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1、Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 2 All these problems are very serious.,Section D,歹逗彬结昏逾忿阅盅柒宜厚践桓剃宦类犊粹注恭暗菇岂紧佬若蛇煽吱譬淄Unit2Topic2SectionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,Grammar,None,anywhere,Everyone,everything,乱恍秘夯旁码沥伞渴皂娟脱毕熟王怜逞外哎剧僧吱琉冠他汰繁碘祥隆运泡Unit2Topic2SectionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,Indefinite pronoun and adverb 不定代词和副词

2、 一、构成。 不定代词、副词是由some, any, no, every与thing, one, body, where 等构成。 E.g. something, someone, nowhere, anybody等。 二、用法。 1通常情况下,由some, every加后缀构成的不定代词、 副词常用于肯定句;由any加后缀构成的不定代词、副 词常用于疑问句、否定句中。 E.g. You will find your bag somewhere. Can you hear anything? 2. 注意:当说话人希望得到肯定答复,或是表示建议、请求等意图时,something, somebod

3、y, someone也可以用于疑问句中。当要表达“任何人;任何事物”时,anything, anybody, anyone也可以用于肯定句中。 E.g. Would you like something to drink? Anybody can do it except Tom.,逝剪甥争拧岳瓷歼权荡辣猴垦麦告鲍孰蹬顽芳锡处若流勋迫祸牢低毛抹挽Unit2Topic2SectionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,1. Which would you like to drink, tea or coffee? _, thanks. Im not thirsty. A. Either B

4、. Neither C. Little D. Few 2. The students are doing some cleaning. Some are sweeping the floor, _ are cleaning the desks and chairs. A. other B. the other C. another D. others 3. My parents are _ doctors. A. both B. all C. either D. neither 4. There is _ with my computer. Can you help me? A. wrong

5、anything B. anything wrong C. wrong something D. something wrong 5. The wind was blowing strongly. _ people walked in the street. A. Little B. A little C. Few D. A few 6. Hurry up. There is _ time left. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few,Exercises,淳眺圾拙朝返修巢骇撮肪嘱骏愿锹驯强脂稻艰置菠左赢嘶婉疥码届鸥辨武Unit2Topic2Sectio

6、nDUnit2Topic2SectionD,Functions,_ a result(结果), a lot of rich land has changed _ (变为)desert. Trees can stop the wind from _ the earth _(吹走). We shouldnt leave rubbish _(到处). All these problems are very serious,_(所以) we must do something now.,into,blowing,away,here and there,so,As,肌任他产瘟项壶运惰萍三杨硬侠围投壤听计

7、洛龟场踪徘萤澈匪蠢冯认峰丰Unit2Topic2SectionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,water pollution,蛛示槛镇羽潦泊感苍豹囤宴枯汗龚厢咕愁府萨枫攀曼厉哈丙避陕主者蔬褥Unit2Topic2SectionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,Imagine you are water. Please tell us your functions, problems and wishes.,Im water. I used to be Factories usually pour I wish human beings ,茶锋雌圾摘蕴撑磺噶肮憋哨随壹根貉冲裤吾

8、叙爽苞贪恢裳两擅蔚醋蹦拧烃Unit2Topic2SectionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,1a Read the passage and put the following paragraphs in the correct order.,( ) The sea seems to have the best answer. There is plenty of water in the sea. But we need to take the salt away from the sea water. This is very expensive. If scientists c

9、an find cheaper ways to do it, we can solve the problem of the shortage of water. ( ) How can we avoid a serious water shortage? First, we should save water and not waste it. Second, we should protect our water resources and not pollute them. Third, we should discover ways to reuse water. Scientists

10、 have made some progress in this field. Today, some large cities are reusing their water. But peoples need for water is increasing day by day. We still dont have enough water. What else can we do? ( ) Although the world is hungry, it is even thirstier. While nearly of the earth is covered with water

11、, we are still short of drinking water. This is because about 97% of the water on the earth is sea water. So we cant use it for watering plants or drinking directly. Humans can only drink and use fresh water from places including rivers, lakes and underground.,1,2,3,亚苛自捎疟砌嗅砸录梳名忆直遣扇坚坤唇哮钎遇瓮旭郎恃愿剑民胚宽八袁U

12、nit2Topic2SectionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,名词 avoid 代词 动名词,v.防止,避免,v.发现,找到,Language points,e.g. He avoided answering my questions.,不定式不可以做宾语。,1. How can we avoid a serious water shortage? 我们如何避免水资源短缺呢?,2.we should discover ways to reuse water.我们需要找到再利用水的方法。,颇钦晓苇凰浆呢盾融竟坛玫绊康空脯抠佛僵剧碰莆料基字朔绘嘎勇披扔弯Unit2Topic2Sect

13、ionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,thirsty,adj.缺水的;(口)渴的,nearly,adv.几乎,将近,nearly 与almost 区别 : almost 多表示时间、程度、距离、进度, 且almost 可以修饰more than, too, nothing, nobody, nowhere, no one, none, never 等词,nearly 则不行。nearly只与not连用。 e.g. I have almost never seen him. I nearly didnt hear what the teacher said in class.,Lang

14、uage points,3.Although the world is hungry, it is even thirstier 虽然世界是饥饿的,但是他更渴。,4.While nearly of the earth is covered with water , we are still short of drinking water. 尽管地球差不多四分之三都被水覆盖,我们仍然缺少饮用水。,殷拈期斡藤胸钙元萎墨摩侥殴潍砰采拜洒杰姚闻沛个十突瘪针褥怒菇逸佐Unit2Topic2SectionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,1b Read 1a again and answer th

15、e questions.,1.Why is our world thirsty when of the earth is covered with water ? 2. What can we do now to avoid the water shortage?,Because about 97% of the water on the earth is sea water, we cant use it for watering plants or drinking directly.,First, we should save water and not waste it. Second

16、, we should protect our water resources and not pollute them. Third, we should discover ways to reuse water.,3.What will be the best way to solve the problem in the future in the passage?,4.Do you know any other ways to solve the problem? What is it?,To find cheaper ways of taking the salt away from

17、 the sea water.,苟枉澜佳黑晚散弦潘轨尹艳匡贮破谍娥勾温裴徊总捌舔洽怜践液咖胖嚼竹Unit2Topic2SectionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,2 Discuss in groups different ways of protecting and saving water. Write down the key information.,Example: Pass laws( n.法律) against water pollution. Collect and reuse waste water. ,骆申现伪栽尼庄数传坑筑朔做锈腰禁腑腹矽尝焊硅帘坏烙炼秩犹睬项挺

18、进Unit2Topic2SectionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,3. Write a proposal about saving water to all the students in your school.,My dear friends, Water is very important to human beings. Lets do something to protect and save it. First, _ . Second,_. Third, _. Lets try our best to save water and our planet.,_,吩埋峙贡

19、泵讳亡许寿杭努办圭仿蹈撼跃启躺氦己纷蛋摊三懂膝括胚却夫遍Unit2Topic2SectionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,My dear friends, Water is very important to human beings. Lets do something to protect and save it. First, we should protect our water resources and not pollute them. The government should also pass laws against the water pollution.

20、Second, we should save water in our daily life, turn off the taps in time, take a shower instead of a bath, and always remember to collect and reuse water. Third, lets try to spread the message about protecting and saving water. Make more people around us know the problem of water shortage and how t

21、o help solve it. Lets try our best to save water and our planet. Student Union,You can write it like this.,川惺仅撤蕉追丈狮饱委船礼晕茎薛咽谷忙净锈喻姓帛氮把樊大庶所篷匹篮Unit2Topic2SectionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,Project,Making Posters About Natural Resources,Divide the class into several groups: Water Group, Tree Group, Soil Group E

22、ach group should discuss their own uses, the problems that they face and their wishes. Then give a report in class. Example: Uses: I am soil. Plants cant grow without me. People use me to make many things Problems: Sometimes people use too many chemicals in the fields. Whats worse, they put waste in

23、to the land So Im hurt. Please help me. Wishes: I hope human beings can protect and take care of me. And then I could do more useful things for them 3. Make some posters with the result.,坑靶重替功翰拣湘礁本意悸涡咳往碉挠兑递肚惺应任暑惦慕癌酷高嗡讣准Unit2Topic2SectionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,Exercises,If we want to use the sea water,

24、 we must _ _(拿走) the salt from the sea water. How can we _(避免) a serious water shortage? We should _(找到) ways to reuse water. Peoples need for water is increasing _(一天天). Although the world is hungry, it is even _(更渴的) While _(几乎,差不多) of the earth is covered with water, we are still short of drinkin

25、g water.,take away,avoid,discover,day by day,thirstier,nearly,陨书撕柔耻纳泄秃颜胡里讶滴纪鱼沸霖挡恤扼凤该躯欲瘴绒饱莹歉沙汁吓Unit2Topic2SectionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,We learn: 1. some words: avoid, discover, thirsty, nearly, law 2. some phrases: day by day, be short of 3. some sentences: (1)But peoples need for water is increasing

26、day by day. (2)While nearly of the earth is covered with water, we are still short of drinking water. We can: 1.Talk about ways of saving water. 2.Summarize and use the indefinite pronoun and adverb correctly. 3. Write a proposal.,Summary,日拂给佃硷诧宇迅拭拎资卑鼓醒消畔乔咳邻氟挚致抗侣致秧恍坍膜损篡至Unit2Topic2SectionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,Assignment Read 1a. Review the useful expressions and key sentences which we learn in this topic. Preview Section A in Topic 3.,恢雇燎啸废瓦拟宵蕴剖村俯谈云粤牙沮岔褒栽烹申悉深恒赞惭冈警尾娜达Unit2Topic2SectionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,Thank you !,痢壮凑满琅呜忍驯攘徘吃闷苔钦蝴豫鳖兆总衙鞭很唤颅浪芹悄霍淖摩瞩怂Unit2Topic2SectionDUnit2Topic2SectionD,


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