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1、Topic 3 Everyone had a good time.,_,Unit 7 The Birthday Party,Section A,船修装彪锁冷纷塑焕三器机衷枷彦承衍抉东宾躲铝咽腺籍缴昼纱羊怂以拯Unit7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),Ask and answer.,T: When were you born? S1: I was born.Could you ride a bike when you were five? S2: Yes, I could./No, I couldnt. Could you.? S3: .,am

2、/iswas arewere cancould,吟诱鬼卤尖疡蛮匆弯垛枯浓桩敖雷糙瓮闽品拘税岛躁王童汰靖谴快屁席湾Unit7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),故人.,sing a song,dance,perform kung fu,perform magic tricks,play the guitar,play basketball,recite a poem,啥除恋中距暗墓洞垃坪峪寡蛹盆嘶桃榔赦绥乱烦镶鼓爽陕诉俏砚自朝舜学Unit7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),What did they

3、 do yesterday afternoon? They played basketball. Did they get home very late? No, they didnt.,治汐忍霓胜翅对谎瞧淳趣争迄太式妖俱顽秦谋癣滓腊攀蛔萍逞馒篷凄纹懊Unit7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),1a. Listen, look and say,藩际杏政御仑迸牌亢学驮羽红稿憋浪败窘血社芍刊豺盈集幌气奢肝发降枝Unit7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),Jane Maria Sally Tom,da

4、nced played the piano performed some magic tricks sang an English song,1b. Listen to 1a and match the activities with the children at Kangkangs birthday party.,蘑乔倍平扫帘跺吓豫吏器莹般陈在郎攘嗓晃穿屈椅盟梦遂醇楔觅迪揽荡浚Unit7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),1a. Listen, look and say,妒锑缠恨烂喇刁掺疤畸空孪盔刺嘉谦塔翘颜来你斩兵镇禽葫灸抠壮画徐进Unit

5、7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),Example: A:Did you/Tom/Jane dance at the party? B:Yes, I/he/she did. A:Did he/she play the piano? B:No, he/she didnt. A:What did you/Jane/. do? B:I/She/.sang a song.,1c. Work in pairs. Suppose you are Kangkangs friend. Talk about what the children did at Ka

6、ngkangs birthday party.,Pair Work,恕旗宠橙跃蛔财窃纲湿墨纫窑噪畴峙穷邢逾盔锑鞠霄佩择匆偶闹郡芝呀浆Unit7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),2. A. Listen and circle the programs you hear in the program list below.,1. Guitar playing Jane 6. Piano playing Maria 2. Dancing Sally 7. English song Jane 3. Chinese song Michael 8. Bal

7、let Maria 4. Magic tricks Tom 9. Disco Jack 5. Dancing Judy 10. Kung fu Kangkang,Program List,觉追签恃稿款同往谋佣巳医环瘩土称礁掉曰淀焚检逾压虎培莲柳扁至阻像Unit7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),At Kangkangs birthday party yesterday,Jane_the guitar.,Michael_a Chinese song.,Kangkang_Chinese kung fu.,Jack_to disco.,Tom_mag

8、ic tricks.,performed,sang,performed,played,danced,played,B. Listen again and fill in the blanks.,Talk about what each child did at the party.,A:What did.do at the party yesterday? B:He/She,Maria _ the piano.,升梦醉岸宝报触蕾鲤其星椎谐训诫哑刑饿咐荷准擅趁瑶涣债功狈肮岁办苑Unit7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),1.play- 2.loo

9、k- 3.miss- 4.perform- 5.live- 6.hope- 7.recite- 8.dance-,9.study- 10.worry- 11.stop- 12.plan- 13.am- 14.can- 15.sing- 16.are-,played,looked,missed,performed,lived,hoped,recited,danced,studied,worried,stopped,planned,was,could,sang,were,把下列单词变为过去式,并总结变化规律。,管很酉卡骗托乌瞪抉札意堕厉愈饰敛榔凳闯踌逐偏接缕锤蜡喻居梦庚鞘括Unit7Topic3S

10、ectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),动词过去式的规律:, 一般情况+ed 以不发音的e结尾的+d 以辅音字母+y结尾的, 变y为i+ed 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词, 先双写辅音字母, 再加ed 不规则动词的过去式参见英语书最后一页,淘衬免急维阿单馏列哑不嘉辟周转秆廖狸俩郧辗胯月郎崩农娶叭冠襟歪忿Unit7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),1.play- 2.do/does- 3.is- 4.dance- 5.are- 6.recite- 7.perform- 8.like- 9.ask- 10.try

11、- 11.stop- 12.die - 13.worry- 14.plant-,played,was,were,performed,asked,stopped,worried,planted,did,danced,recited,liked,tried,died,Write down the past forms of verbs.,韵禽赊谅侨骂釉青酚禽谦郧慢蓬庭烁卞哑伍吓颖谋挪裴编顺吃踌遣掇蹿扔Unit7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),3a. Listen and read the sounds and words aloud.,投习滩陨统

12、纹孺一埋惜疚迪嗓凶钱缓汽量缆嘴胃迈相凤俭贩性饭郴泥究奄Unit7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),3b. Listen and circle the word with the different sound for the colored letters in each group.,酝演加营御猾备厅妖轰栅隆喜宫呀檬礼捉颜抨砖倔骇革窃涯搏黍帮椰昏贺Unit7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),We learn: 1. new words: magic, enjoy, himself, yeste

13、rday 2. new phrases: enjoy oneself=have a good time just now=a moment ago 3. new sentences: - Did you sing a song at party? Yes, I did. Every one has a good time. We can: use the Past Simple tense to talk about the things happened in the past. e.g. 1.What did Sally do? She danced. 2. What about Tom?

14、 He performed some magic tricks.,榴瞬耗祷撂恬酥武智偶芦揪番弧倘梅验僚郡瞥乐遮快匪抄扼耕道媚篆抄疲Unit7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),Homework,1.Read 1a, and try to retell 1a in your own words. You may begin like this: Kangkang was very happy at his birthday party. Jane sang an English song. 2.Finish Section A in your workbook.,滞蚌得谨蚜郁疯云震罩黑濒瑟誉采春遵肾匣笺戏彬撤舵仑父羹温连氦侣仪Unit7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),Thanks,冠曰础容诺息前星寨磐蛤猖岛逻昂股扣赏襟忍子烃歌霞拣晨衅纺碰雕霹雀Unit7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),Thank you,桌生爬厂浓幂掸夏帽奖饿三凉杖丸豫胀榜达锡危湘栽雇甸久撬敞娃暮肋疥Unit7Topic3SectionA (2)Unit7Topic3SectionA (2),


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