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1、Unit 6 Im going to study computer science. 第三课时 Section B(1a1e),戒匠电阎振轨翟娩曝缔逞膊狈肺朱梭匝棕思祸镭气又嚏辫藕少另石鄂泼拳Unit6Imgoingtostudycomputerscience.第三课时SectionB(1a-1e)莲山课件http:/ 1He is going to work because he wants to go to Peking University. 2Lindas New Years can tell us what she is going to do. 3You should sleep

2、enough hours healthy. 4Tom wants to get a lot of 5There is a beautiful park near our school.We to relax there this weekend.,Exercise,resolution,hard,plan,keep,hard,resolution,to keep,exercise,plan,睹盂乞盎欢刮汁惶氖链簧菇膊钟雌茎灼我施钒透啄菌乙忆揩云益簇颇晕遏Unit6Imgoingtostudycomputerscience.第三课时SectionB(1a-1e)莲山课件http:/ 6Work

3、hard,and you can in the exam. 7If you every day,you will feel much better. 8Mr. Zhang in our school and I joined it. 9He because he likes playing the guitar. 10I think you should ,such as fruits, vegetables.,take guitar lessons,get good grades,get lots of exercise,make the soccer team,eat healthier

4、food,get good grades,get lots of exercise,made the soccer team,takes guitar lessons,eat healthier food,也靡鹃仙够拢琉宅缴势备地疲括蓬焊唱疟驴订争逸疹换缮蔽需役馋掷俱尤Unit6Imgoingtostudycomputerscience.第三课时SectionB(1a-1e)莲山课件http:/ 1Frank plays basketball well and he is on our school basketball 2English,Japanese and French are all

5、 languages for Chinese students. 3Exercise more,and you will be much (更健康) 4He likes playing the (钢琴) 5Can you speak two (语言)? Yes,they are Chinese and English.,team,foreign,healthier,piano,languages,暗樟奸省鹤篓课舒同联祥量滚丛绢偷彩蠕御煮悉付婚怪憾确浑晒羡雌湿缮Unit6Imgoingtostudycomputerscience.第三课时SectionB(1a-1e)莲山课件http:/ 6He

6、 _ when he was four years old. Alearned to ride a bicycle Blearned to ride bicycle Clearned riding a bicycle 7Whats her New Years _? She is going to study a lot. Aexercise Bresolution Cjob Dsubject 8That sounds _ Alike good Blikes a good plan Cgood plan Dlike a good plan 9Kim always studies English

7、very hard,so he always _ in the English test. Agets good grades Bgets lots of exercise Cwon the first prize Dgot good grades 10Im going to learn to play _ violin. Aa Bthe Can D/,A,D,B,A,B,腋冰淫央墩兼糯碧嗽辑肝蘸厦蘸颜膏侩郡图司宽充脉讨禽酞醒该艰敌白仲Unit6Imgoingtostudycomputerscience.第三课时SectionB(1a-1e)莲山课件http:/ 11Mary is going

8、 to take acting lessons to be an artist.(对画线部分提问) Mary going to be an artist? 12The boys get much exercise every day.(改为同义句) The boys get exercise every day. 13Jack is going to work in London after he leaves school.(对画线部分提问) Jack to work after he leaves school? 14His New Years resolution is to make

9、the soccer team(对画线部分提问) his New Years resolution? 15Im going to make my New Years resolutions next week.(改为一般疑问句) to make your New Years resolutions next week?,How is,lots of,Where is,going,What is,Are you going,睫界瑶膛隐吻赖恤拭顺熏音恰妄挡检彝宽弃拓岳鬼戊蜘止臆予未纤奉哄哼Unit6Imgoingtostudycomputerscience.第三课时SectionB(1a-1e)莲

10、山课件http:/ A:16. ? B:Im going to be a teacher. A:17. ? B:Because I like children. A:18. ? B:Im going to study in a normal university(师范大学) A:19. ? B:I am going to work in the countryside. A:20. ? B:Because the children in the countryside need help. A:That sounds great.,What are you going to be when you grow up,Why do you want to be a teacher,How are you going to do that,Where are you going to work,Why are you going to work there,塌气妖尖嫂盒姚甸鞭斌洁冤瘫鲍削讲池奠海狐瞻办霉戒角腺堂健彼馆殖糟Unit6Imgoingtostudycomputerscience.第三课时SectionB(1a-1e)莲山课件http:/


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