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1、Section B 1a 2e,Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.,辽宁锦州第五中学 刘俏俏,荡雁瞬轿赖脂帝节嵌奋浪岔赫情尚肛省娟滚肠植珠胁安说戚犹扁丹镰日阴Unit6Period3Unit6Period3,1a Match the words with the letters in the pictures in 1c.,_ gold _ emperor _ silk _ underwear,a,d,b,c,懊颅赫酷淡蚀眉皑牌踩照坛粥纱满疗涧问挑窄洋苗巷革甭谴蒙炙屎敦员覆Unit6Period3Unit6Period3,1c List

2、en again and fill in the blanks.,撕胰耪具馒千产拉马帆痉增淳纤塘高示惨株继左驼阴裤窑传转兴军嫉霄宅Unit6Period3Unit6Period3,1d Use the pictures in 1c to tell the story.,迢犁芋夺你词寐泊乍青斧试泌洱篓拴棕样密旋沂羌琢筑元汇胶再柜杭滩干Unit6Period3Unit6Period3,Activity1: the ending of the New Emperors New Clothes,Activity 2: Role-play the story: Narrator: Emperor: Tw

3、o men: The kid:,保买墨图嘿嘘哪骗杀裁宵吴潭僳恳横拱蝴萤渺尽铃卢瞅棘捎达搔洪痘廓藻Unit6Period3Unit6Period3,2a The fairy tales,Sleeping Beauty (睡美人) Cinderella (灰姑娘) Little Red Riding Hood (小红帽) The Ugly Duckling (丑小鸭) Beauty and the Beast (美女与野兽),棘屏簇乖撕祖模官碉脊渝婆糯谁詹亢充缆歧弯萤佯疡欧旁地限邑虐婿营刃Unit6Period3Unit6Period3,2b Hansel and Gretel,Task 1: F

4、inding out the Text Type:Before you read, decide what kind of text it is. Is it a letter, a play, a short story or something else?,Task 2: Think about how the fairy tale will continue. Then read the rest of the story.,Task 3: Role play the play. (narrator, Hansel, Gretel, wife, husband),Task 4: Act

5、out the play in front of the class.,Task 5: Retell the story.,愉遂润迸迟倦渝胚怂瞧膘蒙翼衅诊央昧脂朵冗溺谋沪添犬股牡篓购侦曹路Unit6Period3Unit6Period3,2b Hansel and Gretel,参考答案 GBDEFCA,沃荚稳您养蛹季奠逮详绕缓郁郁项求还厘委背珊秦桨削淡帅疫赡唬鼠炮发Unit6Period3Unit6Period3,参考答案 1. Unless her husband leaves the children to die in the forest, the whole family will

6、 die. 2. Stones. 3. Because he cant let his stepmother know this and he needs to get something they can see in the moonlight. 4. They can see the stones along the way home. 5. They cant see any bread on the ground so they cant find their way out.,健驻云丙肿道镶斟袋屋狄败龋铃陌剩匙嚎舵板冲椿慕秦厨卧矣屿琢吏志码Unit6Period3Unit6Peri

7、od3,summary,1. wife husband 妻子 丈夫 eg: Mary and Tom got married. So Mary is Toms wife and Tom is Marys husband. 玛丽和汤姆结婚了。 所以玛丽是汤姆的妻子,汤姆是玛丽的丈夫。 2. whole 全部的;整体的 eg: He studied the whole day, so he was very tired. 他学习一整天了,所以他太累了。 3. stone 石头 eg: Hansel dropped the stones along the way. 韩塞尔沿路扔了石头。 4. sh

8、ine 发光;闪耀 (过去式: shone) eg: While the moon was shining bright, we were eating mooncakes. 当月亮照耀时,我们正在吃月饼。,袁沟鳞颇郑徘厘淳榴芍楷吨趟届棘详壕科趁锻科穷资抗邯联属离诌凝荤拆Unit6Period3Unit6Period3,5. lead 带路;领路 (过去式: led) eg: He led me to visit the museum last weekend. 上周末,他领着我去参观了博物馆。 6. voice 声音,一般指人的声音,说话、唱歌的声音。 eg: Tina sings very

9、 well, because she has a beautiful voice. 蒂娜歌唱的好听,因为她有甜美的嗓音。 sound 声音,当“响声”讲时,可以指人或动物发出的声音,或物体碰撞的声言。这个词的使用范围很大。大自然的任何“声音”都可以用sound。 eg: Light travels much faster than sound. 光的传播速度比声音快得多。 noise意为“噪音” “喧闹声”,常指不悦耳、不和谐的嘈杂声。 eg: Dont make any noise! 别吵闹! Note: sound和noise不仅能指人的声音,还可以表示别的动物发出的声音;而voice除了有时可指鸟的声音外,很少表示其它动物的声音。,归氮俱龚吮服爬欠钵糯肃磁载燎冶粉芥谴郊栽衣佬饲黑澈盏格蹲淑烽侯挂Unit6Period3Unit6Period3,Homework,Write a feeling about your favorite fairy tale and share it in your group. Next lesson, lets choose the best one to share it with the whole class.,子孰蚊蚤丁娇嘿滔筋阶裹镣恰胖钞护刁默翁毅警背娘姬测潦霓虎挡歌牙剩Unit6Period3Unit6Period3,


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