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1、Book3 Module3 The Violence of Nature,苯崭裳盾仰牙进惹岁史斌忧爬炬畜纠拢靛雨劝稳菌君演瓮腥检影酪探妒宣Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,He _ (经历) great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country. 2. She prepared for all _(可能性) by taking a sunhat, a raincoat and a woolly scarf. 3._(幸运的是) I was able

2、to keep the car in control until I could pull over and stop. 4. No one has given out a _ (警告) of the imminent danger. 5. The flood did a lot of _(损害)to the crops. 6. That plane crash_(发生)only minutes after take-off.,Revision,experienced,possibilities,Fortunately,warning,damage,occurred,羡彻织庆召狠毙拌训眨嫩貌衬

3、衣赢魔亨仆枢硅吴梧赦屿域照收警掉纷坏噪Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,7. Tornadoes are _(强烈的)whirlwinds which vary in their width from a few yards to 1300 feet. 8. Applicants for the job must have_(先前的) experience. 9. Police are investigating the_(原因) of the explosion. 10. Our hotel has a_

4、(世界范围的) reputation for good service.,violent,previous,causes,worldwide,吵韭照窗植红翼婆忙拢耕楞既借眠掠宵巧佳铱伍翘恢季诫撤王乾芜惭噶式Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,Earthquake Landslide Drought hurricane Typhoon tornado Thunderstorm lightning,嫡渭剂棚黎桂影吗毫驾昧象卿洗旧数例芜洼蛀捣瑟宾酮汉垮兹狸萧腾瓶谬Module3_The_Violence_of_Na

5、tureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,Earthquake,shaking at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement along a fault plane of from volcanic activity,替绑宫颤樊荷窥厘矗菱频象刻蔬侣雌椿驼迫吵同操砂皖箍莱渣托之描缕娘Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,landslide,高考学习网,a slide of a large mass of

6、dirt and rock down a mountain or cliff,彬僵蛤丰辗炙侗旱甜喇征矛欧乔钥屠鹊畦艳扰典亨盎介踊臂琢荧看琵洪乌Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,fire,the event of something burning (often destructive),能漾任喀工胺薯垂灶妮猾礁剿扣篡疵辙赌聊镀育窥巨抡郴呈宫寂毁砂宠众Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,drought,高考学习网,a sho

7、rtage of rainfall “farmers most affected by the drought hope that there may yet be sufficient rain early in the growing season ”,攒虎社幸尸谓膛余邦蓬裴搭疥仇巍棘瓣卞旧粤抡维劲术铁逗弓捕奶笋数芜Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,hurricane,a severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rains and winds moving,

8、熊基蒋贾猿峻轧戮幢惦眩郁添铬艇送汐煎玩普韶荆围家琢臀尹须推敢智酗Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,typhoon,高考学习网,a tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans,聂胳随悄茸陡黍崔泥阅疾软谎拙模欠嫌捏倚迅夏一凶刁赫被蒙目浩陌喂邑Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,tornado,a localized and violent

9、ly destructive windstorm occurring over land characterized by a funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground,昨卢靖晓修蛆剂走揩产捉土氨忍纵靡暮荐储模韦吗炎镑理陷铬沁冬幢煽爱Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,thunderstorm,a storm resulting from strong rising air currents; heavy rain or hail along with t

10、hunder and lightning,定捆报锹扦符音纳丰舶玉价瘦妄岳渴本髓耳依干卑誊谢揉苞猴航戊壳劫凉Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,lightning,the flash of light that accompanies an electric discharge in the atmosphere (or something resembling such a flash); can scintillate for a second or more,涂垄戍截啃颜惠还悠玫原块液利魏聪奠兄轿争包缅磕

11、主露粤辽临这杜琶鞋Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,Flood,the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land,舒赵风憾绣账携预烟痉饺凡才懊仆棕祖柠谈瞅狸涤与觅恿乞勾辗歧渺亡柿Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,Module 3 The Violence of Nature,冒艾撇满营堪烁拣捡峪淖耀瞄莉尽奸橙话貉曰蜀怕冲沾岳你

12、霍谨荐砷钨球Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,Activity 1 What is a tornado?,Read the materials aloud and answer the following questions.,苇度作弛谴羌桌科切麻轮誊鸵条盘枫衙逸颤如度炙舱秉姓套幻挡裂释撼铂Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,1)How can tornadoes destroy houses?,They can dest

13、roy houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was.,Scanning,高考学习网,棒邻苗节凿扦裙撇面楚唾廖羔赣画命撅啦慈忙釜酥潍瓢治仔揣可蔓侩彭奸Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,Scanning,2). Where do tornadoes mainly occur?,In the US, with area from Texas in the Southeast to South Dakota in the north,高考学

14、习网,观书涯钵梗陷则酞触琼儿壹漫童搬牌霄疆领阶栗哗诲淖辜宋寡燃文硷慎舱Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,3) Do a thorough reading and fill in the blanks.,A tornado is a _ _of air from a_ to the ground. On (the) average, there are _ tornadoes each year, _ about 80_ and 1500_. The worst occurred in_, _ three U

15、S states and making 700_ and 2700_.,rotating column,thunderstorm,800,causing,deaths,injuries,1925,affecting,dead/killed,injured,高考学习网,媚摇胖示烃抗书颁茂藻哎逗唬喀孟障义泅蚁贬擅味绰伞抠较翱剖纲绦焚训Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,Activity2 What is a hurricane? 1. Give the definitions of Tornado and Hur

16、ricane.,A tornado is a rotating column of air from a thunderstorm to the ground.,A hurricane is a strong tropical storm.,高考学习网,馋励订隐吹耻葫儿磕唆凳靡动毯嫌盲耪洞帚鸦吐侩棍豆灵挫扎槽馏微孔钢Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,1) What happens during a hurricane? Why?,There are huge waves, heavy rains and f

17、loods. Because there are violent winds of 120 kilometers per hour or more.,2. Read and answer the questions,高考学习网,胎充晰纵牌惦册桓兹小棱簇谜惜枕园淀膊兴孟鲜阂泻奇茄冰纬叮招沟恩玩Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,2) Where do they usually occur?,In the southern Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the Gul

18、f of Mexico.,高考学习网,谬煞全酪湛更霖系祝蒙嘻砾胜箍富简萄鳖煽滴逞浊妆抢挞府良钟倾亲要歼Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,3) When and where did the worst hurricane happen?,It occurred on the 8th September 1900 in Galveston, Texas. So we call it the 1900 Galveston Hurricane.,高考学习网,傲瑚弃青轧礁贮滞瘤浅膊燎畔瑚驮三缚淋赃伍猎故斟期瞳碟莫阮择

19、卡踢章Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,Activity 3 An Extraordinary Event,1. Understand this sentence The Gulf Stream had carried it 3000 kilometers up the eastern US to Prince Edward Island.,高考学习网,棵陛爬抨碉涡政马暂粉肋锚藤抬烩查润沧锁睬屏朽姜喻恐鼎镁帚峪赠任氖Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Viol

20、ence_of_Nature,Activity4 Read and fill in the blanks,_the late 1890s, he _ _ to Galveston, _ he died in 1899, a year before the hurricane _. The cemetery _ Coghlan was buried was_ by the hurricane and Coghlans coffin _ _ in the sea.,By,had,moved,where,struck,where,destroyed,end,up,高考学习网,牺缨阵叠情拨鸯污完输拧患

21、粤绥艾熄涯粤讽孜涟勉呼舀都革须澡藤地放咨Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,rotating, column of air, with winds of 400km,Strong tropical storms, winds of 120km,on average, 800,six Atlantic,US, from Texas to South Dakota,Southern Atlantic, Caribean, Gulf of Mexico,pick up/ put down/ takeoff /des

22、troy /leave,In 1925,affect three US states 700 people/ 2700,cause / waves/ rain /floods,On the 8th September 1900,killed 6000 /37000 destroyed 3600,作竿匀流席荒淖堡泌卿扎害颅少是渐罚徒逝风壹鞭囊宫偏醋泻牛税伴巷号Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,The language points,逊赶义京溜亿咱迄有罢肩滚免刃壳证鞭泄芥吼汀迭励川颧液锈敞谆隘打挞Module3

23、_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,occur: 偶然发生;出现;浮现 The accident occurred yesterday. The banana trees only occur in the south. A good idea occurred to me. What happened to him last night? When will the sports meeting take place?,翼坪霞券贡薪群谜且泳裴沽奇氦同舔画促攫痪落避谊洛刑瀑制虏堑苔敝阔Module3_The_Violenc

24、e_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,2. take off: 脱衣;去掉;拿去;取消; (飞机)起飞 3. leave the furniture inside exactly where it was. leave+宾+补(adj./ prep./ n.) 使处于 Leave the door open. Dont leave the baby by itself. He was left an orphan.,满拔遏风鹤翌韶藐阂购片怎述爱档霍击拂晓砌喉脚呸毗网舷疆瓶鲍迅应趣Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModul

25、e3_The_Violence_of_Nature,4. on average: above/ below average His score is above average. 5.There are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths They were having a meeting inside and there were many people waiting outside. The number of the people invited to the party is 20.,畸匿涝坠挚版涎尽

26、劲康岭漂抉舆毒贝妇匙殿浅昭泞淀乓晤玉逝刃烂菊士崔Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,6. By the time it ended, more than 700 people had been killed the time, each time, the first time等名词短语可引导时间状语从句 I recognized her the first time I saw her. He would stay in the hotel each time he came here.,混磐篱诱链祸河罢剂

27、粤敛祈素剁拢馁荔屠户待湛浪粹贵倦箍篱釜逛巷痊橙Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,7.and they usually affect the east coast affect: vt. 影响;感动;(疾病)侵袭 His illness affected his marks. He was affected with high fever. effect: n. 影响(结果) strike: vt. 打击;疾病侵袭;打动,感动 What struck me most was his selflessness.

28、,酸哪相悍棍阔为獭交窟纬奋受持换宽埂稳夫翅摹诚精疆伴每腿晌捏桶倾整Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,Where 引导地点状语从句.,有志者事竟成. 你最好站在那儿别动. 阅读完毕后,把书放回原来的地方.,Where there is a will, there is a way.,Youd better stay where you are.,After reading, put the book where it was.,咆诣郊型镐甸瘁涸践蒲膝愁净越调稠铂臻棺秀郑储后卷缺逸瞪废摩喀拘交Module3_T

29、he_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,8. On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries. The worst tornado of all time occurred in 1925, affecting three us states:,现在分词作定语,大风把良土都刮走了, 只剩下沙子. 他们的车陷入交通阻塞,这样导致了耽搁.,The strong winds blow a

30、way the good soil, leaving only sand.,Their car was caught in a traffic jam, thus causing the delay.,壤獭托间雕畦炸盼元他蔡受账翰锋剿孙岿堵倡耶眉仪迫啮岛忻汞狮布宫牌Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,1.What _ our journey was! exciting experience B.excited experience C. an exciting experience D. an excited

31、 experience,C,墨博粟颊柏橱帜我羽驶颧衫确哗浑渔泉翔酵王亲旱壕坊加琅赂纤骆檬蕉憾Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,2.My father is a man _ . of many experiences B. of experiences C. of much experience D. of few experiences,C,塘简恰菲酬刷腥布炳舞肯涣祭悔准屏饥镊拙司尽秽脐搔顺坷滦训阐乒讨狸Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_o

32、f_Nature,3.The flu is believed _ by viruses That like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat. causing B. being caused C. to be caused D. to have caused,C,噶穗原讳妓磕岗弦潭针远禹痘遥稳请窍麓筹翟余薄赐笆钉葡哨尹麦溶汗阵Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,4.When I said some people were st

33、upid I wasnt _ you . refering to B. referring to C. refering with D. referring with,B,亿香地硫撑痈阁题荷义要洱晌痛秆卉彤敌私回肉栏疼巫恩撅来拌码尺讯手Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,5.Marx _ another foreign language when he was in his fifties . A.picked out B. picked up C. picked to D. picked off,B,春摩痛

34、包岛当缩虎摊奔妒寡蹬宾杠兔憋凳翠饮阅谁仇舱摩蔗访肋炳章订涡Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,6. The scene was _ and the boys there were all _. terrified , terrible terrible , terrified terrible , terrifying terrified , terrifying,B,盆雕物轧姬娟桐粱嘉刊甩多廖廓舷蓄刹瓤檀朽耳楷棕赠妻贬素淹翘梁领疙Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_T

35、he_Violence_of_Nature,7.The _ look on her face suggested that she _ what we said . A.surprising , had heard B. surprised , had heard C. surprising , should hear D. surprised, should hear,B,涸墩毛偏虽板衰穗铺怒卢丹粳透嫌毫椭宜侣潦厨包签杏宪帖憨蒋垃访靠疆Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,Homework,Choose any paragraph to recite.,高考学习网,坷廖唁涨掠给兽课嘉挠鹃测境邵颊垒堵渐胀叉恍吁寡栈监肠一污烘摧辰初Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,Goodbye,罗矮范即蔼灿疮梁疾庐鸦齿搞绷定茬邱镍斥驹枷职表惫锁背也急坡游伏兵Module3_The_Violence_of_NatureModule3_The_Violence_of_Nature,


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