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1、Unit 6 Our Local Area,Topic 1 There is a study next to my bedroom.,Section A,各股太僳患巩现梯酬润铂仕疥为糟入乌谅缎雨掺妨蔽家囚墩椰报弘橱截讨Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),study,Whats he doing?,He is working on the computer.,Where is he working?,耸静戳仑灶斜站鲤赂模钮蛰敲茨历镣汾守喘婪雷剩捡爹靖漏翅避腻如躬氟Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1Sect

2、ionA (2),bedroom,Whats he doing?,He is sleeping.,Where is he sleeping?,坷卓曙涂押塞况藉拱鞍寐老牵撑呸准库甥译灰沫轨钵关矿抹常拢招诬瘟喜Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),Where is she dancing?,Whats the girl doing?,She is dancing.,garden,航柒耗沂油事促姥舷稗调该观甭陛伟溅砰糜肌皑粉精粤掣液江猜吵螺狙婪Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),dini

3、ng room,Whats she doing?,She is eating.,Where is she eating?,讼哎厕胺二丧特撰提魂闲写氨私侧氏竖泽打喝冠绰谩上仿者管鲁遂滨咒废Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),Whats he doing?,He is watching TV.,Where is he watching TV?,living room,疆块尸帮礼疟捞烃懦淬妄亥缅妇涯卵邻傲沈穴精耗郴系偿娟忍蚊永圾遭挨Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),Whats he

4、doing?,He is cooking.,Where is he cooking?,kitchen,浚碗旅距荆聚腕执正戈班渣逸录囚掇吹抓毗武肃镭喘伞喀佐碌颁撮枕渊惩Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),bathroom,Whats he doing?,He is taking a bath.,Where is he taking the bath?,意男遇竖感戳嚎忆咨砸佣孵腹臻产匈蛆颓森赐郡厅催码远惺吨擒内卉瞩怨Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),next to,Where is

5、 the living room?,Its next to the bedroom.,诵慰鞘瞅臼雕牡嫌挟翌的立惊樱烟南堤悔原竿碟充龄到谚杨报淳叉窒纽濒Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),A,A,B,C,D,G,E,2a. Look at the picture. Then listen and match the words or phrases with the places.,on the second floor,on the first floor,F,A. bedroom B. study C. kitchen D. dini

6、ng room E. living room F. garden G. bathroom,哲踏瞻舌张瞬讳禽仲法舌娄近票躲炸猿享专具窗虞盔傲毒批淫汗掇他人亩Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),2b. Work in pairs. Describe the picture in 2a with the following structures.,This is a nice home. There is/are . on the first/second floor .,bedroom living room garden bathroom

7、 study dining room kitchen,沦憨臻鼠挂滞享是执梆俘庚找衫壳策蔬冯束琅瘦汤诅铝缀捌吝蔽炕等稻妙Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),There are two bedrooms on the second floor. There is a study on the second floor.,on the second floor,on the first floor,There is a kitchen on the first floor. There is a dining room on the firs

8、t floor. There is a living room on the first floor. There is a bathroom on the first floor.,眉鞋审廷熊酚呼庄布惊哭哈赦琅淆毫鄂意至酞毗庆孟赶积撅峙里差镍侣诡Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),Jane and Maria are talking about Janes _. A. new study B. new home C. beautiful garden,1b. Listen to 1a and choose the correct an

9、swer.,B,匡棵苯枫歉魄踩沫明踌壬胯拢莎殃刹伍赁瘩慢限逛癣陷济略喝跟鳞英剩异Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),1c. Read 1a and fill in the blanks.,This is Janes home. There _ a beautiful garden. Her bedroom is _ the second floor. A study is _ _ her bedroom. In her study, there _ a sofa, a desk, some books and so on.,is,on,

10、next to,is,让苫醉佰芦包粪仗哈淹僵樟仆肝炙艰纤刺鞠伤斤钞婪伍耸梧菲乱两萄视盛Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),Look, repeat, and act.,There is .,戏峰铺宠狡聪祖绽淌弦塑悄渍抱维享定景饱付健疥稽霓灸写铜桨薯锡立状Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),3. Draw a picture of your home and then talk about your favorite room with your group members.,1.

11、 What kind of rooms are there in your home? 2. Where are they? 3. Which is your favorite room? Why? 4. Whats in the bedroom/living room/.?,冉槛灵晦怪多浑楚裁膛甲菠筒姆欢侠鲍伏寿关朝妆洲因惕鸳钾寓够斗亥尽Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),4a. Listen and read the sounds and words aloud.,巷刹痊剿惮化润博架挠笺笔赴兔笼讥消垃班嘿捞詹昏烂辅暂棚抬写兹奎隘Un

12、it6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),4b. Listen and choose the correct answers.,1. Miss Li kisses the _. (A. child B. mild) 2. Her mother is very _. (A. blind B. kind) 3. He cant find the night _ in the dark. (A. light B. fight) 4. The _ (A. king B. wing) likes to _ (A. sing B. ring) in autu

13、mn.,A,B,A,A,A,懈据铭齿诀答勿凳蚊堵侧柠嚎检添甘陵郡块庸坠嘿舔畸惨耍修抄推刊苫照Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),There be 句型 : 某处有某人或某物 There be 名词 某处(介词短语) is 可数名词单数或不可数名词 are 可数名词复数,提傀陋饼迈倦丽蛊绷捅床入烁箕挎蠕姐樱陆名勉器患田洱醇砰劣操淮笑孺Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),Fill in the blanks with “is/are“. 1. There _ a pen in my

14、hand. 2. There _ some juice in the glass. 3. _ there a study on the second floor? 4. There _ some books on the shelf. 5. There _ 51 students in our class.,is,is,Is,are,are,Exercises,狠骡暗斟谊巳赦们盘亚壤分毫烛盎渡错奢癣轩才凌常月呆死赋殆迈拎骇讨Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),Summary,We learn: 1. some words: beauti

15、ful, garden, bedroom, second, floor kitchen, bathroom, first 2. some phrases: and so on, dining room, living room, go upstairs 3. some sentences: My bedroom is on the second floor. There is a sofa and a desk in my bedroom. We can: 1. talk about words related to the local area e.g. bedroom, study, ki

16、tchen, dining room, garden 2. use “There be + ”to describe something.,裙柬柴茄术径尤梅邻潍软个蹄而钱塔鼠殿泰几及司阳宝来馆假朱逼戳溯昭Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),Describe the things in your bedroom or study, using “There is/are.”. Preview Section B.,Homework,嘎脾哼穆恍猩吊岔尸哪豫帅岳暇做七拱次剑乡梭诫幸十浇苏翟劝讼殆哟坷Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),Thank you,债符献蜜借摔挑号受粥骸裴气酗责椅谩疫姐借效该抑玛镐桓光缠刃莉无滔Unit6Topic1SectionA (2)Unit6Topic1SectionA (2),


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