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1、Module 3 At the weekend,外研社(新标准)五年级上册英语,Review,,淹锹意枕曲咀井无寐除史呛吮乘眶献摘笨纠鸡赫释吨兼铁业异县咏蒜认零Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,我会默写单词。,the British Museum 大英博物馆 the London Eye 伦敦眼 wheel 轮,轮状物 wonderful 令人惊奇的 understand 明白,理解 postcard 明信片 hour 小时 mountain 山,,烽筛瓷化堡态偏椽伊褪敝汰际力授灵蝶慌咋燃抒讹赤标纷押锡粟残锗锥蒙Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,温故互查,do go visit

2、 send like see,did,went,visited,sent,liked,学案问题一,saw,蔷终扛通鼎碧敦氟毫勺乍准闯酥堂葵皖汀头绚叔券吵枷坦董磁砸竭脸漂倦Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,weekend 周末,How many days in a week ?,,曲字袖鹅蜕尉框陛肋咬媳爱会缴爹忌稿巩松滞溃趴嘎覆禄嚎旧缮震棘挎岁Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,重点句型(注意动词的过去式写法):,1.A:What did you do at the weekend? B:We visited lots of plances. 2.A:Where did you g

3、o? B:We went to the British Museum. 3.A:Whats the London Eye? B:Its a big wheel.Its wonderful. 4.We sent you a postcard. 5.They went there at ten oclock in the morning. 6.Then they walked for one hour. 7.They took photos of the mountains.,件莉娄束巧钠涧俺谤枣凤匝师气宙殉陵碎馒像啼士笺卸荒需脯释初盖面逐Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,Practice

4、 the conversation in pairs,A: _ did you go ? B:I _(go) to the British Museum. A: What did you _? B: I _(visit) the London Eye.,学案问题三,Where,went,do,visited,排窑搔路饱扣酱地身德似触臭挺剂怒椽绕吴嚼阁磊妊傀揣崭柿沫红砧寂锗Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,_ a photo of .,went to _ at the weekend.,They went there _ in the morning.,They went _ to Ba

5、daling.,They _ photos of the mountains.,the Great Wall,bus,took,took,ten,at,by,Retell the story.,,戳催肾铸伺疏舌狰庐纂她碴稠革达赤借蛤涸圃蓟升昔瞎阅矢物串豢穷态荫Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,What did Amy ,Lingling and Sam do at the weekend ? Where did they go? Whats the London Eye ? Did Lingling like the postcard?,帅汤页福呢粘嘛各映姨阜衣猿失陷孪卷垄谬裳杯妊落蚕

6、烈寄货剖嘎肋寞贵Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,2.What is Amy doing?,1.How many people are there in the dialogue?,There are three people in the dialogue.,She is calling with Daming.,墓亩擎养码额孜林逆址兰妈峭碟呜绊甄绰隘缆哈向枫惰灸棺菱捍乡诗润敷Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,4.Where did they go?,They went to the British Museum. And they visited Big Ben and t

7、he London Eye.,3.What did they do at the weekend?,They visited lots of places.,狭臃括坡劫叭馁企侥悄绞糠悯乒没土婿绸婿炯恤癸孙滩逢戏混帕州托慕谣Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,5.Whats the London Eye?,6.Did Lingling like the bus ride?,Its a big wheel. Its wonderful.,Yes, she did.,,堰荣你睬凹铺酚妻纺蹭醚并剧颖娥闲安注躬宋湍浮龚瞪唱辑巩评蓉硅畜罕Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,( /Linglin

8、g) phoned ( /Sam). At the weekend, Amy, Sam and Lingling ( /took photos of) the British Museum. They went to the (Great Wall / ) and the London Eye. They sent Daming a (letter/ ). Lingling ( /didnt like) the London Eye. She liked the ( train/ ) ride best.,Read, choose and write.,Amy,Daming,visited,B

9、ig Ben,postcard,liked,bus,瓷艳敬刘屏俩攘硬当裙姜诽工鞋泣罪早郡尤捣城喧梦羊露帕披泞姑揽烤阶Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,a、英汉词组互译 在周末 Big Ben 参观许多地方 the British Museum the London Eye 乘公交车观光 b、连词成句 visited of we places lots (.) weekend do did the at what you (?) British Museum the went we to (.) bus but the ride liked best she(.) they one walked hour for (.),,驹夫振间迸恩桓卒根士凛靳改涎绊殃卜区见在枕籍馅妄哭词盛点犯手搽痰Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,Bye-bye!,,摩立庞扩特赚互位忍肠泡后赊垒吟蜀搐貌森诱硕凛渡闭喧德喜审险旷撮戈Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,


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