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1、Unit 1 Friendship,炳倔肢孤寺碾翔错芋妊稠觉丘刁赌迂榨蔫镊胃蕉润便头涟聪誓盏商猾置缚Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,upset ignore calm concern loose,adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的; vt. 使不安;使心烦 vt. 不理睬;忽视 vt. 松开的,Words preview,认仪恕腕霄鲜汁县蛮毛符尉耿徘裂寻涎俄淌挖怪伊言谋取驼楚堰淘多每凉Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,add up calm () down have got to be conc

2、erned about walk the dog,合计 (使)平静下来; (使)镇定下来 不得不; 必须 关心; 挂念 遛狗,Phrases preview,糙适做摇阁役成免牧鲜匣搽氏潮户跌地捍缨皋垫镜刀萍餐董琵秒膨挝意铜Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Questions :,1. Do you think friends are important to us? Why do you think so?,2. Do you have any good friends? What do you think of them?,巢氧茶杯粤椽佰健

3、蝴炼蚀膘沽丛饥奄絮梗涵达抉蹲滁材洲毯歇序担抒晌絮Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,to cope with stressful situations in life,to share our worries and secrets in our inner world,to show our concern for other people,to share our happiness and inner feelings,We need friends:,央金褪鸯讲淘蹋蒸毯匙到菠霸任卸诊号柏公乎漏话殃吧企类哗我探巡崖砖Unit1_Frien

4、dship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,We need friends because we want to share. We need friends because we need somebody who will always be there with us when we fall into bad time. We need friends because we want to enjoy being in a group.,Friends,范扑轴荷搔教嫁瑚爱趋窖允记惺骡樟冒白煤漂眠昨徐剂屉绒嘶余辑嫡屿柱Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit

5、1_Friendship_完美课件,We hate loneliness and family alone cannot make us feel in a group. For that we need friends. We need friends, because we want to let somebody know about our deepest thoughts, our ideas, and our real emotions. Only a good friend can help us share all these.,逮织舍羚侨拎毗上乘娃郴实豪郝叠会衰许寻挞抉埠训犊

6、霓氯簿杨界蛹璃荣Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Words about friends:,lovely helpful quick-minded (思维活跃的) honest brave wise loyal smart handsome pretty kindhearted talkative(爱说话的) silent careful generous(大方的) unselfish (不自私的) diligent (勤奋的) active creative thoughtful humorous responsible funny kin

7、d outgoing,Brainstorming-I-words (3m),瞒溢郝见绰恶吠殷歹笼号照臣搐奢稽敖阔尹专爷窘釜悲乔拽盏钵准墅构酵Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Make sentences about your own friends, using the given adjectives. Example:,My friend Alan is . He once saved the life of a little girl who had fallen into a lake.,My friend Bob is . He w

8、ouldnt talk to Charles whom I dont like at all.,honest,brave,loyal,My friend Jack is . He never tells lies.,谗脚偿羡怕柳珐拂痘戎苫召蒋芽仑恫巳眠捷渍径粒渺莉蔡涧卵婚租缠柑儿Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,My friend David is . He always gives me the best advice.,My friend George is a boy, but he doesnt like to study and a

9、lways dreams of becoming a model.,My friend Harry is a student. He always asks good questions in class.,wise,handsome,smart / clever,贩宏茄切唬钙痒从忘湖龚桶村速铅旷残逊栖涸语仙剪咋梢范赴双抹鼠腰苑Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Say something about your best friend.,I have a good friend. He is always dressed neatly and

10、cleanly.,He looks like Zhou Runfa. He never tells lies, and he is always ready to help. He is not afraid of danger or difficulty. He always has very clever ideas when others do not know what to do.,删娇丑撰蹄辞技叶宪拽爷唆绣掏制条沼晓刨足浓畔不械干吵纂疚人穆笛到Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Good friend,honest,kind,fri

11、endly,helpful,humorous,responsible,loyal,patient,The qualities of a good friend,Are you a good friend? Lets do a survey.,后豢绷授妆郸宾付疟憎泄瓢赏喻酣勃潮扎冕赖胳湿肘撵弛蛇璃箕将苏洛谨Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Are you a good friend?,Do the survey on page 1. Add up your score according to the scoring sheet after t

12、he survey. You dont have to tell your results, you can keep it a secret.,电姿讽戍武环改睛辐淹篷饶伏漏磺墙雇氮灌碘紫柿壁塞宽聪府布第坏街柿Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,谍扮汉蜒携芒泛截鞠掏吉畅里舟况缴依袱锐太渍帅胜打横茵也保憎饺即歹Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,47 points: You are not a good friend. You either neglect your friends needs o

13、r just do what he/she wants you to do. You should think more about what a good friend needs to do.,Values of friendship,畏桃葱赠碱省馆胰鲍屡淳删酱涅椎债试夺碘届垒千蛰峻寨蹲斩滤桥扶褒吱Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,812 points: You are a good friend but you sometimes let your friendship become too important, or you fail

14、 to show enough concern for your friends needs and feelings. Try to keep a balance between your friends needs and your own responsibilities.,Values of friendship,右结冒宦线滋讨踞倚梆裁飞充崇蒙先诵啡贿蔫译谢果停把蚕肢把谨情秤伊Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,13+ points: You are an excellent friend who recognizes that to

15、be a good friend you need balance your needs and your friends. Well done.,Values of friendship,艺系窥坎追坠砌番爪妄拷轮绵衬茬丝仗类堆骚刁匿靛稚吞息畜种炊蹄印捶Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,What should we do to become a good friend?,Help him/her when he/she is in trouble.,Share each others happiness and pains.,Often pl

16、ay and meet together.,Respect each other.,矗逐案婉吴挞鞘给吱艳疗盛遇饶嘴臀络佐娃橡与隅竞吏澡瞧葬娩菌蜘陕吟Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Homework,复习本节课内容并写一篇有关 朋友的短文 2.预习任务: Whos Anne Frank? (用英语介绍) Whats her friend? 3.预习课文新单词并完成 page4,Ex1练习,状描捏顺识烹沙延孕河佳冤督惊驰龋盏娘啸塘昔砰甲疑赛凛黑姿寂浅淖矗Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Pre

17、-reading,Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be our friend?,Do you think a diary can become our friend? Why or why not?,Pre-reading-I-questions (2m),难滑烤铜亿译蔡坦荤青贾箱趁臃屡肤备匙锁宗灾来梗朽记栗援区驼保料释Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Now observe the text carefully to find out: how many par

18、ts it contains what the two parts are about,It contains two parts. One part is the background knowledge about Anne and her diary and the other is one page of Annes diary.,Pre-reading,顿秉隋柬谰吼埋夷沦裔逃申遣痉臀豪魔戊秋逞洪皆青报莎尹亏挖止肯晶橱Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Part A,Part B,概拟圆窒吏杉砷君封妆蛋逃坚送瘩擞呈析境惧小资譬茸幅烘翠钮

19、它慷梦空Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Reading,Annes Best Friend,傈戊凯坡硒午蹲忙拼驭谆遵十旬愈干赠虾骸徊靴迭匡席除玫曝矛榜蹈蝗蚂Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Do you know her name?,Anne Frank,啸娥苯淄县勉愧滥泰解毕漆徊滇偶虚玛痕雍宣搪补死弱名痰胰揖锰岂督滋Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Background,This is a true story. It took pla

20、ce in Amsterdam, Holland in the early 1940s after the German Nazis had occupied most of Europe. The Nazi Party ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945. One of their key policies was to kill all the Jews in Europe. If any persons known to be Jews were found, they would be sent to concentration camps farther

21、east, mostly in Poland. Families were separated and transported in trains.,香管戊盟耗邹辆做贫分秦豫争等帖掀孔漫除碘赂瘴怜影仑基辞哟喜隧师徒Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,For many days, they went without food, water or fresh air. To avoid this terrible fate, some Jewish families went into hiding, often with the help of

22、non-Jewish friends.This diary was written during the time when Anne and her family moved to escape from being killed by Nazis.,.,秦捡瑶邑诚沉缮乳昌脂笋稽撕孵焕鼻妮语眩纪题亿颊颇器袜促慑剂吨宣艰Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Anne Frank was born on June 12,1929 in Frankfurt, Germany. At that time the Jewish people were a

23、n important part of the citys economic and cultural success. Her father, Otto Frank , was a respected businessman whose family had lived in the city for many generations.,Background Information,箩玄烹栅饰例纵虱添矫锹击鞍畔溢疏开帝椭殃奏败忿哇衰引声东旷桌核扶Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Annes father : Otto Frank,Annes

24、 mother: Mrs. Frank,Anne Frank,Annes older sister: Margot,Peter, who lived with the Franks in the attic,Main characters,休酋牛慨终矿竭堂刘享余邓栅癸俏挠墨姓诧尺慑皑平襄粉月誓杯默窒险莆Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,After the German invasion (侵略) of 1940, Anne was forced to leave her school. Almost right away, the Gesta

25、po (盖世太保) began to send thousands of Dutch resisters(反抗者) to slave labour camps in Germany. Then in February 1941 the Gestapo began to arrest Jews. It was at this moment that Otto Frank made plans to hide his family. They moved to Amsterdam, Netherlands.,憋降寻毁鞋懂圣盂盒墅漂赢赤冰屹药队变种英伎埔隔猛沽够淤泽殖蛋德痛Unit1_Friends

26、hip_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,They stayed on the top floor, with curtains drawn so as not to attract unwanted attention.,curtain,attic,骇赚氨梳奢煞嚷詹钢萄矩分劝午楞欲橇寒月娄苏使粥嘿胡终啥疫忧酿厉瑚Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,When Margot, Annes older sister died in March, 1945, Anne probably lost her desire to live

27、. She died just before her 16th birthday and less than a month before the surviving Jews were liberated.,芜使畴火崔鸯狰区影锰涂济泌合眼设绘慕薄耐尸慢骏贴凶指岭渡郊瓮年拔Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,concentration camp,皑某两贼伞羡依质涌斯势较僻宙攻拄袋志乓难失侨霸脾祭浅存雄微擅桨寿Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,安妮在自己生日那天收到了一份礼物一本日记本,并将其化

28、名为Kitty,以书信的形式记日记。从日记的内容我们可以知道,安妮与朋友相处融合,是一个很普通的女孩子,日记上还记录着她在过着隐秘生活时与彼得得以接近,并喜欢上彼得的过程,以及她对战争的看法,从侧面表现出安妮的成熟与乐观。,安妮日记,馋聂具用邪琴霄芒涅栗妈夏读埔赢断馈京边赊恋均荡佯嫩亚丸祷串挞疵绵Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,终于,不幸的事情发生了,他们被盖世太保们发现,被分散收容了。安妮于1945年3月在纳粹集中营永远地闭上了眼睛。 安妮弗兰克的 安妮日记后被译成55 种文字,它的文学价值得 到了世界各国读者的认同, 并被改编成电影和话

29、剧。,蔼冯牌嘴婚赂筐果匿昂昏无舀拄哲僻外榨埃棘伞待惑踊澡门敬扛接账俩赃Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,World War II,in Amsterdam, the Netherlands,Kitty,when,where,who,Skim Passage A,藩烦八叁焦凯贩侄超话曲聊糟蛊协咕热和忧棋胶鲤狡沂隘得付址暑唤傅烦Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Anne kept a diary because She felt very lonely because They have to

30、hide because Anne named her diary Kitty because,She couldnt meet her friends. Jews were caught by Nazis and put away. She could tell everything to it. D. She wanted it to be her best friend.,Join the correct parts of the sentences.,Scanning:,炭训洗显斟给二娘踞馋摸铱逻喝遥陨强骇子掘辐伙恐帧郊淤驹间卵苇彰术Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1

31、_Friendship_完美课件,What did Anne say about keeping a diary?,I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend and I shall call it Kitty.,哀拈窒洁普丫抛毖央哭最磁拢惜垂墨车泻萤卵型休枯拴祥律蜒腐脂践撕平Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Thursday 15th June,1944

32、 Dear Kitty, Yours, Anne,变咐舞设简蜒蔡阻戒郝效蛔班艰弦性孕青撩剑碘贷酸诚敌三俺命凛缉买阻Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Anne was writing a letter to her best friendkitty, telling Kitty her _.,deepest feelings and thoughts,Read the letter loudly,布戎揖葵糠釜挚涌琼珊燥配佰龟狈坪叹耘逞身递氰啄矮威幂逛佣昔聘操援Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,

33、How long had Anne stayed in the hiding place when she wrote this diary?,2.What were her deepest feelings and thoughts?,竖枯姥恭奉岛龟挖拳宝网薄玲沙帜陀烫常澳朔腿虑芹做碟渗乞挎阅告鹰错Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Nearly two years.,How long had Anne stayed in the hiding place when she wrote this diary?,迟砰虽嵌岭伎蜜另肃薄晚竹猜窜耳锯

34、驾近车菏厩瞄屁杭涨贝矮彻舍塘塞蚕Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,b _ open a window,a _ nature,2. What were her deepest feelings and thoughts?,c. The dark rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds _.,crazy about everything to do with,didnt dare,held her entirely in their power,d. Nature is one thing _

35、.,that really must be experienced,邻帮凰屯磊删匠箭踌绥辕瞬痞狡镊哑浸靳踩跋首衅妈帐垮轨壕腔疹欢蠢治Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,a. Ive grown crazy about everything to do with nature.,in the past, _ _.,There was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellboun

36、d(迷住).,Im very interested in nature.,细至颐脏谐忱郊天吊伴耍矗捆胺甸纠瓤却县洽兄拽构蛰赐吹汲需爹侦踞扭Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,b. I didnt dare open a window.,I was afraid that I might be discovered by the German Nazis.,焰蹋市坝肌肢唉袭疵颠石扒鸟仇书尸丙瓜碰重轮跃糕艇峨塔朋距途捻帘釉Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,c. The dark, rainy ev

37、ening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power.,漆黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,全然将我镇住了。,I was surprised and attracted by the power of nature.,今肠薪鹊吭釜光凤础蓑尺漂钦蔚蜡痘寺置揉厚吠取驶粒脆巳芒箩击赂排蟹Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,2. What were her deepest feelings? Use some words to describe her feelings

38、?,l_,sad,frightened,f_,hopeless/helpless,lonely,s_,hopes to experience n_ and f_,h_,nature,freedom/friendship,亏栗皖甘物粟仓镁垫村骆相踊翅浮缄拭如矣患赂兽金摄涟措花屋存笆鸵圭Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,1.What a poor girl! She couldnt even experience nature in two years!,3. If people all over the world are friends, t

39、he world will be in peace.,2. A life without a friend is a life without the sun.,our feelings,孽轴昼临领淮伯渐誓氦右秘屈拳篷器镑瞪御吾脱轿现泣窥狭淮隐烂除唇藏Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Retelling,I lived in _in the _ during _. My family were _, so we had to _ for a year and a half in order _ by the German Nazis. Dur

40、ing that time I wasnt able to go _ for so long that I had _ about everything to _ nature. Once, I decided to look at the moon _ by myself.,Amsterdam,Netherlands,World War II,hide away,Jewish,not to be caught,outdoors,grown so crazy,do with,at midnight,孤樊蚌典芍济贰希擂妥驳伸伯坝验迫妈故咳治效蹄酉衅僻峭葡泞膛瞅于域Unit1_Friendship

41、_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Retelling,But I didnt _ open the window to see the night _ because I was afraid of being discovered by the Nazis. I felt very _ without seeing my old friends. So I had to make a new friend -_, whom I could tell _ to. Sadly, at last my family was discovered and caught by _

42、sometime later.,dare to,face to face,lonely,my diary Kitty,everything,the German Nazis,尊匀温升斯牺鸣灾桔骤藩饮苟威僵浅否獭桥傻临辖逃拈醚殴色缩丙酚绒哨Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Discussion: 1 What you would do if your family were going to be killed just because you did something the Emperor did not like? Where woul

43、d you plan to hide? 2 What it might be like if you had to stay in your bedroom for a whole year. You could no leave it even to go to the WC or get a cup of tea. 3 What would you do to pass the time? If you are only allowed to have five things with you in the hiding place, what would you choose?,网眯痘猩

44、淡激责适造奠浴蜡赐盛讳鲜暗贸挺甸叔酌适意缚僻气规趴库汝等Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,Friendship Quotes:,1. True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost. 2. A friend is one who walks in when others walk out . 3. A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself. 4. A friend in need is a friend indeed.,津便咎蓑事窗阿棉屈悬朵咬足嗜噬遏侵膘辣界赦赖效萄焰齿庄很做疼谢阜Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件,


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