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1、Would you like to cook with us?,Unit 4 Topic 2,Section D,俱醇肮居飘让小奎琴典舱阁纠荔侦货熔逝汗谋尸镇标姆侵软缺届枚蔗淹辱U4T2SDU4T2SD,A: Hello? B: Hello. May I _ to Wang Hai? A: Sorry. He _ here now. Whos this? B: _ _ Tom. Could you ask him to _ me back this evening? A: _. Does he have your telephone number? B: No, he _. My teleph

2、one number is 8337-5766. A: 8337-5766. All right. Ill tell him _ it. B: Thank you. Goodbye. A: Bye.,热身练习,speak,isnt,This,is,call,Sure,doesnt,about,Fill in the blanks.,忆筒浸汤锄缠闪抑驯宦肺皇或婴筋奖陌敖本淤一踢雌动久堰犯颇两油催昂U4T2SDU4T2SD,Would you like to sing some songs with me?,Im sorry I cant.,Would you like to go to the

3、zoo with me?,Oh, Id love to/like to. Thanks. That would be very nice.,润劳皆乓秽明乌锦随墅粥赘擒益廊贸核狈走蓄芽垦洼蕊筑厦哎贱援意遂瘩U4T2SDU4T2SD,How about flying a kite with me?,Id like that, but Im sorry I have no time.,Id like that, thanks.,What about having some juice?,方删譬轧责递惶您挨稳涩范旦斤熏担秆绞准后酬掳赞适慎宿贬抚慈段惟峨U4T2SDU4T2SD,Functions,ha

4、ve to,but,This,May/Can,双篱胆帚误今胜枷栗个料仔脊阶店叠绒蚂辊荚蛀盈矫卡催柴庸境呆买湍讫U4T2SDU4T2SD,visit his grandparents,fly a kite,go shopping and fly a kite,Listen to the conversation and write down what the children want to do on Sunday.,瘟耿蒲阂寝胀蕊辐夜峦毯绰脊肆潦凶眶馈的淖酪憾俭腔逃姿冤何刽探仰串U4T2SDU4T2SD,Guess! What food .?,They take with them.,衙冲敛

5、邢昔渤棒比似甚吕示渗畏蚀拖镰窥像已拖挞哀昧鸭墒捍诵碎承勒言U4T2SDU4T2SD,1. go out for a picnic 2. take with sb 3. go fishing 4. get water 5. cook food 6. fly a kite 7. sing some songs 8. be happy,Read and find the key words.,吨误茅身努耳绒徽辽棵羌苟留海温窗时宜假谚薯援卞婴迷昌锻醉接邻沿脖U4T2SDU4T2SD,Read again and answer the following questions.,Who likes ban

6、anas very much? What does Kangkang like eating? What does Kangkangs mother cook? 4. Is Dingding Kangkangs brother?,啊际巷桂擒髓卡枫暗频棘装贰撮抖乍五丹潦罐即坑洗鹿惧融憋音艾宏掏肆U4T2SDU4T2SD,课堂练习, Would you like _ with me? Yes, Id love to. A. go shopping B. to go shopping C. to go shop D. going shopping What about _? Id like that

7、, thanks. A. have a picnic with old Tom B. to have a picnic with old Tom C. has a picnic with old Tom D. having a picnic with old Tom,B,D,僳稗寨徽瞩元吞魁篷朗瓤摈曳本诽诊磨询疙汲楼僧澡队毯桂狈湍签香贷拘U4T2SDU4T2SD, Would you like to go shopping with us? _. A. Yes, I would. B. No, I wouldnt. C. Yes, Id like to. D. No, no. Could yo

8、u ask her _ the guitar tomorrow? A. to take B. takes C. taking D. take The doctor _ on Sunday. A. free B. are free C. is free D. am free,C,A,C,课堂练习,吱青煞襄频自唆蔼诚趋俯匣继偏辟澄虱讹肺晕醚活函蒜翅绍克惑唤颈诉铁U4T2SDU4T2SD,Summary,1. 邀请 (1)Would you like to go to the West Hill for a picnic? Oh, Id love to. (2)Steve, how about fl

9、ying a kite with me? Id like that, but Im sorry I have no time. (3)What about having a picnic with Mr. Cooper? Id like that, thanks.,敌哉贪载仟零消鞍悟袄咨吹呀鹏靛蓄辛绥弓左韦焙爸忱徊理擅轴酷倘嗓埋U4T2SDU4T2SD,2. 打电话 (1)Hello! Hello, Jane! This is Kangkang. (2)May I speak to Maria? Oh, sorry. She isnt in now. (3)Could you ask her to call me back this evening? Sure. 3. 约定 Are you free this Sunday? Yes. Whats up?,Summary,稼邮汉暂营迄里泛复腮浸匪尽菊勒绘撇智溯病鸿沼肖恢蒙溉裂沤了埠悦缚U4T2SDU4T2SD,Homework,练习册Section D做完。 报纸第四课时做完。,蓄镜谊亲地酥曹衫碗昌倔鸡蔬椎脐初刨妄圣啼衍伙邀轨襄努环著木瞥忻奥U4T2SDU4T2SD,Good-bye!,藐碧赃枢沉靛俏搞辣溜裹燃伸侣醚酝洒溅臻迎搀柄掣剑绸污毡匆锋血肪氛U4T2SDU4T2SD,


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