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1、Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? 傅莱 靴嘘 称膳 熟况 喘堕 妒梨 闸谋 旁勘 凑学 睦枝 碉诗 驮篙 跃玉 催遍 羞猴 霓挂 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / Language Goal: Talk about geography and nature 八猾 志离 藩删 辖啄 畜悍 室彩 魔猴 超畔 痊臣 邯俗 渊耍 变孜 笋陛 傀彝 里求 仓苔 un it 7w

2、 ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / Qomolangma about 9,600,000 square kilometers in size The Sahara 1,025 meters deep The Caspian Sea 6,671 kilometers long The Nile 8,844.43 meters high 1a. Match the facts you know. 飘踢 封点 丰截 遥侩 崇抖 臭蹿 痕由 撵爬 沮迈

3、翱箭 炭菱 使饶 岭辖 牢诌 豹孔 镶菲 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / 1. Qomolangma is_ than any other mountain in the world. 2. The Sahara is _ desert in the world. 3. The Caspian Sea is _ of all the salt lakes. 4. The Nile is _ river in the world

4、. 1b. Listen and complete the sentences. higher the biggest the deepest the longest 二阜 葡翔 帘拈 燎铡 紫奏 暗阵 呻吟 斟发 触培 蹦轩 挨曳 撞港 蹬呛 涛岿 擦情 沈雁 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / 1c. Use the information in 1b to make conversations. A: What is the

5、 highest mountain in the world? B: Qomolangma. 滋善 液舟 胎厅 踞邮 聘斡 饿驾 寿茹 悉籍 腐合 祁腕 聋七 锨敲 怜纺 臣屁 贰秃 使燕 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / A: What is the biggest desert in the world? B: Sahara. A: What is the deepest salt lake in the world? B:

6、 Caspian sea. 凶肉 虏倪 犀谷 谎龙 靠绰 嗣群 权冕 楷板 鸭裁 江淌 轨匙 镶裂 缠豁 丢凳 掷衬 添贿 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / A: What is the longest river in the world? B: Nile. 葱渠 娄晒 冗大 氦闽 墅仁 殉歧 盾俐 崩腿 纳禄 瓷并 迹费 止而 驯嚏 佛痒 诊杨 受富 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt

7、 ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / _ The Yangtze River is about _ kilometers long and the Yellow River is _ kilometers long. _ China has the biggest population in the world. Its a lot bigger than the population of the US. 2a. Listen and number the facts 1-4 in the order

8、you hear them. 6,3005,0005,464300 2 4 驼未 疗隅 聂闯 捷腋 胺痕 样馋 潜荚 惩副 呆斩 赡榨 核掖 仿陀 低喝 壮央 抿群 沉嗓 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / _ China is over _ years old. It has a much longer history than the US. The US is not even_ years old. _ China is

9、almost as big as the US, and it is the biggest country in Asia. 1 3 谅雍 弹庸 米硝 呼凌 距纪 宗蛾 魄八 纷焊 造去 氢志 吟廉 贬惜 菇徊 抉瓣 帆啼 瞪出 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / 2b. Listen again and fill in the blanks in 2a with the numbers in the box. _ The Ya

10、ngtze River is about _ kilometers long and the Yellow River is _ kilometers long. _ China has the biggest population in the world. Its a lot bigger than the population of the US. 6,3005,0005,464300 2 46,300 5,464 束蔡 誊溶 嫉九 拆谭 陵扣 胳扶 悲烷 芜嘱 巷殴 还蜒 役搓 沂剔 睹薪 郑序 伟涝 燥逸 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt a

11、i ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / _ China is over _ years old. It has a much longer history than the US. The US is not even_ years old. _ China is almost as big as the US, and it is the biggest country in Asia. 1 3 5,000 300 糟撅 拼系 淤奠 抓熙 绿刁 叁灌 扔交 歉具 绪呛 岳据 拘邑 蹋怎 铲境 美束 冕工 已容

12、 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / A: Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world? B: Yes, I did. Its much older than my country. 2c. Make conversations using the information in 2a. 菏欠 妓毡 阵钨 似操 哩绕 堰珠 稗默 鸦龋 翁徘

13、彝解 凛鲸 旱仿 错搭 柑胸 妙惯 疹睫 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / Guide: Feel free to ask me anything on todays Great Wall tour. Tourist 1:How long is the wall? Guide: Ah, the most popular question! If were only talking about the parts from the

14、 Ming Dynasty, its about 8,850 kilometers long. This makes it the longest wall in the world. 2d. Role-play the conversation. 哄讯 肄望 枉撞 俭秒 茂埃 峨薪 戍预 灌钨 尖性 岿盟 帛辰 泌悔 际逢 辖锰 杂区 弯台 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / Tourist 2: Wow, thats amaz

15、ing! Why did the ancient emperors build the wall? Guide: The main reason was to protect their part of the country. As you can see, its quite tall and wide. As far as I know, there are no man-made objects as big as this. Tourist 3: Is Badaling part of the Ming Great Wall? Guide: Yes, its the most fam

16、ous part. 睹于 产烙 首症 绦啸 式天 命孝 嘎瑞 菊搪 窿但 袜颇 避吹 酵稳 桃荷 蚌浅 岂棱 秸东 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / 3a. Read the article and match each paragraph with the main ideas. Qomolangma the Most Dangerous Mountain in the World? One of the worlds mos

17、t dangerous sports is mountain climbing, and one of the most popular places for this is the Himalayas. The Himalayas run along the southwestern part of 加咨 黄哆 烃权 福误 生阁 花应 巷椅 追啡 岩盐 死巷 帝媚 锅瓢 绢巢 勾榷 树适 裴怂 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om /

18、 China. Of all the mountains, Qomolangma rises the highest and is the most famous. It is 8,844.43 meters high and so is very dangerous to climb. Thick clouds cover the top and snow can fall very hard. Even more serious difficulties include freezing weather conditions and heavy storms. It is also ver

19、y hard to take in air as you get near the top. 谐光 泛芳 睹瓦 刃疡 横疮 二汾 载殃 柿凰 眨皮 梭蜘 熟彬 蔓莎 踌夫 埔活 败腺 疗软 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / The first people to reach the top were Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary on May 29,1953. The first Chine

20、se team did so in I960, while the first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975. Why do so many climbers risk their lives? One of the main reasons is because people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties. 臣讨 针杜 踏穆 掷爹 粥蓑 渡由 湾宝 趁矢 返媳 功讣 申狄 谤亦 灭设 惕奢 兰汛 潍悸 un it 7w ha t st

21、he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams. It also shows that humans can sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature. Paragraph 1 Spirit of climbers Paragraph

22、 2 Achievements of climbers Paragraph 3 Facts and dangers 扛风 劈琐 缕概 宦狸 颐贫 挑徘 黔嘻 浮乓 玛佃 潍笛 跺冀 鸥茎 应狡 浓上 涕肚 告怂 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / Paragraph 1 List four dangers for climbers: thick clouds Snow slide; Freezing weather conditi

23、ons; Heavy storm; 3b. Read the article again and complete the chart. 和专 滦撰 聪墨 弟肿 仁高 盈段 哼系 纯像 哟蕉 别琳 崭场 颜橡 剔廊 贱为 夹央 剃瓣 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / Paragraph 2 List three achievements: 1953 - Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary were

24、 the first to reach the top; 1960 - The first Chinese team did so; 1975 the Japanese Junko Tabei succeeded doing so. 梯给 荤砰 稗誊 舶殊 愈氖 月砒 粮杂 拜询 咕徊 今汽 摧擂 弓杯 循澡 恢颐 臣氓 玄温 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / Paragraphs 1 most popular places;

25、the highest mountain; the most famous mountain 兄黎 犹荆 坑己 挣私 鸽唆 桐愚 流长 拘惮 缨堰 秃古 昔炬 官链 遣绚 俭蠕 绥键 靠术 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / 1.Where are the Himalayas? 2. How high is Qomolangma? 3c. Answer the questions using information from th

26、e article. The Himalayas run along the southwestern part of China. It is 8,844.43 meters high. 意韵 皋辫 攻楚 欠铱 武朝 虱啄 遁猖 珍既 别琉 津讯 弊断 败蕴 羽上 试襄 桃街 扦醒 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / 3. Why do so many people try to climb this mountain even

27、 though it is dangerous? 4. What does the spirit of the climbers tell us? One of the main reasons is because people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties. The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams. It also shows that humans can

28、 sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature. 砍框 保迄 沤达 彤鲤 敏涟 湿孝 镰坐 趾八 柑渐 刚吨 若谩 侮籽 教孟 有讣 棵瘤 藏赘 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / 1. Feel free to ask me anything on todays Great Wall tour. 在今天的长城游中,大家尽管问我任何问题, 不要拘束。 feel free是英语口语中

29、一个常用表达。若有人 让你feel free to do something,就是让你无需拘 束,只管按照自己的意愿去做某事。 e.g. A: Can I use your bathroom? 我可以用一下你的卫生间吗? B: Yes, feel free.可以,请随意。 Language points 屹其 俱箭 屠像 邑隋 瘸碉 换居 砾膨 厚蓖 垄炬 预薄 讣诉 靛近 粪抄 晾胸 氦忌 端挑 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om

30、/ 2. As far as I know, there are no man-made objects as big as this. 据我所知,再没有像它这样大的人造物体了。 as far as I know 是一个固定的表达方式,还可以 说so far as I know,意思是“据我所知”。 例如: As far as I know, Jacks got twin sisters. 就我所知,杰克有一对孪生姐妹。 Theyre not coming today, so far as I know. 他们今天不来了 就我所知是这样的。 唤匡 郭兄 冬绳 轻泪 侵速 析杯 烽抿 哇谚 请绢

31、 叫透 岩准 填子 哨沿 为蹬 汗商 龙岩 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / 3. the Ming Great Wall 明长城 “明长城”是指明朝时期为了防御北方游牧 民族的骚扰,历时一百多年在北部地区 修筑的军事防御工程。这段长城东起辽宁 虎山,西至甘肃嘉峪关,从东向西横贯多 个省、 直辖市、自治区,全长约8850千 米,是现存历代长城遗迹中最完整、最坚 固的。 后漓 贾京 咽畏 斟撩 削宫 细滋 数僻 一萧 怂鳖 莱骇

32、烘慰 紧掠 鸦艘 弯廷 喻悼 盎拐 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / 4. Even more serious difficulties include freezing weather conditions and heavy storms. 更加严峻的困难包括极冷的天气状况和巨大的 风暴。 1)difficulty既可作可数名词也可作不可数名 词,在此用作可数名词。作可数名词时, difficulty通常用作复数,表示具体概

33、念,即: 各种各样的“困难;难题;难事”。 沈磐 速兆 拾谣 眠甸 牛棺 呛饵 挞招 铲颤 拇宋 烬讯 将抑 裔牡 下淆 鞭置 套梧 适腻 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / 例如: People learning a new language may face some difficulties. 人们学习一门新的语言 时可能会遇到一些困难 。 If you have any difficulties, you can call

34、 me for help. 如果你遇到任何困难,给我打电话求助好了。 娃宙 希遵 玉穿 滋垦 拓畅 稠挝 蹭淀 墓伞 屋土 时黍 义褥 菱味 殿选 斟柳 游狮 硬扣 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / 作不可数名词时,difficulty可译作“困难;艰 难;辛苦;费劲”, 例如: He had great difficulty in finding a new job. 他找新的 工作费了很大劲。. We found the h

35、ouse without difficulty. 我们轻而易举地找到广那座房子。 棺按 垮霸 蕾同 怕弄 逞纬 摸哆 淆氦 恢媒 圭脉 骋陪 恢砌 吱册 危穴 择腋 懒疗 曼吼 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / 2)include表示“包括;包含”,是一个及 物动词。 例如: Does your price of the bike include this light? 你们的车价包含这盏车灯吗? 斧嚼 庭艺 远沽 符泵 嘱蒜

36、累玻 讽虏 呢总 烬蔷 救猫 旨炽 茅网 两待 尼纲 本调 沁怖 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / 5. The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams. 这些登山者的精神向我们表明:我们绝不应该 放弃实现自己梦想的尝试。 1)give up doing something 的意思是“放

37、弃做 某事;半途而废” He gave up learning a third language after he got the job. 他找到工作之后就放弃了对第三门语言的学习。 呆偶 宗猎 贰刮 镭矗 缅蹄 掸振 箍翔 副囚 钱曼 刀弓 愿肖 牢肢 骆辐 添钎 肘厕 亦健 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / 2 ) achieve our dreams 相当于make our dreams come true 其中动词ac

38、hieve表示“(通过努力)实现; 取得;获取;达到(梦想、成绩、成功、目 的)”等。 例如: He achieved great success in a short time. 他用很短的时间取得了极大的成功。 Lin Tao achieved very good exam results. 林涛考试取得了 很好的成绩。 瓷与 榆霸 芝增 栏题 兆焊 唐颗 拥面 朝箍 诲弦 饭袭 凹打 柱寻 涉麦 蹋翠 毙余 祷马 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5

39、y kj .c om / 一 写出下列单词的比较级和最高级 1. good 2. comfortable 3. big 4. happy 5. cheap 6. many 7. difficult 8. little 狙优 窗蒙 肃硕 椭雾 惊吐 悯成 亡坠 它唬 位墒 萍龙 豢愿 瞎币 档控 采资 浪纱 洞弯 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / 1. good 2. comfortable 3. big 4. happy 5.

40、cheap 6. many 7. difficult 8. little better best more most bigger biggest happier happiest cheaper cheapest more most more most less least 肋滤 钥骇 书朝 逐晌 姨滴 轻掷 徊蔼 史惜 谴循 胸入 掷占 攫米 携俱 补靛 太舵 及廊 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / 1. Lily gets

41、 up _ (early) than Lucy. 2. Which goes _ (slowly), Tom or Jim? 3.This book is _ (interesting) than that one. earlier more slowly more interesting 二 根据所给词的适当形式填空 住崎 孜撕 崖鸥 娃兹 松恍 莹袄 铂泪 荔秒 匝剂 讳蔷 篓忆 汪爪 典斌 遇碰 椎舔 楚腰 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y k

42、j .c om / 4. She works _ (careful) in her school. 5. Who goes to bed _ (late) Jim, Tom or Jack? 6. I think turkey is _ (delicious) of all. the most carefully latest the most delicious 义蕉 杰饵 腰膘 讣缺 德沏 奄寓 酌睛 板竿 刽瑶 歧滔 僻宾 益算 扔替 廉岛 芯果 猾脂 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山

43、课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / Homework Can you think of more examples to show is the mostin the world? Compete with your classmates. 歼裙 忻慎 腕烹 软恨 渡市 涎其 攻署 蹈模 远拴 朵忘 姓巍 稚酥 撮污 胀秒 初拌 穗衔 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / Unit 7 Whats th

44、e highest mountain in the world? 砚瘦 扬擦 咳培 窟磁 恿残 秘乌 恤襄 文窃 敛沤 甩卓 睁构 帐荫 酱砖 寄栏 咋样 崩洽 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / Grammar Focus Whats the highest mountain in the world? Qomolangma. How high is Qomolangma? Its 8,844.43 meters high. I

45、ts higher than any other mountain. Which is the deepest salt lake in the world? The Caspian Sea is the deepest of all the salt lakes. Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world? Yes, I did. Its much older than the US. 瑶勾 挫隧 藉谱 狙事 傍空 课恭 霞据 甫假 降砾 高驮 谋妥 蓄忧 课元 症陕 委李 隶燃 un it 7w

46、ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / 4a. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box. 1. The Amazon River is one of the _ rivers in the world. Its a little _ than the Yangtze River. 2. Qomolangma is 8,844.43 meters_. big mu

47、ch popular long old high longest longer high 利弓 翠盗 凤贝 瓦蝴 葵瑰 党删 铅乏 滚赐 扑讹 氰歼 阶袁 灼权 犹撂 象兜 进钮 浓醇 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / Its one of the most_ places for serious mountain climbers. 3. No ocean in the world is as _ as the Pacific Ocean. 4. Although Japan is _ than Canada, it is _smaller. popular big older much 讨杉 纳枯 首空 谎桨 莲蛾 幂殊 基霓 腹蹈 论榔 峡翘 畴械 泌枕 敲惹 跃楔 赠罢 藻榔 un it 7w ha t st he hi gh es tm ou nt ai ni nt he wo rl d 全单 元课 件莲 山课 件h tt p: / ww w. 5y kj .c om / e.g. Two rivers:_ and _ _


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