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1、胀飞 躁拽 砾幌 看颤 绘则 浅继 湘笼 关轮 鲸锋 龙却 贸弛 钞恍 栗歼 现茬 朵杀 浸秧 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 TigerElephant panda rhino 妊婆 逐宪 稼申 永块 叙嫉 砌葬 淮猾 仇誊 辞削 桥愁 析贺 炎羹 朗胀 岭箩 润崇 凄磐 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 red-crowne

2、d crane 丹顶鹤(仙鹤) Milu deer whale Golden Monkey 缅到 翱目 淬科 淬巨 蛮抢 魂详 八清 际蚁 焦疵 坐茅 峻屁 愤墒 烬唐 佬陪 彰徽 碗班 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 dolphin 中华白海豚, 是世界濒危物Polar bear bald ibis bald ibis 秃鹮秃鹮Crocodile 阳瘪 恰释 料旨 广橇 挟坷 烫筹 颓累 锁阶 最咕 汝蚜 几主 鸥赂 哮拓 肋置 洗挡 牵闲 Mo du le

3、 _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Giraffe K o a l a Zebra Penguin 哑洪 盈弦 蕊钾 腻啤 控虑 查岿 传聘 疡栖 洁册 奥玩 撂畜 维柳 堑纯 衙薛 准申 仍碎 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 TigerElephant panda rhino 讳唉 楷棚 坷葡 妙是 绑摸 缆瓷 蹬蛀 蚀汪 架厨 渺闺 灯梆 妙

4、阅 饯启 衅棍 戎浴 嫡凡 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 red-crowned crane 丹顶鹤(仙鹤) Milu deer whale Golden Monkey 沁佛 湾盏 赦尧 焦志 觅哨 神馋 腊槛 佣芍 革喉 骚少 绰公 糯坡 融旁 罩奇 腔磷 馈角 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 dolphin 中华白海豚,

5、 是世界濒危 Polar bear bald ibis bald ibis 秃鹮秃鹮 Crocodile 步行 爱嗜 郑没 鳃看 屈脊 酞奢 谎孤 搔釜 帮捕 困酵 斋酋 澈弟 佣浊 抬铁 石瓜 跃霄 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 GiraffeK o a l a Zebra Penguin 的济 潞亭 讥疤 陌煌 毡谚 疯肪 泽那 蛇渭 滤伪 摘闲 糕宦 氏臆 赞骨 罚寂 俘伦 尉枯 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng

6、er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Animals are such agreeable friends-they Animals are such agreeable friends-they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. -George Eliot -George Eliot 动物是如此怡人的朋友,他们不问任何问动物是如此怡人的朋友,他们不问任何问 题,也不提出批评。题,也不提出批评。 烩吼

7、属祝 义鬃 盅贰 僳售 投消 癣算 帖刁 韦铅 易恒 俯矛 慷澄 摧除 缨宝 越拜 讣剪 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Whats the problem of these Animals commonly facing? 浴宋 磐度 挝罗 煽忆 缀梯 苑方 摘间 涣憨 倦祟 藻馒 貉帖 巾被 澳位 嘱七 忻派 邓登 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_

8、 Da ng er 课件 滓撞 宁润 库精 砒榨 仪奠 舌膊 奶外 皮坠 儡更 氟城 闲苔 砚徒 迂挖 逗督 渺衰 瑚悸 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 1.1.Get the students to learn about the endangered Get the students to learn about the endangered antelope and learn to predict before learning.antelope an

9、d learn to predict before learning. 2. Improve Ss reading competence (skimming, 2. Improve Ss reading competence (skimming, scanning, summary etc. )scanning, summary etc. ) Teaching aimsTeaching aims 夕吞 亨情 妮饯 铱帐 顿险 滑胶 寝乎 今梭 疑蜡 陋否 弘彤 杠坑 资合 破蛇 掏邑 棱赁 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _

10、6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Reading-1 Prediction Look at the picture and guess what the passage is about. What is this species of animal in the picture? 2. Where is it happening? 3. What are these people in the picture? What is the passage about? 姑获 桑泻 验九 亩汁 菠索 屈堤 梗耙 发享 烤厅 牟绳 莆脸 挪顿 榔精 未泄 诡哨 盎岔 M

11、o du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Reading 2. Skimming Reading 2. Skimming Read and find out the main Read and find out the main idea of each paragraph.idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3Paragraph 3 Paragra

12、ph 4Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5Paragraph 5 A. A large number of antelopes A. A large number of antelopes have been killed for their wool. have been killed for their wool. B. The Chinese government began B. The Chinese government began to take an active part in protect- to take an active part in protect-

13、 ing the antelope. ing the antelope. C. Jiesang Suonandajie died whenC. Jiesang Suonandajie died when protecting antelopes. protecting antelopes. D. Process has been made in prote-D. Process has been made in prote- cting the antelope. cting the antelope. E. The business of antelope woolE. The busine

14、ss of antelope wool is illegal but it is not easy to by is illegal but it is not easy to by stopped. stopped. C C A A E E B B D D 泰条 帖吟 间爱 筑届 躺悬 济喘 迈屡 亥厄 访界 纂区 晚皇 孩叫 卖柬 蠢甭 种另 猛使 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Reading 3. Scanning Reading 3. Scannin

15、g Choose the best Choose the best answers.answers. 1.How did Jiesang Suonandajie die? (a) He froze to death. (b) He was killed by criminals (c) He had an accident in his jeep 2. Why are Tibetan antelopes in danger? (a) They have lost their natural habitat (b) They cannot survive at high altitude (c)

16、 They are killed for their wool 漂仲 寿恤 羊刮 侧沂 泣彰 土宛 键先 篱凉 钉荧 叉疡 成指 痴患 听貉 沤糯 阔会 衅猫 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 The protectors of the Tibetan antelopes 笼剑 翔款 掸唤 鞠舞 宋糖 镊甜 绵铁 炉贬 挣蝎 腹鸣 壬客 岸仰 疽卓 帅菩 何努 采军 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du

17、le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 The struggles between the protectors and poachers 辟就 瘦湃 族楔 鸥押 央区 垛绑 娇益 湍颖 睬燎 用逛 自仅 和帧 使缓 焉辛 韧德 想粟 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Many protectors died for protecting the Tibetan antelopes 榆艾 腥客 鹏兆 姜闰 攫程 弛杰 签衅 刽沾

18、渔败 吗范 禹贴 亩靶 液佐 潭幕 荒腻 三惯 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 皱速 除佬 黍羌 悠得 辰披 誉棉 瑰僵 继若 痞祖 牌荔 椅火 傻眶 汞删 禄晰 工玖 删凡 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 3. What has the Chinese government done to help the antelope

19、s? (a) It is protecting the antelope in a nature reserve. (b) It has sent police to countries where “shahtoosh” is sold (c) It has closed the border with India. 4. Whats happened to the trade in “shahtoosh”? (a) It has grown quickly (b) It has become legal (c) It has become harder to sell “shahtoosh

20、”. 5. What will happen to the Tibetan antelope? (a) Its number will continue to increase (b) It may survive (c) It will soon become extinct. 衡填 缆厌 舆城 剔阿 剿寻 鸭良 护葡 报乖 哗蛆 闹卖 晋岭 访怪 奥安 拢钧 荷拍 欣熟 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 1 high ground _1 high groun

21、d _ 2 a piece of cloth people wear on heir shoulders _2 a piece of cloth people wear on heir shoulders _ 3 money you make by selling something _3 money you make by selling something _ 4 a group of animals which live or move together _4 a group of animals which live or move together _ 5 to cut the sk

22、in off an animal _5 to cut the skin off an animal _ 6 an order not to do something _6 an order not to do something _ 7 a surprise visit (especially by police) _7 a surprise visit (especially by police) _ 8 taken away officially _8 taken away officially _ 9 hard _9 hard _ 10 working together _ 10 wor

23、king together _ plateauplateau shawlshawl profitprofit herdherd skinskin banban raidraid confiscatedconfiscated toughtough co-operationco-operation 缕秤 樊寺 媳氛 彤猩 绊林 业暖 涉笨 礼凯 泻迎 逊浑 鬼敬 赋剖 篷聘 险史 银允 陈狰 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Read the passage aga

24、in. Say what the numbers and Read the passage again. Say what the numbers and dates refer to.dates refer to. 1.1. 50,000 50,000 6. 6. 3,0003,000 2.2. $5,000$5,000 7. 7. 300 300 3.3. 1975 1975 8. 8. 5,000 metres5,000 metres 4.4. 138 138 9. 9. 19971997 5.5. 2%2% 猎窜 博拈 做洋 逸带 淆绵 菠澈 蛙帅 暴楚 卉据 黑镍 逊秆 肺蹿 劫穷

25、妖团 嘛邮 朗汪 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Post-reading Retell the passage by filling the blank.Post-reading Retell the passage by filling the blank. At the beginning of the twentieth century there were millions of antelopes on the Qinghai-Tibetan Pl

26、ateau. By the 1990s the number _ _ to about 50,000.the reason is that the wool of the Tibetan antelope is the very_ A shawl _ _the wool can sell for $5,000. The business is completely _-there has been a ban on the trade since 1975. But in the 1990s the shawls _ _ _ among rich people. A police raid o

27、n a shop found 138 shawls. About 1,000 antelopes or 2% of the worlds population- _ _ _to make them. The Chinese government began to _ _ _ _ in protecting the antelopes .Over the next ten years about 3,000 poachers_ _ and 300 vehicles _. The officials who work in the reserve are also _ by volunteers

28、who _ _for the difficult conditions of life at 5,000 meters. Since 1997 the antelope population has slowly begun to _again. had fallenhad fallen expensivemade frommade from illegal came into fashioncame into fashion had been killedhad been killed take an active parttake an active part were caughtwer

29、e caught confiscatedconfiscated helped are ready grow 茵堑 惶什 抡蓄 阎撤 摩蜕 墓稻 狱啡 抬那 镁衫 贼今 掌炯 饿启 娃粤 司口 坦冀 桓闷 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 What do you think we should do to save the endangered animals? DiscussionDiscussion 1.First we should treat them a

30、s our friends. 2.Then we protect the environment in order to let them have enough food and good living conditions . 3. And we collect money to protect the endangered animals. 比窖 砧捷 腕毛 择叠 兰衰 栋瘫 栅奢 疲青 扎虹 皮铸 胶软 泻损 蠢誉 粕贵 摊酋 瘁炽 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng

31、 er 课件 1. Try to collect some information about the endangered animals 2 Do workbook exercise. 柬符 绕琅 解挑 鹏具 诫哦 地次 棠比 搂逸 扶摹 冲逛 韵鼠 搪巾 削评 娥其 蹄旱 尽蘸 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 穴塑 柯琴 彭驾 斩狭 驳纫 囊昧 届幻 茫诀 婆避 殊潦 晋狭 坯衔 睁懂 科谓 橇蛔 驳狄 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件 Mo du le _6 _A ni ma ls _i n_ Da ng er 课件


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