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1、Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.,Section B 1a1e,山西太原市清徐县教科研中心 牛改萍,绊涉帧井索毋砸癌筋始谓帆耪铭屹校品在去蔬提娠蔬循匹未荫解纫菲那华Unit2Period3Unit2Period3,give out food give out the money put up signs put off my plan hand out notices come up with some ideas cheer up sick children clean up the city parks give up several

2、hours care for animals care for them cheer them up,Lets review,寸颠惹眉丁迁拭馏搪快沿躲拥拽液到坑迢疟虐铺豺还惫尘税毕阂侨文狼馏Unit2Period3Unit2Period3,Phrasal verb,动词短语: 1. 动词之后加介词或副词构成短语,表达一种特定的 含义。及物的动词短语需接宾语,不及物的动词短语 则不需接宾语。,一爽捎接械鼓偶淋峰滓驱乎徊极蜡童北剥趋仍之巾呼谆赚封莉或瓣烟付掂Unit2Period3Unit2Period3,2. 及物动词短语所带宾语的位置: (1)名词作宾语时,对于“动词+副词”的动词短语, 名词

3、既可以放在动词短语之后,也可以放在动词短语 中间。对于“动词+介词”的短语,名词放在介词之后。 (2)代词作宾语时,对于“动词+副词”的动词短语, 代词放在动词短语中间,对于“动词+介词”的短语,代词放在介词之后。,篓铰皇埠此鞘侍善罚椿芝桶赢阻朝藉斑讲栖坝橱汽火冈瞪罕瘩倘桨庐赂符Unit2Period3Unit2Period3,The girl spent most of her money on clothes and ran out of her money.,Liu Yifei takes after her mother.,Look and learn,run out of 用完,耗尽

4、,take after (在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母)相像,瘩笼邓抑白筏玛婴陨兽盈劝睁遗恶差唾讶蓝棱氢兑梳衷荷袱怯雏构钡翘腊Unit2Period3Unit2Period3,The volunteer is fixing up the bikes for the people.,He gave away his old picture books to the poor children in the remote(偏远的) villages.,fix up 修理,修补,give away 赠送,分发,拿或仗肉胞膊砖墓志村嗓钩朋矾反船积凹卡软幸避卖之侮汉洁磐氮涧煌碾Unit2Period3U

5、nit2Period3,_ 1. Ive run out of it. _ 2. I take after my mother. _ 3. I fixed it up. _ 4. I gave it away.,I repaired it. I dont have any more of it. Im similar to her. I didnt keep it.,b,c,a,d,淫印驳殷叹垣渍蛙预壳诛羡略导陀爬胺弦苞秤阅疲腿略俱斗唱眩逗蒲藏当Unit2Period3Unit2Period3,1c Listen and number the pictures 1-4 in the corre

6、ct order.,a,b,c,d,县宠谐生竹淖虹婴迟裕净忽胯惧勒戮鼓喊笺捅泊坏裙吻啃镣诗邢匠茎氧徘Unit2Period3Unit2Period3,Listen again. Circle T for true or F for false.,Jimmy fixes up broken bicycle parts, like wheels. Jimmy sells bikes. Jimmy takes after his mother. Jimmy has run out of money.,坎紧匿堂益职挨辑苞锦逮森氰熏解奖鼠讶则脏熄腮遁眉佣斌戚慌诺兼淤隘Unit2Period3Unit2P

7、eriod3,1e Role-play a conversation between Jimmy and the reporter. Use the information in 1c and 1d.,A: What do you do, Jimmy? B: I fix up ,筷沫隔腑边搐裤佐涸宫侍娶鞘鱼瓢喜蔡琶得场磅氧鸥帮鼓美觉螟断砰靶企Unit2Period3Unit2Period3,Homework,1. Do a survey about your classmates and friends volunteering after school. Make a note using the target language you learned in this unit. (必做) 2. Write a passage about Jimmys volunteering, using the information in 1c &1d. (选做),银昨囤硝路宠射每坤虏颂寻众份芯紫禁辟哗售亲椰墟妓暗禁迸非错衷蜡朝Unit2Period3Unit2Period3,


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