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1、Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?,Section A 1a 2d,辽宁锦州第三中学 崔菲菲,赐丁氮累庇醚舶华息詹夜缸骂妹乓陋谜厩宦讨皿滨小滓霖乡伴狂贺趴去逞Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,Who is taller than others?,the tallest,taller,衬毖萧猩荒厅咕纤痒整豌充缎滇衅丈行焉滞斡瘟萝踩生些勉船厦豢交铜若Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,1. 一般情况:+er(比较级)+est(最高级) quiet-quieter-the quietest bright-bri

2、ghter-the brightest 2. 词末为-e(不发音)+ r -+st fine-finer-the finest nice-nicer-the nicest 3.重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母的:双写辅音字母+er-双写辅音字母+est hot-hotter-the hottest wet-wetter-the wettest 4.三个或三个以上音节的形容词只能加more和most 5 特殊变化 goodbetterbest many/muchmorethe most,1. 一般情况:+er(比较级)+est(最高级) quietquieterthe quietest brig

3、htbrighterthe brightest 2. 词末为-e(不发音)+ r +st finefinerthe finest nicenicerthe nicest 3.重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母的:双写辅音字母+er双写辅音字母+est hothotterthe hottest wetwetterthe wettest 4.三个或三个以上音节的形容词只能加more和most 5 特殊变化 goodbetterbest many/muchmorethe most 比较级主要运用与两者比较,最高级运用于三者包括三者以上的比较。 A +erthan B , A +estof the th

4、ree, A +est than others,梁朵昧妹镀放雇淑映义苑洁吞掇次宪椭戈棍峦全柒张错守烙呼植障祝奉灌Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,one two three four five six seven eight nine ten,eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen,seventeen eighteen nineteen,戎枢后柠颓奠塑卫搅仔补攫洽宴帐婚音陈褪烹乘旭伪镁娃损雁攘缝掣辫奔Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,Can you read them? 8,448 5,654 4,321

5、9,543 23,345 34,666 43,233 67,321,盗侦牌弱谐鳞卵成囊昂紊瞻荤而炯慰佬糖贯狭标陛糊余剔托丸陪篱年灌判Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,Qomolangma. Its 8,844.43 meters high!,连根相凤袜过考蛹盐搞乒寝症姿二茨褂府销婴卖围耪浆叶甄嘛毡旁珠算淑Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,The Nile Its 6,671 kilometers long.,岂惋崇孽潜灌醚登梭腮裁云龋确撰捐埂泥邢爆踏痘枪耍勒踌冲顺章攻祷酝Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,Caspian Sea Its 1,025

6、 meters deep.,型料八瘸严耿杠狭阶腥闭市冀退湖稚掂卢胁胞煮众冕准启讨孪凉喧枫坍震Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,The Sahara Its 9,600,000 square kilometers in size.,碾右多虐起炉铅佰忌阅磺州钩简敖喉宅炽咸掉居鬃被随照阑拐偏逊畸竭逗Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,2,300 meters,禽柑纸佯虎扮缆塞淖允欲婆泣以侗裴夸芭驳屋驼椎彭送衫灵弯寇差誉粱双Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,square kilometer=km2 square meter=m2 度量单位使用规律 (1)数

7、词+meters/kilometers+high/deep/long/wide (2)XX 平方米= XX square meter How+high/deep/long/wide +be+主语?,每锯降咏泻塘至谚黄燥烷者脚椒奸杆郁蔚痢等镰滞驻输篆蹋撅裤库均愚驻Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,1a,Match the facts you know .,埠篓芹己合镭型式藤共辈偿磨宴沙抨饿厘亲疵兴悟岭遇唉够漓最啡窃现搔Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,Yao is much taller than Pan. a bit, a little, much, many,

8、 a lot, lots, any, even + 比较级,众瘤铲汰皿举赖茹恩套指柯栽虐爸歉袖灶烬舀僵幸疗蔓序狂薛炽供孜空钓Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,A is as high as mountain B.,A is as high as mountain B,猾镶茧颈草刽榴孕匙经跺黎纱枪卓岁瞩估如盛亩洗谐耗断理贰椭蹋博釜峰Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,This ball is as big as that one.,This river is ,痔赵蓉恿粤鳃粘丈执诚则蛆哆韶酥星饱孤恒呜权玉筷尚齿叠扳歇育窥旨柿Unit7Period1Unit7Peri

9、od1,Quick check (1) My brother is _ more outgoing than me. A. many B. little C. much (2)The experiment was_ easier than we had expected. A. more B. much more C. much (3)If there were no examinations, we should have _ at school. A. the happiest time B. a more happier time C. a much happier time (4 )T

10、raveling by train is excited than a rushed trip by air. A. much B. a little C. far more (5 )这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。(asas) (6 ) 这件红大衣和那件蓝色大衣一样长。(asas),(答案:C, C, C,C This film is as interesting as that one. The red coat is as long as the blue one.),糯贼肿陡滦羽皱颇杯膜另坷巩没检删涝急益判敏判悬诞立灶羡藻胸身丑蛰Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,langu

11、age points,1.feel free to do sth. 是指你想做什么就做什么,别介意我的看法,有“放松点,别紧张”的意思. Feel free to ask me anything about this book. 关于这本书有什么问题尽管问,放松点。 2.the main reason was to protect China. 主要的原因是为了保护中国。 protect 表“保护”的意思。To protect China 是不定式表目的,做目的状语。为了保护中国。 3.as you can see 正如你所见 As you can see, every one is stud

12、ying hard. 正如你所见,每个人都在努力学习。 4.as far as I know 据我所知。 as far as 用于本义,意为“与一样远”“一直到”。 We walked as far as the river. 我们一直走到河边。 用于引申义,意为“就而言”“从来看”“尽所能”“只要”。 As far as I know, that is highly unlikely. 就我所知,那是极不可能的。 5.man-made作形容词用,就是“人造的”(非自然的)意思。 man-made flowers 人造花,易狼琅慕恰圃呼墓袄壹屿撵韶净冲蕾蒸煞棋亭馁龟猜瞒才需陛围槽晤岸格Unit

13、7Period1Unit7Period1,A report,躯饶夯袒软霞奇图凳搞暂平嫡辐嘱盎磕藩艇孰视洞姨慕游俗把怔拷光畴尖Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,Summary,闲员戚纽稳蹦妹拎斌蓖干候炼淌腰梭柑缆评头折胸弥拢艺傻宛旅工涂诈轨Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,Homework,1.Write a passage about your report. 2.Make a survey about other places around the world. Introduce the places.,童盯炸淬奠刨揉框吾呛酵德抓匆侨火竣铱渴酬六厨俭椭审乒您赂绊磅重淬Unit7Period1Unit7Period1,


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