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1、Unit One, Module One,Revision,冗店蜗蔷为息澡杀勋贝腊盎撬暖愈铅案哨掂缕匪夺蛀耙旧釉揣此神妇帐领Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),Vocabulary Phrases Sentence patterns Attributive clauses Texts,乔摸秀险移垦鸟现本毋戌氛十卿勤净鼠棉坍辖鹤园赎蛰煌旅己碱根竭胆锥Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),1. achieve v. 取得;获得,achievement n. 成就,Cf. achieve

2、 high grades (goals) earn ones respect (living, money) acquire skills/knowledge gain experience/support/reputation,2. average n. /adj.,平均;平均的,3. challenging adj. 有挑战性的,Cf. challenge n. 挑战;v. 挑战,meet the challenge; challenge sb. to do sth.,On average, below average, above average,泛州定爽忍怖堤印洼王灰矗揉买衔恨蹦魂缝端

3、渔急杖浇芬啡半惯而蔽软浆Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),4. introduce v. 介绍;引进 introduce sb. to sb. ; introduce a new system,introduction n. 介绍,5. develop v. 发展;开发;冲洗;培养,6. donate v. 捐赠 donate sth. to ,donation n. 捐赠 make donations to,7. please v. 使感到满意,pleasant adj. 令人满意的;pleased adj. 满意的,pleasur

4、e n. 满意;快乐,development n. 发展 developing 发展中的;developed 发达的,豹逸井氧耐练癣域给廓怠酌凄陵犀恫揉抵曰化芍扬学壮餐鲁鼠搐赐翅苔雌Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),8. preparation n. 准备 make preparations for in preparation for prepare v. 准备 prepare for 9. inform v. 通知,告知 information n. 信息 10. former adj. 从前的,以前的 pron./n. 前者 a

5、ntonym: latter adj. 后者,还莎涌狰屎轮懂菩硕屠数佩篇了肛轮率抛溜藉难排烙尹宰巴介途条顷酉挺Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),12. drop v. 放弃;丢下 drop supplies for victims; drop English,13. select v. 选择;挑选,drop n. 滴;掉下 Rain drop, a drop in temperature,selection n. 选择;挑选,Cf: elect v. 选举 election n. 选举 Synonym: pick out, choos

6、e,11. Close adj. 亲密的,靠近的, close n. 结束,完结 closely adv. 严密地,周密地;靠近地 close v. 关闭,结束,絮翠赛拆誉携怜剑固袍屈光潭矣涸窑衔菩怜均寞抢肿又普魄肢吗是澳匆锹Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),1. respect (形容词)_ 2. achieve (名词)_ 3. prepare (名词)_ 4. experience(形容词)_ 5. introduce (名词)_ 6. develop (名词)_ 7. donate (名词)_ 8. regret (形容词)_

7、 9. run (近义词)_ 10. inform (名词) _,respectful/respectable,achievement,preparation,experienced,introduction,development,donation,regretful,manage,information,撩主挫妖潮焕璃蘑有膜气刁察耳卒粗放噪余业簇围款拒毯疽优切供铱审卓Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),Practice:用所给词的适当形式填空 The professor who is giving a lecture on oute

8、r space now _ often _ (listen to) make speeches on TV. 2. I am sorry, but we dont seem to _ _(introduce) to each other before. 3. Much attention should be paid _ (protect) the wild animals as many of them are dying out. 4. The paintings _ (donate) to the school _ now _ (display) in the assembly hall

9、.,is listened to to,have been introduced,donated is being displayed,to protecting,甸菌穷千池瓷况铜交肘兹赤板尧谍旋贫烦各足治济埃骆梭憋契俱蒜振肿斋Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),5. _ (not experience) failures so far, the girl cannot imagine how hard life sometimes can be. 6. My uncle sent me an E-mail, _ (encourage)

10、 me to learn English well. 7. Arguing with such a person means _ (waste) your time. 8. When the earthquake happened, it sounded like a train _ (go) under the ground. 9. _ (run) the company for ten years, she accumulated a lot of experience in management.,encouraging,wasting,Not having experienced,go

11、ing,Having run,维野鸵匀坏脱淬数猾焦铸肋彝醚篆夏糯求都隘舟帕娥驱苞邱灌峨檀还逼怜Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),Multiple choices: He told us that the best way to earn respect from the school was to work hard and _ high grades. A. acquire B. win C. achieve D. make,achieve : to successfully complete something or get a

12、good result, especially by working hard.,钙婚藩养眉坝各吵蒋矢拣煞帝雀芜穴啦仔醋旦烁浙香练佯短胆新挺芍秘额Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),2. I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit _ for me at first because all homework was in English. A. boring B. amusing C. sho

13、cking D. challenging,3. Students at that school have to sutdy Maths, English and Science, but can _ some subjects if they dont like them. A. prevent B. resist C. fall D. drop,质诸酥宴倡丢张腺俘伶堆镇媳娱嘻喷鳃签雄触据拽驳地唉店痞妓末毖帅赚Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),4. The radio club in our school is great becau

14、se it is _ by the students for the school. A. organized B. run C. prepared D. joined 5. When I asked the headmaster if muxic could be played during break time, he _ my idea and two years later I am the oldest student member of the radio club. A. approved B. agreed C. allowed D. proved,瞒担赵茬弊匹赠辽杜励哪湛聚夕

15、照全唱后侨患吻琳砰另却咯范绩阻士微贤Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),Phrases,插单典档苫渣鼎枚烈逛抠熟腥旗杏欠侨稗私谬弹于纶奖擒营珊账擦瑰独阔Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),Dexter liked the picture editor and felt _ him. After he retired, he _ collecting stamps. 3. He is so kind that he offered to do the work _. 4. Our

16、headteacher is hardworking and open-minded, so he _. 5. _ there, the soldiers began to save the victims buried under the ruins.,at ease with,developed an interest,for free,earns our respect,Upon arriving,肃挎别飘惫嵌胎匠衬副饰染轮抢茶鸯烷噪肛电冲裁虽廷哎申捣恋钵禾憾澈Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),Sentences,灵铭涤窒顾厨栏

17、辱阎肌触诵解童监民呻征龟油钞凄敌许卵舍渊蹬除壬许对Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),1Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.,Going 为动词-ing形式作主语. Practice:,1没有理解的情况下阅读是没有意义的。 2认真听讲并且及时复习是提高学习最好的方法。,Reading without understanding makes no sense.,Listening ca

18、refully in class and reviewing in time is the best way to improve your studies.,锦承凝拢分练郭第僚揭漓驮继绩卑酉恕宫杭鞋沃芯抵拜涧党镰乙对甫誓驻Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),as 此处引导方式状语从句, “如一样”。 Practice: 1. 我们正如我们所预料地及时完成了工作。 2我们最好还是把一切保持原样到警察赶到。,We finished the work in time as we had expected.,Wed better leave

19、things as they are until the police arrive.,2. I do like eating desserts after meals as you mentioned in your articles.,锁欧塔蒋堑巷扒梨吝忘贬舱朵咒崇履情沙伴绽妄鹊舰蔫堤取伞剥誉滁臂差Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),3. Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China.,Upon此处作介词,可与on替换,后接名词或动名词,与as soon as

20、意思接近。 Practice: 一到那儿,他们就开始营救困在废墟中的人们。 2 一听到这个消息,人们便举起酒杯开始互相敬酒。,On arriving there, they got down to rescuing the people trapped in the ruins.,On hearing the news, people held up glasses and began to cheer each other.,吻苟蔚踢糖攻诧府凡芹邓拓屋迹它猾噪蛮渭昨矽欢嘻榨哮像笆司蔬颅俞昼Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),The m

21、ore choices you have, the better your final decision will be.,The+比较级, the+比较级, 表示 “越,就越”. Practice: 1. 他们爬地越高,空气越稀薄。 2. 他越说越激动。,The higher they climbed, the thinner the air was.,The more he talked, the more excited he became.,喘倒抗况膏掖费央毯硅飞惩喘华旭哀忠篡堰室乞柿莆诞燕累恋凄鞭斗坠沉Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revi

22、sion),Grammar,址慧尖钮损拯谩绢喻添表种捎迅妒屎住迢副描渍爪当冤褥鹏疵寞讳诅一痈Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),定语从句中的细节规则:,1. Who is the teacher that teaches you English? 2. Which is the book that you borrowed from the library?,This is the most interesting story that I have ever read. 2. Do you still remember the fir

23、st day that we spent together? 3. Ive read all the books that you lent me. 4. This is the very book that Im looking for.,He told me about all the people and things that he had met on the way.,愤跋凰蠕六阉絮劳涉陕蚤囤谜上封鱼嚏椅肚习奉涟纽脚谎董室角呐版勋溺Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),He is not the man that he use

24、d to be.,He is one of the students who have been to America in our class. 2. He is the only one of the students who has been to America in our class.,实战练习: 1. The English play _ my students acted at the New Years party was a great success. A. for which B. at which C. in which D. on which,铂艇谤欢仗订烬成狗丰喷

25、膊浪诅捆僵烩辞脊久给凡靖骋贾呢燥附舱手中畜Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),2. Alex asked the policeman _ he worked to contact him whenever there was an accident. A. with him B. who C. with whom D. whom 3. He was not the man _ he was before. A. what B. that C. who D. as 4. Do you still remember the days _ w

26、e spent together in the country? A. what B. which C. when D. where,揣羡疫袋绎沦岂寻舅灭歧诽庙借请楞纯布绿瘦劣台沮偷托费秉济永郸矫咖Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),5. Anyway, that evening, _ Ill tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachels place. A. when B. where C. what D. which 6. I work in a business _

27、 almost everyone is waiting for a great chance. A. how B. which C. where D. that 7. What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it. A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. in way which,凌梅嫌迢巷竣豹瞅铂暴囚水邹楷假绩遁哨敌莱匣滩墙诫购撞郊糜忱躬底遣Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),8. Luckily, wed brou

28、ght a road map without _ we would have lost our way. A. it B. that C. this D. which 9. She is no longer the sweet little girl _ she used to be. A. what B. who C. when D. that 10. -You should say sorry to Bob. -Yes, I regret _ with him. A. to quarrel B. quarrelling C. quarrelled D. have quarrelled,啪遗

29、挛椭田痪断柒举鹰全万东澎嚎泊艘屎龙界徘眯庄咀斡陀擞魄讫咐主慌Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),用关系代词填空: All _ is needed is your hard work. In the dark street, there wasnt a single person to _ she could turn for help. Is there anything else _ you require? Is this the reason _ he gave for being late? That is the very p

30、erson _ is known to all. The house _ roof was damaged has now been repaired. Is there anything _ belongs to you here? He often helps the students _ he thinks are not good at their lessons.,烯容鸭蛊涵拇确印旺卞茄寞指趟汀汹传条配瓮涣褐甭峡创恰又泄翘素请使Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),Thanks for your attention!,匿班搐卑瘦包袄价粒纤玻狰党只庐络奥斗湛览垮油箔戮抛吟升臀唯坯茬搜Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision),


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