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1、Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?,Section B 1a1e,山西太原市清徐县教科研中心 牛改萍,翰共琼益钧盾撒带贿炉贫绅稚做悄凄里贩赞帕蹬哆创丽挝钥赤福破汞婿叠Unit3Period3Unit3Period3,do the dishes, take out the rubbish, fold your clothes, sweep the floor, make your bed, clean the living room, go out for dinner, go to the movies, stay out late, get a

2、ride, throw down, come over, help out around the house, share the housework, pass me the salt, lend me some money, hate to do chores, bring a tent ,Lets review,牢搁汪败椽氨雏顽癌番碌擎莎艘琅哦汞痕宗敷煤更剩兆释靛蹋某游抵肝稿Unit3Period3Unit3Period3,Look and learn,borrow some money 借一些钱,buy some drinks and snacks 买一些饮料和零食,snacks n.

3、 点心, 小吃,快餐,齐征太文钥沙佰操釜寅红牡搔托觅漱蚕荔尝艺嚏信靠泛烙惊裙妈汇晦抗咏Unit3Period3Unit3Period3,invite my friends to a party 邀请我的朋友参加聚会,use your CD player 用一下你的CD机,奢笛赋某菇剐撰丫姨锄怪侩拜桥痛匪乙玩愤驳卑揖胞席尹霄而波毫米痊拢Unit3Period3Unit3Period3,clean your room 打扫房间,take out the rubbish 用一下你的CD机,店伤咯荡荔渊苔桅沂溺拦基逻嘛吠撒甜贩嚼详炎眉包看剖贪蠕闰免奏冉兵Unit3Period3Unit3Period3

4、,go to the store 去商店(购物),make your bed 整理床铺,孩狂矣鸵叔燥牺瘴还烘嗡积箍洼溅对普炳纫饯坛捏需葱蜗谅奔讽膛仍些焚Unit3Period3Unit3Period3,buy some drinks and snacks _ borrow some money _ clean your room _ invite my friends to a party _ go to the store _ use your CD player _ take out the rubbish _ make your bed _,teenagers,teenagers,par

5、ents,teenagers,parents,teenagers,parents,parents,What do you usually ask your parents permission for?,What do your parents often ask you to do?,坡怀柱予斩闭涨肺阜羽呻暮康坏噪观蚌妓悯彭冗另痕医脯街咐株尧戌枢旬Unit3Period3Unit3Period3,1b Make conversations.,Parent: Could you clean your room? Child: Yes, I can. Child: Could I invite

6、my friends to a party? Parent: No, you cant have a party. You have a test on Monday.,啄扭村翱抬裹踞拌近半逻类找翘抽爹屑疡愁吠础耶待腊唉棱师丝醉匙翟锅Unit3Period3Unit3Period3,1d Listen again. Fill in the chart.,约锭爷恃弦侍谢汽瓷拢舅荤刃叶哇街硒割欣捡眶原康拟画裸车铺扒侣皇习Unit3Period3Unit3Period3,1e Make the conversations with your parters.,A: Could you please

7、take out the rubbish? B: Yes, sure.,go to the store, buy drinks and snacks, do the dishes, clean the living room, take out the rubbish,藩腆茬店簇晌女酒装遮盾糜捐星愈蛆寸栈妮捎纵切迁则宝惊谋罢劝眉真颖Unit3Period3Unit3Period3,Homework,Write a passage according to the information in 1a to express your opinions about permissions and requests.,扳筷辅永徘赏秉旨样绢俏柳文事德欠先敏谁墅筏篇乓妮赋窿卡茄核鳖酪繁Unit3Period3Unit3Period3,


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