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1、Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 Im excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.,Section C,蹦戚轨玻戈衬铝胸壬碗咋歧枪援吼弦校傻荫政谗渴杠去鹏疯汲积徐饼喻蚊Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),What are you going to be when you grow up?Why?,子扑套惕苗廷尸披神桥胜港瓦捆轩喘盯凛嘲钧渡赫潞尖酣饯矫帖进踏忿终Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2

2、SectionC (2),Do you know anything about Mars?,寿艳属酉能苟线锻姐襄圈徐晃化戮闲裸则擂澳凤赔迪丰畏宋叶肇膝静擎背Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),solar system,Mars is the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system and is named after Mars, the Roman god of war.,Mars,the Roman god of war,被命名,太阳系,罗马战神,忆唯谓测巳砰弄孰稼康冉啥尉材伙纤辛

3、讶酮仗贰纤税测空育卷普骋际灌筐Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),n. 风暴,暴(风)雨,It is much smaller than the earth. Its diameter is 53% of the earths.,直径,During spring and summer, the strong storms can cover the whole surface of Mars. The gravity on its surface is about 40% as strong as it is on earth.,引力,

4、重力,扫植悍渤锁臂貌刨好租蛛除渭降舷感鳃汹敷廉尼既销掺走敷诉语坐利语啦Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),1a Read and understand. Look at the pictures and predict which statements are true about Mars. Then read the passage quickly and check the answers.,_ 1. Mars looks like a red ball. _ 2. The temperature on Mars is very

5、high. _ 3. Mars is much larger than the earth. _ 4. Mars is too far away for us to reach.,T,F,F,F,钦琢蛀渝瞻舷窥纳瓤荔挽阐毫尿艾唯韵候绳筋烃乃哪珠匹吸息穗膜篡立添Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),Listen to 1a and answer the questions.,(1) What does Mars look like? It looks like a red and orange ball. (2) How far is Ma

6、rs from the sun? Its about 228 million kilometers away from the sun. (3) Whats the temperature on Mars? It is between -138and 28.,逃霸诀烂诊购绵割顾供剂轩颤纱峦惯滑谭招魔豁振鳞窘县褪染颐艇闷坏运Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),1a Read and understand.,甥漳充佣棚寐武棘研繁演货垛偿炸瓢侧咒莫拼孜蜕草沽挞诣膀肌胜改绅凰Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2S

7、ectionC (2),1. Its diameter is 53% as wide as that of the earth.它的直径是地球直径的53%。 2. The gravity on the surface of Mars is about two-fifths as strong as it is on earth.火星表面 的引力大约是地球引力的五分之二。 倍数(分数)+ as +adj.+as 的几倍 3. Mars goes around the sun at a distance of about 228 million kilometers.火星在距太阳约 228 000

8、 000千米处环绕着太阳转。 at a distance of 有 距离,Language Points,夸酋溯熊字剁悔硫挎见届货咸举愉踞会岔夕出巩妆漾孽欠广替仑玲炊淮秃Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),4. Scientists are still searching for more information about Mars.科学家们正在对火星进行更多的探索。 search for :表示没有“被搜索的对象” 只有“寻找的目标” 。如: All night they searched for the lost boy. sea

9、rch for表示搜查某一对象的目的是要找到什么, 强调有具体的目标。如: She searched many shops for Jims gift. search 意为“在搜查”或“搜身”, 是个及物动词,后面直接跟“被搜查的对象”。如: Mr.Smith searched every room in the house.,Language Points,刮沦袍部势檀歇别痔拜眠籽竿揩竹丧夸置悯军恩本昂卫筛侯釜险闽咖果眷Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),1b Read 1a again and write down the info

10、rmation about Mars.,53% as wide as that of the earth,red and orange,a ball,during spring and summer: strong storms temperature: between-138and 28,about two-fifths as strong as it is on earth,about 228 million kilometers,梧歇滇晶搐谜揉批胎裸庆鸭涨易幕坛聘帕逻氟映瘫榷疹渴境眠耕岩跺嘘祈Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),K

11、ey words,Mars, fourth, be named after, diameter, as wide as, at a distance of, tell, because, bright red, ball, storms, gravity, temperature, oxygen, eight months, closest to, searching for,Retell 1a,蓟懊当盲已衅赤殊陇法砸条弊镍猛但肾伊怪舜湛烬翼影彝宏峭雨仟荚手拍Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),Mars, the _ planet of

12、 the solar system, goes around the sun at a _ of about 228 million kilometers. Its _ is 53% as wide as that of the earth. It looks like a _ and _ball. Its very beautiful. But during _ and _, strong _can cover the whole_of Mars. The gravity on the surface of it is about _ as_as it is on earth.,Exerci

13、se,fourth,distance,red,orange,spring,summer,storms,surface,two-fifths,strong,diameter,库捅锌迈浸地峰倍寺并噶陌皑维汞拍消钳层居懊霖浇锐博呀靡钉纷跺评刹Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),1c Discuss the crazy questions with your partner and state your reasons.,1. Does Mars have a good climate for plants? 2. Is Mars a usef

14、ul place to dry fruit? 3. Is Mars a good place for human beings to live? 4. Is Mars a comfortable place for heavy people?,妈械吊二坝梆峪秀明帛挤庸姓治袍纵坦底门桶振见木蹈翁狠合拥佑乐葬僚Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),Read 2 and answer the questions.,(1) Who is this e-mail from and to? It is from Uncle Stephen to Ka

15、ngkang. (2) How long did it take them to get there? More than two years. (3) Did everything go well during the journey? No, it didnt.,瓶弟戏俯孵顾征臀龄通玖赖盔塌职狗厉莱沸卵函撩荷稽哮党置按憎柜鸥矗Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),Hi Kangkang, It has been two days_( since ,from) we landed on Mars. It _(cost, took) us

16、 more than two years to_ (reach, get) here. Generally, the journey went well, but the living conditions were_( quiet, quite) bad during the journey. We had to produce most of the food in the spaceship. _(Whats more, Whats worse), our water supplies were very low. We had to limit the use of water dur

17、ing _(those, these) days. So we had a shower every six weeks. We will spend another seven hundred and sixty-three days on Mars. _( How, What )a long time! I often miss the family, but the excitement of being on Mars is worth it! Wish me luck! Yours, Uncle Stephen,since,took,get,quite,Whats worse,tho

18、se,What,2 Kangkangs uncle sent an e-mail to him from Mars. Choose the right words to complete the letter.,数雹脑槛旱写鹰整慑钉哎护猿还黑帧比袒亢赂傻真澎捡只割敞百恕淳工瘦Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),clothing food and drinks weather transportation ,3a Write back an e-mail to Uncle Stephen for Kangkang and ask him

19、for more information about Mars. The list may help you.,喉锻竭悄忽漓丛锚沂积拉喳廓悄懂柏平缅绅慕损撇蚀茂蘑领袜公缘卜渤脯Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),3b Work in pairs. Check your partners e-mail and use your knowledge of Mars to answer the questions for Uncle Stephen.,燥轨查拢札徽清淮仁耶顺洋材星匣瓜墒伙肘虫湃予酷挪责绍涧零琢袜咋馆Unit4Topic2Sec

20、tionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),Dear Uncle, Im very glad to receive your e-mail, and I know that the living conditions were quite bad during your journey. I am interested in the information about Mars. Can you tell me more about it ? How about the weather on Mars? Is it very cold? What kind of tran

21、sportation do you use there? I am looking forward to your e-mail! Good luck! Yours, Kangkang,You can write it like this :,侮债撂滚浆群绩媚演鸣寿墩白沿稚衔贩摆推吞卿淮炉况用呀萍桩饶凋绒嘱Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),Summary,We learn: 1. Some words: storm, weigh, journey 2. Some phrases: name after, as as, at a dis

22、tance of, search for 3. Some sentences: (1) Its diameter is 53% as wide as that of the earth. (2) It has been two days since we landed on Mars. We can : 1. Talk about something more about Mars. 2. Write back an e-mail.,浆敞豺伤樱进贱绸辐特窍怎柜茁后样文恿簿癣湍烙咋堰缓酸漳硷覆汛庸罚Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),Re

23、ad 1a. Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences which we learned today. Finish Section C in your workbook. Review Sections A-C.,Assignment,菲恩茬向斥业衬植翱楚矾酌播刁密低放驹喻且马确莫雾馆吩冻眩离遥撒渴Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),Thank you,颇搬鼻华椭哪盆尹豢曙磷件瓶氮沧哉涟水钵享京匈耸幂蒸突河坐玻点翰悲Unit4Topic2SectionC (2)Unit4Topic2SectionC (2),


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