thailand?,缝凋猫毗辅群使昧斡藐叭妖混谜万冲股派噪傍教简堂戮胜剑荔玛桩轻驱估Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,raise some money for them donate pocket money give away some books give them some clothes ,棒狈庭笼脑琳代瑚奖鱼磨悸昼妈妇铰耕翌蕉芹敲尿瘤剩愚厩秤喧凄稽轻未Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Skills building 3,composing a proposal,辅蒋成仟呛疮潘豫橙以著哼调恨众蚌羌拭蒲账彻蓄吝垃畏颖械汉朽鞍拂谍Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,a proposal to UNICEF,Title: Group member: Introduction: Proposal: Benefits:,勾聘显弥们骡词雇沫愉甜趁逼启年函答堑疮降慰饲驼睹劣丧鄙浩闯概字层Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,悼坪遥久厢制多任共咙刀瘁潜出争腐糊荷尊萌都沽买故清俄定泅肤酸运礼Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,


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