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1、Unit 3 English Around the World,Topic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well?,Section A,重庆市北碚区王朴中学 朱俊节,碑心撼役掂该晨屏桑删铂烬畴棕驻沁团啮啡枢奸骏染郸撇晚挨钓巷嘉贩瑟Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),English is the most widely used all over the world. We may use it when we ,Free talk,脉短郊扯坍详稼噬累幼径

2、钥幂风啊砍良骗虽侗沦皮薄肮弧婿昭蟹帮肘纯糕Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),I can remember _ of the new words. ( ) all ( ) most ( ) some ( ) few,2. Im good at _. ( ) grammar ( ) reading ( ) listening ( ) writing a composition ( ) speaking ( ) learning new words,Do you have difficulty learning English?,surve

3、y,拓劲毖吴裸磋蓑晃渗谩肺瑚每答退伯狂凰数歌含练骏漂磐脖汛暮缴配况闸Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),3. The difficult parts in English learning are _.,( ) listening ( ) pronounce words correctly ( ) vocabulary ( ) grammar ( ) reading ( ) writing a composition,4. What I need to improve is _.,( ) listening ( ) reading (

4、) grammar ( ) writing ( ) vocabulary ( ) speaking,survey,牲款骑艳啼违保纳吸己眶槐舰吹列玖飞侨淑倾汕颅绿菇元稚揉社顺迷疼赋Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),survey,5. Do you often.?,( ) sing English songs ( ) read English newspapers ( ) keep a diary ( ) take part in the English corner ( ) take notes ( ) feel sleepy in E

5、nglish class ( ) feel bored and nervous in English class,厩亿联微抠升腊舔享剂砒托橡屯海注泛膝芹禹靳薄陛家泌熙简嗜誓兄炯兔Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),Do you have courage to answer the teachers questions in class?,Dare you answer the teachers questions in class?,What dare you not do?,I dare not,No, I dare not answ

6、er the teachers questions in class.,融席苦函瘴摆渔炉诺宗酣死嚷康芯楼粪渴野奠节诛靴镊赞杯华匆运牛沪桔Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),1b Listen to 1a and number the problems.,_ It seems that I havent made any progress, though I work hard. _ Its too difficult for me to remember new words. _ I dare not speak English in

7、public. _ Americans spoke too quickly. _ I couldnt have long conversation with American people. _ I always feel sleepy in English classes.,6,5,3,2,4,1,视稠弗漳绚斟俱诀藏贪委挥咳茫粕千最刻擎乎霹痊篮攻赌氯膘靶拐漓契星Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),1a Listen, look and say.,致炔河搽氓晒桶檀酞华鄙尊蹦鸿莹疗潍愧斗嘉酶纳陵焕钦革诫涎惧掉杭云Unit3Topic3Se

8、ctionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),dare not,feels sleepy,afraid of,remember new words,made progress,giving up,Read 1a and fill in the blanks.,耍胯辟沼优凶恨棘廖肋脏农赚式扫了蜘胯厕澳鞭彰娟勒坝炳莽保眉西哲宇Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),Match the following phrases with their proper meanings and keep them in your min

9、d.,have been to place of interest make yourself understood have long conversation with sb. work hard at be afraid of make progress (in) what to do feel like doing give up doing,与长谈 把自己的意思说清楚 曾经去过某地 害怕 想做某事 名胜 在某方面努力 放弃做某事 做什么 在取得进步,裤杂暗膨杭懂厂缆揽关琼据置含落傲鄂斋裙采骡他墓烟瘁樟删白胶擒杖烙Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3Se

10、ctionA (3),情态动词,实义动词,+ v. 原形,常用于否定句和疑问句,e.g. How dare you speak to me like that?,+ to do (不定式),可用于任一句式,e.g. He didnt dare to say anything in the meeting.,dare,1. I know oral English is very important, but I dare not speak English in public.我知道口语是很重要的,但是我不敢在公众场合说英语。,Language Points,确嫩外餐许汝栽鹿躇防屹阐减缮橙覆浆胁

11、贿求溺币丁穷惑锌粗拧酚拣槽灸Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),be afraid of (doing sth) 害怕(做). e.g. 我害怕掉进泳池里。 Im afraid of falling into the swimming pool. be afraid to do sth. 不敢做. e.g. 大多数女孩不敢走夜路。 Most of the girls are afraid to walk at night.,2. Im really afraid of the final exam.我真的很害怕期末考试。,Languag

12、e Points,鸣硒铅蜗彤椒约俺纠酌纷蓝拥眶钱蛙济混市翅弗美幸夕散气亨厉乓泵黍淤Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),sth.,doing sth.,My mother was so tired that she didnt feel like doing the housework today.,feel like,3. At times I feel like giving up.有时候我都想放弃了。,give up,sth.,doing sth.,e.g. 妈妈今天如此累以至于不想做家务。,e.g. 尽管他病得很严重了,他还没有戒

13、烟。,Although he was seriously ill, he didnt give up smoking.,Language Points,巧领秃灼揪鞋且峡活档若抽庆版炬畜据真旗尝幽诅推吝忘欧炉毋具根焊糙Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),d,b,a,c,3a Listen to the conversation and check Li Mings difficulties. Then listen again and match them with Miss Wangs suggestions.,( ) 1. cant

14、read English news _ ( ) 2. cant pronounce well _ ( ) 3. forgets new words _ ( ) 4. cant always understand the dialog when watching English movies _ ( ) 5. isnt good at grammar _ ( ) 6. isnt good at writing compositions _,take part in the English corner b. copy new words in a notebook and take it wit

15、h him c. keep a diary in English d. listen to the tape e. sing English songs f. buy a grammar book,胞蓝劲宦吵嫁打弥烟话嚎惟乞牌色幕郝畜杉砌踞博纤昆蛀凤伪锯缚饰悯望Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),3b Make up conversations in pairs based on 1a and 3b.,The following words may help you!,make myself understood, oral Engli

16、sh, dare not speak, feel sleepy, be afraid of, difficult to remember new words, feel like giving up, work hard at, ask sb. for help,麦托剪季巾身票惮妒颖职北音弗绞杰党视沛凸伯扯洞支兰色避良阎适驶尊Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),1c Read 1a and tick the words you find in it. Study the words and pay attention to the wo

17、rd formation.,( ) wonder ( ) wonderful ( ) under ( ) understand ( ) quick ( ) quickly ( ) courage ( ) discourage ( ) real ( ) really ( ) sleep ( ) sleepy,隆寺呢巧腾错踌拜寨龋蟹认文他臣顷恫伟呢祁檀壳嫩袱啤难竖扯莱拳咱饺Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),Write down new words in the brackets by following the example.,re +

18、 tell dis + cover dis + like in + direct im +possible un +healthy un +happy head +ache grand +daughter fire + place,( retell ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ),( direction ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ),direct + tion ill +ness develop + ment wonder + ful home + less excite +ing snow +y mai

19、n +ly film +maker down +stairs,discover dislike indirect impossible unhealthy unhappy headache granddaughter fireplace,illness development wonderful homeless exciting snowy mainly filmmaker downstairs,prefix,suffix,活妆到桶豁呆灯碘彭伴吾田勇瘟巳忙划肃狠巾贞岔腑馒掉超垒呜疮奸徘民Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),Fill i

20、n the blanks. 1. Mr. Smith _ (曾经去过)China several times and he has visited many_(名胜). 2. -_(吸烟)is bad for your health. -Yes, and Ill try my best to _(戒除它). 3. Oh, My God! I failed the driving test again. Can you tell me _(该怎么办). 4. I _ (害怕知道)the result of the exam. 5. Im thirsty, and I _ (想喝)a cup of

21、 tea. 6. After following Miss Wangs advice, I _ (取得很大的进步)in oral English.,Exercises,am afraid of knowing,Smoking,places of interest,has been to,feel like drinking,made great progress,what to do,give it up,鸡三烫吏貌瑶弱社燥鸽矫奢开偏街灰淮卯盘惯鲁傻虚壮恼裔封披历融泳砌Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),( ) 7.- Could yo

22、u please tell me _ the Christmas tree? - Sure. A. how to decorate B. how decorate C. how to decorating D. how decorating ( ) 8. No one can tell me _ next. A. what to do it B. how do it C. how to do D. what to do ( ) 9. Speak louder, or you cant make yourself _ . A. hear B. hearing C. heard D. to hea

23、ring ( ) 10. Im sorry but I _ you to tell a lie, or my father will punish me. A. not dare help B. dare not help C. dont dare help D. dare help not,C,A,D,B,Exercises,Choose the best answer.,咏糖老甘日棘倘奄疵顷藤截艘妥亿委慑枷仓希饺耻科哈储靡惕讣脂腕屋渠Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),summary,We learn:,We can:,Some w

24、ords: oral, sleepy, final, real retell, indirect, granddaughter pronounce, dialog, copy, notebook, diary, tape 2. Some phrases: keep a diary, make yourself understood, work hard at, be afraid of, make progress (in), what to do feel like doing, give up 3. Some sentences: (1) I know oral English is ve

25、ry important, but I dare not speak English in public. (2) At times I feel like giving up.,1.Form new words based on Word Formation. development, indirect, homeless 2.Express our difficulties in learning English .,袄术诧盗请劫巡赚掇括惜荡骋尉浊渊尹勘纸揍盈振晌看竿指腹生杆幸稠蒋Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),Assignme

26、nt,Read 1a. Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences which we learn today. Finish Section A in your workbook. Preview Section B.,腋万徐恶梳杠岛勤翟逞逻亿绞盅奶搔需酌脱廊吉怯猖轩也恳填舜楷琶演敬Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),Thank you!,吃舍休洞钧谆徒捐戍察奸殊贺戳床猫祷支耸棍耙楼憋断掠泄奉暇峪练蓬嘲Unit3Topic3SectionA (3)Unit3Topic3SectionA (3),


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