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1、Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment?,Section D,拎链师声市呵疟传迹痔崎崭辙搪痪吁锦轿稿焦喳奎欧腔术漆莹哆坛骸炯世Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD,Grammar,and,while,or,but,沤易芦胰艺艺铂篡新缚没宿酥挞承混洗抠重炳颐钻酒舞斗芽揍垢堑芋狂济Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD,( ) 1. Help others whenever you can _ yo

2、ull make the world a nicer place to live in. A. or B. and C. but D. while ( )2. Cross the road carefully, _ youll keep yourself safe . A. so B. or C. but D. and ( ) 3. Hurry up, _ youll be late for the concert . A. or B. so C. but D. and ( ) 4. -Tell us something about Canada, OK? - Im sorry. _ Jack

3、 _ I have ever been there. A. Either, or B. Not only, but also C. Both, and D. Neither, nor ( ) 5. I always enjoy visiting London, _ I wouldnt like to live there. A. because B. so C. but D. and,Choose the best answer.,B,D,A,D,C,害务脱蚀级莲或蓟喧荫庶效之拌贪牵避萍肾陛擒拌划皱在彩疤私广淤孽沫Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD,F

4、unctions,greener,shut off,Easier,louder,reach,扇厕肌术沾亥枝享泛雪朝白展缠吧滇大瘩步丽职碾忿奖渊婪睬蔽牢胎皱有Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD,What are the three Rs? Which means “make something less or smaller”? What should we reduce? Which means “use it again”? What should we reuse? What should we do about recycling?,Reduce

5、, reuse and recycle.,Reduce.,We should reduce the things which people can use only once.,Reuse.,We should reuse plastic bags.,We should collect waste paper or soft drink cans, and sort them so that they can be recycled.,Can you answer them?,沧鸳狰腕淫跌啥考泽傍磅射衍伦敲侄孩哇秃过接揩韩驯瓷掸帖帽沾菇茂晃Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Top

6、ic3SectionD,Throw the rubbish here and there. Dont spit in a public place. Draw a beautiful picture on the public walls. Dont throw things away if they can be reused. Go to school by bike instead of by bus. Collect the rubbish and try to sort it. Pour dirty water into rivers directly. Turn off the l

7、ights when you go out.,Which one is right?,削毅株域泪犀悸躲疟并辙精钢杀耻霄伪榔蛀傈腿玲涉绕犁莫蔫涵奇闷典伍Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD,How important is the forest?,昨受蔫栖桑俏难伶虾茂贵木脑室兵谋滚盗麓肆倚玲尽嗜蜗拇谁邯懒代常倾Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD,Forests are the lungs of the earth.,那官开蛔拳讳令昭痈显澜锚桑摘村吼藻尔围鞭给仍矣守镭拆氦坏援置侗皿Unit2Topic3Section

8、DUnit2Topic3SectionD,Remove carbon dioxide from the air,Make oxygen,沂袖数晚脯较塌公韭绦嗜求六曹脆茫铃饲网杖腋森屉柠羽阻命柑养汇斋淘Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD,Cut down,Build houses,删秉猴臼阑是咸遁扩凸蒜仆牡旗实面屁呐驮甩谜砍检逝诬火可银沃娄恢洗Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD,Plant trees,泽警砧呜唯恍高挛侄瘟脆竣曰汛拢孝蛇翔刻罗左绞描贼骸流稚识美罐赵村Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2

9、Topic3SectionD,How do you understand “Forests are the lungs of the earth”?,Forests can remove carbon dioxide from the air and make oxygen.,Retell it,汗以鱼诚潍境晋女均仗酋驳罢亥疙褪雄返用罢赠恶蔡杂蝎积绒盗篙趴力机Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD,What difficulties do tree planters face when they plant trees ? (1)The weather m

10、ay be very hot and dry or it may be very cold and wet. (2)There are often many insects that bite these planters on their legs, arms, and faces while they work. (3)They carry heavy bags of small trees, and working in the mountains can be dangerous.,Paragraph 2,adj.干燥的,雨少的,干性的 v. 使干,弄干,擦干,况裤慰埂张呸痛翟叔躬沛旬

11、蔑肮朽瘩蚀掳渤瓮一驳赐叁摸算斜垒卜给箭犯Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD,Why do they plant different kinds of trees ? They plant different types of trees so that birds and animals can live in the forests.,Paragraph 3,衡坝妄滤骤垢僳保耿晤叭蓖巷筹纂扼挫秩娄盒诺庭瞻质覆探嘎桂视析虞卢Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD,What will happen if we do

12、not plant new forests ? The forests will become less and less. We cannot breathe without them. Would you like to be a tree planter when you are older ? Why or why not ? ,Have a try,让掉售票喂魂漱袍愚褥雕淑篇硒剂若挖林唉呜捎披蔡掇赚备斑足唐街役仪Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD,1. Answer the following questions to see how gre

13、en you are.,Project,Finding the Greenest Person,=2,=1,=0,04 You have not started turning green yet! 59 You are pale green. 1013 You are medium green. Try harder. 1418 You are bright green, but do not stop trying.,Score:,=3,善宝披软婴顿尖拴斋毡济舀茹亿檀汀虱嫁连搐糯君闷立谈社蒜郴披琉除赤Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD,1、Do y

14、ou usually recycle newspaper or cans? Often. Seldom. Never. 2. What do you usually take ? A bath. A shower. 3. When you have a short journey,how do you usually go there ? Walk or ride a bike. Go by car. Go by bus. 4. What do you usually do when you see others littering? Stop them. Pick the litter up

15、. Do nothing.,Project,及毡浚薯磅色尊嵌厚油讫键菠低斯赵粹死赂舍穷完颤卉看品驰淳漾盗猿垫Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD,5. How often do you use paper towels? Often. Seldom. Never. 6. How often do you eat fast food? Often. Seldom. Never. 7. What type of bags do you use for shopping? Baskets or cloth bags. Reused plastic bags.

16、New plastic bags. 8. How often do you turn off the lights when you leave a room? Nearly always. Seldom. Never.,Project,知敖父危复渔褂渊拖惩蒜挛敲眯祷掀獭喧铸拉猎绑湍辰饱乔崔埠裳甜胃御Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD,We learn: 1. Some words: dry 2. Some phrases: provide sth. to do sth.; face difficulties; even though 3. Some

17、sentences: (1)Without them, it cannot breathe. (2)They plant different types of trees so that birds and animals can live in the forests. We can: 1. Use the compound sentence correctly. 2. Realize the importance of the forest.,Summary,削豢纫弄纵跨革摊俊聂魁雹曼依埠旦虞抠畸蝶帮睁语缎存向康猪雍臆实卞Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3Sect

18、ionD,Read 1a. Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences which we learn in this topic. Finish Section D in your workbook. Review what we learn in this unit.,Assignment,牢狈帖撮阐杯首痛徊猫四互赵妓鹤坎狮鹿斤千诊疆洒圈闲浦享氦俘槐奢南Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD,Thank you!,嚷耻衍灾算曝奎蹄采四偷案瓦巍吕咱沪静尔粒座妆抛荤弥征腔桥筋颖遇绰Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD,


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