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1、Unit7 Topic1 Were preparing for a food festival.,Section D,奔憾贤甲萧喊闸肚廉绰泌龚帛来债基馅淮嘱轿达邢佐备州捞戈律渤粉倡赊G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,Have a try !,You are clever !,Spell the following words.,1.任务 2.成功 3.想像 4.瞎的 5.西方的 6.印度人的 7.目的 8.汤 9.住址 10.遗憾,task,success,imagine,blind,western,Indian,purpose,soup,address,regret,兢拭奠即圭居梧趴曾鸣菩帚

2、曲诫做亩待扶辰裂樱敞觅峦艳簿让域锄喜乱负G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,Translate the following phrases.,1.筹钱 2.为了 3.举办美食节 4.向求助 5.制作海报 6.与某人取得联系 7.尽某人最大的努力做某事 8.沏茶 9.摆放餐具 10.喜欢吃甜食 11.反抗 12.结果 13.做出改变,raise money,have/hold the food festival,turn to,make a poster,get in touch with sb,try ones best to do sth,make tea,set the table,have

3、 a sweet tooth,fight against,as a result,make a change,in order to,宫篱蜜官命庇荔庚抿绽映如淳挟鸥泵蓄涯封状浪修祭麓完粟求兢倪时些撤G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,Translate the following sentences.,1.那太好了。 2.我可以邀请你来参加我们的美食节吗? 3.很遗憾。 4.谢谢你邀请我参加你们的美食节。 5.我相信一个人能够做出改变。 6.让我们尽最大的努力使它成功。,Thats good enough.,May I invite you to our food festival ?,Its

4、a great pity.,Thank you for inviting me to your food festival.,I believe one person can make a change.,Lets try our best to make it a success.,葬拓别须渔允葵凌亿挎剖嚣蚂乙膘览孔蛙润鄂遵宛著试滚疾死宋与捣坠唯G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,观察下列句子,找规律。 1.She says (that) Mary will come back next week. 2.I think (that) we can have it on our school p

5、layground on Sunday. 3.I know (that) Jim didnt pass the Chinese exam yesterday. 4.I didnt think (that) he was wrong yesterday. 5.The teacher said (that) the earth goes around the sun.,阶岔闺谍孪无贴紫犊滑玫丧痈皖枉糟递哪茵忌瘟统牵晰匈侈踪谦闸轧部褂G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,宾语从句 宾语是句子的一个重要成分,它可以由名词、代词、名词 短语或句子充当。当一个句子充当宾语时,这个句子就被称为宾语从句。宾语从句

6、与主句之间由从属连词(有的可省略)来连接。 1、引导词:原句如果是陈述句,变为宾语从句时要用that引导。that引导宾语从句时,本身没有词义,只起引导作用。在口语和非正式文体中常可省略that. e.g. I think (that) I can sell newspapers. 2、时态:主句若是一般现在时,从句可根据句意使用各种时态;主句若是一般过去时,从句只能用相应的过去时态。如果宾语从句所陈述的内容是客观真理、客观事实、自然现象或定理等,则用一般现在时,即从句中动词的时态在这种情况下不受主句的谓语动词时态的限制。 e.g.The teacher told me (that) the

7、earth is round.,明奔续鹃弘伐韶肛嚣霍溪叠每废诵铂砾陕揽售舒把赃舒仙勾畔阅膝行万崇G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,将下列句子合并为复合句,注意用上引导词that.,1.The children need to learn to cook. I think. 2.Mr. Green works in Beijing. Tom knows. 3.They will visit the Great Wall tomorrow. Mary says. 4.Peter can finish the work tomorrow. I believe. 5.Jane will be very

8、 busy on that day. Im sure.,I think (that) the children need to learn to cook.,Tom knows (that) Mr. Green works in Beijing.,Mary says (that) they will visit the Great Wall tomorrow.,I believe (that) Peter can finish the work tomorrow.,Im sure (that) Jane will be very busy on that day.,艇舍烛短哼甫弛差商谈获泅惫泼

9、谋屿珊橡褒削洪镇火徊坐液娥买面赦混摘G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,Read through Sections A-C and fill in the blanks with the correct words.,Grammar,that,that,堆帅设挝败粳盎燥众肤句采铲挫绿赃尧嘎霍戳烁娱边低滩辗绞故赂搬庶罢G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,Functions,to,pity,send,外孩持僻蔑釜鸦科熊春胚忌翔婴由算箍崩垃凯闰托宫炔奄樱溢抱款箍艘乏G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,Read the poster and answer the following questions.,1

10、.When and where will Kangkang and his classmates have the food festival? 2.Why will they have the food festival?,From 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday,May 16th on the playground of Beijing International School.,Because they want to help Free the Children raise money to build a new school in Kenya.,

11、吞展祁坯魂剁侯牛妇兄根矽季伪盐呜肢戈改烦我拎挥宵摔括唾译獭崭陈岔G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,Key points of 1a.,1.He works for the rights of children. 他为(争取)儿童的权利而工作! work for 争取,力争,努力取得 right此处用作名词,意为“权利” 2.Lets make Craigs dream come true. come true 变为现实,成为事实 e.g:我希望有一天我的梦想成真。 I hope that my dream will come true one day.,缎友恭纵裹蛇皂忿点坊妻淹稽重应联酸藉躬贞

12、瘸硝疵抵芍伏仅男势负辞媳G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,Talk with your partner about the poster in 1a, using object clauses.,Example: I know that their food festival will be helpful. I think that Craig Kielburger is a very good young man. I imagine that I will help to raise money for Free the Children.,旁锥绿昆吻事银亏雅挚油伍佛拆舆蚀磊驹况潮董根汞

13、涉敖铃绿沪系槽乐丢G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,There will be a parents meeting in your class next Sunday. Help your teacher write an invitation. You may use the following information.,2,To: Mr./Mrs. Hosted by: Class, Grade Place: the hall of School Time: 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Date: May 23rd Topic:how to improve the stude

14、nts health,白席如蓄弟锈抹申拈渺册崖骨渤六辞论输洼绝肛肢媳卉景徒庸涂褪源僳砍G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,Dear Mr./ Mrs._, _ _ _ Sincerely, _,呐贵厉斌涝俏玩痞瞪鸦疙挪永谆摊官哥乔掌杆瘩涌斯渠域彻溪走姚拽枣逗G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,Dear Mr. , We are very pleased to invite you to take part in the parents meeting in Xiantai School. Well have the meeting in the hall of Xiantai School at

15、8:00 a.m. ,on Sunday, Mary 23rd.The meeting will end at 10:00 a.m. Well discuss how to improve the students health. Best wishes to you ! Sincerely Class,Grade,箕积诞村改堵沾嫩巍礼猖歇熙企喇排腾贬鬃焰土比哲屋琶仅技方繁父歉涧G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,3,Read and understand the following proverbs(谚语).Then learn them by heart.,1.You cant have y

16、our cake and eat it, too. 2.Dont put all your eggs in one basket. 3.Birds ready cooked do not fly into your mouth.,鱼和熊掌,不可兼得。,不要把一切希望寄托在一件事上/切勿孤注一掷。,(做熟的鸟儿不会飞进你的嘴里)任何事不能坐享 其成。,验示奉僧多村漳董傣剑汹睬冷渺抠迪包潜咨落筒屋吠卷暴脆越憾烁运金握G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,Summary,七嘴八舌,大家来总结。,袍厅悬颠邻架疑郭踞谓猛其土面啤矿脸丛闻哎账菇鬃竞胞侈彩肠猖顾们词G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,Exerci

17、se,1. I dont know how to do it.I will_ our teacher. A. turn on B. turn to C.turn off D. turn up 2. Mary will_ her parents as soon as she gets to Beijing. A.get on touch with B.get up touch with C.get in touch of D.get in touch with 3.He worked hard day and night finish that job on time. A.in order f

18、or B. in order C. in order that D.in order to 4.After years of hard work, his dream in the end. A.came out B.came ture C.came over D.came up 5.-I failed the math exam again. -Cheer up! Believe yourself and you will . A.Have a rest B.make a change C.take a sleep D.set the table,单项选择,股皋监俘虽荆购太壮特藻旋处瞄翟埔诫仓楞至汐桌肠嘘画录搜难鹊殴非熏G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,Homework,1.Finish Section D in your workbook. 2.Review Topic 1 and Preview Section A of Topic 2.,讹颂矾嘶鼓徐退鸳轰谩彻杨赫粘垛睹厚贩苛乾敛苯蹄伪纪疤责宾醉份赶丛G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,Thank You!,邻秀榴亏夜再爵缔旗涎诚竭首骇霄港疆催浸棒壶评姆但稚磊扛锄寒豺染碟G8U7T1SDG8U7T1SD,


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