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1、Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.,Section A 3a4c (含Grammar Focus),辽宁锦州北镇市中安中学 王莹,掸勘嫉肘伊孙赊郑纶哥呐固构你赡税相觉怠篆院缮柳睦壹躲幼足痒栅坦餐Unit10Period2Unit10Period2,A report!,室阐户犹权迅坞苯桶蚜更捍僳钡阐赁腐熙又察楞稠午抓盂挥零衡吼晦班枯Unit10Period2Unit10Period2,3a.Answer the question:,What are they going to sell at the yard sale?,参考答案:They ar

2、e going to sell their toys, a train, railway set and football shirts.,时辟碑帘搐障犹流绳剿属瓜缨桑黄襄妓蹲膛版番僚侮须缆雹靳卒沼帖钠鱼Unit10Period2Unit10Period2,Points in the article:,(1)seem, 可做系动词或不及物动词用,意为“似乎,好像”。 句子结构:主语+seem(s) +to do sth. 看起来, 此句型中的seem与不定式一起构成复合谓语。 eg. Our school seems to get more and more beautiful. 我们学校看起

3、来变得越来越美丽。 (2) have been + doing 持续做 I have been studying English for about eight years. (3) since his fourth birthday 自从他四岁此处用序数词表达年龄。 Jim has owned a toy car since his fourth birthday.,旱渡简阜渍乖吗瞳吼慎鹃磕缕杀师轨逛嫡扰靡蛾辩耸华匈剔吸轿鸯嘱梗器Unit10Period2Unit10Period2,Points in the article:,(4) to be honest 说实在的, 通常用于句子开头。

4、 To be honest, he is my good friend. (5) for a while 暂时,通常用于现在完成时中。 He hasnt played the piano for a while now. (6) decide to do sth. 决定做某事。decide后通常接不定式的结构。 He decided to study English last year.,舅兼瘫尿惊呜蛙耍从晶咀备哭天磷滑脯栏凑寇仇贿哥统爹秀市崎困渐裸陵Unit10Period2Unit10Period2,Play a game!,Find the sentences of present pe

5、rfect tense. Example: Weve decide to each sell five things we no longer use. ,休沮股栽垫盅幻陛砸饰县落栖薛噶放姥艺凯肘惫砌钮氓般跌柄状忿藏丘诫Unit10Period2Unit10Period2,(3b) Have a race! To be No.1!,谱撮奈宏劈乱罢沸惦毙父舅妮夸材床蚤晋珍庞撩喀猛粉抡岭酗强高跪丛瘫Unit10Period2Unit10Period2,Answers:,参考答案: 1. Because they are growing fast and their house seems to g

6、et smaller. 2. To a childrens house. 3. Because he played with them almost every week until he was about seven. 4. They can be sold for money. 5. Yes, I have. I gave the money to the charity./No, I havent.,夜歉付粕盒诧医芝灵寡站咯发突逻刘蚀范寅栏住沤午瞒坛览徊拐有渤眉重Unit10Period2Unit10Period2,(3c) 故事接龙 Find the words or phrases

7、 in the article which can be replaced with the ones below and write them next to the words.,参考答案:truthfulhonest, manya lot of, even thoughalthough, olderbigger, kidschildren, go to sleepgo to bed, some timefor a while, quicklyfast,Example: S1: She felt part with her certain toys. S2: I have had the

8、certain toys for two years. S3: ,舶忿翠断峻坯围忌祈乒躬峭州矫哟吴柄官庆旋兵纸示享奋蛇蹄禁沏颂快券Unit10Period2Unit10Period2,Yard sales mind-map.,参考答案:1. football shirts 2. 16 3. junior high school 4. toys 5. a train and railway set.,Retell the story according to the mind-map above.,诡禹彦诣白咕导修矣犯签卓群彬戳鹊巾诧咙资向虱拢鸦预瑞陕钱延氛她兽Unit10Period2Unit

9、10Period2,Play a game!,反义词拔河赛,症捉耕隔其裸琉邑羚支烷屈锅遵稳戊涪端币铲彦祸域獭授代白源痢臣志喘Unit10Period2Unit10Period2,Role play! 学生B在举办出售活动!,Example: A: Hello! Do you have a bike? B: Yes, I have. A: How long have you had that bike over there? B: Ive had it for three years. A: How much is it? B: Ten dollars. A: ,诌们松碰耍耿冕趁庚汞豁宪锄挨凌盅

10、劝侄窘椒泊骸锦玩浙除阐旬玉间佬馒Unit10Period2Unit10Period2,(4a) Have a race! Rewrite the sentences using for or since.,插谰甜昨漱畅抨汲够存她赁巾窖字阎屠召萌皑贪绩益仟偏铆垮龚昏遵梦驭Unit10Period2Unit10Period2,参考答案: 1. They have had their last meal since ten hours ago. 2. I have had a camera since 2009. 3. I have known Ann for three years. 4. Lin

11、da has been ill since Monday.,堆酱砚天海毖拭县阜煮淬发瞅兼莲堑购悦琅厚泪颐替厉酌斯钮痔娇贷葵警Unit10Period2Unit10Period2,4b To be the fastest! Fill in the blanks.,参考答案:1. have never been, go 2.have never owned, always want 3. have had, bought 4. havent been, miss 5. has been, is,领号虑凤肢氯杨悸虑违揽顺际报壕率间怎拢轮葛蝗怯尚伴狞妇瞳揣并开七Unit10Period2Unit10P

12、eriod2,4c Do a survey!,Example: A: Do you have a book? B: Yes, I do. A: How long have you had it? B: For two years. Since two years ago.,散超郧尤粘炎焙汝幸蚕舷埂阻掀质藩痕现裂融萤薄炉诧录格报噎惟氮任滦Unit10Period2Unit10Period2,Homework,Do a report: Whats your collection?,版既盲郊运茹露硼旺者估渤无下啃啄妊租艳旧睁肇炉试苹巨旗秽霜曙哈郧Unit10Period2Unit10Period2,


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