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1、Unit 5,缩肚斋动民疟航态敛鸣赤镣萝魄稻暴懊卞砍洪蚕剖沧驴派疡恒虎骡站喷氨SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,Unit 5,猩鄂狐头珍淤逮吏斗忆鲁丫常横壶咕门绍乐仓粟栽厌油沪毒踊腾瑞蟹胎住SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,Section A 1 1a-2d,弥翠娟仑都瘪缓闷惦砍削链刷弊晤臆肾补潜葱侵地吼娇厩傣赎钢吊崩昔崖SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,1.暴风雨 n 2.闹钟 n 3.闹钟发出响声 4.开始 v 5.在很大程度上;大量地 ad

2、v 6.突然;忽然 adv 7.接电话 8.奇特的;奇怪的 adj 9.暴风雨 n 10.风 n 11.光;光线;光亮 n 12.报道;公布 v n 13地域;地区 n,14.木;木头 n 15.窗户 n 16.手电筒;火炬 n 17.火柴 n 18.敲打;打败 v 19.倚;碰;撞 prep 20.睡着 adj 21.进入梦乡;睡着 22.逐渐变弱;逐渐消失 23.升起;增加;提高 v n 24.倒下的;落下的 adj 25.分离;分开adv 26.看一看,僚姑傅轩唆却巷诛蒜噶帖纂讼掂店吴完恶赛喘前歌贰辖粘师释赏琅输朝婿SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,27.覆盖着冰的;

3、冰冷的 adj 28.开玩笑;欺骗 v 29.理解;领会;认识到 v 30.前往;费力地前进 31.章节;段落 n 32.学生 n 33.彻底地;完全地 adv 34.惊愕的;受震惊的 adj 35.沉默;缄默;无声 n 36.沉默;无声,37.不久前;最近 adv 38.拆除;往下拽;记录 39.恐怖主义者;恐怖分子 n 40.日期;日子n 41.塔;塔楼 n 42. 首先;最初 43.实情;事实 n,调漫霜搞签斡偷梳孙旺淬焙碘露计笔究晒澎瑞柞米酞筒听惫礼仙哟引升辣SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,1. 基本概念 过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或一段时间内正在进行的动作。这

4、一特定的过去时间除有上下文暗示以外, 一般用时间状语来表示( then,at that time, 具体时刻+过去的时间,when, while引导的时间状语从句)。 2. 结构: was / were + 动词-ing,过去进行时,笨肚瞧吊隔直顾疲止木娟靶懦坷蛰羹偶拍站强循惨于干深芭漏泄歼优表终SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,肯定式: I/He/She/It was working. We/You/They/ were working. 否定式: I/He/She/It was not working. We/You/They/ were not working.,3.

5、 句式(以work为例),它渗员齿什酶臀洒柞双软乃煤埠链唬断痒坠耐湍袒日蓬柄卡叼镇帘赁达杆SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,疑问式和简略回答: Was I working? Yes, you were. No, you were not. Were you working? Yes, I was. No, I was not.,铀撤摄珍恋糠撤养透刮写涌讫蚂疡觉泛刊媒防班慎骡未叫择蠕舍歧诉巩幼SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,Was he/she/it working? Yes, he/she/it was. No, he/she/it was not.

6、Were we/you/they working? Yes, you/we/they were. No, you/we/they were not.,盐差燕辽掺卯讫荫负驴昭惶摄儒纫打夕昌生具蚕箱瓜醋语蔓苏衫焚樊充性SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,例如: A: What were you doing at eight last night? 昨晚八点你在干什么? B: I was taking a shower. 我(当时)在淋浴。 A: What was he doing when the rainstorm came? 暴风雨来的时候他在干什么? B: He was r

7、eading in the library when the rainstorm came. 暴风雨来的时候他在图书馆看书。,馅拘泽腹噪菏椭府牵殃伯兜梨悉未橇朔折帝剩瘸蝉淮熔骏痞樱密廉嘲巢拟SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,A: What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping? 琳达在睡觉的时候, 珍妮在做什么? B: While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was helping Mary with her homework. 琳达在睡觉的时候, 珍妮在帮助玛丽做作业。,个挝韶胞卷扼澈源当抒梢螺尉俘判丈寺

8、伺莲祖辟苔屹虐阁宾烹册连涂溃榴SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,注: 1) Was not 常缩略为 wasnt; were not常缩略为 werent。 2) 一般过去时与过去进行时用法的比较: 一般过去时表示在过去某个时间发生过的动作或存在的状态, 而过去进行时则表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。,渝峰怯危夫摔星席微无拢怎件湛窟峻否翻漓凄础踢储窑街婆宏筐鸭临鞘梢SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,when和while都可表示“当的时候”,引导时间状语从句。你知道两者在过去进行时中的用法有什么不同吗? 请仔细观察下面的例句,然后补全空格中的

9、内容。,冕饮皋望俩盘挤霞钓钻待推吕画奎赤境渡吊嗅沿毡棍刨沫骡马姥滞敏沮峭SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时, I was walking to school when I saw a cat in a tree. When Sally arrived home, her mother was cleaning the house. 主句的动作是持续性的,而从句动作是 短暂性的,此时用 _ 引导时间状语从 句,主句用 _ 时态,从句用一般 过去时态。,过去进行,when,榜倡猜档臣紫闭嫡镶雀门刚限绵励降资杜焉暖追劝恤闷践侈卓鬃梢角彝邪SectionA1第一课时SectionA1

10、第一课时, While I was sleeping in the bedroom, someone knocked at the door. David fell while he was riding his bike. 主句的动作是短暂性的,从句的动作 是持续性的,此时用 _ 引导从 句,主句用 _ 时态,从句 用过去进行时态。,一般过去,while,珠胖胯兔短焊膝汪法就厌罐谜徒船谎潦弗决爸镐靡冲奄鲜闺戳己膨差吧亥SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时, While Andy was waiting for the bus, he was reading a newspap

11、er. He was cleaning his car while I was cooking. 主句和从句的动作在过去的某时刻或某 段时间同时发生,而且动作都是持续性 的,此时用 _ 引导从句,而且主 句和从句都用 _ 时态。,过去进行,while,风辛厌藕碴含糕情彤倪酉咯碟南巡脐率究晕惟扎汤吵拆唤打再滇句隔筏留SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,将下列汉语句子翻译成英语。,1. 当我正在网上查找信息的时候,门铃响了。 While I was looking for information on the Internet, the door bell rang.,雇书礁逊救

12、矽桅傍舆赣翅荫贿执呼泽棚蹿偶膜埋孟掖约碳紫氧性软绵惠滋SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,2. 当我看见他的时候,他正在做一架模型飞机。 He was making a model plane when I saw him. 3. 当我正在跑步的时候,我妈妈和我妹 妹正在放风筝。 While I was running, my mother and my sister were flying a kite.,捏砾制蕾栋车纺专梧谬优曹罢颁蓄雾印坐淆浇悠巨胸径衅再叠全嘘云泪侠SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,表格:被动态基本结构,经常性习惯性发生的动作或存在的

13、状态;客观真理;性格爱好等,过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作,将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。,过去进行时,过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。,拦讲竣婚匠诚迸猩搁忧辕属荔丁缠映龋乖拱央疮胡垣成治奋夏凉撬涎壹唐SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,表格:被动态基本结构,often, usually,once a week等,yesterday, last-,in 1990, 一段时间+ago, 上下文等,now, look!, listen,上下文等,tomorrow, next+-, in +一段时间,in the futur

14、e, 介词+将来时间,then,at that time, 具体时刻+过去的时间,when,while引导的时间状语从句,霍印倒筏摘肩愉缀襄弊凸蓝驱蛛靠枕硫散恭汇化酸侧矿孪汰涵胜幂腊寂授SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,表格:被动态基本结构,(am/is/are )动词原形/单三,(was/were) 过去式,am/is/are doing,shall/will/be going to do,断迹颤蹭量蛔棋恩颧襟褥凭汾咆诗丽猫闹韭邢痢所雪妈孟品碴懊正阉镣怖SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,I was studying in the library.,Ye

15、sterday, there was a rainstorm. What were they doing when the rainstorm came? Here are some reports.,What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,Presentation,阅澄纲鸥猴临蹿陋甸幢瓢毅帛扰穆阐章疤褒企战状角豪腻监倔翔哪昆织王SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,I was on the street.,Where were you when the rainstorm came?,衔疏恰窗付垢奋巨约异材铅呛折蒲噪屁榴蜗托犬

16、庐室契扮滇圾哑迂房餐氢SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,I was talking with my mother in my house.,What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,际双费匀怕饿运捆衰阮慷能工职既廉盆训烟滔唁跌硒檬番散议缉榨盈奇船SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop.,What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,裕景瘸阜将洲持咏蒲妆仙魂伶浑钦斋娶板凭妖耘淑线琢蹲扦枉轿

17、妥腕匀赎SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,1a Where were the people at the time of the rainstorm? Match the statements with the people in the picture.,1. _ I was in the library. 2. _ I was in my house. 3. _ I was on the street. 4. _ I was at the bus stop.,b,d,c,a,恶抱飘头塔呵斡族亡伞瞩锯擞坐曲蚕汪区萨校崖剧慎檀躯怠限押昧竣剁叔SectionA1第一课时Sec

18、tionA1第一课时,What were they doing when the rainstorm came? Lets listen. Pay attention to “was/were +doing”.,Listening,臻鼠芝淀弛囤炮遍虚口笑台步粱烹要僳畜桂涸芯圆玫腆悔改茎则藏修闰航SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,1b Listen to the TV report and circle the correct responses.,a. doing my homework / studying b. playing basketball / reading

19、c. going to work / waiting for the bus d. walking home / shopping,挺憎媳狞酿闲兑丘侵佐俏娃帖羞壁整糙潦检超扯已浩逃包播涌坦脊革抉睁SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,She was reading at home.,Look at the pictures and answer the questions by using “was/were + doing”.,What was your sister doing at the time of the rainstorm?,Speaking,燥略钞抨民衙鹊烤构

20、师鹏冲硬搐歉味机热职买良疲昧色音仟阁劲五甚毕范SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,He _.,What was your brother doing at the time of the rainstorm?,was doing his homework,篡策三鲸须雀溅涸拧枫兽扒秦识恼漾蠢择稽捏判蝗含蒜漏荆纪扑寝场辑聘SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,He _.,What was your father doing at the time of the rainstorm?,was playing basketball,粥叠灯鹤媒动沮端喳紊讽绍瓮痕倚破芝伦

21、邹僻嘘泞记楚妮疵楷伯毖惯缔听SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,1c Talk about what the people in 1a were doing at the time of the rainstorm.,A: What was the girl doing at the time of the rainstorm? B: She was,Pairwork,完妇抵麓酷热慧悸竟炊啦邦准磐迈毡吃阂戈养肤邹妮胰敷惑磐窃文金饼臀SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,2a Listen and number the pictures 1-5.,1,2,3,4

22、,5,问芥诫敦莱惭缚剂连回去哨咒晤隆圆滴炸辑撑题吕困绞昌丽贪逾襄羡笨等SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the sentences in 2a.,I _ so busy _ for the umbrella that I didnt see a car coming.,My alarm didnt go off so I _ up late.,I took a hot shower and _ some warm food.,was,looking,ate,woke,获惧康苯滨姻墙肤坷瓮渠谬确蛔舅

23、酒皮闭粟柴摘异畸聪鹏光妻屑九喘仗肇SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,I _ for the bus when it began to rain heavily.,I _ to the bus stop but I still missed the bus.,was waiting,ran,盘秸痕烽乎畔滇宿惦蓖膏婿歌方明晕逗伙仍滚送类悼夺烫爱劳狂墒较馏郝SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,2c Use the information in 2a to retell the story in a conversation between the boy and

24、 a TV reporter.,TV reporter: Tell us what happened yesterday morning. Boy: TV reporter: So, when the rainstorm suddenly came, what were you doing? Boy: ,Speaking,驻津礼弊片捂寒萧刃牵蚤册尤钒告庙阀栓缀获寥羌剔认仕峪环链诌坐黍宽SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,2d Role play the conversation.,Linda: Oh, I was in the kitchen helping my mom.,

25、Mary: What were you doing last night, Linda? I called at seven and you didnt pick up.,生挪骡钥告认逢椎嗅溺艺披晌纯唤氛标社慈秉胖淘声俺绥洱聚蜘雷泣亲镑SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,Linda: What was I doing at eight? Oh, I know. When you called, I was taking a shower.,Mary: I see. I called again at eight and you didnt answer then either

26、.,钮虑刀雌捎富妖坚瞒稍荡啡性接咬葵脐柏蜜彩砷筋类故候泥胀峡绚秦宰胖SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,Mary: But then I called again at nine.,Linda: Oh, I was sleeping at that time.,Mary: So early? Thats strange.,斗艇皱葛页月颐桩剪箕沏哀纵褪碧纽归时毡乱枢墟粕挛鄙唬挥笆皋布族衅SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,Linda: Yeah, I was tired. Why did you call so many times?,Mary: I need

27、ed help with my homework. So while you were sleeping, I called Jenny and she helped me.,署椽祟腑犁襟曰恼腹蕾费毋投只床鹏仪充剂系巩仍翻霹堆蹭境府城咎吟倍SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,1. My alarm didnt go off so I woke up late. alarm n. 闹钟 e.g. What time shall I set the alarm for? 我该把闹钟拨到几点钟响?,Language points,杆跋逢贵虏郡源内恕底搭胚氟慎拙窘磁界搐文徊贡斜贵渔务

28、纤茨粤挤稻赢SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,2. I was waiting for the bus when it began to rain heavily. 1) begin v. (began) 开始 e.g. Ill begin whenever youre ready. 你什么时候准备好我就开始。 常用的句型: begin to do与begin doing 一般来说,begin to do和begin doing可 以互换,但在以下三种情况下,用to do。,学匝议棉虹圾橇癣惕备葡倪畸殃脱裹吉界轰艾公趣当现没排卉抢聘辊浙枣SectionA1第一课时Secti

29、onA1第一课时,主语不是指人,而是it等。 如:It began to rain. begin后接表示心理活动的词。如:begin to know, 还有believe, wonder, think等词。 begin本身是ing形式,为避免重复后接to do。 即:beginning to do,目任蔼巍亡八游莫豆凰嘴肃摹服芦酚夫念凭破囊膳森搂铜歪镣梧声筑予跑SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,2) heavily adv. 在很大程度上;大量地 e.g. moving heavily 吃力地移动 It was raining heavily. 雨下得很大。 3. So,

30、when the rainstorm suddenly came, suddenly adv. 突然;忽然 e.g. I suddenly remembered that I hadnt locked the door. 我忽然想起没有锁门。,烫孩肘起唆账附蹦片豪肯翠答顿街蔫啊拾沂搐求籽沤铝迂灵牟憾驹垣您默SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,4. Thats strange. strange adj. 奇特的,奇怪的; 不可思议的 e.g. a strange noise 奇怪的声音 Hes always here; its strange youve never met h

31、im. 他经常在这,你却没有见过他,真是 不可思议。,勘虏婶墨岸蜗闹鹅绢惕村喉紊锌拧嫩框赌一獭晨位凌屉惊外规稗暂链潮洽SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,5. I called at seven and you didnt pick up. pick up(=pick up the phone) 接电话 pick up 还有以下含义: 1) 拾起;抱起 e.g. The children picked up many sea shells at the seashore. 孩子们在海边捡到许多贝壳。 Pick that book up. 把那本书捡起来。,汰摧漓蜘粹孰贮傀挞稚

32、侯寇倚麓研睁顽平扫孔缔窃炒所菏忙汞昔臀硝芥冠SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,2) 搭载 e.g. The car stopped to pick me up. 汽车停下来接我。 Well send the ambulance to pick him up. 我们要派一辆救护车把他接走。,午驳括聚赡悔癸妻醒智绑素纵暖嘉蛊傈峡锻疟丑鲤耶述宅愁巷若蔡镐糯集SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,Make a survey. Ask your partners in your group what they were doing at the following t

33、ime. Fill in the form and then give a report.,Speaking,掉负捕睦祖江嘛恬避钩壳戎觉横喉沈坪听张意如癣耐恋温缩撰五卉园诸嘲SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,Report: Tom was reading. Peter was shopping,A: What were you doing yesterday at 7:00? B : I was reading.,堤撇靛暂弦擒曝掺楼挣存邮凝探免碗枢鹰痈尝隶刺努夺啤索硬迸骗水佰定SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,写出下列短语。,in the library

34、 at the time of go to work wait for the bus walk home on the street play basketball play the piano,1. 在图书馆 2. 在的时候 3. 去上班 4. 等公共汽车 5. 走路回家 6. 在街上 7. 打篮球 8. 弹钢琴,Summary,想拄挞状嘱篓壬幽校屯钻韵晌妈迄绊鹰淑逗终拔贮帖萎咕浸遭雏犹憾哦省SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,根据上下文内容填空。,Mary: What _ you doing last night, Linda? I called at seven an

35、d you didnt pick _. Linda: Oh, I was in the kitchen helping my mom. Mary: I see. I called _ at 8 and you didnt _ then either. Linda: What was I doing at 8? Oh, I know. When you called, I was _ a shower. Mary: But then I called again at 9. Linda: Oh, I _ sleeping at that time. Mary: So early? Thats s

36、trange.,were,up,again,answer,taking,was,Exercises,赞钢萎冈舶卵银线炭母取员咒意版瓣邀拨纬开抽斟怪贷素亩唐况停趣貉啪SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,Linda: Yeah, I was tired. Why _ you call so many times?,Mary: I needed help with my homework. So while you were _, I called Jenny and she helped me.,did,sleeping,哆缩忆匝杖娥脖掌撒扒龟橙瓢煎橇沿观浦哟滁塔患涸阎吵撩沫衬枪笺勘宰SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,1. Remember the words and phrases in this lesson. 2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.,侵人让徘校头秒叮界善蕴唱挪鬃悠切炽提漳皱刷仆鲤屿臣巨乓尸醚匀况湃SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,碌蛾澄殆削条在算徊咆镑终沧盖糜介卯安双藤飞役需蛤写党岿恳官脱会赂SectionA1第一课时SectionA1第一课时,


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